Communicate Ms Word And Ms Access?

Dec 25, 2009

I want to create a program that could generate reports from an ms access database and place it on ms word, how can I do that.

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How To Communicate Access Database Using SQL Statments

Nov 28, 2011

I have small application using Access .accdb as database. Presently i am using the below procedure to open,Add,Edit,delete,update

Public DBPath As String = ProjDrive & "00_PROJECT_MANAGMENTDATABASE"
Public dbProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Public daReview As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter 'DataApapter for Review
Public dsReview As New DataSet


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Export Text To Ms.Word From Ms.Access Reports

Oct 19, 2009

I run a report of nearly 10 pages in Ms.Access, included in with various conditions. When I export text to Ms.Word, the text is not justified but is left aligned. Is there any possibility of getting text aligned at export.

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Pull Data From Access To Word Document?

Apr 1, 2012

this is a small part of my senior project and I am heading in the right direction I just don't know where to go next. I already have code written so that "the potential" data can go to appropriate boomkarks on this custom word document.

Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Word.Document
'Start Word and open the document template.
oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")


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C# - Access The List Of Words Of A Word Document From Multiple Threads?

Mar 18, 2011

I recently had some problems with the performance of the Word object model. In an add-in that I wrote for Word I need to parse through all the words of a document and replace some of them or ask the user for the ones that have multiple replacements. I know that it is faster to ask Word for all of the document text content at once and then process it and put it back all at once again, but this is not suitable for my add-in because I need to have access to the range objects that represent the words that have multiple replacements so that I can somehow mark them in the document and present the user with a tool tip from which he can select the replacement he wants.

So for the moment the single great speed improvement that came in my head was multithreading since most people already have dual core or better. The problem is that all the things you find on Google say that multithreading in Office is a very bad thing to do.

So is there any one who managed to do this in a manner that worked in most of its usage? By this I mean if it also worked on other PCs then the development one?

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How To Communicate Over Usb

May 31, 2012

I wish to communicate over usb in i realize i might need to use openfile windows api or createfile windows api but im doing a generic mouse driver which should be miles simpler to do since microsoft and already have the report descriptors available so all i want to do is just send data to the device directly using my program.


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PHP Communicate With .net App?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm working on a little app which needs to recieve information from a script on a web server. I tried to have the app pole a php web page for a command every half of a second. This worked but, the app is streaming video and every time the app needs to pole the webpage the video stutter stops. I tried setting the pole timer to 5 seconds and still every 5 seconds the video stutters. I thought that maybe sockets would be the answer, so I looked for examples of socket servers and php socket clients. I tried implementing a solution but the php cannot seem to connect to the server. I googled around and saw that maybe php cannot communicate with a application.

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Communicate Between 2 .Net Apps?

Apr 10, 2010

If I control both applications, what is the best way to communicate between 2 exe's written in VB.Net. For example, I want to drop an XML file from one app, and pick it up with the other, but I do not want poll for the file. I've heard of named pipes, but I found it was complicated. What's the most effecient way to do this?

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Communicate Between Two Applications Via A LAN?

Jan 14, 2010

I'd like to know what the best way to communicate between two applications via a LAN would be? ..and would it work over multiple versions of Windows (XP, Vista, NT etc..)?

I am setup with Visual Basic Express 2008.

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Communicate Through COM3 Using VB

Jul 9, 2010

I am a novice with programming and really need to get a device communicate with PC through COM3.

how to send and receive data via COM3 in VB.

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Communicate Through IP Address?

May 12, 2011

I have a Digi Modem connect to a device. How could I sent the code through the IP address what the Modem create to get communicate with my device? how to defined the IP, 2) make the communication 3) sent the code?

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Communicate Using LAN / NIC Port?

Mar 4, 2009

I am trying to send and receive packets over the LAN (i.e. NIC port) using VB.NET. I found some code that uses Socket wrench, but problem with such solutions is that users will need to install extra drivers and all which I do not want. I am looking to use drivers native to the .NET environment to send and receive packets through the LAN port. My windows forms application is in VB.NETneil

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Communicate Using LAN Port?

Feb 22, 2009

I am looking to send and receive packets from the LAN port using some kind of WIndows Native object so that the user of my Windows Forms control does not have to install any third party software.[For example, for Serial port I use MSComm, i want to know what I can use for LAN port?]

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Communicate With A PCI Device?

Apr 29, 2010

I`m working on a project where i have connected a FPGA chip to the PCI bus but now i am trying to figure out how to communicate in VB to that device? Normally the device has memory assigned to it in XP (address h00000200 to h0000037F) but i don`t know how to read/Write to that memory directly in VB...

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Communicate With Another .Net Process?

May 8, 2009

I have a library that interacts with our phone system, ie, Hey phone, call this number for me. This library is used in one of our in house products. I would like to put this instead in a service, so that any of our in house products can send the service a message to place a phone call. So basically I want to communicate from a program built in .Net 3.5 with a service running on the same machine also built in the 3.5 framework. I have done some work with WCF and was considering using this but thought I would ask what others have done or would do.

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Communicate With R Through VBnet?

May 26, 2012

Recently, I Developed an Experiment Application with Windows platform), When the application collected the data,I want to use R to Analysis the data, But I don't know how to Communicate with R (In other word, I want to send R script to R in my own application).

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Communicate With TWO Cmd Prompts?

Jan 14, 2009

I have a program that opens the command prompt and sends commands. I need to leave the first CMD open, open ANOTHER cmd and send more commands to the second one.

Then I do some processing and can close them both. How can I open more than one, and how do I refer to the first or second one?

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Getting Objects To Communicate With Each Other?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm coding a restaurant program where every table, server and guest is a different object - Is there a right way of getting objects to communicate with each other?For example, one server might have 5 table objects, each table might have 2 guest objects. Is there a way to neatly tie all this information together. If a guest moves to a different table I have to change a large number of variables (number of guests served by server, table set to empty, new table sat...etc etc.)?

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Let Two Threads Communicate With Each Other

Jun 1, 2009

how can I let two threads communicate with each other by using

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.net - Communicate/Send Image To App?

Aug 12, 2010

I am writing a VB.Net application wherein I would like to be able to communicate with it from a remote computer. Specifically, I would like to be able to send (from a remote computer) both text data and also images (jpg, png, etc.) and then have the application use the sent information by displaying it to the user. How would I code the VB.Net app to be able to handle incoming data like this?

If possible I'd like to not be dependent on .Net technology on the "sending" side so I'm not sure if I would just use sockets or a web service or what.

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Asp .net Communicate To Application Using Internet?

Apr 17, 2009

I have a problem I have a project that needs to have a communication of asp .net to vb .net my project is i want to access or control(like a remote control) the vb .net application(server) using asp .net(client side) asp .net is like a remote control and the vb .net is the application that needs to control i need to use internet to do that.

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Communicate .net Form From Webpage?

Apr 24, 2011

I do not know how to communicate form with a webpage, meaning that when I send a data string, then the results shown on the form, so the webpage of the server sends the data string to form

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Communicate Between 2 Programs Efficiently?

Nov 30, 2010

What is an easy to implement way to communicate between 2 (3.5) form applications that are running on the same machine?

The current problem is that in each program a user needs to be logged into to use. If the user is logged into one, and clicks a button to launch another, it should pass who is logged in so they do not need to log in again in the second program.

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Communicate Through USB Port In .NET 2005?

Jun 29, 2009

How is possible to communicate through USB port in VB.NET 2005?

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Communicate To Serial Port?

Jan 15, 2011

can we communicate to Serial port COM1 through Microsoft Robotic Studio?We are developing wireless robot which will take data from serial por

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Communicate To Telnet In Program?

Jan 27, 2010

How to send commands to a telnet session and then read the output from the telnet session?

I can easily create a Telnet session using something like this[code]...

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Communicate With An HTTPLISTENER That Have Created?

Dec 28, 2011

I've got this code below that creates an HTTPLISTENER that is nicely waiting at listener.GetContext().How do I communicate with this from another VB app? I cannot seem to get WebRequest.Create to work with the URI that my HTTPLISTENER example is using. This line of code from a second app is not working:

Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(prefixes(0))

Here is the code:


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Communicate With An HTTPLISTENER That I Have Created?

Dec 28, 2011

I've got this code below that creates an HTTPLISTENER that is nicely waiting at listener.GetContext().[code]....

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Communicate With Internet Explorer?

Aug 2, 2009

am using vb2008, and i was wondering how to to get the content in an input field in a webpage displayed in Internet Explorer, so when i hit a button for example, i get the content of the input field(usually texbox) in a textbox inside my app. note that am not talking about using the web browser component, but a running instance of ie

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Communicate With More Than A Client At Time?

Dec 11, 2009

i'm making a server application which has to communicate with more than a client at time, do i have to list every remotehostip is it read only or i'm doing something wrong?p.s. i'm not fully understanding how winsock udp connections work so if you have the time could you explain (or show an example) on how it works ?

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