Converting C# To Vb 3 Lines Of Code?
Jan 2, 2012
i'm making a console program that consults a website of my work but it uses https and has a Untrusted certificate so i get this error: This Connection is Untrusted i did some research on the internet about this issue and come up with this code
//for testing purpose only, accept any dodgy certificate. public static bool ValidateServerCertificate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
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Jul 1, 2009
How to comment multiple lines of code/block of code in VB?
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Jul 26, 2011
I have the following code, my employer wants me to reduce the lines of code to do the job.
Private Function getClientSheetNames(Optional ByVal type As String = "all") As List(Of String)
If type = "extra" Then
Return clientExtraSheetNames
End If
I am not able to make out how can I cut the lines and have the same functionality !Are there any construct that can reduce the loc by better implementation ?Can I have a new function to be called from getClientSheetNames and getDevSheetNames that will can implement code resue ?Can I introduce polymorphism in a possible new function ?
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Jun 8, 2009
I m comparing two images in VB.Net..I get the code in C# & dat code is working 100 % Correctly..Now want to convert dat code to i need help in just converting two lines-
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May 13, 2012
I need assistance converting the following C# code which works into VB code. The code detects when a specific type of USB device is connected and disconnected and writes the status to a status strip:
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Mar 8, 2011
Seems begineer but i really do not understand what these lines of code saying, since I'm kinda like newbie in datatable and dataview or such stuff! [code]).DefaultView.Count = 0 Then EncodeToText will encoed the text given from DESCRIPTION field in the database and convert it to string. So it is filtering it but only certain description fields, how ever by some strange reasons that second line is not working properly.
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Mar 23, 2011
Basically I'm trying convert the following....
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
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Jun 16, 2011
When reading and writing data to an XML file, in XML code, through a VB application, how does one go about commenting out a specific XML code line? From what I've gathered the original <!-- and --> tags aren't compatible. So what would be the VB alternative? Or is it just not possible to comment out a line of XML code using XML code through VB?
View 5 Replies
Feb 5, 2012
I am a beginner trying to create a console program that lets the user enter a last name, then a first name with only 2 lines of code. The program should then display the first name followed by the last name.
I know how to do this, just not in 2 lines of code.
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Aug 7, 2009
What is the easiest/simplest way of finding out the number of lines in your VB project?
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Apr 12, 2010
I have a long line of code and I would like to split it into two lines. I've tried using , _ and & _ but they did not work.
Here is the
If c < 1 Or c > 9 Or a = c Or b = c Or a = b Or occupied(b) <> occupiedEnum.empty Or occupied(c) <> occupiedEnum.empty Then
View 6 Replies
Jan 25, 2010
I have a school project. by selecting an item from combobox it will show 2 pictures and 2 labels. I used a select case first but it didn't work; only for the first item ;do i have to make every pictures and labels invisible which are 30 controls and repeat it in every index? I try the if else but it did not work too.[cod]
View 4 Replies
Aug 3, 2010
I got this code from msdn[URL]..I have most of it converted but having an issue with the following sub getting it converted correctly Protected Overrides Sub AdjustEventHandlers(ByVal sender As
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Jan 20, 2011
I am converting a c++ code to vb but there is a problem, i dont know how this code work, if you know what is type of SetFilter parameters and SetBitFilter tell me. i cant use SetBitFilter in vb because it give me an error this is cause of i dont declare them correctly or their values. but when i use SetFilter it work few second and it stop working and with a dialog that have 2 button (close and debug)
This is code in c++ :
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Feb 16, 2009
I found some code on the net that is supposed to convert a BMP file into a AVI file.
The example is in C# so i converted it using a C# to VB.NET converter and fixed a few of the conversion bugs. The code executes but fails on the line 'Throw New AviException("error for AVIFileOpen")' saying 'AVI exception unhandled'.
View 5 Replies
Jun 30, 2009
I have some code, that I am converting from C# to VB, in the code is the following line.
int index = ((int)document.GetCharAt(wordOffset +1)) % 256
that translates to something like this:
Dim index as Integer = CInt(document.GetCharAt(wordOffset + 1)) Mod 256
The problem is that the GetCharAt() function returns a Char type (pretty obvious from the name). VB throws an error saying that Type Char can't be converted to Type Integer. So my question is, what is the result of the explicit conversion in C# code?
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Feb 5, 2010
I am currently in the process of converting a program I have developed from VB6/VBA to Visual Basic.NET. The object of this function is to run a query on an SQL Server Hosted database and output the results to Excel. I have a couple of last final problems though, in the old vb6 lines:
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Sep 24, 2010
I never used delegate before Currently I am converting some C# code to VB.NET and am having some issue, it says
Error 2 Method 'Private Sub OnNewMessage()' does not have the same signature as delegate 'Delegate Sub OnChangeEventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationEventArgs)'.
View 1 Replies
Apr 14, 2009
I'm trying to convert the code below to C#?
Dim inFile As System.IO.FileStream
Dim binaryData() As Byte
Dim strFileName As String
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Apr 12, 2009
I was looking for a way to get a direct link from mediafire's file hosting service. By default, when a user visits a download link, he will be presented with a download page where he has to wait for the download to be processed and then a link will appear.This link will appear in the div id 'download_link'.[url]
View 1 Replies
Mar 28, 2012
I have created a custom ribbon for Excel 2010. This ribbon has a custom tab with various custom buttons. I have these buttons programmed to run an existing Macro in Excel. This is functioning just fine, but I would rather have the button run the code instead of activating the Macro. Basically, the Macro inserts a template worksheet after the active to convert this simple VBA code to VB.Net?
Sub Insert_Sheet_AfterActiveSheet()
Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet, Type:="C:template sheet.xls"
End Sub
View 7 Replies
Mar 14, 2011
i have one project (let's call it project1) that is going to add properties to another project's class. The thing is I wanted to make it automatically. So in my project there are two lines of code which I want to add at the bottom of the class.vb or class.cs in a project called project2. Is it possible? If so, how?It is a data access builder software which after adding some new columns to our database we use it to generate its properties and its parameter to be added in BLL. Since we do it often (changing our database structure) I did not wanted to copy data from data access builder software and add it to project2 manually.
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Aug 8, 2009
If I add let's say 1 line at the beggining of a method, if I set a breakpoint through Visual Studio on the first line, will it point to the first line or the second? If it will flag the wrong line, is there anything we could do when editing .exe files to ensure a regular debugging session later?Isn't there something like setting line x to be Y? I remember seeing something like that somewhere, not sure if .NET related or not.
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Jun 8, 2011
How to find Lines of Code in VS 2010?
View 7 Replies
Mar 4, 2009
How do I make a pause between code lines? See code below. This just prints the word "Hello", I was hoping to put a delay between the letters to make it look more real. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click
SendKeys.Send("%{tab}") SendKeys.Send("H") SendKeys.Send("e") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("o")
End Sub
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Aug 15, 2011
I have a form that on load keeps closing without any errors... I have no clue what it wrong with it. How can I record all the lines of code being executed so that I can find out why it is closing. There are no errors or me.closes.
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Aug 9, 2009
I have problems in converting the following code-snippet from C# to VB.Net:
if ((currentItem.Tag as FileSystemKind?) != FileSystemKind.File)
if (currentFileName == GOBACK)
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Aug 15, 2012
I'm converting some C# code to VB.Net, as it's a language I know better, I've got some code that I can't figure out...
Dim mybtn As New ImageButton()
mybtn.ImageUrl = _imgUrl
Select Case _buttonType
Case ButtonType.Backpage
This is giving 2 errors:
Me.btnBackpage_Click = Delegate 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventHandler' requires an 'AddressOf' expression or lambda expression as the only argument to its constructor.
mybtn.Command = 'Public Event Command(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs)' is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.
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Nov 18, 2009
Public Const COLUMN_MODEL_ORDER As String = MDL_ORDER.ColumnName
DataModel.Config.DefaultView is a System.Data.DataView
how can I convert it?:
Dim ModelOrder As Integer = 1
Dim DataModel As New ProfileDataModel(New DBConnection, Me.ProfileID)
If DataModel.Config.DefaultView.Count > 0 Then
View 5 Replies
Jun 26, 2009
I have this snippet of VB.NET code that I want to convert to VBScript. It basically starts Microsoft Word, displays the Open dialog and mail merges the selected document.
Dim oMissing As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
Dim oEndOfDoc As Object = "\endofdoc"
Dim oFalse As Object = False
'Start Word and create a new document.
Dim oWord As Word._Application
Dim oDoc As Word._Document
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