Create A Piece Of Software That Will People Develop There Ears?

Jan 18, 2009

I am trying to create a piece of software that will help people develop there ears, so that they can learn songs by ear.For this, I am creating a piece of software that plas a musical note and you have to answer what the note is. the plan is, the sound plays, but incase you miss it, you can tell it to replay, and on the page, there is a text box, where you type in the musical note and then you click accept, and you get a new sound, and do the same. and I want it to just loop and randomly play sounds up untill the user clicks end and then I want a score sheet to come up with there answers and what the actual answer was and basicaly what there score was.

I will be ok making certain parts of the program, but there are a few concerns. the main concern is how to get these sounds to randomly play. and have the answers with it too.

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Create A Program That Displays The Height Of 3 Different People Via A Scrollbar?

Oct 31, 2010

I have been asked to create a program that displays the height of 3 diffrent people via a scrollbar. The problem i'm having is i don't know the code for getting the total from the scrollbar to display on the height labels .The labels are named lblheight1 lblheight2 lblheight3 Scrollbar is named vscheighttotal?

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Create A Tool For My Group (6 People) That Tracks Tickets?

Apr 12, 2009

first wanna say, awesome forum here wish i'd found it sooner so basically im trying to create a tool for my group (6 people) that tracks tickets they work, basically we work jobs by ticket request and im trying to create a tool/program where they can enter:the ticket number if they completed,pending etc and notes of the job i figured it was gonna be easy, do a simple GUI that saves the info to a excel sheet or a access DB file.

that is basically how it looks. what im trying to figure out and hoping to get some help on is what is the best way to go about this? would a access DB work out better? (since i am hoping to expand it later like add a auto date/time function etc)how do i get it so when i hit the "submit" button it copies the fields and puts them into the DB file?

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Create A Child Processes Which Will Execute In Parallel The Piece?

Nov 2, 2010

My aim is to create a child processes which will execute in parallel the piece of VB.NET code say a function. I want to do it specifically using processes and not threads. Please suggest the ways to do this?

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Timers On Server-side - From A Client-side Piece, Call Off To A Server-side Piece

Apr 22, 2011

I'm trying to, from a client-side piece, call off to a server-side piece. I need to do this synchronously. On my server-side code, though, I'm calling off to another piece of code, which I want to have a maximum of, say, 10 seconds to return a value. If I don't have a response within 10 seconds, I want to force my own server piece to set my result equal to 0, and return to the client.

Here's what I have on my server-side code so far:

Public Function GetWebResult(ByVal inputParameter As Object) As WebReturnObject Implements IWebInterface.GetWebResult
Dim result As New WebReturnObject
Dim webItem As WebItem = Nothing


I realize this code is not functional. The problem is that I'm unsure how I would go about getting back into GetWebResult to set the appropriate return values before it is sent back to the client.

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Anyway To Have Bookmarks Option For People

Mar 15, 2009

i want to make a custom instaloler for my ProjectI made a web browser and well.I want to add tabs Make it so you do not have to click go you can hit the return Key falso i want to make it where they have to enter a free 10 diget code i make and give out. iks this possible?one last thingi cannot figurel out how to print save or open a Text Box that i want to make kinda my own simple version of the notepad?sorry so manny questiuon kind new but kinda notIf you want one of the webbrowsers i made email me or tell me i made a couplewow i feel stupid is there anyway to have bookmarks option fr people

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C# - LINQ To SQL Group People By Age?

Nov 3, 2011

Sample in C# and VB.NET are OK.

I have a table "People" with the following columns:

-FullName (nvarchar not null)
-DOB (datetime null)

I want to write a LINQ to SQL to group the people by age, like following result:

Age 19: 4 ppl
Age 20: 5 ppl
Age 21: 6 ppl
Here's my try:
Dim query = From ppl In db.People _
Select New With {.Age = DateTime.Now.Year - CDate(ppl.DOB).Year, .CountAge = ppl.Count}

Notice that there are no DOB record for some people in the tables, so these shall not be included. The DOB column has record like this 1982-10-24 10:12:45 AM because it's a DateTime column.

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How To Format Much String For People Name

Feb 25, 2012

I've a question about string.How to format string in VB.NET like this :

old string : "okta viani|anna viona|.....(more like this)"
into :
"Okta Viani"
"Anna Viona"
(and many more)"

the old string is splitted by "|" character but the name is lower. How to format just the first title name to Upper and other to lower in but the data to change is two thousand or more..

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How To Show People That Are Online

Feb 13, 2011

i got a question i making a app and i have my db running on localhost but now i need to show witch people are online (i thought to show them in to a listview) and on that database i got a colum named active if the colum is 1 then you will be shown in to the listview if not then you will not be shown but how to do it i got some code but it wont work here is my code for loading the people in tho the listview :Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient


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Open Other People's Outlook From

Jul 11, 2011

I am using

Dim Outl As Object
Outl = CreateObject("Outlook.Application", "localhost")
If Outl IsNot Nothing Then


to open outlook but when i host application in iis i got error "Cannot create ActiveX component."

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People Bash VB As A Language?

Apr 18, 2012

im brand new to VB.The only previous language i have knowledge of is HTML. Just curious, why do people bash VB as a language ?

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VS 2008 Linking Two People Together?

May 26, 2011

I'm designing a sign-in program that will give kids points if they invite people to come to the weekly events, and if those guests come then the kids who invited them will get extra points every time a guest of their's signs in. I really need help with this as technically I've only had one semester of programming.

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VS 2010 People Can't Use Program?

Dec 21, 2011

VS 2010 People can't use program?

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Converting Piece Of VBAcode To .NET?

Apr 29, 2012

I would love some help on converting this piece of VBAcode to VB.NET. Line Input #1, regel1 'Basis_debiteuren_mutaties Line Input #2, Regel2 'Debiteuren_Mutaties_yyyymm


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Getting A Special Piece Of Software?

Jun 22, 2011

I am running an experiment that datalogs to the computer. I need to know when there is a change in on of the databoxes. Since there is no way to modify the software, my mind thinks the next best thing would be to design a software that allows you to select part of the monitor's screen and have it refresh very quickly to detect any change in the image in that area.

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How Would I Multithread This Piece Of Code

Mar 3, 2009

On this piece Of code I want to multithread, beginning where the for loop takes the data out of the array arydata. The threads would all do the same task.

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Translating A Piece Of C# Code

Aug 6, 2009

I am translating a piece of C# code into VB.NET using online convertors..[code]The VB.NET translation is not up to the mark and gives compiler errors Any VB.NET expert who can suggest what to change to make the code compile?url.

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VS 2005 .NET 2.0 Is A Piece Of Trash?

Apr 6, 2011

Having same piece of code, but debugging on 2 separate machine, both running WinXP, 1 higher spec'ed than the other.The lower spec'ed one threw Exception on the implementation of IP Injector class. It worked if I step through it slowly.

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Let People Download Software From The Internet?

Oct 31, 2010

How can I let people download my software that i have made. the furthest I have got is that people can go to google docs and download the .exe file. But they have to choose a place to save the file and create a desktop shortcut themselves. How do I do this: Can I use SharePoint?

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Online Software For Blind People

Nov 3, 2009

i want a software for blind people to perform online i want to use text to speech and speech to text converting techniqye.example the questions should de heared to the blind and the answer he says should be clicked(objective type questions) automatically. at least just give me the idea how i can implement it using c# language or java langauge.please this is my last hope

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Prevent People From Sharing Program?

Apr 16, 2009

I want to make it so my VB program can be registered to be used with only one computer & possibly be registered online.

(Yes i searched the site but i saw no useful program registering guides that i uderstood and worked with the newest version of Visual Basic .NET)

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RuneScape App - Loading People Stats?

Aug 3, 2009

Well, I want to create an application that can load peoples stats from Runescape, when you typed in the username in a textbox, and pressed a button.. How is this possible?

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What Ways Do People Know How To Speed Up Browser

Jun 12, 2011

What ways do people know how to speed up vb browser??

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Get All Dates From A String/piece Of Text?

Feb 28, 2010

I'm stuck on an issue I think is actually pretty simple but I just can't get it sorted.

I have a string containing (a lot of) text, and in that text there are dates. Like 2/28/2010 or 11/12/2007 or whatever.There are multiple dates in that text.

How do I get the dates from that piece of text into another string so I can put the dates into textboxes?

I'm using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010 RC,

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INSERT Statement Leaving Out One Piece

Aug 24, 2011

I have a modal pop up that is supposed to upload documents. It does that just fine, except that it doesn't give them a title, therefore nothing shows up on my page since Title is how they show up in the list. What should I replace LinkTitle.Text with to get this to work?I am trying to fix this guys code because none of it worked right. I added a comment below that has new code in it that is parameterized. This is in 4.0 VB using Microsoft SQL Server.[code]

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Making A Piece Move From One Spot To The Next?

Sep 21, 2010

TI have a picturebox on top of another picturebox, like a smaller square perfectly in the middle of a lil bigger square picturebox, if you click on the smaller one inside the slightly bigger one, it checks to see what the color is of the picturebox "under.It", or the Picturebox thats bigger than it, and is like sourounding the smaller one in the middle of it... If when you click the small one, and the BG Color of the one that's under it is Black, change it to white, "my forms bg color is also black" the highlighted pictureboxes will seem more like they get highlighted, ya know...

Here's the code, after you've looked at those pictures, you can probably imagine what I want this code to do, and it's really Guiness really, because when I program in VB.NET, and before I go to YouTube to teach others how to do different things with VB.NET,I like to make sure that my program is very simple, but very effective, and does the job.When I click two pictureboxes, and when my app knows that I have clicked 2 of em, which I had no problem being able to do, I want the FIRST PictureBox To Switch With The Second One That Gets Clicked, It's CHESS....It Seems So Damn SImple, BUT I'M STUCK AGAIN, AND I WANT TO MAKE A CHESS BOARD IN VB.NET.

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Program Crashes Because Of This Piece Of Code?

Apr 16, 2009

my situation is this; I have a search button which searches records with Surnames, when two or more records have the same surname, the first record appears and 4 navigational buttons appear, they are 'Go back to first record' (btnFirst), 'go back one' (btnPrevious), 'go forward one' (btnNext) and 'go to the last one (btnLast)'. All of these work properly except for 'go back one' (btnPrevious). When I click this and the record is currently the first one, the program crashes. Its probably a very elementary mistake but I can't figure it out. Here is the code for btnPrevious


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VS 2008 : Parsing Piece Of Text?

Feb 13, 2011

i am getting a piece of text from a webpage, but i would like to only let the text after a $ to show up?

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VS 2010 Chess Piece Movement

Sep 17, 2011

In an attempt to try and make a chess AI I started working on a chess project. The AI will basically be in a class that implements my AI interface. To provide flexibility this can be used for a human player or a computer AI. In any case the problem I'm having is calculating the valid moves that a single piece can have.I calculate on what blocks the piece would be able to move if the board was totally empty. (this is represented by a array of point)Then I get a list of piece locations of the same team and Except that from said list.(since pieces can move through other pieces of its team)Now here is the tricky bit obviously taking an enemy piece is a legal move I can't just subtract enemy piece positions. Lets say there are 2 black pawns and a white rook in the same column. The rook would be able to take the first black pawn but not the second one because the first pawn is in it's way. In reality there would never be such an easy example so I need a way to only include the enemy positions "In the line of sight" of the piece's moves i'm calculating.

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Application For People With Disabilities X WebBrowser Component?

Mar 11, 2009

I'm working on a VB.NET application for disabled people which uses the WebBrowser control to capture the HTML content from an webpage (just to present, after some code treatment, in a textbox) and trying to solve the following three problems:

1) I'm using the WebBrowser control just to load a web page, but some pages provide a refresh after some minutes. Is it possible to avoid/disable the WebBrowser refresh (important: I need to keep the WebBrowser instance alive, so I can simply dispose it) or I'll have to rewrite my application to use WebClient control instead? (solution that will be provide much more work in my case).

2) The DocumentCompleted event, that takes the HTML content and shows in the textbox, is called several times for some pages (like and obviously beginning to execute the code on my sub method several times too. A friends of mine tell me that maybe it can be solved "setting the WebBrowser for HTTP 1.0 to avoid the load from Ajax content". Is there anyone who knows how to do it or simply knows a way/event more precise?

3) Is it possible to take the HTML content and convert the charset "on the fly"? If not, anyone knows an URL with a sample code?

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