I have the following function that I am using to remove the characters �4 and nulls from my xmlString but I can't find what do I need to change to avoid removing the from my ending tags. This is what I get when I run this function
I have written code to pull some data into a data table and do some data re-formatting. I need some help splitting some text into appropriate columns.
I have data formated like this that I need to split into 2 columns.
column is the first 11 characters That is easy.column 2 should contain all the text after the first 11 characters up to but not including the first number.The last column is all the text after column 2
It is a little like a search and replace, I want to replace any string that contains any substring in parentheses with the same string but the words in parentheses colored RED: Eg
Take this text in TextBox1:
"The Prime Minister (that idiot from Scotland) made a speech today"
and convert to this text in RichTextBox1:
"The Prime Minister (that idiot from Scotland) made a speech today"
create a regular expression. It is a little like a search and replace, I want to replace any string that contains any substring in parentheses with the same string but the words in parentheses colored RED.
Eg Take this text in TextBox1:
"The Prime Minister (that idiot from Scotland) made a speech today"
and convert to this text in RichTextBox1:
"The Prime Minister (that idiot from Scotland) made a speech today"
I just want to parse simple expressions like IIF(FVAL(PFC) = TRUE, (IIF((ORGVAL(BAS, "2012/12/31") + ORGVAL(DA)) < 6500, (FVAL(BAS) + FVAL(DA)) * 12%, 780)), 0)`After parsing this I should be able to know what functions contains what parameters.
I'm stuck with .Net Framework 2.0, so no Linq or lambda expression goodies for me. Also I want to include the code in my custom library and not just reference it. Can anyone point me to some good library or code.
I just need to parse and not evaluate the expression and find what tokens are in use. After finding the tokens I need to change the expression string before parsing, like if the function ORGVAL is used then the parameter passed has has to be prefixed by an underscore. Like ORGVAL(BAS) will transform to ORGVAL(_BAS). Some functions can have tow parameters like ORGVAL(BAS, "2012/12/31") and this will transform to ORGVAL(_BAS, "2012/12/31")
I'm trying to create a regex which will match either one of the following [code] This regex is supposed to return all and any form of the function that is used.If match string were - FVAL(A,"B")+5 then match group should be FVAL(A,"B")
I can get it to work in VB.NET but not C#. I can't figure out why it works in one but not the other.
As far as I can tell the patterns are identical in both languages with escaping. When I run the VB code I get a match. When I run the C# code I get nothing.
I have just coded the below regular expression. I have a mini rich text editor on a web page (very similar to the one I am using to post this question) and I want to make use of a double asterisk to indicate which words/phrases should be wrapped in a strong tag. The aim is to allow the user to add pre-defined HTML elements without actually having to submit HTML. [code...]
Maybe I am over-optimising this, but I want to know if this can be made more efficient?
I am trying to use regular expression for extracting data from web page. but everytime i change the URL i need to change my regular expression for URL.
I have a textbox which takes as input the email address. Do you have regular expression validator in vb.net so that I can check if '@' is present or not in the string
I have a string (can be anything) and somewhere in the middle of the string there's a filename with the extension 'txt'. The filename can basically be anything, and any filename is correct, but with a certain exception.
If the filename ends with .part<number>.txt, the <number> can only be one of the following, 1, 01, 001, 0001.
I was convinced that If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] in concrete form of If a = b Then SayHello() Else SayBye() End has sense. I read article on msdn on If-then-else, but I forgot why I was reading, so I concluded, that snippet above means this
If a = b Then HelloIsSaid : IsNotEnded Else ByeIsSaid : IsEnded But I have tested it now, and I see, that Else without statement is nothing more than decoration. It would be pretty good if it had function I described. Do you think its good request? Or do you know any circumstance where this Else has some function?
So I can get the URL value as the only Match from the Regular expression - but I don't understand enough about them (yet) to do this. I have seen RegEx examples that will parse any INI file and get the Name, Value Pairs I just want to get the URL value only from a file no matter what else it contains. My aim is to have something like this:
Dim _pattern As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("RegEx") Dim _url As String = _pattern.Match(iniContentString).Value
It seems simple but I cannot seem to create a specific case RegEx where I want everything from "URL=" to the vbCrLf at the End to be my "Match". I have refered to Regular-Expressions.info which has been a help before but still cannot get this simple example to work.
I'm attempting to build a function that will return a regex that is dynamically created.The regex to create will be a range check between two numbers. So far I've got something similar to this (not finished as yet).Is this approach valid, or is there an easier way that I'm overlooking?
Public Shared Function Range(ByVal Minimum As Integer, ByVal Maximum As Integer) As String Return "^([" & Minimum.ToString.PadLeft(2, "0") & "]" & Microsoft.VisualBasic.StrDup(Minimum.ToString.Length, "[0-9]") & "|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
I am trying to validate a csv file of domain names (eg. @google.com, @xyz.co.uk, @xyz.edu etc.) I am using the following Regular Expression: Regex(@"@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$", RegexOptions.Compiled); Is there scope for improvement on the above?
Regex(@"@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$", RegexOptions.Compiled); Using the above, I want to pass only values like @gmail.com, @xyz.edu, @co.uk etc... But I find that the values like abc@gmail.com (valid email ids) also pass through.
I am using the below Regular Expression which works fine in case of date validation. But if I select the date from the DatePicket even then it throws alert:Enter valid date. How can I modify the regular expression so as to be compatible with DatePicker.
Set RegularExpressionObject = New RegExp With RegularExpressionObject .Pattern = "^(((0?[1-9]|[12]d|3[01]).-/.-/?d{2}))|((0?[1-9]|[12]d|30).-/.-/?d{2}))|((0?[1-9]|1d|2[0-8])[.-/]0?2.-/?d{2}))|(29[.-/]0?2.-/?(0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|((16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00)|00)))$" .IgnoreCase = True .Global = True End With [Code] .....
My coworker needs me to write him a regular expression for his vb.net app.I do not know vb and he does not know regex.The regex he needs is:/.*web id: ?(d+).*/iBasically he needs to search a string for something like "web id: 345" or "web id:2534" and retrieve the ID.He took what I gave him above and was able to put this together:
Dim strPattern As String = ".*web id: ?(d+).*" Dim strReplacement$ = "$1" GetWebId$ = Regex.Replace(LCase$(strNote$), strPattern$, strReplacement$)
How can I match the domain part only of a URI with regular expressions? I see lots of examples but the mutch the subdomain too. What I am looking to do is to capture only the domain. So, for example [URL] should match only google. As a secondary question, I am looking to implement this on a VB.NET program. Would there be some other way to do it without regular expressions?
I want a regular expression for the following issue:I want to match a string that contains A,B,C,D,E and F. string length should be 0 to 6. and not character should be repeat in the string.Example: ABCDEF, ACDEFB, EFBCDA, etc. but not ABBCDES/W Engineer
I am building an app where I am constantly having to stop to build the Regular Expression for each situation and then continue.
Does anyone know of an application that I can purchase that would offer an API I can use in my application to build the Regular Expressions in real time?
The English alphabet is composed of 26 single characters. However, there are languages in the world where a single character is composed of TWO LETTERS. For instance, in some indo-european languages, the letter "th" is equivalent to th in thief, in English. These two-character letters are considered part of the alphabet.Given the following coupled letters: DH, GJ, LL, NJ, RR, SH, TH, XH, ZHHow can i write a regular expression that just counts the total number of characters in a given text, SUCH THAT, if the letters above are found together, they are considered as ONE character? All other characters are excluded from the count, only letters