Cross Threading - Identify A Thread In The Case "ABC"?

Aug 18, 2010

i m working on an application where i m using multi threading.suppose i ve below threads


so i want to call a method from some specific place where every thread running concurrently


so i m not able to identify a thread in the case "ABC"

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Multi-threading - Cross-Thread Operation Not Valid

Aug 25, 2009

I looked around the site and the questions I found relating to this subject were for C# (the application that I am maintaining is written in VB.NET), so I apologize if I overlooked one. Here is where I am calling my thread:


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VS 2008 Multi-threding - Adding Multi-threading Facilities - Cross-thread Operation Not Valid

Feb 10, 2010

I'm adding multi-threading facilities for the first time. I have a function that is wrapped to be run in a separated thread. This function retrieves data (text) from a combobox and it works for sure without multi-threading.

When I call it as multi-threaded, I get the following error when I try to retrieve the data from the cmobobox: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'cmb1stBL' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

It looks like a restriction of thread-safety... I assume that the child thread cannot read from his parent, to make sure that he doesn't change his parent data. So how can I read the data from the combobox? Should I read the comoboxbox data before calling the child thread?

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VS 2010 Error - Cross-Thread Operation Not Valid: Control TbPlaca1 Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Aug 13, 2010

In one application, I need use 4 simultaneous threads.When the threads finished, I need to update the text of a TextBox.So, I create 4 Textbox, and I wanna the threads change the text to FINISHED.Each thread change one distinct TB.I use this "example"

Dim Terminados As Integer = 0
Private Sub frmEnviarMensagem_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Timer1.Enabled = True


The problem is, I have an error in the red lines.The error is: INVALIDOPERATIONEXCEPTION "Cross-Thread operation not valid: Control tbPlaca1 Accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."I don't use cross threading. Each TB only was accessed for the correspondent thread, and for the "main program".

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'Panel1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On." ?

Nov 3, 2011

This is the error message I am getting:

"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Panel1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." The reason I am getting this error is because I am opening up a new form and then calling these three things:


why I get this error message because it doesn't occur normally if I open Form2 after closing Form1, it only occurs when I open Form2 after closing Form4.

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Error - Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'txt1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jul 21, 2009

I have done a program using vb2005 to display reading from my microcontroller bs2 board but have encountered some problems. My code are as follows.

Dim Stop_Rx As Boolean
Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click


I've encounter an error which is, (Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txt1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.)

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Error : Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'l_users' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 21, 2012

When my client try to connect to server I'm getting this error : Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'l_users' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

Private Sub _socketManager_onConnectionAccept(ByVal SocketID As String) Handles _socketManager.onConnectionAccept
End Sub

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'Autocad' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 6, 2010

I have written an application that loads a form - frmCad as well as AutoCad. It does this via a class which detects when AutoCad quits.

Friend Class CadApp Private WithEvents AppObject As AcadApplication... Private Sub AppObject_BeginQuit(ByRef Cancel As Boolean) Handles AppObject.BeginQuit RaiseEvent Quit() End SubEnd Class

My main class loads frmCad as well as CadApp.

Public Class Cad Private WithEvents frmCad As CadForm Private WithEvents app As CadApp... Public Sub ShowForm() If frmCad Is Nothing Then frmCad = New CadForm frmCad.Visible = True End Sub... Private Sub app_Quit() Handles app.Quit frmCad.Dispose() frmCad = Nothing .... End Sub

When I debug the program, it stops at frmCad.Dispose()The program continues to execute, but all the code after it fails to work.Looking more carefully I get an error message which contains:-Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Autocad' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'label2' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On?

Feb 9, 2011

My error:Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'label2' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. I want to be able to give my Public RunBot() sub access to edit Labels, buttons, etc without an error.


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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'lblStatus' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Apr 1, 2010

I'm getting the 'System.InvalidOperationException' error on acccessing a thread from other than where it was created. My code is:

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Public components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer ' changed from private


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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'statusHO' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Jun 6, 2009

My problem is Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'statusHO' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'statusHO' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."


i used it and it works fine then. but as it is mentioned its not a good practice to use it. So what should i do? is it ok if i use this as i am not able to use correct practice. Mine application is not for enterprise purpose. its just my class project, and it works fine even if i put application working in background. System works ok. I dont know how to correct this error.As i dont have that much knowlege of threads.

So please guide me how to fix this in correct way otherwise i am force to go for bad programming practice
Please refer to Windows Mobile Developer Center > Smart Device Development Forums > Windows Mobile Development > Appendtext not working for all my code details

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'lv1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On?

Aug 4, 2009

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'lv1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

Dim lvi As ListViewItem
For Each lvi In lv1.Items


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Threading Progress Bar In .net - Thread Operation Not Valid Control 'ProgressBar1' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Feb 17, 2012

Would anyone be able to help me here please. I'm fairly new to and threading so im just trying to figure out what is happening.When I debug this I am getting the error thread operation not valid: Control 'ProgressBar1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

I'm a little lost as to why the error is occuring or how to fix it. I've had to put the progress bar in a separate thread otherwise the GUI crashes


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Error Saying "Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'lblOnline' Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On."?

Feb 7, 2011

Ok i have a Form with the following

Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
txtNotepad.Text = LoadFile("notes.txt")


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"Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'TextBox1' Accessed From A Thread?

Sep 18, 2009

When i run the program i am getting the following error in this line TextBox1.Text &= "File Created: " & FullPath & vbCrLf"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'TextBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid Control 'FormSplash' Accessed From A Thread Other?

Sep 5, 2009

I need your help on the following. In debugging mode only the program is stopping to the following line "My.Forms.FormMain.HelpProviderMain.HelpNamespace = "Reports.chm"" with the following error ""An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'FormSplash' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.""

I noticed that when I am putting NONE in SPLASH screen option in the properties of the project, there is no problem.I am no familiar with treating that's why can you give me detail instruction how to overcome this annoying problem?

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid Exception In Single Thread Application?

Nov 14, 2009

I am getting this exception: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'TextBoxOutput' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. in a VB 2008 Windows Forms application that I havent specifically made multi-threaded. I have create a sub called Out() like this:

Private Sub Out(ByVal inString As String)
Me.TextBoxOutput.Text += (Me.TextBoxOutput.Text & inString & vbNewLine)
Me.TextBoxOutput.SelectionStart = Me.TextBoxOutput.Text.Length
End Sub

and I call it from various events to log messages I am getting from my pbx, which I use a third party open source dll to access. The interesting thing to me is that if I run the deployed application (ie, not in the VS IDE) I do not get any exceptions, it's only from within the IDE.if I add the line: Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False to the form's constructor, the exceptions stop, but a) this seems like a hacky way to get around the issue and b) the application seems to hang sometimes when I have it set this way.

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'FormSplash' Accessed From A Thread Other

Sep 5, 2009

In debugging mode only the program is stopping to the following line "My.Forms.FormMain.HelpProviderMain.HelpNamespace = "Reports.chm""
with the following error ""An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'FormSplash' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.""I noticed that when I am putting NONE in SPLASH screen option in the properties of the project, there is no problem.

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Control 'hiddenrtb2' Accessed From A Thread

Mar 10, 2010

im getting this error and i cant figure it out.

Public Sub mlogin()
Invoke(chkb, New Object() {"disable"})
Invoke(d, New Object() {achidrtb, "", "="})
Invoke(d, New Object() {hiddenrtb2, "", "="})


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Cross Threading On A Property

Dec 1, 2010

I have this situation where I want to set the visibility property on the form but I have a cross threading issue. I have coded it like the following but is it possible to achieve it on the property on itself.


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Cross-Threading And Listbox?

Dec 15, 2011

I've problem with my application. I have one class frmMain, where I have one Listbox. I'm developing a separate class that lunches a couple of threads. They do some work, and in the end I want to show the data in the frmMain listbox. I'm using the following code:

One sub that handles the requests to the Listbox. I declare it in Module

Module Functions
Public Sub ChangeText(ByVal ctrl As ListBox, ByVal str As String)
If ctrl.InvokeRequired Then


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Cross-threading Between Forms?

Aug 8, 2010

I have an application with two forms - a splash form and the main form. The main form reads an XML file and displays data from the file in a rich text box. While that is happening the splash form is displayed. When the main form is ready to be displayed the splash form closes and the main form is displayed. I have a progress bar on the splash form to inform the user of the progress of the load. I want to set the maximum value for the progress bar to the number of elements in the XML file. In the main form I am using a reader to count the number of elements. After I get that number I wan to update the maximum on the progress bar control so it displays correctly. That is where I am getting the cross threading error. Now I could do that in the splash form. But where the real issue lies is I want to update the progress bar value every time I read an element in the main form process to read the XML file. That I don't think I can do in the splash form as it would duplicate the process of the main form and defeat the purpose of the splash form.

I have researched this issue but can't find an answer. I have tried the delegate route but I still get a cross-threading error. I assume that is because I am cross threading across forms.

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VS 2008 Terminate A Threading.thread Using Thread.abort?

Jun 10, 2010

im trying to terminate a threading.thread using thread.abort the thread runs a download connection so is usually in the middle of socket.recieve or socket.send or socket.connect when aborting i just want to terminate the thread no matter what thread.abort raises an MDA excpetion. so i ticked it off in the debug exceptions menu. now it doesnt raise an exception, but the thread simply wont terminate. my program wont close unless i press top in the debugger.i cant pause downloads because i cant terminate the thread this code wasn't working?

Dim vT As Threading.Thread
For Each vT In clsDownloader.DownloadThreads
If Not vT Is Nothing Then


as for the exception concerning threads being aborted from other threads being dangerous, how is it possible to send a message from a main thread to another thread to abort itself? as far as i know the only way to a abort one thread from another is to just kill it (because i dont know of ways for a thread to communicate with another).

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Cross Threading Operations In VB 2008?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm using Visual Basic 2010I've created a ListBox and a BackgroundWorker using designerI want to change the location of listbox using backgroundworker but I get the error as follows:"InvalidOperationException was Handled by user code:"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'ListBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on

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Infinite Loop And Cross Threading?

Jun 22, 2011

I am a student attempting to learn VB.NET on my own. Today I wanted to tackle the BackgroundWorker component. I found an excellent article online: How To Use a Background Worker. I successfully completed the walkthrough and even performed the "adventorous" part that dealt with working with controls updating across threads using delegates.Now I came to a part that I didn't understand how it was working. To summarize the following code, I have a delegate that has a Label and a String in its signature. I then have a subroutine that is called on the worker thread. Inside this subroutine the delegate is created and (I guess) ran again so that it is on the same (Main) thread. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

Here is the method is performed on the worker thread:
Private Sub My_BgWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles My_BGWorker.DoWork


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Cross-threading Operation Not Valid Even Though Invoke Is Used?

Sep 28, 2010

I've been reading around trying to find out why I'd be getting this exception to no avail.

I'm using Visual Basic 2010.

Briefly, I have a "Settings Panel" form which takes a while to create (it contains a lot of labels and textboxes), so I create it in another thread.

After it's loaded, it can be viewed by clicking a button which changes the form's visibility to True. I use the following subroutine to handle invokes for my controls:

Public Sub InvokeControl(Of T As Control)(ByVal Control As T, ByVal Action As Action(Of T))
If Control.InvokeRequired Then


The SettingsTable.Create() method generates a bunch of Labels and TextBoxes based on the contents of the application settings and adds them to the SettingsTable.

When I click on the ViewSettingsPanel checkbox, I get a cross-thread violation error.

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.net - Which Cross Threading Invoke Function Is Better For A Control That Is Inherited

Nov 9, 2009

I have a relatively simple question regarding the best way to call the DataGridView.Rows.Add function when it is inherited into the current control. Which is the best way to make the call to the inherited control? Call it directly in the invoke or call it using recursive-like function? They both seem to produce the same result, a row gets added and the quantity is returned, but which is the most efficient?The delegate: Private Delegate Function ReturnDelegate() As Object

The two ways are:

Private Overloads Function AddRow() As Integer
If InvokeRequired Then
Return CInt(Invoke(New ReturnDelegate(AddressOf AddRow)))


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Inherited Listview Control Could Have Built In Cross Threading Capabilities?

May 15, 2009

I've not got any issues with Cross threading but I hate the amount of work involved in sorting cross threading issues out.I thought today that my inherited Listview Control could have built in cross threading capabilities; it would decrease the amount of work on the form, and tidy things up.I've got this to work (EnsureVisible method), BUT I'm a little stuck when it comes to the Items.add below is my example control.


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Select Case String Analysis + Threading = Failure?

May 27, 2010

I'm writing a threaded multi-client chat application in VB.NET(2008). While the thread is running and a message is received from the server(in this particular case: "ping") i wish to copy the content of the variable holding the newly received data to another variable(as that first variable is constantly changing) and then later call the Checkmsg() sub which contains a select case to analyse the string and notice a particular command(in this case, when it notices "ping" as received data, I want it to send "pong" back to the server.) and react to it. Now the problem is the code actually "jumps" to the Checkmsg() sub, and fails to compare properly the received data to my select case argument. I've tried setting messageboxes at a couple of place to see if my data was somehow changed but even before the line that compares the two strings the message box prints "ping" and the select case is set to react to "ping" but it wont "move". Now I don't really understand, i've done much vb programming but i'm learning threads.


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Cross Thread With A Backgroundworker?

Jan 27, 2010

im sorry if this has been asked before.but i couldent find it in my first look i have a form that runs a query on a mysql database but as it runs the query the form stops responding till it finishes sooo i had the smart idea of putting it in a back ground worker..

GREAT i thot i had it working it all seemed to go greeat then i noticed when i try to change the label text on the form to corispond to the info it got... it wont work it give me a cross threading error....

how to cross thread between the back ground worker and the origial form..

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