Declare A 2D Array And Assign It Values Separately?

May 18, 2009

I wanted to know how I could declare a 2D array and assign it values separately?

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Assign Different Values To Existing Values Of 2 Dimensional Array?

Apr 4, 2010

I have an array of 10 x 10 as shown below. In addition to -1, it consists of numbers from 1 to 9.[code]...

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Assign Array Values To Datagridview?

Oct 7, 2008

How to assign a array as datasource to datagridview in[code]...

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Assign SQL Return Values To Array?

Apr 7, 2010

Assign SQL return values to Array

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How To Declare A Simple Array And Intialises Its Values

Dec 30, 2009

i know how to declare a simple array and intialises its values, but i dont know how to get its results out of it. let me explain what i want.i've basically made like a Quiz, so the array(s) needs to hold 20 questions and 20 anwers. and i ve put these separately in each array, i.e. i have 2 arrays one with questions and the other with answers.when the user of my program presses ' get a Quiz Question', they retrive a question. Then the user types in an answer and using the submit button sends the answer for it to be verifed. how do u make sure that the question has a coressponding answer to it. as ive sed i have 2 separate arrays, i dont know how tell vb that when a particular question appears that it has a corresponding answer. If it matches a positive message appears, i.e.good otherwise wrong will appear.Also i need to randomize the way the questions appear in the quiz so they dont follow the same order when they are seen for the second time?

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Assign Array Values To Properties Of Object?

Mar 11, 2011

i would like to assign my array vals to properties of my object.


For i = 1 To 32
myClass.Prop_i = val[i]

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Assign Values To Property In Array Of Objects?

Jul 13, 2010

I have class [code]...

But i get error in For Loop: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at the first line of for loop.

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How To Assign Datagridview's Values To A Two Dimensions Array

Mar 7, 2009

After user entered a value into textbox (for example 4), datargidview must be create automatically(number of datargidview's columns and rows must be textbox value). And, user enter some values that among 0 and 1 into datagridview's cells. So i want to assing these values (values that are written in datgridview cells). For example, if user enter 0.25 in datagridview's cell 1, and 0.34 cell 2, 0.67 cell 3, and etc, in this instance array(1,1)=0.25, array(1,2)=0.34, array(1,3)=0.67 must be assigned. i hope, i could understand :) i illustrate this example below. i want to assign such as indexs that is written into following example table.

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VS 2005 Assign Values In Textbox Array?

Sep 2, 2009

i have record of 30 employees....and what i am doing is when the form loads i want to assign the textbox the value from the database....can i do it thru an arrary

eg i want to do something like this

For i = 0 To 29
fname[i].text = name[i]

how to i assign the name (fname[0]) in design there an alternate way of doing this ?

View 4 Replies

Assign Values To .Net Property Array With Index Implied?

Mar 23, 2011

Is it possible to (or how can I) assign values to a class property array like this:

MyImgClass.RGB = (255,255,255)

I'm not sure how to build my Public Property setter to allow this, if it's possible at all.

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Assign Some Values To An Array From Same Array?

May 30, 2010

TheConnectionValue (this array (5x5) is given)[code]...

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Press My Lancer2 Button It Won't Display Both Values Separately?

Apr 20, 2010

Private Sub cmdLancer1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLancer1.Click


So here's the deal... I click Lancer1 button and it displays a randomly generated value into the Textbox1.Then when I clicked Lancer2 it should make so the that first value of text is still present and add another value besides it...


But when I press my Lancer2 button it gives a completely weird result and won't display both values seperately... Instead say lancer1 was value of 1 then when i click lancer2 i might get 2 - 5...

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.net - - One Label - Assign Different Values

Jun 22, 2011

I have a label, lblmessage, which I want to assign 4 different values. It should show up like this:


I know this: lblmessage.text = "5" and to assign it another value lblmessage.text = lblmessage.text + "4". This just puts them next to each other, but how can I get them to show up underneath each other?

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.Net Assign Values To Datatable?

May 22, 2012

I have the String and integers to which some values are assigned. now i need to read the string and integer values and assigned them to the datatable which i have created using VB.Net.


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Declare Defaults Values For Arrays?

Feb 18, 2010

Why can't I declare values for an array inside a module?

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Assign Ascii Values To Letters?

Mar 23, 2010

How do i assign the ascii values to letters??

i have to do a rot13 encryption program and have got this so far[code]...

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Assign Database Row Values To ColumnHeaderSelect?

Jun 17, 2009

I have used ColumnHeaderSelect instead row header select... how to assign database row values to ColumnHeaderSelect.

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Auto-assign Values Of Different Objects One To Each Other?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm new in this forum. I am also quite a rookie programming in VB2008. In fact I'm not even a professional programmer. The situation is as follows.

I was hired by a company to do an Industrial Engineering job, but after some time, I realized that my job was also to design a database manager in VB2008 for the train wheel stock. So I am terribly lost. My problem here is that I dont know how to compare values and assign the biggest with the biggest, the smallest with the smallest etc. So I want to create a table and auto-arrange the values. An example of what I want to do in a macro of Excel is[code]...

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Way To Declare An Array?

Jun 13, 2011

What is the right way to declare an array
Dim lblname As Label() = New Label(get_num_of_children()) {}
Dim mealcheck As Integer() = New Integer(get_num_of_children()) {}


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Assign Values To Structure Elements In A List?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a user defined structure in a list that I am trying to change the value for in an individual element within the list of structures. Accessing the element is not a problem. However, the compiler complains

"Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of the assignment"when I try to update the value.For example:

Public Structure Person
Dim first as String
Dim last as String
Dim age as Integer


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Assign Values To X - Y Axes In Chart Spline

Oct 28, 2009

I am working on simple handover process from one mobile station to other. I got three proposed results service disruption time, network entry time, connection set up time. I also have the result of these three as by using some conventional way and got improved these three delay results by proposed way.

Results are store in textboxes. Now i want to show graphically. E.g. I want to show conventional service disruption time on x axis and proposed service disruption time on y axis or vice versa. Let suppose I want to have a scale on axes from 1 to 3000 milliseconds. Then I want to show how purposed scheme is better. I am using VB.Net 2008


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Assign Values To X / Y Axis In Chart Spline

Oct 28, 2009

I am working on simple handover process from one mobile station to other. I got three proposed results service disruption time, network entry time, connection set up time. I also have the result of these three as by using some conventional way and got improved these three delay results by proposed way. Results are store in textboxes. Now i want to show graphically. E.g. I want to show conventional service disruption time on x axis and proposed service disruption time on y axis or vice versa. Let suppose I want to have a scale on axes from 1 to 3000 milliseconds. Then I want to show how purposed scheme is better. I am using VB.Net 2008.I have created chart. I also studied MS chart for windows forms samples environment. Also applied different chart properties like titles, series and others, But I am not able to make x and y axes scales. How to get values on the axes and how to generate graph? [code]

A chart element with the name '0' could not be found in the 'ChartAreaCollection'.i also tried using ChartAreas(Default") but i am getting same idea.I don't get what for this chartAreas value in parenthesis is used.

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VS 2010 Assign Multiple Values To Combobox

Aug 1, 2010

i have a combobox and wish to assign multiple values if possible, eg is i select WESTERN EUROPE i would like the values to be: western europe OR western-europe AND Generic as the combobox is used to search for these strings within a listview (which is working fine for the combobox1.text but the listview sometimes has "western Europe" as "western-europe" and does not find it.


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Why Won't This List Of Struct Allow To Assign Values To The Field

Feb 14, 2012

Public Structure testStruct
Dim blah as integer
Dim foo as string


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Write To WIN Registry To Assign Values To Right Button?

Feb 23, 2012

I have little MD5 Check Sum app, and I want if i click on some file in the entire Windows OS, with right button, in the context menu there to be a button "Check MD5 Sum". Like when you install WinRar, the app assign values there for archive, and extracting.

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.net - Declare An Array Of Classes And Set Value?

Jun 7, 2012

I have a little syntax declare problem in VB.Net.

Dim proxy As USImportoerServiceTypeClient = DMRUtils.CreateAndConfigureClient()
Dim request As New USDeclare_I()
request.DeclareCollection = New US_ITypeDeclare() {}


This above code do not work, becase the "US_ITypeDeclare() {}" is empty an only contains a new DeclareCollectionStructure

declare a KoeretoejErklaeringStructure to this an set this date value til "DeclareCollectionStructure.DeclareCollectionValidDate" ?

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Declare A 2D Unlimited Array?

Apr 30, 2012

I Declare a 2D Unlimited array.My code:

Dim array As String(,) = New String(,) {}
array(0, 0) = "top left"
MsgBox(array(0, 0))

The problem is the msgbox shows nothing.

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Declare A Large Array?

Sep 1, 2009

Is there a better (more compact or elegant) way of declaring a large array such as this?[code]...

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Declare An Array As A Class?

Jun 21, 2010

I could have an array of players but I cant dim and array as new and my players are all a class I made called gameobject

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How To Declare Array Of Dictionary

Jan 14, 2008

Dim AttributeValuePairs() As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
byt this i mean AttributeValuePairs is a Array of dictionaries


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