Detect If A Particular Control Has A Particular Property?

May 19, 2011

How to detect if a particular control has a particular property?

I am considering writing a generic routine and I would like to know how you can detect whether a particular object has a particular property?

Something like this code:

If HasImageProperty(myObject) = True Then

I guess reflection would be used here, but I am not very familiar with reflection.


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Detect Click Event For Control Under Another Control?

Dec 24, 2009

ok so i have a PANEL control under a WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER control. Both are same size.

The panel has a click event which shows a message saying "HI"

when the panel is behind the wmp control the message is not shown when i click on it.

so the question is is there a way round it, cos currently it only works if the panel is on top of the wmp control

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Set The Properties Of A Base Control So That Instances Of That Control Inherit The Property Settings

Dec 11, 2009

I would like to be able to set Control visual properties such as color, boarder, flat style, etc. on the base class of the control so that as I add new instances of the control, each instance inherits the visual properties of the base. I have tried using Application Settings but it appears as though I need to reference an application setting manually each time I add the control to a form. This is a Windows Form question.

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VS 2010 Changing Control Parent Property Changes Control Location Position?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to make a program with transparent labels over pictureboxes and when I set the label Parent to the PictureBox the position of the label changes.

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Order Of Creation Or Adding To The Parent Control Determines Whether Or Not A Control's Dock Property Supersedes Another's

Jun 17, 2010

i frequently have troubles with the dock property. it seems that either the order of creation or adding to the parent control determines whether or not a control's dock property supersedes another's. e.g. a control with the dockstyle fill will overlap with another docked control on the same parent. does anyone know what the rules are to determine how docking will behave; particularly in dynamically created GUIs?

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Bind Control.Text Property To Control Position In FlowLayoutPanel?

Jun 6, 2012

Is there a way to bind the text property of a control to an expression? I have a user control that I add to a FlowLayoutPanel. You can see I have 4 controls in the FlowLayoutPanel below. The first control is a LinkLabel and the other three are my user controls which are numbered 1, 2, & 3. I'd like to bind the label that shows the 1, 2, or 3 to the user controls index within the FlowLayoutPanel.

If I happen to remove the 2nd user control I want the 3rd user control to now display 2. I could use the FlowLayoutPanel ControlAdded or ControlRemoved events, but wanted to see if I could do some binding first.

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Bind Property Of User Control To One Of The Parent Control's Fields?

Dec 30, 2011

If I need access to the value of a user control's property BEFORE PreRender, would I need to base the custom control off of one of the preexisting data controls (repeater, listview,etc.)?One of my user controls features a gridview control that is configured based on the user control's properties on which it resides. Several of the key properties alter the SQL Statement for the underlying recordsource. I'm now in a situation where the property that sets the WHERE statement for the SQL Statement needs to tied to a value in the user control's parent FormView. Think of the formview as displaying a customer detail record. The user control takes the customer's account number and then displays data from a related table such as Customer Contact Names. Since the gridview is created before the control's prerender event, working within the prerender event doesn't seem efficient.

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Detect RSS On Webbrowser Control?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm writing a sample web browser with RSS reader, now I'm having a problem that how to detect RSS and get its link? I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Beta.

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Detect Control Click In Form?

Jan 26, 2009

Ok before I get flamed hear me out. I have a form with panels containing tablelayoutpanels containing various amounts of controls that alternate visibility. On the form in its entirety I am looking at roughly 3200 controls most of which are radio buttons.

Now that being said, I am trying to figure out a way to capture what control (mainly radiobutton) is being clicked on through the forms events. So far my attempts have failed with mousedown, mouseclick, etc. Yes I know I can use the "handles radiobutton1.Clicked" event directly. However with that many radiobuttons....I know that there has to be a better way to do this. An API, windows hook, something. So far my efforts to find an alternative method have failed.

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Detect Event In Any Control Into FORM VB

Feb 19, 2012

just now I was trying to capture the F1 key on the form, but only managed when the form is selected, and I need to detect it in any form control. I used this code:

Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.F1
e.Handled = True
End Select

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Forms :: Detect F2 Keypress On Any Control?

Sep 26, 2010

I want to detect F2 keypress as a shortcut to show something.. this is like F1 to show help in

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VS 2005 Detect Mousemove Control?

Aug 26, 2010

I did a research but I can't find what I wanted. How I can detect the mouse that if I have move it or not?

I hope this is the last things I needs for the day.

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Detect A Property Of Type "InvalidOperationException" Within A Collection?

Nov 11, 2010

Consider the following code for an office add-in (for access):

td = db.TableDefs(objectName)
For Each fld In td.Fields
For Each fldprp In fld.Properties


the variable "db" is a .net representation of the access vba return result from "Application.CurrentDB()". "td" is of type "DAO.TableDefClass".This code throws an exception of type "InvalidOperationException" when the value of the fldprp.value property cannot be determined (in Visual Studio, it shows the value as {"Invalid Operation."} in the watch window)., however, is available.

There are only a few properties which this occurs on. I'd like to be able to loop through all the and output the values, but ONLY if it is not an exception. I am pretty sure why it is happening (certain properties are not available in this context). What I need to know is how to detect this at run-time so i can skip the property.

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Detect If A Control Is In The Viewable Area Of A Form?

Aug 27, 2010

if any one knows of a way to determine if a control is currently in the viewable area of the parent form. In example...if I have a form where all controls are visible when the form is maximized, how would I go about determining which controls are no longer visible to the user after they change the window state or form size. To be clear I am not talking about the visible property of a control but rather if the control is actually on screen for the user to see when they do something like resize the main form for instance.

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Detect Mouse Events On Transparent Control?

Aug 18, 2010

I have transparent form with a panel on it also set with a transparent background so you can see rite through it

what im trying to do is when you put the mouse over the panel it displays a picture and when the mouse leaves the picture goes away..the problem is that it doesnt detect the mouse when its over the panel. if i make the form background non-transparent it detects it just fine but i need it to work when both the form and panel are transparent

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How To Detect DocumentReady Event Of WebBrowser Control

Dec 28, 2011

I am trying to get the event firing when document is ready.
Public Class Form1
Public Event DocumentCompleted As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler
Private Sub Main(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Dim frm As New Form1

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Possible To Detect A Form Mouseclick From A User Control

Jan 12, 2012

I have created a User Control and would like to be able to detect when the user clicks on the Form.I have seen this question which is related but the suggestion to use the the Leave event doesn't always do what I want because the focus doesn't necessarily change when the user clicks the Form (my control could be the only control on the Form in which case focus stays with my control).I want to be able to do something like this from within the User Control:[code]

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VS 2008 : Detect Url Click In Webbrowser Control?

Jan 1, 2011

Is there any way to detect when a link is clicked in the webbrowser control? It's loading the same page back again.

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WebBrowser Control Detect Frame Has Loaded?

Jun 14, 2009

I am using the WebBrowser control in VBE 2008 and I would like to know how do I detect when a frame has finished loading. The frame name is "LeftFrame".

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Change Property Value When I Change Name Property Of Control In Desgin Time?

Mar 10, 2010

I inherits textbox Control and I added some new properties to it .one of these properties value i want it to change it's value in desgin time when i change Name property of the new textbox

Public Class NewTextBox
Inherits TextBox
Private _txtSubName As String = String.Empty

That is the property for set or get SubstringName of Textbox

Public Property SubName() As String
Return _txtSubName[code].....

that's the property i want to change it's value when i change Name property of the control.i tried to overrides Name property but it's not overridable also i trieds to overloads it but it doesn't work in desgin time.Here is something i tried but it's wronge.

Private _txtName As String = ""
Public Overloads Property Name() As String

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Detect Click Event For Programmatically Added Control?

Apr 10, 2011

I do a lot of programming in VS 2010 on my Windows XP Pro PC. Recently I tried testing my software on a Windows 7 Home PC. For some reason, all of the controls on my forms are slightly misplaced. I also get a bunch of unhandled exceptions I don't get on my pc. For example, one exception said it couldn't access a registry key. Another said it couldn't find the part of a path (it didnt specify which path). What's up? Why is it doing this? My Win XP PC tricks me into thinking my apps are bug free. Guess not.

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Detect Which Column Is Showing An Editing Control In A Datagridview?

Dec 16, 2009

i have a DataGridView responsible for showing a bit of data and two of my columns allow for user input using comboboxes.The trouble is that one column only needs to show preset values in it's list, but the other needs to both show the presets and allow for the user to enter in their own values.i accomplish this by showing the editing control for the combobox with this bit of code:

Private Sub DGV_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DGV.EditingControlShowing


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Detect Which Keyes Are Pressed On An Infrared MCE Remote Control?

Jun 21, 2010

how to detect which keyes are pressed on an infrared MCE remote control? I'm a n00b, I've searched google, and can't find anything in VB.

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Forms :: Can A Remote Site Detect Webbrowser Control

Nov 26, 2009

I have a webbrowser control on a form and try to navigate to one specific site. It seems to me that the remote detects that call is from a desktop program and redirect it. Is it possible? and if it is how I can hide it.

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Detect Mouse In User Control - Border Color Change?

Dec 28, 2010

I've got a couple of instances of a user control on a flowlayoutpanel. The user control has got a couple of controls on it, and very little / almost none of the control's original space is visible. I need to know when the mouse is inside the usercontrol. What then happens is that the border color changes (of a control in the user control), and when it leaves the control, it changes back to original state.

I tried the following:
Private Sub ctrDashboardWidgetFrame_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseEnter
Catch ex As Exception
[Code] .....

And it works, but it only works when you move over the original visible space of the user control, and doesn't work when you move over the child controls inside the user control. How I'll be able to achieve this to also work while the user is inside the full user control and not just it's visible space?

dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf'

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Detect Alphabetic Or Numeric Key In A Datagridview Control And Send Handled Key To A Textbox?

Feb 6, 2012

I'm working on a Form that contains a datagridview and textbox, I need the datagridview detect any letter of the alphabet or numbers, then select the input and send the key pressed to input.

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Add Property To Custom Control?

Apr 3, 2010

I have created a custom class, which contains a panel and a label on it. I added to this class a pcaption property, which holds the label text. This property is browsable and I can change its value.But when I drag the custom control to the form and change the pcaption property, it has no effect. Even the <Defaultvalue> has no effect. Why?

Here is the class code:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class mypanel
Inherits Windows.Forms.Panel
Private panelcaption As String


Color values are unimportant, you can change it.

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ASP.NET UI Control As Property In Interface

Aug 3, 2011

I have a number of pages which implement the same interface:[code]The function doSomethingToTextBox takes a textBox item as a parameter and performs some action on it.I know the textBox is contained on every page which implements my interface, and that it has the same name on each page.My question is: how can I declare the textBox as an interface property? This will remove the need to pass the textBox as a parameter to doSomethingToTextBox()I must also add that I'm currently accessing the TextBox using get/set methods defined as part of the interface - I don't want to have to implement these methods for each page as they are exactly the same on each page.

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ASP.NET XML Control DocumentContent Property?

Mar 4, 2012

I am using ASP.NET XML control and on Page Load event I am updating its DocumentContent property but the problem is data isn't being shown. The control is empty on page load.

xmlDIMenuSource.DocumentContent = "<Menu><Parent ID="1" Name="Order" SortOrder="1"><Child ID="21" Name="Create an Order" URL="../Order/OrderCapturingv4.aspx?Action=new" SortOrder="1" /><Child ID="32" Name="Import a Style" URL="../Order/OrderCapturingv4.aspx?Action=import" SortOrder="2" /></Menu>";

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C# - Add A New Property To A Third Party Control

Sep 3, 2010

I am working with dev ex controls and on a menu bar item there isnt a property for setting the button to Visible or not Not Visible. Can you add properties like this to pre made controls? If so how would you do it?

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