Detect What Frequency Of The Sound That Is Playing On A Speaker?

Sep 8, 2009

how to detect what frequency of the sound that is playing on a speaker on vb2005. what reference should i have. what function should i use.

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WAV File Play - Detect When A Sound File (WAV) Stops Playing?

Feb 25, 2009

For stopping by, is there a way to detect when a sound file (WAV) stops playing?

e.g.> There is a FORM with a PLAY button on which is coded to play a WAV file. But how does VB detect when the WAV file has finished playing?

Here is the code I have on the PLAY button

My.Computer.Audio.Play("test.wav", AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)

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Create A Tone Sound From Speaker?

Sep 30, 2009

show code for creating several tones to play in my computer speaker that have different frequencies for the tones and have different time lengths the tones play for!

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Detecting A Beep Sound By Speaker In .net?

Oct 26, 2010

i need to make an app which detects if the speaker has given out beep sound or not

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Detecting A Beep Sound By Speaker?

Oct 26, 2010

i need to make an app which detects if the speaker has given out beep sound or not

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Use The Internal System Speaker To Generate Sound?

Jun 12, 2011

I know it is possible to use the internal system speaker to generate sound.

System.Console.Beep(500, 500)

However i was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible and how to go about using said system speaker to speak - MESSAGE YOU ARE NOT AUTHORISED - for example

I am creating an app that allows admin access via a usb key (this is working fine) and i want their system to sound an alarm with a warning message should they try to force thier way into the admin section without the admin usb key.

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Snippet To Retrieve Frequency Of A Sound

Mar 24, 2011

how i can use this snippet to retrieve the frequency of a sound.[code]

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Generate A Beep Sound At A Certain Frequency And Intensity?

Jun 22, 2010

"console.beep(frequency, duration)" is clear to me but if I want to set the intensity of the beep (i.e volume) what is the best way to do it?

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Write A Program In Measures The Frequency Of Sound Inputted From Microphone?

Mar 10, 2009

I want to write a program in that measures the frequency of sound inputted from microphone. What kind of ideas can you offer

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Detect The Frequency Of Audio Coming?

Mar 25, 2009

I am looking to be able to do life frequency detection in I must say I don't really know where to begin here. I have looked into, but that seems to only work with pre-recorded audio. I need to be able to detect the frequency of audio coming in over the line in or mic input in near real-time.

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Use Directx SDK To Detect A Microphone And The Frequency In Hertz (pitch) Of Human Voice?

Aug 29, 2009

How I use Directx SDK to detect a microphone and the frenquency in hertz (pitch) of human voice?

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Playing Sound Using Tapi?

Jan 13, 2008

Im developing a TAPI Applicationi had many problems with Acepting the call and detecting DTMF tones, but now these problems are solved,,, now the problem im facing is to play a wave file to the user who is on the phone...... Is there anyone who can gimme code or tel me how to do this in

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Sound Playing Using Both Channels?

Aug 25, 2010

I am creating a program in VB 2010 that needs to play two synthesized sine waves at the same time, one in the right channel and the other tone in the left channel.

These tones will be 2 slightly different frequencies.

I tried to start a thread a week or so ago, but I did not make it clear exactly what I needed, and did not get my project started yet.

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.net - BSOD While Playing A Sound Resource?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a VB.NET application that crashes on a client's computer with a BSOD error... KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR.This error occurs at a point where my program does two things:

Locks the computer
Plays a sound in BackgroundLoop mode

For locking the work station, I am just using this:

<DllImport("user32")> _
Public Shared Sub LockWorkStation()
End Sub

For playing the sound, I am doing this:

My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetStream("somesound"), AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)

Now, this sound loops until the user logs back in. My software detects the session state switch and stops playing the sound. Sometimes when I log back in, the sound card plays garbage data for a split second, instead of the rest of the audio buffer. I get the impression that this has something to do with session switching.Could my client be having an issue where there is memory corruption occurring at the point of locking the computer?I apologize for the vagueness of this post... I am not sure where to begin as I cannot reproduce the problem myself.

Edit: If the sound is left to play on its own, even without locking the computer, eventually the computer will lock up and then bluescreen. Playing the sound while locking at the same causes it to happen sooner.

Edit #2: So I've seen it fail now. The sound loop starts playing correctly but quickly switches to looping of garbage data. It's as if it is just reading a random location in memory and looping that. Very strange behavior!

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Application - Playing WIndows Sound

Sep 11, 2009

I want to have a applacation then wehen somthing happens (like, uhh a error message but without the message box.) what would be the code that plays the windows alert sounds, and one that applies to the current sound scheme i have running.

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Make The Sound Repeat Itself After It Is Done Playing?

May 10, 2011

Here is the code that I have that plays a certain sound

Dim Alarm As System.Media.SoundPlayer = New System.Media.SoundPlayer(Steven_Anderson_HW5.My.Resources.Alarm)

Well, is there a way to make the sound repeat itself after it is done playing?

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Playing All Sound Formats In Pocket Pc?

Jul 2, 2009

I want to play all sound formats in visual basic pocket pc.I'm using visual studio 2005 . net

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VS 2008 - Playing MP3 Over Certain Sound Device?

Nov 26, 2009

I've been looking for a way to play an MP3 file over a specific sound device for a while now and I just haven't been able to find any decent code examples in VB.NET. Basically I need a way to find and list all the sound devices on the system and then play an MP3 file over one of them. I have found code examples in C# and similar but I couldn't find any VB.NET code.

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ListBox - Playing Sound When Click One Of Names In LI

Sep 20, 2009

I made a Listbox but there is an issue.. I want to play a sound when I click one of the names in the listbox.

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Playing A Short Sound On Timer Tick?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm writing a metronome program (a.k.a. click track; it's used for keeping you in time in music), and can't for ther life of me figure out how to play a sound byte (a short beep) as the beat.

I know I need to place this code in the Timer Tick event, but I just have no idea how to import/reference etc. the sound.

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VS 2008 : Application To Get Any Sound Playing From Pc And Play It?

Dec 6, 2009

Is their a way for my application to get any sound playing from my pc and play it?

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VS 2010 Display Text While A Sound Is Playing?

Nov 20, 2010

How can I display text while a sound is playing? It keep pausing until the sound has completed.

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Forms :: Stop The Sound In Form1 From Playing When Form2 Open?

May 30, 2009

im trying to open another form2/app that have music but i wanna stop the sound in form1 from playing when form2 open?

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Use WinAPI Recording And Playing Sound Without To Output To A File In VB Language?

Nov 19, 2007

I want to make a function to record the sound and then to play the record,like the telephone. I have ever download some articles,but they were all too complex,or they have too many unassociate code,so I can not understand the courses of the recording and playing.I want to get some code here?

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Detect Sound VB And VC++

Nov 16, 2008

iam need 1 program detect sound on computer if have sound it will alert " currently have sound"if not" currently no sound"

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Get Atleast Noise Level Coming Out Of Speakers / Draw A Graph And Detect Peak At When Sound Is Played?

Feb 3, 2011

I was just thinking if there is any component which monitors sound output. My intention is to recognize a particular sound coming out from my soundcard. I know its an issue about the driver of my sound card but is there a way I can get atleast noise level coming out of my speakers and maybe draw a graph and detect the peak at when the sound is played?

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Get Media Playing Now Playing Using Sendmessege / Wmp.dll?

Jan 22, 2010

How I can get the Media playing now playing using Sendmessege or wmp.dll?

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Capture Sound - Using Mcisendstring Function But The Sound Quality, Is Poor?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a question about of capture sound function, someone have a code example for visual basic 2010 in windows 7?, I tried using mcisendstring function but the sound quality, is poor.

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Play Another Sound (like A Beep) When Desired Without Stopping The Background Sound?

Apr 19, 2009

I have background sound loop with the My.Computer.Audio and it works fine. I want to play another sound (like a beep) when desired without stopping the background sound. Several examples I have found don't seem to work. I am in VB.NET 2008 Professional.

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VS 2010 Adding Sound To A 3D Game / Finding A Sound Library?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm ready to start adding sound to a 3D game and I'm looking for a decent Free would not require DX and be something like:

dim MySound as SoundLib.Sound
MySound = SoundLib.LoadSound("soundfile.wav")

SoundLib.Play3DWorld(Location.X, Location.Y, Location.Z, VolumeModifier, MySound)so far all Im finding is expensive, C#, old, or not .NET compatible.

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