Develop A Generic Web Config Analyzer?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm attempting to develop a generic web config analyzer. Basically it would be a class that analyzes the content of the web.config on app start and crashes if there are invalid or missing keys but also offers strongly typed values rather than strings.I've created a specific class in the past that works well this is the code, its rather simple.but, what i want to do now is find a way to have a base class that provides basic functionality like key validation and finding missing keys, but i also want to be able to provide a specialized class that offers strongly typed values.well, its like what it is now, except that currently, my base class which is a singleton, declares a type of AWIConfigValues. I need to find a way to make that declaration generic. I thought about creating an interface and have the base class declare that except that the interface has to declare the properties to have them strongly typed.So what im trying to do is have a generic base class, possibly a generic specialized class and a bunch of custom interfaces , then use reflection in a funky way.

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Sound Analyzer Using .net?

Oct 15, 2009

I'm looking for some codes which analyze what are the guitar chords used in a song or after recording from a microphone.Actually I dont have any ideas how to start.The title of my assignment is Guitar Chords Reader and Scale Converter.

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Web Log Analyzer For Iis Logs

Dec 17, 2011

I would like a web log analyzer for iis logs. I dont mind paying for one but would prefer a free one. Also I want to log analyzer to determine if it is a real user or a search engine spider sorry if this is off topic, I did not find a good place to post this

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Is There A Concept Of "Generic Structure" Similar To Generic Collections, Generic Classes

Dec 16, 2009

We have migrated our Vb6 application to VB.NET using a third party tool. Now we are in a process of Refactoring and introducing object oriented concepts in the application.

In VB6, we were using structures in many places. As a part of introducing object oriented programming,

1. is it a good idea of changing all Structures to Classes? or Is there a concept of "Generic Structure" similar to Generic collections, Generic classes?

2. Can some one guide me any source containing guide lines or best practices for applications that are migrated to VB.NET from VB6 and implementing object oriented programmaing.

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VS 2010 Creating Simple Poker Hand Analyzer?

Mar 20, 2012

I am trying my hand at making a simple poker hand analyzer in VB 2010 for a distance education intro to VB course at my school.My goal is to represent the cards in a table array. Rows are suits Clubs/Diamonds/Hearts/Spades and columns are values (A, 1, 2... K). However I have no clue how to design a Sub procedure that will recognize the hand the user inputs and add any possible results to a listbox (fourkind/threekind/pair/flush/straight/ace high straight). I don't understand how exactly I'm supposed to do this. My criteria isn't very strict. I can have a hand with more than one description, like a fullhouse + threekind + pair can all be used to describe one hand.

What I think I need to do is split the entered string to get 5 strings (each is a card). Then somehow find these in the table? I have no idea how to do this and I'm stumped... The instructions loosely call to look for a boolean value where cards(i,j) is set to 1 of the player is dealt card j in suit i. But I do not know how to achieve this.

As you can see my understanding on VB is extremely... basic (no pun intended). It's my first time ever learning a computer language, and I really regret taking this course via distance ed because the instructor and the TA absolutely refuse to communicate with the students. I am trying my best to practically self-teach with the thick text book.

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Make Table Query Analyzer In Visual Studio 2005

Dec 1, 2011

I am trying to "make table" query. Below is my texT


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DB/Reporting :: Test A Number Of Stored Procedures Through SQL Server Query Analyzer?

Mar 17, 2008

I am trying to test a number of stored procedures through SQL Server Query Analyzer. But am stuck when I try to test stored procedures that contain Output parameters.

DECLARE @Counterbigint
DECLARE @GUIDuniqueidentifier
exec usp_tbl_User_Add @Counter, @GUID, 'UserName', 'First Name','Surname',


When I put the Select statement though in the 'usp_tbl_User_Add' stored procedure in works fine and gives me the correct values.

View 2 Replies - Getting Configuration Settings From Web.config/app.config Using Class Library

Mar 26, 2009

I have a class library (Named ADI), that needs some configuration settings from the project using it (like connectionstring, filesystem locations etc).

I want to define these settings in my Windows Forms/Web Projects App.Config or Web.Config, like other settings.

Here is part of my app.config for my windows forms application:

<setting name="ADIImageRoot" serializeAs="String">


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C# :: Validate Dot Net Application Config File(ex, App.exe.config) On Console?

Jan 18, 2010

is there any tool to validate configuration file?

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.net - Can A Generic Version Of A Derived Class Override A Base Method Using The Generic Type

Apr 13, 2012


Public MustInherit Class Column
Public ReadOnly Property ReturnSomethingUseful() As Object
'return something useful


But this gives the following error:

Public Overrides Function ParseValue(sValue As String) As Boolean'
cannot override 'Public Overridable Function ParseValue(sValue As String) As Object'
because they differ by their return types.

I accept that you can't do this, but I'd like to be able to preserve the semantics of what I'm. trying to do, which is to have an untyped version that deals with Object, but a typed version in derived classes that knows about the specific type T.

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.net - Determining A Generic Type At Runtime In Non-Generic Class

Aug 14, 2010

I have a Journal that records entries for different types: Journal(Of ParentT)


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Construct A Generic Interface Class With Generic Functions

Nov 25, 2011

I am trying to construct a generic interface class with generic functions. My goal was to use this to implement multiple worker classes for database interaction that have the same basic functionality. Each class will deal with different object for example, category, product or supplier but unless the the functions in the interface are generic that this won't work.This is the interface code that I have but I don't know if I have done it correctly. [code]

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.net - Creating A Generic List Of A Generic Type

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to create a list of a generic type in 2.0 framework.
This is the generic type definition:

Public Class GenericParamMap(Of T)
Public Sub New(ByVal pParamName As String, ByVal pPropValue As T)
mParamName = pParamName


The compiler does not allow a "T" in the method's parameter because it's not defined, but I'm not sure how or where to define it. I thought it was okay to have a generic method definition.

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Generic Cannot Instantiate Instance Of The Generic Type With New?

Feb 8, 2012

I am trying to write a generic method, to avoid code duplication, which will create or activate a Form as an MDI children, based on its type. But I have to lines in error (see comments).


View 4 Replies - Class Needs Info From Either The Web.config Or App.config

Jul 6, 2011

Our main application has both a and winforms component. There is a class that is used by both sides and needs info from either the web.config or app.config files. The class itself does not know if it's on the client side or on the web server (at this point). We are getting errors when it's attempting read app.config when it's on the web side. Is there a way for the class to tell if it needs to read web.config or app.config?

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VS 2008 Accessing Something With A Generic Generic?

Jun 19, 2012

If i have an object that implements an interface (and don't know the exact object) i can call a sub (DoSomething) by going:

Dim iObj = trycast(something, iInterface)
if iObj isnot nothing then
end if

How can I do this for a Generic? such as...

Public Class TestClass(of T)
Public sub DoSomething()
end class

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Multithreading - Modify A Generic Invoke Method To A Generic BeginInvoke Method?

Oct 7, 2010

I have been using a pretty slick generic invoke method for UI updating from background threads. I forget where I copied it from (converted it to VB.NET from C#), but here it is: Public Sub InvokeControl(Of T As Control)(ByVal Control As t, ByVal Action As Action(Of t))


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Sql - When Run The Query In Query Analyzer, It Returns One Row But When Use The Same Query, No Rows Are Returned?

Aug 19, 2010

Here is the code:

Function getData(ByVal id As String)
Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim statement As String


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Overload Operator In Generic Class With Generic Interface Of Super Class And Inherit Class?

Jan 21, 2010

I can do this without problem.

Class A
End Class
Class B : Inherit A
End Class
Dim Obj1 As A = New B

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Develop A ASP.Net Web Application Using C# Or VB?

Jun 22, 2011

I am new to this forum and I would like some help from my respected seniors.I am trying to develop a ASP.Net Web Application using C# or VB. First of all prefer me whether C# would be easy or VB for the following scenario:Below are the requirements:

1. For All Users:

Text-chat feature will allow users to chat with the available online users.

2. For Registered User:Allow users to create new folders and sub-folders, to store (upload) files.Allow users to perform move/copy/delete operations on folders and files. The percentage of storage capacity remaining and used should be displayed on the top. Automatic versioning system will record the version/revision information when a file is replaced/overwritten Team management feature will allow users to work in teams (by inviting other existing registered users). The activities of the team include access to the password protected area for the team, uploading files, commenting on the uploaded files (discussion), polls, automatic and manual reminders to the team members.

3. For Administrator:

Approve/Reject new team requests; update/delete existing teams.View all the files and folders uploaded on the server.Allow to perform delete operation on any existing file/folder existing on the server.Delete account for any registered user.Define and Edit storage capacity and other limits such as Maximum file size allowed for uploading.


1) As, every user will have his/her own PERSONAL profile page then how will the system redirect the user to his/her PERSONAL profile page after hitting Login?

2) How this chatting feature can be developed?

3) How this storage capacity would be assigned overall?

4) How Administrator will manage all this?

I am totally confused.I have developed SRS as well. but in coding I am totally stuck as I am not so good in coding. I thought Visual Studio 2010 would help me effectively in this case, and I am trying but couldn't find any way for this to be done.

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Develop Apps For PC And Mac?

Mar 19, 2012

I need to develop some apps that will be accessed from both PC and macs. Can this be done with visual Studio 2010?

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Develop For MonoTouch Using .NET Rather Than C#?

Dec 29, 2010

Is there any way to develop for MonoTouch using VB.NET, rather than C#?

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Develop POS Program In VB?

Aug 9, 2011

Want to develop POS program in visual basic?

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How To Develop A Standard C#

Oct 5, 2009

So, I don't want this to get into a flame war between C# and VB.NET developers. This is purely from a standpoint of a development department going forward. We've been a VB.NET company for years, but that was mainly due to who we've hired. That requirement has fallen off the wayside as of late, as we've pulled in 2 guys who specialize in C#. I used to be a C++/C# guy before converting to VB.NET for this company.

So, to everyone who has to deal with this whether on a hiring basis or a maintainability basis: how do you handle standardizing languages of choice going forward? I'm inclined to make a push for C#, as that'll make 3 solid C# developers here. But just curious what everyone's thoughts on this are.

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How To Develop A VB Compiler

Mar 14, 2011

I am underway to develop a VB.Net compiler using visual studio 2005, but so far I am not aware on how to go about, regarding to what are the key requirements or skills required for developing a compiler.

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How To Develop Plugin

Dec 15, 2010

i need to develop a plugin to evaluate web interfaces. Can someone guide me about how to develop plugin in vb 2008 express.

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VS 02/03 Develop Under NET 1.1 And Run On Windows 7 (x64)?

Jan 20, 2010

I develop an VB application unter XP with VS 2003 (.NET 1.1).

Is it possible to run it on a system with Windows 7 (x64) or do i have to change my programming environment ???

The code itself is in a directory on a windwos server and the workstation has only
a link to the EXE-file server01programsigiksigik.exe. until VISTA, it worked, if i call .net configuration wizard and give "full trust" to "intranet".

can i install .net on a pc with windows 7 ?

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.net - Develop Accumulator Codes?

Nov 7, 2009

This is for I've been working to develop a system which involves computation.What I've been trying to develop in my program is, I have a textbox where user will enter a numeric value,there is a button and a label below and in the first place the label should be set to zero. Everytime you enter a numeric value in the textbox and click the button it should add the value in the label and should save the value in the label so even if you exit the program whatever the last value displayed in the label should remain the same when run the program again,I believe it requires a database to save the value.Basically its like with payment system which saves the total amount of all payments made.

This is how should it works,say for example,if you will enter 1,2,3 it should save the sum value which is 6 in the label even if you close the program and when you run it again and enter another value it should add to the current value which is 6.

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Begin To Develop EDI 837 Professional?

Feb 2, 2011

I want to develop an EDI 837 Professional project and I don't understand from where to start. If anybody knows about this & have worked on it then please help me & give me advice where do I start from ?

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Compile A Develop Software?

Jul 25, 2009

I have a problem when trying to compile a develop software. I get this registration error.

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