Display Purposes Anymore And For Other Access Could Use Tabcontrol

May 26, 2012

I have a user control which consists of a dataviewgrid with some extra panels controls etc.I have just updated this program from an old version of vb where the tab control was just a row of tabs with no actual child pages attached.so to use several of these userControls (called 'Pages' from now on) a Panel was created and placed underneath the tabs to give the illusion of tabpages.when a user clicked a tab the relevant 'Page' was brought to the top of the Z order. This was accomplished with a directory of the 'Pages'..This all worked fine until I decided to change to using the TabControl in VS 2010.

So I didn't need the Panel anymore I just added the 'Pages' to the TabPages instead and I could also get rid of the directory to access the pages as it is not needed for display purposes anymore and for other access I could use the Tabcontrol.TabPages collection instead.Now when each 'page' is created and setup the dataviewgrid is loaded with a Table and the columns are re-ordered.I am loading approx 20 'pages' to the tabcontrol 1 to each newly created tabpage obviously. this is done using using a for each loop from a DB table.now the problem is that the first 'page' dataview grid has the columns re-ordered but none of the others do ! the Data is fine it's just the column order that's wrong.the same code is used for all (The setup is method of the 'Page') and i have stepped through the code and it all works OK with no exceptions. no code is missed but the grid order is OK for the first 'page' but not the others.everything else works fine the 'Pages' are all on the TabPages and the data is OK..Now comes the really weird bit! if I add the 'page' to the old unused panel before i add it to the Tabpage all the grids are re-ordered fine as in [code] Now the Panel is visible but not on screen if you see what i mean obviously if i move it on screen it's empty as the 'page' control can only be in one place and it's on the Tabcontrol..so why is it working ONLY when I add it first to the unused Panel? what is happening here? Oh BTW it only works for this Panel - not if i create a new one and add it to that..AND if the Panel Visible property is set to false the columns are not re-ordered again? I have tried deleting the panel and all code that uses it but the grids are not ordered properly till i re-instate the panel?

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Way To Anchor An Object To A Datagridview Cell For Display Purposes?

Jul 1, 2009

I have a datagridview that is scrollable due to number of columns necessary.When I edit a cell, I display a multi-column listview that shows the item that will fill the cell in the first column and some form of description or other information in the second and sometimes third column (this should answer why I didn't use a combobox in the column in the first place).When I display the listview, when I scroll the datagridview, the listview stays put (as is the obvious). Is there a method to anchor, for want of whatever the proper term is, the listview object to the datagridview cell associated with it so when I scroll, the listview also moves? Or do you have to do calculations and adjust the positioning and repaint the object?

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Always Display A Control On The Curently Active Tab Of A TabControl?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a tab control with two tabs. Both tabs have controls which are unique to them, but there is one control which I would like to always appear on whichever tab is currently active. I figure I just need to add some code to TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(). I tried

MyControl.Parent = TabControl1.TabPages(
MyControl.Parent.Update() ' is this necessary?


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VS 2008 : Using TabControl And Button To Display Objects?

Apr 18, 2011

I am currently working on an OOP assignment based on vehicles as classes. The classes, attributes and object lists have been completed so far. In my main menu form, I have a tabControl from which each page displays is related to each class. Within each page, labels are included displaying attributes of the first related object in the list. There are also two buttons in each page for scrolling between each listed object from the same class. I want these forward/back buttons to be able to retrieve attributes from the next object in the object list and have them displayed in their relevant labels.

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.net With Access - Load Different Database On Tabcontrol?

Jun 21, 2010

I have 1 tabcontrol with 2 tabpages, each tabpage with 1 datagridview (different tables for each), I load these 2 databases on the form load:

Dim sql1 As String
Dim con1 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=C:UsersuserDesktophonor.mdb")


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Code Don't Work On One Server Anymore

Jun 30, 2010

For a month now I cannot see one of my servers disk info anymore. I have tryd with both of this codes.On the first code I get this error "Failed to optasin Server Information".[code]On my second code to just give disk space on c: I get this error "Drive already mapped" and "Drive not available or forlder not accesabile".[code]

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Combo Boxes If One Value Is Chosen - The Other Won't Have That Value Anymore

Jun 5, 2011

I have four comboxes all containing A,B,C,D. My problem is if I have chosen letter A on the first combobox, the last three won't have letter A anymore, then on the second combobox, if letter B is chosen, the last two will have C and D and so on.

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 Playlist Not Working Anymore?

Mar 18, 2010

When i click a song in Playlist1, when it's finished it goes to the next one.But when i click a song in Playlist2, and when that one is finished, it goes to the next song in Playlist1. I don't know whats wrong in my code, i've been looking through it finding the mistake, but i just can't find it. I actually need it in 2 days so if anyone could help me it would be great.

View 11 Replies

[2005] App Won't Build / Debug Anymore

Mar 8, 2009

For the last half an hour, whatever changes I make in my app, when I hit the green arrow to start debugging nothing changes. The app seems to be running from a previous build?There's no error/warnings/messages on build.

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IDE :: Collapse Multiple definitions For Organizational Purposes?

Jul 19, 2009

is it possible to collapse multiple definitions for organizational purposes.Here is an example, I have multiple Subs like below:

Private Sub B24B_Click ...

Private Sub B24H_Click ...

Private Sub B25M_Click ...

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Writing To SQL Database Manually (for Education Purposes)

Sep 18, 2009

I'm building an application that is intended to function off and online using the new Local Database Cache functionality included with Visual Studio 2008. My issue however does not pertain to that directly, as I have a pretty good understanding of how to use it and how it functions. My issue is with getting an understanding on how to directly write to a SQL database.

Most of the tutorials, videos and education available when it comes to databinding makes the assumption that I need my application to pull data and edit it, but in my case all I really need (in fact intentionally all I want) is for the application on Submit to write data that it pulls from the form as a new record in a SQL table.

Here is what the program looks like now.

Public Class StatCom
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


At the moment the program simply does a status check for connectivity and wether it can ping the server (in this case the SQL server) for the purpose of displaying a online or offline status in the form.

I follow it up by making the status checks.

Finally I declare all the various fields I want to capture and write to the database.

What I want to do now is have a SUBMIT button that on click takes all the data in the form and writes a new record to the database I have already setup and have data connection to.

I know that the code has to be written using the .recordset functionality, but I haven't found any could tutorials on the subject that have turned on the light upstairs.

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Nothing Is Printed In Debug Output Window Anymore

Dec 24, 2010

Nothing is printed in my debug output window anymore.

.Print does nothing.
"Debug > Output" shows empty Output window.
Note: "Tools / Options / Debugging / General / Redirect all Output" is checked.
software developer

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Statements Auto-fill Don't Work Anymore

Jul 24, 2011

I don't know what can I done, but suddently the statements autofill don't work anymore.I.e., I write Me. the window with the options appears, but if a write c (for close) the Close statement don't highlights, and I have to write the entire word.

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VS 2008 - Windows 7 API - Number Isn't Even Negative Anymore

Jul 11, 2010

My problem is with the following API.

Private Declare Function GetKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal keyCode As Integer) As Integer In Windows XP, I could simply use the API like this: If GetKeyState(Keys.Left) < 0 Then 'Move Left If the key was pressed, it was a certain number below 0, the number itself alternated each time you pressed the key but it was always below 0.

My problem is that in Windows 7, when you press the Left key, the number isn't the same, in fact the number isn't even negative anymore. This problem tricked me at first into thinking the API didn't even work as when I ran the .exe of course my code did nothing since GetKeyState never returned a number below 0. I tested the value itself though and found that it never goes negative, the number for the key just decreases a little.

The weird thing is, while the .exe from the Debug folder proved my point that the GetKeyState number was different and thus the program didn't work, running the .exe from the Release folder actually worked, the controls were fine and the API returned numbers less than 0 for GetKeyState. But the .exe from the release folder was built with my old XP computer, as soon as I made a new build with my windows 7 computer the API stopped working again.

Why did Windows 7 change the number returned for when the key is down, is there a way to change it back without having to include some large package with my program? Why did the build from my XP computer work at first? Also it was only the one from the release folder, not the debug one, even though they were both from the XP computer.

I tested some more on windows 7 and found that every time I run the program, the number returned by GetKeyState is completely different. When the key is down the number is 1,000,000 units higher than up, but other than that the number is random each program start.

View 19 Replies

Generate A Document With Data From A Database For Printing Purposes?

May 8, 2011

I'm developing a system to generate a water bill for a local area.In it i need to print out the bill from using the data from the database. how to generate & print the bill in vb.net.

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Make A Facebook Application For Messages Purposes Means From That App?

Apr 30, 2011

i want to make a facebook application for messages purposes means from that app i want to send and receive messages only?

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Asp.net - DropDownList Throws An Error When A ListItem Is Not Present Anymore?

Mar 3, 2012

The application that I am working on is a Service Desk App. I have a form there that uses a DropDownList that contains employees names coming from the Active Directory. Any employee can make a request and save it. Problem arises when an employee leaves the company and consequently his account is deleted from the Active Directory. When some other employee searches the DB to finds a relevant Service Ticket that could be of his use, when tries to open it an error is thrown that indicates that the name does not exist in the DropDownList items.

UPDATE:I am adding some code so that it can be more clear.

<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"


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VS 2008 Why A Code Doesn't Work Anymore After Compile The App

Jan 29, 2010

i have a simple code that send an e-mail, when i try it running in debug mode it works fine, after compile, i run the exe but the same code doesn't work any more..

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.net - VB2010: Viewing Object Structure For Learning/Visualization Purposes?

Sep 2, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to take an object in Visual Basic 2010 (Express, FWIW) and browse through its structure to visualize how the data inside is laid out.For example, I have an object called "model" that is populated by a function that is a black box to me. Model is set by a "read" function that loads a DXF file from disk. The read function isn't very well-documented.

What I've discovered is that model.Entities ends up containing a list of different objects, all with different properties. I'd like to be able to simply browse this list of objects and view their associated properties and values at run-time, similar to how you can use Intellisense to view a list simply by typing "blah." and waiting for the pop-up to appear.A tree view that you can pop open and closed would be excellent. Obviously this has to work during run-time rather than in the editor because the file hasn't been loaded if the program isn't running.

Is this something that's possible in Visual Basic 2010? Is it a built-in feature I can't find?

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Interface And Graphics :: Place Controls In ASP.Net Table For Formatting Purposes?

Aug 5, 2010

I am using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express and making a Webform. I want to arrange my labels and drop down listboxes in a table to keep them together on the form in a neatly manner. If I use the 'ToolBox' on the side and drag a HTML table to the workspace I get a nicely formatted table with 3 rows and 3 columns. And I can drag and drop my labels/listboxes into these columns and all is fine and good.

If I use the 'ToolBox' and drag a ASP.Net table to the workspace it starts as just a boarder with '###' inside of it, which I cannot drap and drop controls into. I'm not sure how to place controls into it. I figured out that you can add the Rows - then Columns in the properties window, but that just adds more cells which have the '###' in them. I can make it work with the HTML table, but I just want to know if I can do the same with the ASP.net table.

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VS 2008 Can't Override ToString Of List(of T) For Purposes Of Property Grid?

Dec 13, 2011

Just say i have:

Public Class Something
Inherits List(Of String)


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If The Packet Received Is Over A Certain Size, The Socket Then Fails To Receive Anymore Packets/data After It?

Jul 4, 2011

I'm writing a program which uses sockets, Now the issue I'm having is, If the packet received is over a certain size, the socket then fails to receive anymore packets/data after it.

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Method Which Check If A Certain DSN Exists Then If It Does Extract Information And Use Information For Connection Purposes

Feb 2, 2011

I was looking for some stuff online, and i was looking through my reference sheets for vb.net, but it seems in the code i have found, there is declare in methods. Below is an example i am talking about. The thing is, that i dont recognize it and believe that it is an earlier version of Visual Basic ( 6 or earlier) which used it. Should i just keep looking for different code?

Public Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal _
lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long

Goal: Find information on how to implement a method which will check if a certain DSN exists, and then if it does, extract the information and use the information for connection purposes.

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Override Date.Now Or Date.Today For Debugging Purposes In An Asp.net Web Application?

Aug 5, 2011

We have a very massive system where reports are run off dates from specific days through to today's date using various definitions of "GenerateSalesReport(DateStart, Date.Now)". For debugging purposes I want to simulate reports that occurred in the past so I need to change the object "Date.Now" to a specific date from the past on my development environment. Can you override date.Now?

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Get A Button (btnWisBedrijf) That Only Deletes The Company (Bedrijf In TblBedrijf) If It Doesn't Excists Anymore In TblKandidaat (Bedrijf)?

May 31, 2011

I have a database with 2 tables. One is a table with persons and one of the entries is also saved in another table.

tblKandidaat = person info (Bedrijf, Naam, Status)
tblBedrijf = Companies (Bedrijf)

I have a listbox (lbxBedrijf) that is filled with the companies (Bedrijf) from tblBedrijf.I want a button (btnWisBedrijf) that only deletes the company (Bedrijf in tblBedrijf) if it doesn't excists anymore in tblKandidaat (Bedrijf).

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Display Random ID# From An Access Db?

Aug 9, 2009

my form is connection to an access db ....called Quiz.db , it has 10,000 questions and answers , i want to click button and generate random question with correct answer , so ID# of record must be random on load and click next?

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Display The Tables From Access?

Oct 5, 2009

im a newbiw in vb and i really dont have any idea on how to display the tables in mydatabase into my vb.. should i use a datagridview or a combobox or something?

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How To Display Image In Vb From Access

Oct 11, 2009

how to display the pictures stored in my access in a picturebox?...

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Display Access Table In Datagridview?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a table in Access called 'tblRealTime' with a few rows of data and I want to display it in a DataGridView object on my form. When I run the program I get no errors but nothing shows up in the datagrid. My code is below:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|K0201227Project.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;"


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Display All Fields Of A Row From MS Access To A Listbox In .Net?

Mar 17, 2012

I'm trying to pull all records and fields from a MS Access table. My fields are: numOne, operator, numTwo and result. I'd like to display those fields in a listbox as the following output: 1(numOne) +-/*(operator) 2(numTwo) = 3(result) or simply 1 + 2 = 3. I was able to get some coding going. The problem that I have is that I'm not finding a way to add the fields on the same line, since I can find the right syntax to have all fields added together.

Dim ConnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersLeo DaCostaDesktopAPUVB AdvancedDaCosta Weeks 5-6MathOp.accdb"
Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM MathOp"
Dim myConnection As New OleDbConnection(ConnString)


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