Establish If Webpage Exists?

Feb 20, 2009

is it possible to establish if a url exists?

The reason is I want to establish if the server is active or not.

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Check If Webpage Exists And See If It Contains String?

Jan 7, 2010

I need to check if a webpage exists if it does whether a certain string exists anywhere on the page. Preferably I'd like to do this without a webbrowser control, so that images don't have to be downloaded and it doesn't have to be rendered.

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VS 2008 Determine If Element On Webpage Exists?

May 9, 2009

Just like the title says, I have a webbrowser and I need to determine if the element exists or not before I invoke it.

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Can't Establish A Connection To SQL Server?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2000 for my desktop application..I'm having a SQL Server exception saying that "connection can't be established to the server.hen connecting to SQL Server 2005 this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. Also showing

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Cannot Establish Connection Using Odbc?

Jan 5, 2012

i have 2003 access database. why i cannnot connect to my database using the code below?

Public BioCon As New Odbc.OdbcConnection
Public GAdp As Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter

Public Function Execute(ByVal Qry As String, ByVal Con As Odbc.OdbcConnection) As Boolean


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Can't Seem To Establish A Connection Between My Two P2P Applications Over The Internet

Sep 14, 2010

I just can't seem to establish a connection between my two P2P applications over the internet(LAN works perfectly fine).

I have tried the following.
- Disabling Firewall
- Changing Port

The only way I can establish a connection is if I'm connecting to the same computer using the universal IP or the local. Does anyone have a fix for this? Oh and here is the error that I receive when trying to connect over the internet:

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor(String hostname, Int32 port)
at P2P_Client.Form1.Msgtxt_KeyDown(Object sender, KeyEventArgs e) in C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\VB Projects\P2P-Client\P2P-Client\Form1.vb:line 32

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Cannot Establish Bluetooth Connection With Desktop In Vb?

Oct 15, 2010

i use vb 2008 office 2007 , it's a powerpoint add-in application. I need to use a window form as a bluetooth interface.the working procedure is like that when i click the Enum button, it will help me to search for available bluetooth devices.but now i have an error, it shows "WCL ERROR: Specified transfer is not available"


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Create A Program That Can Establish A SSH Connection?

Nov 28, 2011

I have being trying without success to create a program that can establish a SSH connection with [URL] on a changeable post with a set username and password. The program when done will configure IE proxy settings and establish a SSH connection to [URL] to allow the user to browse the internet without restrictions.

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Way To Establish A Connection For Use With An ADO.NET Command Object?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm designing a web service in ASP.NET and VS2008, and am using typed datasets for retrieving table data. These work well and establish their own connections through their associated TableAdapter objects. Edit: I'm using VB, BTW!I am now attempting to run a custom SQL string using a DataAdapter and a Command object, however I need to reference a Connection object in order for the Command to work. What is the best way to handle this?hould I:a) Create a global connection object using Global.asax, retrieving the connection string from web.config? (I've been trying that one already, with not much success)b) Create a class-level connection object using the InitialiseComponent method, also retrieving the ConnectionString from web.config?c) Retrieve a Connection from one of the TableAdapters that I've already created in my typed DataSets?d) Something else I haven't thought of yet?

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Could Not Establish Secure Channel For SSL/TLS For SOAP Call?

Oct 20, 2010

Our core server is calling out to a soap web service over https on a number of different servers to confirm that a transaction has completed.The code is dotnet 3.5 (vb) and works for the various callback services we have set up until we just moved a new one into production and it is refusing to communicate, giving the following error:Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNegotiationException:Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority -> System.Net.WebException: The request washe case here.

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Could Not Establish Trust Relationship For SSL / TLS Secure Channel

Sep 22, 2009

I am new to ssl. I am trying to Post some data to OWA using httpwebrequest class using following code.
Dim post As Stream
post = web1.GetRequestStream
post.Write(data, 0, data.Length)
But when I try to get request stream to submit data using above code.(JUST PART OF CODE).i get following error. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

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Could Not Establish Trust Relationship For The SSL / TLS Secure Channel

Jun 13, 2011

here is my code


my problem is how can i pass the SSL certificate cause im using https in my request,

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Could Not Establish Trust Relationship For The SSL/TLS Secure Channel

Sep 20, 2009

i am trying to Post some data to OWA using httpwebrequest class.

Dim post As Stream
post = web1.GetRequestStream
post.Write(data, 0, data.Length)

but when i try to get request stream to submit data using above code.(JUST PART OF CODE).i get following error.The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

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Establish Connection With Sql Server 2005 Database?

Sep 15, 2009

I want to know how to connect sql server 2005 to windows application

1)is there any connection string ?

2)if so i am using windows authendication in sql server 2005 management studio so am not entering any user id and

password to enter in sql server

3)so what should be the userid and password for the connection string can any one send me a sample code that i can refar

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Establish Link In Windows For Serial Communication?

Oct 11, 2011

how to create an application in vb 2010 platform to serial communication port for Mifare module with using command sets defined by the firmware.

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Using Datediff To Establish Difference Between Two Dates Using Datetimepicker?

Jul 19, 2009

I'm using datediff to establish difference between two dates using datetimepicker.i.m nnot getting the right results. a one day difference returns a 0, a two day difference returns a 1 etc. the code I am using is posted below.

days = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, dtpStart.Value(), dtpEnd.Value())

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VS 2005 - Establish A Connection Between PC And Mobile Through IP Address

Oct 28, 2009

I want to start a new project on PC and Mobile Phone. But i'm still have so many question about the communication between PC and Mobile.

My project List:
1) My idea is establish a connection between PC and Mobile through IP address in first, but my question is 'How to do it' ? izit same like PC to PC by using Winsock open a port to access? i'm using VB.Net 2005 for PC and Net60 for mobile.

2)My mobile phone Nokia 6220 Symbian OS is support GPRS/3G. Since the GPRS/3G can connect to the internet, izit means mobile itself have a IP address and service provider in order to surf the web? So, can i connect my mobile phone to PC through this gateway?

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Url - Open Webpage (or Snapshot Of Webpage) Into Another Webpage

Mar 10, 2010

i have an aspx page with back end. in that page i get names and url's from the database depending on different conditions. My requirement is that when i get the url, the code should then use that url and have that webpage in a small preview form on my existing aspx page. so basically i have a table as follows -


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A Program That Uses Constants To Establish The Base Pay, The Quota, And The Commission Rate?

May 6, 2009

I need to write a program that uses constants to establish the base pay, the quota, and the commission rate. The Pay menu item calculates and displays the commission and the total pay for that person. However, if there is no commission, do not display the commission amount (do not display a zero-commission amount).

Write a function procedure to calculate the commission. The function must compare sales to the quota. when the sales are equal to or greater than the quota, calculate the commission by multiplying sales by the commission rate. Format the dollar amounts to two decimal places; do not display a dollar sign.

The summary menu item displays a message box that holds total sales, total commission, and total pay for all salesperson. Display the number with two decimal places and dollar signs.
the Clear menu item clears the name, sales, and pay for the current employee and then resets the focus.

The Color and Font menu items should change the color and font of the information displayed in the total pay text box. Use a message box to display the program name and your name as programmer for the about option on the Help menu.

So the issue is when I push calculate and summary, the total sales comes up, but not the total commission or total pay. Also, the color only changes to blue and that is it. I am not sure how to get the color or the font menu choices to be able to be choosen by the user. Is that possibile?


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Establish A Connection To MySQL Via VB & Display Simple Query Results On A Form?

Dec 12, 2010

I have a project in Visual Studio 2008 and there is a working data connection to a MySQL database. In other words, I can query the db directly from Visual Studio and it will display the results.

I've tried a couple of approaches that I found online for writing a connection string and accessing the db, but no luck yet.

All I'm trying to do is code a button to query the db and then reset the text property of a label/textbox to display the results based upon another label/textbox value.

The pseudo-code I am imagining is something like this:

Private Sub query_submit_button_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles query_submit_button.Click
result_textbox.Text = SELECT field FROM table WHERE otherfield = key_textbox.Text
End Sub

I didn't see any related questions posted on SO - forgive me if I missed one that already exists and this is a dupe.

What is the correct way to accomplish this?

Using MySQL 5.1

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VS 2010 : Establish An OLEDB Connection And Return The Values From The Selected Table To A DataGridView?

Apr 16, 2010

I am unable to load the dat into the data Grid. Here is where I keep getting stuck.

dgvOleDb1 = table.Select
dgvOleDb1.DataSource = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically
dgvOleDb1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)

I am confused; I am using VB2010, IBM.iSeries.DB2 on an as400 V5R4. I am trying to establish an OLEDB connection, and return the values from the selected table to a DataGridView. I had one of the admin's make me file named GARBAGE, in the Rprtaccess catalog. In the past, I have been able to connect via access and an ODBC connection. My project is too big for access, and the SQL middleware we have is clunky and not user friendly. This is a program that will generate the SQL statements, specifically the WHERE: clause and populate the datagrid with the selected criteria. In essence I am making a user friendly striped down program, that has variables that are manipulated by the end user, and the rest, referenced tables and libraries are coded.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Exception
Public Class Form11


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VB - Put The Player On The Webpage And Put The Webpage On The Sever It Cant Play The Video ?

Jan 13, 2009

I making a webpage with the help visual basic. I wanted to put a flv video in it and i used flash control for [URL]. I made the player in flash told it to download the video from the sever. Now when i put the player on the webpage and put the webpage on the sever it cant play the video. But when i just pres the the player which is in swf format it works. It can download the video. But when i put the player on my webpage it cant.

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Convert An ASP Classic Webpage Into An ASP.NET Webpage?

May 6, 2009

Duplicate:good references or tools available for converting from ASP to ASP.NET?How i can convert an ASP Classic webpage into an ASP.NET webpage?

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Establish A Connection When The App Is Launched And Keep The Connection Open Until The App Is Closed?

May 20, 2010

I'm developing a device app in that will access a SQL Server database. I need to establish a connection when the app is launched, and keep the connection open until the app is closed. I've done the following:In the Master Module:

Public CNN
As SqlConnection

In the Main menu form load:

New SqlConnection(sqlConnString)

Then when I want to read from the database:

Dim sqlDR
As SqlDataReader
SQL = "SELECT Name FROM Table"


When I run the same code without the global CNN, but rather dim the connection inside the Select function, all works well.

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Sql Connection Error - Re-establish Connection To The Server

May 14, 2010

This will happen at random, and I can always just catch the error and re-establish connection to the server, but I am confused as to why. When doing lots of inserting into the sql server, I only establish one connection that is public, instead of many little connections. I had my doubts on a public sql connection, but it's been running great, and I've seen no problems until this morning. Again, this random moment I hit an error that stated, sql connection state is broken. Is it bad practice to just accept this error, and when it happens, re-establish the connection?

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How To Use If Exists

Apr 15, 2012

i am trying to use the if exists command to check if a database exists but it seems i cant declare the "EXISTS" its always giving me problems.i am now using the code with the try and catch if there is an exception it will give a msgbox that will say db already exists.but if there was no error it will say db created successfully the problem is now even if the db exists or no the " finally " condition will excute and show the msg will appear which is db created successfully.on both cases

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Add DLL Reference ONLY If It Exists?

Jun 8, 2011

In my project I have add-on .dll files. Right now my DLL is called "FTP.dll". What I was wondering was if there was a way I could make it to check if the dll exists in a certain folder

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Cannot Add An Entity That Already Exists?

Mar 9, 2010

in my database there are 3 tables



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Check If A Xml Tag Exists?

Sep 25, 2010

I was wondering if anyone could show me how to check if a tag exists?Here is the code that I am using to get the information from the xml.

Dim XmlFile As New XDocument
XmlFile = XDocument.Load(WorkingDirectory & "ToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.xml")
Dim Manage = XmlFile...<track>
For Each XmlTag In Manage
If XmlTag.FirstAttribute.Value = "General" Then


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Check If URL Exists?

Jul 10, 2009

This is the standard way of checking if URL exists [code]....

return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } But my problem is that we have to check it for around 100 URL's. It takes more then 2 minutes to check for all as it is trying to get response of all of them. Is there any way that we can check if URL exists without getting complete Response so that total response time is less.

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