Execute .exe File Stored As An IsolatedStorage File?

Oct 4, 2005

xecute a exe filwhich is stored as an isolatedstoragefile.In thebelow i stored file.exe from c: solatedfile.exe. i want to execute isolatedfile.exe like this.

Process.Start(isolatedfile.exe).How can i do it?Regards,Senthil.
Dim file_name As String = "c:file.exe"Dim isolated_file_name As String = "isolatedfile.exe"


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C# - Read A Wave File From IsolatedStorage In Windows Phone?

Mar 3, 2012

I would like to read a WAV file I download in isolatedStorage; actually I use a media Element on my Window which I set the source from the IsolatedStorageFileStream

Dim IsoRead As New IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream(MsgFN, FileMode.Open, Store)

Bu it seems not Working, I dont hear anaything in the emulator.

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VB To Read Text File And Execute An Excel File?

May 20, 2011

I need to write VB program to open and read text file, store each field (separated by comma) into an array. In the first array, it's an excel file and I need to execute it, and once opened in excel, there is a macro program inside and i need also to exceute using VB.

sample content of textfile:

C:principalsinventory.xls, MacroInventoryReport, 1, 3:00AM
C:principalsinventory.xls, MacroNearExpiringReport, 1, 4:00AM

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Design A Program That Can Encrypt And Decrypt Messages Stored In Simple Text Files Using A Private Key Stored In A Separate File?

Jun 13, 2011

Need to design a program that can encrypt and decrypt messages stored in simple text files using a private key stored in a separate file. Software should also be able to allow the users to enter simple messages that either displays the encrypted or decrypted message. The encryption method should use a simple substitution method. It should be set out in the following format:

Example (the "@" is the separator):

The character The Code End of line
A @ 4gh EOL
B @ 84!9 EOL

Has to use the 256 ASCII character codes. The separator will be used to separate the character and its corresponding code.Here are the pseudocodes I have come up with:

� Read any private key file
separator = readline(file);
while not EOF(file) do
tempStr = readline(file);


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Read The .txt File To End And Return The Information Stored In The .txt File To This Line Of Code?

Dec 9, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic express 2008.The application I am working on is the first major project I have ever undertook with visual basics. The application is a launcher for a private server for world of warcraft.I have a menu bar that pulls the file path of the wow.exe and puts it in a hidden textbox, I then have another option that saves this text to c:wowexe.txt. All of this works GREAT!

How can I read the .txt file to end and return the information stored in the .txt file to this line of code.

Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell("This is where I need the data from the .txt file to be seen", 1)

If your wondering why I don't just type in the path of the .exe, it's simple, not everyone installs World of Warcraft on the C drive.

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Execute A Stored Procedure?

Jun 15, 2005

I've added few stored procedures to my SQL Server 2005 database. Few of them were a procedures containing SELECT statements and one of them contains INSERT statement. While executing the procedures with select statements are as easy as displying tables, the procedure with INSERT statement is not so easy [for me].At first, i've tried to add the procedure to the dataset and execute it as others, by filling the table adapter. But... there is now way to access the tableadapter within the code... VB does not recognise it! Just like it wasn't there! It's not even listed on with the other tableadapters below my project. It's viible only in the dataset!After few minutes i've removed the procedure from the dataset and tried to add it as a query. Everything seemed to be ok... but... after naming a function, that would execute the query.... the function is visible nowhere. I can't execute it within the code.

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Execute Value Stored In A Variable?

Oct 17, 2011

I was wondering if there is anyway you could go about executing what's stored in a variable....kinda like in an #Eval statement....


dim i as integer
dim PlaceHolder as String
for i = 1 to 10


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Execute A SQL Stored Procedure From A Form?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a stored procedure that clears student accounts to showed that they have paid their bills. I am trying to create a form in vb.net that allows them to enter a parameter and then execute the stored procedure.

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Execute Commands Stored In String?

Jun 6, 2011

I trying to figure out how to execute commands stored in string, let's say i have string called "command" and a textbox, so i want vb to run command that i typed in textbox, e.g. i type in textbox "label1.text = "bla bla"", and then type like "msgbox.show". Is that even possible?

View 12 Replies

Execute More Than One Stored Procedure At A Time?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a form that requires me to execute several stored procedures one after the other. I'm wondering how to do that in vb.net. I realize that I could just have one stored procedure with all of my queries in it, but for clarities sake, I want to keep them seperate.

View 14 Replies

Execute Multiple Stored Procedures?

Jan 26, 2011

I have the following code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Main.payrollButton.Enabled = True


and I'm trying to execute several stored procedures and it doesnt seem that it is.

On my final form that this connects to, I'm trying to fill data that is summed by these stored procedures and I'm getting the error of :

'The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill' ... which I'm told is because there is no data in my query.

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Remote Execute Of SQL Stored Procedure?

Jan 26, 2012

We are working on a VB.Net project to execute a SQL Stored Procedure and passing it parameters. We have the execution up and working as expected, however the application will only successfully execute once. On the second execution,[code]...

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SQL Server Stored Procedure And Execute

Apr 29, 2012

This is a bit old-contents to be discussed but I need someone who can explain me how to create stored procedure in SQL Server for returning a value from procedure, example:[code]Then I need the name of its customer and the address instead.I need to make it as a stored procedure and show me how to execute it on VB.NET. Perhaps we assume that the name will be prompted to LABEL1.TEXT and the address will be prompted to LABEL2.TEXT. I've improved this SQL-Server Stored Procedure Using return but I have nothing to return after I execute it.[code]

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.net - Cannot Execute Stored Procedure With ADO.NET Entity Framework?

Apr 26, 2009

I've created a simple parameterless stored procedure which I've pasted below. I've imported the stored procedure to my Entity Model and created a Function Import. The function in the model is never created and I am unable to execute this stored procedure using the ADO.NET Entity Framework. I've opened the .edmx file in XML view and have confirmed there are no errors regarding this stored procedure. What am I doing wrong? Is it really impossible to call such a simple stored procedure from the Entity Framework? I've set the return type for the import function to None seeing this stored procedure does not need to return any recordsets or values.

Stored Procedure:
ALTER PROC [dbo].[Inventory_Snapshot_Create]
DECLARE @Inventory_Snapshot_ID int


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Asp.net - Execute Stored Procedure Using Sqldatasource And Get Return Value?

Sep 15, 2010

How can I execute a stored procedure using sqldatasource and get the return value in vb.net.

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Execute A Stored Procedure For A Dataset (datatable)?

Jan 18, 2011

In vb.net is it possible to execute a sp for a dataset (datatable) ?

If no is there any alternative to do this as when I execute a sp from database it gives data saved in my db but if I am working on local dataset how to get updated data from same sp without saving to sql db first

View 6 Replies

Execute Conditional Steps Stored As Strings

Feb 2, 2011

I have code that runs a deal.deal is a series of conditional steps [e.g., pay Fee1 from Account2 if (Variable5 > 500, Variable5 / 2, 0)].

These conditional steps are stored as strings in an access database.The conditional part can be extremely complex.

What is the best way to get my code to understand the conditional part?Do have to write some huge parser?

Is there a function that can do this for me(something similar to application.evaluation function in VBA)?Or do I need to approach this in an entirely different way?

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Sql Server - Why Can Only Execute A Stored Procedures Two Times

Nov 24, 2009

In my VB.NET code I construct a ODBC.COMMAND to call a stored procedure that eliminates a record from table in SQLSERVER 2008, I use this code in a FOR NEXT loop, it may contain 1 to 20 records_ID to pass to stored procedures to delete the records.

This code work well for several months, but since the last compilation it only deletes the first 2 records.

In debug mode in VS 2008 IDE works fine.

''' <summary>
''' </summary>


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Execute A .cmd File In VB6?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a sample.cmd file that has the following code.

dir/b/p D:Satheesh > TableOfContents.txt

When I run the bathc file seperately I can able to get a text file that contains all files in the folder.

But when I execute the cmd file from VB code using Shell function, I am not getting the text file created.

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How To Execute A *.bat File

Jun 3, 2010

I created a *.bat file : osql -Usa -Paugust -SNgocThach -iMYDATABASE.SQL When it run at cmd, it ok. My database has just been setup. Now, I want to setup my database use VB.NET. How can i do

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How To Execute A Jar File

Aug 31, 2010

For example I got Form1. And I want to get a jarfile inside it just like its possible for .swd and .pdf files.I thought of something like a webbrowser, going to a page with the jar file, but that Isnt really brilliant as the webbrowser might be slow, or cause problems.

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Execute A SQL Stored Procedure With A Parameter That Needs The SQL Datetime Format?

Apr 27, 2011

i'm trying to execute a SQL stored procedure with a parameter that needs the SQL datetime format as:

Dim str_runproc As String
str_runproc = "exec UP_stopactivity @Activity='" & DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value & "' ,@Client='" & DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value & "',@starttime='" &
DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value & "'"

the DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(3).value is a datetime value that is put into a Datagridview via another stored procedure. When I run it in sql, it lists as a correct SQL datetime: 2011-04-27 05:54:51.003, in the datagridview it lists as: 27/04/2011 5:54:51

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Method To Execute Stored Procedure And Return Datatable In C#?

Jan 21, 2012

I have some VB code like

Dim data As DataTable = DataAccess.ExecuteDataSet("AuthenticateWebServiceClient" _
, New SqlParameter("@ClientID", ClientId) _
, New SqlParameter("@Password", Password) _[code]....

Except PrepareSPCommand isn't recognized by VS. Does anyone know the correct way to convert this function to C#.

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Tsql - Execute A SQL Stored Procedure And Process The Results?

May 13, 2011

In VB.NET, how do I do the following?

Execute a Stored Procedure
Read through the DataTable returned

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Can Run Execute File From Browser

Jun 4, 2011

i hve build 1 system inventory using vb.net 2008.can i run execute file from browser...maybe like in asp.net..

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Execute A Non-project File?

Mar 2, 2012

I have vs 2008. I have a VB project with lots of stuff. I want to do a little program to test out some ideas. I also, separately, want to execute a little .cmd script.

What I would like, is a way to execute my little test program, or the little .cmd script directly from within VS, bypassing the debug information set up for the project.

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Execute A VB6 Setup File From A MSI?

Oct 9, 2009

I want to deploy a VB6 application along with all the dependencies using VB.net installer (MSI). So can I execute VB6 Setup.exe (created using Package and Deployment Wizard) from the VB.NET installer (MSI).

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Execute File Lnk In Program?

Jan 9, 2011

I need to execute a .lnk file in vb.net (lnk file that points at an exe file).[code]...

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Execute Two .exe File As Option?

Oct 17, 2010

i am just trying to invoke a service through console application file. for that

Process.Start((CurDir() +"" +
"installutil.exe" +
" " + CurDir() +
"" + ("money.exe"))).

Which gives error..?

where "installutil" and "Money" are vb.net exe files. "money" is a windows service file.

2, Or is anyother way to add these exe's as referrence and how to invoke ?

3, or is anyother method to invoke a windows service on single mouse click.?

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Run / Execute Saved File Afterwards?

Feb 25, 2009

Im right now working on a "notepad" type application, that i want to be able to save a code as a .vbs (I know how to save it as that), and then run/execute it. (the same as double click on it)[code]....

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