Extract A Keyvaluepair Out Of A Sortedlist?

Aug 6, 2011

i can get a value, a key out of a list by using index ,key or value parameters but a kvp as object ?nattelip

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.net - Check Keyvaluepair Againt Existing Values In List Of Keyvaluepair

Aug 22, 2010

How can I check a new KeyValuePair against an existing list of KeyValuePair ? I want to compare for a condition to include or exclude the item. I am using vb.net 3.5

it is a nested For loop and I am deleting a datarow on the result of the condition

args = (existing list of KeyValuePAir)
For Each datarow As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim args2 As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer) = New KeyValuePair(Of Integer, Integer)(datarow.Item("Integer1"), datarow.Item("Integer2"))

what I want to do here is see if args2 is already contained in args if not I would delete the datarow , but I also need to search the datarow multiple times

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SortedList Vs. SortedList(of TKey, TValue)

Jul 9, 2009

1) SortedLIst has a GetKey property: you ask for the nth key in the sorted list of keys and you get it. SortedList(of TKey, TValue) does not have this kind of feature. Why not?

2) SortedList stores values as "object." Is this a less memory-effective method to store values of Double than SortedList(of TKey, TValue)?

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How To Use A Custom Structure In Place Of KeyValuePair

May 23, 2011

Is it possible to use a custom structure in place of a KeyValuePair? [code]

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Return All Keys With A Certain Value From A List Of KeyValuePair?

Oct 27, 2009

Given the following vb.net class:

Friend Class PairCollection(Of TKey, TValue)
Inherits List(Of KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue))
Public Overloads Sub Add(ByVal key As TKey, ByVal value As TValue)
Me.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of TKey, TValue)(key, value))
End Sub


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.NET SortedList Get Key By Value?

Jun 19, 2009

How to get the key of a sorted list from the corresponding value directly without using For Each loop. For instance in the following code snippet, I want to get the key value (and not the index) of "Canada", how?

Code Snippet:
Imports System
Imports System.Collections


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WebForms :: Binding A List Of Keyvaluepair To ListView?

Sep 20, 2011

I am trying to bind a New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)) to a listView
Currently, I have a code off:

Dim TestList As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer))
For Each key in GetTPDesc (Which is a list of strings)
TestList.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of String, Integer)(GetTPDesc.ToString, 0))


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Cycle Through A Sortedlist?

Oct 28, 2011

Here's a list example

SortedList name = test
"nothing" | 0
"something" | 1

How can I go about running a for each loop or something to add each first column in test to, say a listbox.

Listbox should just have listed.


I tried

For Each i In text.Values
But that produces:

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SortedList Not Sorting On Key?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a the need for key value pair that I wish to sort so I decided to use a SortedList instead of a HashTable.I am adding the data in the order below to my SortedList which is the order I need it in

Key | Value
1 "700-800" | List(Of Object)
2 "900-1000" | List(Of Object)


The key is a string and the value is a List of objects. The key is representing a time slot that has been concatenated from two integer values and delimited by "-". "700" as a string was 0700 initially an integer.e.g.

Dim key As String = slotTimeStart.ToString() & "-" & slotTimeEnd.ToString()

But once these key value pairs are added to the SortedList they appear in the order

3 "1100-1200" | List(Of Object)
4 "1700-1800" | List(Of Object)


Unfortunately I recieve the times slots as two integer values which cannot be changed.Is there any way to force a sort on a SortedList? or is this problem because of the way I am storing my key? Is there a better way to store it?

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Generics - Using KeyValuePair For A Reverse Lookup Capable Dictionary

Oct 26, 2009

I'm currently on a VB.NET project and wish to use a KeyValuePair to facilitate a reverse lookup. I've found a great example in C# here: [URL], however I am having a small problem converting to VB.NET (both manually and using a translator (online carlosag)). For example the syntax I would expect in the Add method is as follows:


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IEnumerable Extensions Of Sortedlist?

Aug 8, 2011

when you use the object browser to see the features of a sortedlist elementat is not shown , but because a sorted list inherets features of ienumerable it works, cant that be corrected

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Set A Sortedlist Object Property Value?

Nov 3, 2010

i have a sortedlist variable called :


which contains two Cartitem object and within these two objects is a further object called Product.i wish to amend the Product object Property named Quantity

["860"] = {Cartitem}
["861"] = {Cartitem}

When i attempt to update the Cartitem object using the key value it overwrites Cartitem to Product.

Present Update

Cart(key.ToString) = product

results in

["860"] = {Product}

How may i update a Product property without replacing Cartitem object to Product?

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SortedList - How To Show Output

Aug 9, 2010

I'm making a sortedlist I can read a file into my program but do someone now how to show the output? Its made with classes and they will work. How to show the output of the file because I can't find.

This is the Form1
Public Class Form1
Public lijst As New SortedList(Of String, bankrekening)
'Dim spaar As spaarrekening
'Dim zicht As zichtrekening
Private Sub OverschrijvenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OverschrijvenToolStripMenuItem.Click
[Code] .....

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File Read And Add Line To Sortedlist?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a txt file I' m trying to read a line and add it to the array list, I' m identying the begining of the new line with B and N charecters in the 11 and 12 th positions respectively. Now the problem is that few keys are getting dropped the structure of the file is

10000BN test 1 test2
10000S0000 test3 test 4// these are getting dropped because they are on a new line
10000S 0000 test5

so how do I add these two lines to the record


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'Key Not Found' Exception When Reading Item From SortedList?

Jun 9, 2010

I have a SortedList

Protected _Items As New Generic.SortedList(Of String, _Control)
I am adding items into this SortedList
_Items.Add(_key, _Control)


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What Is The Most Efficient Method For Looping Through A SortedList In VB 2008

Oct 29, 2009

The code below shows me (I think) that the "for each" loop is about 10% faster than the "i to n" loop, but the "for each" loop creates 567k in new memory? Is this right? Which way is generally most efficient with regards to speed and memory usage? If you want to run this code in VB just add a button and 2 labels to a form.


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VS 2005 - Code - Error - Value Of Type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, Long)' Cannot Be Converted

Feb 12, 2011

This code:

vb Dim s As String = strContents '<a global variable) Dim currentPos As Int64 = 0 Dim endPos As Int64 = strContents.Length - 1 '// A dictionary, used to count the frequencies Dim characterCounter As New Dictionary(Of [String], Int64)() While currentPos <> endPos '//


Gives this error: Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, Long)' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.DictionaryEntry'.

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An Equivalent To SortedList(of String, String) That Accepts Non-unique Keys?

Apr 16, 2012

What I need is to be able to put in a SortedList a combination of two fields that are non-unique, but the pair is (like database composite keys).More precisly, i have my list, and i want to be able to do this with it

Dim myList = New Generic.SortedList(Of String, String)


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.net - Convert A List (Of KeyValuePair(Of String,Int32) Into A Dictionary(Of String, Int32) Using .ToDictionary?

Nov 2, 2010

To be able to sort a dictionary by value I'm using this code:

Dim idCurrentJobs As IDictionary(Of String, Int32) = New Dictionary(Of String, Int32)
'The string in the dictionary represents a jobname and the integer is a counter for how many jobs im currently are running in the application'
idCurrentJobs.Add("JobName1", 2)


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Parse A Text Looking For The String - [[Extract|xxxxxxx]] And Extract The Xxxxxxx Characters?

May 28, 2010

I need to parse a text looking for the string - [[Extract|xxxxxxx]] and extract the xxxxxxx characters.How would I do this?

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Extract Xml Into SQL?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a slightly more complex xml document that I don't believe or know how to extract the info that I need. From what I can tel by the GetElementbyTagName it is only good for grabbing 1 tag, with this one I need to grab the day which only appears once, the attribute of the PricingNodeHourly (hour) and then the LMP. I believe that if all I had to grab was the LMP I would have no issue using the GetElementbyTagName, however I don't believe this is the case. Perhaps I'm wrong.


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Way To Extract An ISO

Jun 6, 2011

I was wondering how, in vb.net, you would be able to extract an ISO.

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.net Extract Zip File?

Aug 10, 2009

I have the following code to extract zip file. It works if the zip file does not contain any folder. (Eg.A zip file only contain text file can be extract, but if the zip file contain a subfolder "New Folder" where the textfile contain inside the folder, then it cannot be extract).What should I change my code?

Code: Private Shared fz As New FastZip fz.ExtractZip(zipFilename, targetDir, FastZip.Overwrite.Always, Nothing, "", "", True)

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C# - Extract .tbz File Using .net?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm trying to extract a .tbz file using .net,The file will be very large (3GB) if this makes any difference.

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Download Zip, Extract, And Put It Somewhere?

Nov 20, 2011

I have a server, in which people use a browser I made, to upload files for others to download. I am making a system in which a user will update their files - other users will automatically download the new files and put them in a special place replacing other files.I have looked this up, and I don't seem to find straight answers in which will solve my problems. Should I do it via FTP, and have it download?The files I wish for them to download need to be put in a specific folders inside %AppData%, How would I do that aswell?

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Extract .ico From Resources?

May 7, 2009

All I am trying to extract a .ico from My.Resources folder to C:windows in visual basic 2008 express edition

i have try a few codes like system.io.WRITEALLBITES and so on but none seem to work

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Extract A Value From A String?

Jun 15, 2009

What is the best way to get '123456789' from the string[code]...

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Extract A Value From One Of The Tags?

Sep 22, 2011

Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1


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Extract Data From XML?

Sep 24, 2009

This XML file is CONSTANTLY updated every 3 seconds..


If value of each field exceed a certain reading, do (sendsms)I've that sensms function already..

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Extract Data You Want From A RTB?

Aug 31, 2009

I am still learning the ropes of vb.net. Most of the time I get by fine, using google and searching here. But i've run into a road block. I am trying to extract email adresses from the source code of my website, suppose I can populate the Rich text box with all the source code, and the are emails sitting inside. How would I extract the emails from it and put them in a separate box.[code]...

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