Grid View Checkbox And Javascript Not Informing Server Side Code

May 6, 2011

I've got a gridview and inside of the grid view I have a check box at the header of the grid view like so: [Code] This gives me a nice little check box at the top of the grid view, the event OnCheckedChanged calls a function called SelectAllRows that looks like this: [Code] So if I click this header checkbox it checks all of the items in the gridview, and if I uncheck it, it unchecks all the items in the gridview. This works fine...but what doesn't seem to work is if the page loads up and I check the grid view header checkbox to true and it selects all the items in the gridview, then i click a button such as a DELETE button that calls some server side code. That code simply loops through the grid view and checks if the checkbox has been checked, if it is it calls code to delete an item.

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C# - Send An Object From Client-side Javascript To Server-side Code Via ASP.NET?

May 23, 2011

Can I send an object from client-side javascript to server-side code via ASP.NET ?

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Javascript - Format Data (client-side) For (server-side)

Jul 13, 2011

Using the following script:

$("#some_button").click(function() {

var changed = [];


I need to send back the id, the old value from _1 and the new value from _0 back to the server. What is the best way to format this data so I can easily extract the data from the server side so I can easily email someone for example to let them know which textboxes have changed, what the old values were, and what the new values are

At the serverside level, I am using .NET-3.5 (VB). I know how to send the data bacl. and how to email the data, I just wanted to know how to best format the data at clientside before sending it back. I could have upto 50 sets of id, old, and new values to send back. Sorry for not making that clear earlier.


How can I modify the script above to generate this?

"id": "name_0",
"new": "text",


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Javascript - Register A Client-side Event Listener On A Server-side Event?

Dec 28, 2011

Ultimately, what I want to accomplish is an AJAX-based messaging system. I already have a database table for messages, and an ASPX to add new messages (and declare old messages no longer relevant).

The current messaging system simply polls the server every 15 seconds, and re-pulls the current message set.

What I am looking to do is: On $(document).ready(), register an ajax callback function that listens for a server-side event (e.g., MessagesUpdated) On table insert/update, fire MessagesUpdated server-side.

This way, whenever the table is updated (or new records added), any clients listening know that new data is available and can re-poll the server then.

Ideally, I'd also like to make the new data available as an event argument (to minimize re-polling the db).

I can find references to something like this in other languages, but I cannot find any actual code examples to get me started.

Assuming this is possible to do via .Net, can anyone help get me started on this?

I'm using the 2.0 Framework. Also while I added a VB.Net tag, I can read C# reasonably well, so please feel free to post in either language.

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Fire Client Side Code From Server Side At Runtime

Apr 13, 2010

I know this defeats the purpose of client side vs. server side (refer to title of this thread). What I would love to do is build my own custom progress indicator on the client showing how far a server side code has progressed. I figure if I could only get a JavaScript to fire and render a value of some control at pre-defined intervals while the server is working I could make it happen - but alas I'm beginning to believe that this is impossible. Below is some code that performs three 2 sec loops. At the end of each I want to change the visible value of a control on the browser. [Code]

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.net - Place Server Side Variable In Javascript Loop?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Server side variable by the following code

Dim mgps As New Text.StringBuilder
Public ReadOnly Property GPS() As String
Return mgps.ToString
End Get


View 3 Replies - Take .net Server Side Arraylist And Convert To Javascript Array?

Feb 9, 2011

I have an array list on my server side that i want to use on my client side as an array how can i do this.

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Get The Javascript Confirm Message Work In Server Side .net?

Sep 24, 2009

I'm using 2005. Here is my code:

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/SwapnaMaster.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="SwapnaTestPage.aspx.vb" Inherits="SwapnaTestPage" title="Untitled Page" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server" >
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function myfunction()


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Javascript - Get A Disabled Textbox Value By Clientid Server Side

Dec 19, 2011

I guess in simpler terms what I am trying to do is get the post value of a disabled textbox to use in a SQL insert statement when the form is posted. I need to get the value of a text box that is disabled with javascript. Ultimately I will use the value as a parameter of a SQL insert statement. I have read that I need to get the value by doing something like this:


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Place Server Side Variable In Javascript Loop?

Dec 29, 2011

I have a Server side variable by the following code

Dim mgps As New Text.StringBuilder
Public ReadOnly Property GPS() As String

and replace the store_locations with GPS but my map become empty.

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Javascript - Server Side Read Label Client Change

Jun 3, 2012

I've got a bunch if labels that are changed as a user inputs data into a form of mine. The Labels are changes with js on the client side. I then after all the submission are in put use a vb script to pull the string values from these labels. The problem is the vb net part is not reading the new values of these labels. Anyway I can get it to read the new values? I have over 40 labels.


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Call Server Side Method From Javascript But Get Errors When Setting EnablePageMethods To True?

Mar 25, 2011

I am currently adding keyboard shortcuts to our web application, so from JavaScript.So far, it has consisted mostly in triggering the click events of buttons already exposed in the user-interface.Now, I would like to add another one which redirects to another page.The new page URL needs to be generated based on elements from the source page query string.Basically, I have a date in the query string and I want to generate a new URL for the next day.

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Javascript - Calling A Server Side Function In The Java Script Of On Click Event Of A Div ASP.NET?

Apr 11, 2012

I have web page with four grid views. Each grid is hidden under a div tag. Whenever user clicks on div the data grid corresponding to the div is shown. I have binded data to the grid views at the page load only, since the data size is huge I cannot load the data binding at the page as the time taking to page load is huge. I was thinking a way that grid view gets data loaded only when user clicks on the corresponding div tag

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Javascript - Client And Server Side - Make The Rows Not To Be Deleted Once The Page Is Refreshed?

Sep 7, 2011

The problem im having is that I have a table that when a user click on a button it adds a row to the table via javascript, which works fine. The problem is that if a user need to update other data the user click another button which refreshes the page and all rows the user created in the table are deleted. My question is what can I do to make the rows not to be deleted once the page is refreshed? I know some might think, just not refresh the page, but there is to much data that has to be displayed and a new query has to be generated to grab the data.


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Javascript - Button Click Event On Modal Popup, Inside A Grid-view Not Firing

Jun 10, 2012

I have a asp grid with a few columns that bind to data. The last column has been converted to a template-field. In this template-field is a button with a modal popup extender attached to it. Hidden inside this field is a modal popup. This modal popup is used to add a new account. it contains 2 text boxes, drop down lists and buttons("Add" and "Cancel"). When "add" is clicked the modal should close after the inserting of the new account in the code behind.

The Problem: I get the popup to display and load the Drop down lists from the cache, without problem. How do I get the button click event to fire in the code behind. I've tried using a JavaScript function that performs a _doPostBack('btnAddAcc','') but it keeps returning the error "JavaScript error: Object expected". I gathered after about 1 hour on Google that it is because "btnAddAcc' is not found because it is actually within the grid-view cell and can't be directly accessed. Using page methods and ajax calls is a last resort as the company has a strict policy against this and only allowes this after a bunch of paperwork.

The Code:

<asp:GridView ID="gvNEA" runat="server" CssClass="gridA_Orange"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True"
EmptyDataText="No transactions with 'Non Existent Account(s)'"


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Communications :: User Disconnection Not Informing Server?

Nov 30, 2008

At work we use External USB Modem for the users that are reporting on site, as there is non working on a chat program to link all users together, both the Server and Client are working fine over the internet, but Ive hit a snag andnot to sure how to go about fixing it.If a user closes the program data arrives to the server which is Zero in length this signifies to the server that the user has disconnected and all other users that are connected are informed of this.

View 3 Replies - Add Bottom Side-to-side Scroll Bar To ExtJS Grid?

Oct 14, 2010

Here are my two grids -- they are ExtJs grids however we wrap the declarations in code:

Dim VehicleOptionsGrid As New Framework.WebControls.Grids.Grid
With VehicleOptionsGrid
.ID = "VehicleOptionsGrid"
.Title = "Vehicle Options"


Using javascript, is there anyway I can add a bottom scroll bar to these grids? Doesn't seem like we have a wrapped command to do it...

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Javascript - Accessing HTML Checkbox In Code Behind?

Nov 6, 2011

I have a HTML checkbox which will perform a simple validation on another textbox, so the textbox will only be enabled if the checkbox is checked, but I also want to access this checkbox control in code behind to check and uncheck it. I don't think I can use the runat="server" because on the onClick event which will cause ('<%=uitxtVouTypeRedeemValue.ClientID%>') to be output as plain text.

<input type="checkbox"
onclick="document.getElementById('<%=uitxtVouTypeRedeemValue.ClientID%>').disabled =(this.checked)?0:1" id="uichkVouTypeRedeemable" />

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Timers On Server-side - From A Client-side Piece, Call Off To A Server-side Piece

Apr 22, 2011

I'm trying to, from a client-side piece, call off to a server-side piece. I need to do this synchronously. On my server-side code, though, I'm calling off to another piece of code, which I want to have a maximum of, say, 10 seconds to return a value. If I don't have a response within 10 seconds, I want to force my own server piece to set my result equal to 0, and return to the client.

Here's what I have on my server-side code so far:

Public Function GetWebResult(ByVal inputParameter As Object) As WebReturnObject Implements IWebInterface.GetWebResult
Dim result As New WebReturnObject
Dim webItem As WebItem = Nothing


I realize this code is not functional. The problem is that I'm unsure how I would go about getting back into GetWebResult to set the appropriate return values before it is sent back to the client.

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Call A Server Side Code On Anchor?

Dec 19, 2011

I have the following code to download a file from a FTP server

Sub DownloadFile_Sap()
Dim remoteuri As String = ""


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How To Fill List View And Data Grid From A Database (SQL Server)

May 27, 2009

how to fill List View and Data Grid from a Database (SQL Server).

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Grid View Code Conversion Form C#?

Mar 18, 2011

its an C# Code
GridView1.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler(RowDataBoundHandler);


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Jquery Messagebox Call From Server Side Code?

Feb 3, 2011

I am new to Jquery and trying to start learning the new tool. What I want to do is call a JQuery message box from my gridViews Row Command function after the processing is done so I can notify the user the process has been complete. I was trying to use this website as a referanceBut not sure how to call the function from the serverside. I have triedPlace this inside your script tags...

$(document).ready(function () {
//Determining if there is a message to be shown if the message is not equal to empty string then the messagebox should appear.


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Manipulate The First Name, Last Name And Email Via Code, Preferably Server Side

Apr 3, 2012

I want to manipulate the first name, last name and email via code, preferably server side. But I see this is not really how this might work, using asp hiddenfields for example.

So I have to get the values for the 3 fields server side, and somehow post this to [URL] - do I need to build the script in code and submit that? Not use this javascript?

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="PaymentSend.aspx.vb" Inherits="Vault.PaymentSend" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Use Id's Of HTML Elements In Another Sub When They Are Created From Server-side Code?

Aug 20, 2009

I have a table that I'm creating in code behind with the final column containing a HTML checkbox with runat="server".

The code I'm using to do this is:
Do While reader.HasRows
Do While reader.Read


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.net - Selecting A Row(s) With Multiple Columns From A Grid View And Add Them To Another Grid View?

May 6, 2009

I have students who will be enrolled into a course. The student grid view has many columns like client_no, student_name, date_of_birth, address, etc. There are over 100000 students so I will need to filter the student grid view to find the correct student to enroll in the course. Once they are found, the user selects them and somehow moves them to the enrolled grid view. If a student drops out then they would be removed from the enrolled grid view.This process needs to be easy to understand and use. Are there any examples available or other suggestions on how to do this?

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Change The Execution Sequence (Client Side Click, Server Side Click) To (Server Side Click - Client Side Click)?

Jun 22, 2011

I am struckup with a problem from last two days. I am creating a web application using VB.NET, Ajax & RAD Controls. When user clicks on a button I want to open a RAD Window and show the list of ledgers available to the user, so that he can select one from the list. And to open that window I have to call a java script function from client side, which is already achieved using the below code.


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Data Grid View Inseatd Of ListView In This Code

Oct 10, 2008

want to use DataGridView inseatd of ListView in this code'[code...]

View 2 Replies - Server-Side Code To Execute Based On A Time Range?

Sep 18, 2009

We have a Try/Catch block of code in our web application to trap a certain exception. What we want to do with this exception depends on the current time. If it is between 4:30PM and 3:00AM we will want to send an email, otherwise we will throw the exception.

Catch ex as WebException
Dim Time As DateTime = DateTime.Now


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Server-side Html Coding - WebForms | Dream.In.Code?

Mar 17, 2009

What to change color of label in Web Form by letting each user click a button. Cannot figure out how to put code in aspx.vb without geting a souce code error. Is there an option in Visual Studio 2003 that allow you to key html in aspx.vb.

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