Insert Image Into Sql7 Usingg 2003

Dec 2, 2009

I've tried to search anywhere to find the easiest code on how to save an image into a sql7 dabase using 2003. can anyone give me a simpel code for this using the following:[code]

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.Net 2003 Bound Control Insert?

Oct 16, 2009

I have a very simple app that just opens an SQL table using an OLEDB data adapter and binding that to a DataGridView control.I have a button control that simply calls the update method of the data adapter.I have added code for Update, Insert and Delete for the dataadapters update method to use.The table the I am playing with has 10 columns, and the update is working correctly.When I go to add a row to the datagridview and move off of the added row then click the update button, I get an error stating that there was no value given for one or more parameters.This is actually the case, I checked the insertcommand paratemers and all 10 of them have "Nothing" for the value property.I will provide code if necessary, but what would cause the parameters to not be populated with the values from the datagridview control for the insert?

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Insert Only An Integer Value From Front End In 2003?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to insert only integer value from front end.Example- i have a textbox1 in a window form. i want to insert only price in integer. if i write a string value in it

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Insert To Sql Via OLEDB Connection - Including (already Accomplished Image Insert Directly Into The DB)?

Aug 20, 2009

im trying to write to an sql database. im inserting an image, as well as some other information. I am using the following code which works fine, as long as i do not add an extra column/variable "LOCATION" in to the mix and leave "

'Cmd.Parameters.Add("@LOCATION", OleDb.OleDbType., 3).Value = "testing"

commented out. *this is undesireable as im trying to add extra criteria to be saved like LOCATION.

Dim st As New FileStream("\serverfolder1storage" & "pdftemplate.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim mbr As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(st)
Dim buffer(st.Length) As Byte


i am trying to store the location e.g "c:file1.jpg" in the sql db. Can anyone reccomend a solution to this using OLEDB? ideally i need to add approx 4 more variables. e,g


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Syntax Error In Insert Into Statement With Access 2003 In 2010?

Oct 11, 2011

Why is it that when I'm trying to run my program i always see this error>>>> syntax error in insert into statement.....i declared everythingin this function has an error:

if inc <>-1 then dim cb as new oledb.oledbcommandbuilder(da) dim dsnewrow as datarow dsnewrow=ds.tables("ryan").newrow() dsnewrow.item("ID")=textbox1.text dsnewrow.item("Password")=textbox2.text ds.tables("ryan").rows.add(dsnewrow) msgbox("data added!")

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Syntax Error On INSERT Into User Table In MS Access 2003

Mar 24, 2012

Using VB.NET with ASP.NET and and ms-access 2003 data, I'm trying to input data from a web form to the a table in db.mdb called 'USER'.[code]...

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Syntex Error In INSERT INTO Statement Using Access 2003 As Database?

Jun 6, 2012

solve the syntex error in INSERT INTO Statement I am using access 2003 as Database. Below is my code. tried all I know but failed.


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Retrieve Binary Image From Database And Insert The Image In Grid View

Sep 3, 2011

How to retrieve a binary image from a database using and insert the image into a GridView.

This is my DB

image (id as integer , img as varbinary(max))

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.net - OutOfMemoryException With Image.Clone - Only On Windows 2003?

Mar 23, 2010

I have an image that I need to shrink. The original image is a grayscale PNG, which isn't a huge issues except that when I shrink it down, the thermal label printers pickup the artifacts and print them on the label. So, what I did was change the image to black & white (Format1bppIndexed) before resizing, like this:

Dim bte() As Byte = System.Convert.FromBase64String(imgStr)
Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(bte)
Dim bmp As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(ms)


And then I resize it. This code works fine on my Windows 7 machine, but when I run it on the Windows 2003 Server box that it calls home, it always throws an OutOfMemoryException when it hits the bmp.Clone line.

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Retrieve An Image From Database Using Image URL And Insert It In Grid View In . Net?

Sep 3, 2011

how to retrieve an image from database using image URL and insert it in grid view in vb. net ?? thats my data base table i have 3 columns in table image (ID as int , imageName as varchar , imageURL as varchar(max) i want to insert the image in a grid view but when i run this code i only get the last image in my table everytime thats my code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim strConnString As [String] = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString()
Dim strQuery As String = "select * from image"


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Draw A Image In A Form And Then Insert This Image Into A RichTextBox?

Jan 9, 2012

I add a Image Control and a RichTextBox control to a from. And I want to darw a image by my codes.And then insert the image into a RichTextBox.

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"clean Up" An Excel 2003 File And Then Insert It Into A Database?

Mar 21, 2009

I will get an Excel 2003 file everyday via email. This file has 5 columns. The first for columns have static headers and text in them. The 5th column is the date of the report and below that is a list of values in the same column, followed by an empty row, and then the sum of all the values in the column.I would like to clean it up in the following manner:

Directly import the first 4 columns, without changing it. The date, which is the header of the 5th column, should be extracted and should form the entire 5th column in my table in the database. The values in the 5th column should form the 6th column in the database and the sum of the values should be ignored. Also, the number of rows is variable and so how to make the code relative? This is a file to which I will not have direct access to, nor can the format be changed.

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How To Insert Image In PDF

Sep 28, 2008

I want to know how to insert an image at the start of a PDF document programmaticaly.

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Insert An Image Into An RTF

Jul 8, 2010

I am using the following borrowed code to insert an image into an RTF, as that aspect of RTF seemed way beyond me


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Insert Image In Sql?

Jan 18, 2012

how to insert an image to sql?

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How To Insert Image From Database

May 20, 2012

This is my code can't insert the image from the database
Dim str As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersJayhsondocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsCBASCBASdata_file.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
Dim con As New SqlConnection(str)
Dim sql As String = "INSERT INTO tblData VALUES(@Bcode,@ItemName,@Description,@BcodeImage)"
[Code] .....
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: encoder

View 10 Replies

How To Insert Image Into Database

Oct 2, 2011

I am trying to create a martial arts school management program with a database. The Database contains student details and I am wanting a photo in the database but am unsure of how to do this. I want it to be able to pull the photo off of my computer rather than have it in the database as I am building the program.

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How To Insert Image To Table

Jan 31, 2010

Private Sub FrmImport_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Me.DragEnter
' e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Link


when i click button to insert image to table he give me this message "Empty path name is not legal."

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Insert An Image From Url To Ritchtextbox?

Jun 15, 2010

I have this code to insert an image from my pc to rithtextbox on button click :


I would like to change this code so as i can insert an image from url to ritchtextbix IS there a method that permets this without downloading and saving image to pc

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Insert An Image Into A Form?

Dec 28, 2010

I want to insert an image into my form. The image is a JPEG. I wanted the picture to be pasted into a panel, but if I copy the image, I can't click "Paste" in my form. Is there any way to put in it my form?

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Insert An Image Name Into A Database?

Apr 18, 2009

I succeed to upload and image and resize it. Now I want to insert my image's name into the database.

I'm using SQL Server. The table is named images and has two columns, an integer imageid and imagename as string(invarchar(max)). I need the file name saved in the imagename column and imageid must be an identity.[code]...

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Insert Image In A PictureBox?

Mar 2, 2009

I am creating a small movie application using MS VB .Net. On my form I have a two TextBoxes, ComboBox, a Button, and a PictureBox. What I would like to do is when the MovieID TextBox equals "10" (or any other number), I click the button and the corresponding Images number will be inserted into the PictureBox. For example: C:\Images is where all my Images are stored. When the MovieID Textbox = "10", the Picturebox will be populated by the Image name "10", when the button is clicked. If the MovieID Textbox = "23", then the PictureBox will be populated by the Image name "23".


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Insert Image In Database?

Dec 29, 2009

im making a membership app and i need to add a picture to the members..

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Insert Image Into Word?

Nov 7, 2007

I am doing a word document processing project. we have a template document. We would like to insert some texts or images into this word doc according to different application. currently, I am using bookmark to position userdefined texts and images. but I don't know how to make format for the texts and image,especially for image, I would like to position the image into the middle position, or some specific position.

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Insert Image To Datagridview?

Jul 14, 2009

how can i insert image to datagridview like this :

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Insert More Than One Image In The Table?

Jul 29, 2010

i have folder like 'am ' and he contain more than one image

I want to selected all or some images and inserted it in the table of sqlserver at once

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VS 2008 Insert Image In DB?

Oct 3, 2011

I am trying to insert images in a field dbo.Temp.Tmp_Image of the Temp table. When I run the code i get this error "INVALID COLUMN NAME='LODMK120' in LINE cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()... i dont understand why it says LODMK120 ???? But the tmp_kwd has value = '176-83-LODMK120' and not 'LODMK120'. I dont understand why it cuts the '176-83'

Example data for Tmp_Kwd (which product code)


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Insert An Image In Data Forms?

Aug 13, 2009

How to insert pix in

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Insert Image From Access Into PictureBox?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm trying to retrieve an image from my access database and insert it into a picturebox using the following code.

PictureBox.Image = rs.Fields().Item(8).Value

but it throws the following error

Quote: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Byte[]' to type 'System.Drawing.Image'

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Insert Image In Excel Spreadsheet?

May 11, 2012

I created an add-in for excel with vsto, I put the image in the folder "Resources" of the project. Now I put the image on the sheet as in the example

I tried this way but don't works

mySheet.Cells(12, 10) = Global.Myaddin.My.Resources.Image1

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