Javascript - Show Modal Dialog Implementation Using JQuery

Apr 22, 2011

I need to open a page as a Modal Dialog using Jquery .For Example: I have 2 pages say, Parent.aspx & Child.aspx, I need to open child.aspx in a modal dialog using JQuery when i click on a button/link in the parent.aspx. Also Postback can happen in the parent and child pages.

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ADVERTISEMENT - Getting Jquery Dialog To Open Up And Show?

Jun 2, 2011

I have the following javascript function

<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowAlert(id) {
alert('I am here' + id);[code].....

In my gridviews item template for my edit button I have the following to call the function. Which works to show an alert but can't get it to show the dialog? Is it because possibly the postback happening on the grid causing it to close?

<asp:Button ID="ButtonEdit" runat="server" CausesValidation="false"
CommandName="EditMember" OnClientClick='ShowAlert("#editPerson");'[code].......

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Jquery - Show Thumbnail From A Folder Using Javascript In

Sep 7, 2011

I have uploaded some images using uploadify and saving the original file in "uploads" folder and thumbnails in "uploads humbs" folder now what I need is I have a div element on the main.aspx page where I need to show thumbnail image.After clicking the thumbnail I need to give a lightbox effect to it.

1.I have done this way but this is showing me the original image instead of thumbnail.So how do I point to my thumbnail.

2.When Using Lightbox effect how do I manage my two Imagess with the below code.

This is my Handler code:

Public Class UploadVB : Implements IHttpHandler
Public Sub ProcessRequest(ByVal context As HttpContext) Implements IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest


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Forms :: Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed?

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Modeless Dialog Active When Modal Dialog Displayed

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way to launch a Modeless Dialog that stays active even when a Modal Dialog is launched? Can I put the Modeless Dialog in a seperate Thread or something like that?

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Mdi Form And Show Form - Error "Form That Is Already Visible Cannot Be Displayed As A Modal Dialog Box"

Jan 26, 2010

I'm new in .Net and I have an application with windows form "LOGIN" When users enter the user and password and click "ok", then if user passes validation then I have the code Show(MDIMainMenu) (I'm trying to open an mdi form), but I receive the following error: "Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the form's visible property to false before calling Show. Error Number 5"


View 2 Replies - Show Ajaxtoolkit Modal Popup Extendar Only If Textbox1.text="show" Esle Do Not Show?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a textbox1 and button1 and panel1 (which is used as a popup control)i want if textbox1.text="show" then modalpopup control whose id is panel1 will be visible on buttonclick event other wise .... modal popup control panel1 will not be shown to do this ? using ?

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Display A Modal Dialog Without Dispalying Other?

May 20, 2010

I have a large VB.Net 2008 rich client database app and in it some screens take a bit to load, 1 - 5 seconds and two of them take up to 15 seconds. Right now I have a me.hide in my form load, I do my loading of drop downs and data, then do a It works decent and gives the impression that the program is quick. What I would like to do however is have a "waiting" or "loading" screen with a animated gif pop up while it's doing its data loads.

So I created a "WaitingForm" that has no border and a single picture box. In the form load of this waiting form it assigns a animated gif to the picture box. I set the form to be top most, no control box, etc.

If I call this waiting from from within my from load events as the animation doesn't work and the form only half shows (and in the wrong place on the screen). If I call this form using a WaitingForm.ShowDialog it correctly shows in the center of it's parent and displays the animated icon BUT blocks the calling form from processing and defeats the entire purpose.

How do I display the waiting form like it's a dialog box so it correct centers on it's parent and displays correctly but doesn't block the lower form from processing? Currently when I call the waiting form I give it a integer for how many seconds to display and then a timer on the waiting form counts down and closes itself. Do I need to use a worker thread and if so what is the easiest way to do this so the code is reusable from multiple different screens?

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Evaluating Modal Dialog Result?

Apr 4, 2011

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
With Me.PrintForm1


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Modal Dialog With Multiple Forms

Jul 21, 2009

Is there a way to specify what forms are Locked when opening a Modal Dialog? I want to have a specific form available even if a Modal dialog is opened. The form in question is a child form (Accessible from the Windows application bar), that is created from the main application form. The Modal Dialog should only lock the main application form, and not the secondary window. Is it possible to make a secondary form independent from the main application form?

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Yielding Events To IE In Modal Dialog?

Jun 26, 2009

Windows Vista SP1 Internet Explorer 8 .NET 3.5 Visual Studio 2008 I have written a UserControl with that is embedded within a web page. The web-page also includes several iframes containing other interfaces.

One of the pages is defined to auto-refresh every 10 minutes (to keep a session object open on the web server). When the UserControl is displaying its main interface, the refresh in the IFRAME fires and updates OK. However, if I open a dialog (using the ShowDialog method) the refresh still fires OK but the IFRAME does not update until the dialog is closed. Presumably, this is because the dialog is Modal.

What I'd like to know is if there is any method of yielding events within the modal dialog that would allow the IFRAME within IE to update?

I tried adding a timer to the dialog and calling Application.DoEvents every few minutes but this did not appear to work. Not found any info on the net either.I don't really wan't to go down the route of creating some sort of semi-modal dialog class (i've yet to find one in the default .NET API - is there one?) as it would mean a lot of re-work so before I go down that route I thought I'd see if anyone can think of a alternative solution.

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Calling A Javascript Function From A Modal Window?

Aug 21, 2011

I want to calling a javascript function from a modal window using vb. The javascript function is to close the same modal window. The function I want call is: function CloseModalWindow(winName)

I tried Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript

but that does not work. How can I do that from code behind?

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Javascript - ASP.Net Modal Page Code Behind Not Firing

Sep 6, 2011

I have an app that launches a modal window upon button_click event. That modal window launches another modal window upon another button_click event.

However, the final modal window's "Page_Load" event is not firing.

The second modal winodw is called via a javascript call from code behind Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "Script", "ShowModalWin('brPreview','brPreview')", True)

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C# - Fading Background While Modal Dialog Shown

Jul 1, 2011

When shutting down a Windows XP system, it displays a modal dialog box while the background fades to a grayscale. I will like to achieve the same effect in any of the programming languages in the tag list.

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Error While Showing A Modal Dialog Box Or Form

Jun 23, 2009

I am checking emailId exists in DB, If ExistsI am looking to create a Ok/Cancel confirmation dialog.if user say "Ok" I am redirecting to some other form.[code]...

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Expect Some Dialog Window To Appear In A Non-modal State?

Apr 19, 2009

If I type this code ( 2003):

Dim myDialog As frmTestDialog
myDialog = New frmTestDialog

you'd expect some dialog window to appear in a non-modal state. For some reason, this isn't the case with a program I am working on. Most of the dialogs use ShowDialog() to open them, and one uses Show(). The second I try to show another non-modal dialog, the dialog appears in a modal state. Another strange thing is, before I show the dialog, there is code to shift the dialog location to centre it on the main form - this isn't executed either: the dialog appears at 0,0.

My usual trend is to blame myself for errors (usually the case), then I blame the software; I have checked every single line of code (including the generated code), and it all checks out - the dialog should be non-modal. But ... it's not. I've come across other errors in 2003; is this another instance?

I'll try creating a new dialog and displaying this non-modal, and see what happens. If it works, I can just transplant the code but this shouldn't be happening, just like if I go to a shop, ask for a cola, I expect a cola not a Chinese panda; more annoying, I return the panda, ask for a cola, and they give me the panda back do loop until I give up The system does using threading, but none of that code connects to the display dialog routines all dialogs are opened with more-or-less the above code (a few have simple validation routines).

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Halt All Other Execution While Modal Dialog Box Is Showing?

Oct 22, 2009

I'm currently trapping all unhandled exceptions in my app to apply logging,but I still want to be able to halt and/or stop app.while displaying a dialogbox similar to the builtin unhandled exception dialogbox, where app. seems to stop to a grind until user presses continue.I think I perhaps need to start the dialogbox as part of another application, but I don't know if I'm able to halt the erroneous app.

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MessageBox Not Showing From Modal Dialog Window

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to show a message box when an error occurs in a modal dialog window but for some reason the message box is never shown although I know the MessageBox.Show method is being hit. The try catch block is inside of an event handler for a windows form that is being shown as a modal dialog. I know that the event is being fired and that the error is being caught but the message box never opens. I've replaced the MessageBox.Show with another form show and it works fine but I'd rather use MessageBox instead of creating my own error form. I just can't seem to make MessageBox work. Is this a limitation of MessageBox? Here is a simplified version of what I am doing:


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Modal Dialog With Secondary Form Shown In Taskbar?

Jul 21, 2009

I have two forms for my application, that are visible in the Windows taskbar. When a modal dialog is popped up on the main form, the secondary form is locked. However, when the user clicks on the secondary form on the taskbar, it appears over the modal dialog box, and is basically frozen. Is there a way to ensure that the modal dialog box does not draw underneath the secondary form? The topmost property is no good, since this draws on top of everything, even stuff not related to the application.

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Delete A Gridview Row Using Javascript Or JQuery

Dec 26, 2011

How do I use this jQuery function to remove a row.

$(document).ready(function() {
$("tr").filter(function() {
return $('td', this).length && !$('table', this).length


Here I have another control delete button, in delete button I will get a id to delete, here I want to pass that id as a parameter to script function ,
and I want to search hidden field contains those value and delete that row.

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
'some operations
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(String), "Deletearow", "DeleteGrid_Row(" & Me.hfSelected_GvResultsRowTocID.Value & ");", True)
End Sub

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Get Data Into JavaScript And Render With JQuery?

Dec 5, 2011

So here is the situation. I am originally a PHP developer, here are my steps to render data:

PHP gather data from DataBase
PHP write data to JavaScript
JavaScript render using JQuery to HTML
HTML display to user
User Postback to PHP
PHP write back to Database with new data

Now I am using VB.NET and I need to use their paradigm with controls and what not. However I would like to render using JQuery and JavaScript. How do I get data into JavaScript when loaded in VB and get it back once user post?


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Javascript - Change Hue Or Color Of A PNG With ASP.Net/jQuery

Jun 2, 2012

I'm working on a web page that takes multiple PNG images and merges them into one image so the user can download the flat image. I would like to add a hue or color adjustment (like color balance in photoshop) so I can adjust the different PNG image layers without having to create a separate image for each hue. Right now I'm using and some jQuery and the System.Drawing.Image method to merge the images. I can't seem to find any information on doing this for the web without using silverlight or flash and I do not want to use either.

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Jquery - Calling A Function From Javascript

May 25, 2009

I need to find a way to call a function in my aspx page from javascript. I have a Jquery function that makes the .drop class .droppable, and whenever I drop a .draggable onto a drop target, my Jquery code successfully fires a java alert statement. All in pure javascript. What I need to do is some heavy math!


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Jquery :: Compare Dates Javascript?

Apr 26, 2011

I need to validate different date's with some javascript(jquery).I have a textbox with, the inputmask from jquery The mask that i use is "d/m/y".Now i have set up a CustomValidator function to validate the date.I need 2 functions. One to check if the given date is greater then 18 years ago. You must be older then 18 function to check if the date is not in the future. It can only in the past.

The function are like
function OlderThen18(source, args) {


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Use Javascript / Jquery In Windows Applications?

Dec 2, 2011

This might be a stupid question but is it possible to use javascript/jQuery in windows applications? Im making this application in, just for personal use and im just making it to practice and to learn more about programming. I know javascript is ment for web applications but maybe there are ways to use them in windows applications aswell.


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.net - Main Form Minimized When Modal Dialog Calls Me.Hide()?

Mar 22, 2011

sometimes (not everytimes), when I call the Me.Hide() in a form, which I called with .ShowDialog(), the main form, which called this dialog minimized.

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Javascript - ASP.NET JQuery Filter Listbox From Textbox Value?

Feb 3, 2012

I have a text box and a list box, my ultimate aim is to use the text box to filter the list box. The below code works however the text box is case sensitive and I need the user to be able to input any case and it filters the list box accordingly, at moment.Example

"MY SITE" = Works
"my site" = Works
"My Site" = Does not work[code]........

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Javascript - JQuery Alert When Bar Code Is Scanned

May 5, 2012

I want a web page that pops up a JavaScript alert when a bar code scan is done. I don't want to tie the event to any visible control such as a textbox so thus, I won't have focus on any control to capture the scan input. Can this be done with JQuery?

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Javascript - Pass JSON File From ASP.NET To JQuery?

Feb 27, 2012

my problem is that my company does not want to serve up the .json MIME type, so I have to use ASP.NET to fetch the JSON file from the file server. Currently I have jQuery that does a getJSON and traverses the JSON object to build certain elements of the page. Is there a way I can use ASP.NET (VB) to give the object to my jQuery script after I fetch it?

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Javascript - Using Jquery To Pull From Ajax Response

Jun 15, 2012

[URL] Response when viewing URL: {"Status":"OK","Message":"0","Info":"(none)"} Using JQuery how do I pull from that? I get how you do POST and sending but little lost has to how to pull from that. Do I use GET? Am I doing something like $.get("URL HERE"...?

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