Make A Registration From With Proper Validation And Connectivity With Sqlserver 2005?

Mar 2, 2010

make a registration from with proper validation & connectivity with sqlserver 2005.

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URL Validation - Making A Small Webbrowser - User Inputs A Proper Url

Feb 28, 2010

I'm making a small webbrowser, and I need to make sure the user inputs a proper url!

The text box is called TextBoxAddress.

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Testing Server Connectivity - Verify Connectivity From Application To Various Servers?

Feb 28, 2009

I am trying to verify connectivity from my application to various servers - For now I am only concerned with mail servers... (later SQL etc)Before anyone gets all upset and thinking this is for SPAM - wrong - these are to confirm connectivity from the application for sending logs OR to ensure the SQL conneciton is working appropriately - Those that want to SPAM can do this simply by getting LINUX and doing it for free with ANY mail client (I add this ONLY because MOST SMTP threads go unanswered... which is silly... there are MANY good reasons to work with mail within an application.....)So what I have tried is opening a telnet session, grabbing the output, and going from there...But it is not working.... the output contains nothing specific to the telnet session I initiate - and.... of course from the command prompt manually i DO get the proper responses


I get the command prompt header, I see the commands... I see the prompts... but after the telnet command there is nothing I am assuming there is an issue redirecting telnet info and the telnet session terminates the second I try to read the data

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Connectivity With Sql Server 2005

Mar 2, 2009

i want to learn connectivity of 2005 and sql server 2005

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Connectivity With Sql Sever 2005

Jul 6, 2009

connetvity with sql sever 2005

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Database Connectivity In VB 2005?

Aug 9, 2010

i used the below coding to add the data in my database but its not getting updated,its just showing updated in data grid view but not in database

Dim newaddRow As teleDataSet.addRow
newaddRow = Me.TeleDataSet.add.NewaddRow() = "kumar"


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Oledb Connectivity Using Sql Server 2005 And .net?

Apr 5, 2009

How to exactly code for connectivity with sql server using web application.I want to use oledb connection.

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VS 2010 - Database Connectivity With MySQL Server 2005

Dec 3, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2010. I want to do database connectivity using VB.Net and MS SQL Server 2005. I know 1 way of doing this. Following are the steps...

1. Create a new Data Source Using Data Sources Window.
2. Select the appropriate view like details view/ data grid view for that data source
3. Drag that data source on your form and connectivity is done. Also all the controls are created by the visual studio.

This feature is really cool but I want to learn database connectivity by pure coding without using such advanced features. Also is it possible to do connectivity from a class library ?

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Populate A Datagridview With Rows In The Sqlserver 2005?

Sep 29, 2011

I'm trying to populate a datagridview with rows in the sqlserver to use DataAdapters too well so I go back and forth between hard code and controls.I used the Datagridview control and added columns to it this way. 2 combo boxes, a check box, and 2 text boxes.The 2 combo boxes are populated with values that are already in sql Server for users to pick from. The task is displaying the description while the value is the task_ID. Here is my form on load:

Private Sub frmTimeSheet_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
currentDate = Date.Now.ToShortDateString
lblDate.Text = currentDate


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Saving And Retrieving Images To/from Sqlserver 2005?

Aug 1, 2009

now the remaining things are done-able but im stuck in new requirement posted by Client which he needs to upload all images from Sql Server to Oracle Database now since old application stores images Path it is kind of new story now ?(:

i tried to build sample application since am not familiar with kind of above requested modification here is my code so far to upload images

'' Sql connection is over
Dim fs as new fileStream (imgPath , io.fileMod.Open , Io.FileAccess.Read)
Dim imgByte (fs.length -1 ) as byte


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Upload Photo Into The Database (sqlserver 2005)?

Dec 14, 2010

i need to upload photo into the database (sqlserver 2005)and also want to print it using crystal report..

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How To Make A Registration Form Look-a-like

Aug 29, 2009

I just got Visual Basics 2008 Express Edition and I am very addicted to it.I am quite a fast learner. I was able to script together many fun applications that I learn from YouTube. I want to make a registration form look-a-like.I setup the design the way I wanted it and now its the coding part I am having trouble with.I have been on Youtube and this site for some tutorials but I still cant find what I am looking for. I have 4 Text boxes, one being Name, second being Last Name, third being E-mail, and fourth being Username.I also have a OK button that I want them to press when they fill in all text fields. The problem I am having is, say they only fill in the Name & E-mail field and leave the Last Name & Username feild blank when they hit OK I want a error to come up and say Please fill in all information. I have tried these codes and none seemed to work:[code]

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Make A Registration Key Generator?

Feb 15, 2011

Okay, this is the final part to my program, making the registration keys...

i have no clue on where to start, i think it starts w/something like this, right?[code]...

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Save And Retrive A Picture From A Database In Sqlserver 2005

Mar 11, 2010

i want to save a picture of employee in SQL server Database in my college project payroll system,

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Make A Software Registration For Program?

Feb 1, 2012

I have been making a program in Visual Basic 2010 Express and now i want to protect it with a registration key, that the user will get when he/she buys the program.I have tried to use the IntelliProtector client from because i read that it should be a good way to protect the software, but i have got a little stuck.

I had som trouble at the beginning with getting the client to protect my program, so i wrote to intelliprotect and their answer was that i had made some wrong preferences, and instead of protecting the setup.exe i should protect the real application instead, but i don't know what that meens.

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Make Student Registration In VB 2008?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to do a rigistration system using vb 2008..the system must have database in access must have search button to searh student name then whenever i click a student name it will automatically fill their name in a form...

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Web Forms - How To Make Registration Page

Mar 15, 2012

I have a question about web forms. I've set up a web service and I'm now trying to make a registration page. The one thing I couldn't figure out is how to handle events. For example, I have a simple button with id="Register", how can I handle that event? I can't seem to call a textbox on my form like you usually do in a VB form.

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Make Program Require A Registration Number To Run?

Dec 21, 2009

Make program require a registration number to run?

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Make Registration Application For SQL Server 2000

Dec 10, 2011

have game server, I want to create Registration Account in Launcher Game, the Database name is "O2Jam" (without quotes) and table name is "member" (without quotes too) and I am using sa Account with password 123456 , the Table is contains following Column:


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Inserting To SQLServer Express 2005 Using Visual Studio 2008 VB2008?

Oct 15, 2010

I am new to SQLSever, Visual Studio and Visual Basic. I have read through Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 by Michael Halvorson and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 by Lars Powers and Mike Snell. These books mention the ability to use SQLServer as the DB but I am not clear on the process. I am not knew to programming an have had training in OO programming but have never done any OO programing professionally. So, you can assume I am new to OO programing.

I have created an SQL DB using the Server Explorer in VS, and created a Windows form with Labels, TextBoxes, and ComboBoxes for the application's user to add the demographic information about a new employee. I created a new query with the Query builder that is in the Employee table of the DB which contains all the field for the record for inserting. I have a few questions to understand the process for inserting into the DB.

The DB fields are defined as numeric(6, 0), nurmeric(5, 2), and char(30) for some examples.

The maxlength on the form windows are in sync with the maxlength of the DB for the various fields.

1. What is the process to update the DB with the fields from the form?

2. Do I need to declare and set the results from the form first? If so, how do I call the function (query) that I created in the Employee table.

3. The emp_num I would like to be a dynamically incrementing number starting from 1000. How do I make this a dynamic? The emp_num is also the key on the Employee table.

4. I have a decimal field on the Employee table to hold emp_rate (pay rate). Does the user enter the decimal on the Form or is this resolved by SQL to take the 7 numbers and insert the decimal beause of the table's field definition?

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Make Registration Form Who Requir To Use My Software Or Application

Jul 29, 2009

I want to make registration form Who Requir to use my Software or application i mean that.... he first Register. Registration DATA Save on TXT file Autometicly I know This is Hard but i want to start it

1- Make registration form , who say registration data in TXT file.

2- How loging in my application.

3- How to merge in any application.

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VS 2005 Validation On A Password

Aug 1, 2010

I am new using VB2005 and I need some assistance with the following:I have a created a program that connects to a Access database, the user has to have a user name and password to be able to access the application. So far that is working correctly it validates to make sure that the user and password does exist in the logon table.As you know sometimes people forget their passoword and the administrator has to reset it. I have setup a default password when ask to be reset it which is "Support".If someone logs in using their logon and the temporary passoword (Support) the system is going to promt the user to change it.I would like for the validation of the temporary password not for just anyone to use someone elses logon and just type "Support" and promt them to change it. how can i make sure that the password has been reset.[code]

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Installing A VB 2005 Application Fails "... Requires That Assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.Pipelinehost Version"?

Oct 7, 2009

When I try to install an application to another user's computer I receive a message box that says "Unable to run or install application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.SqlServer.Pipelinehost version be installed in the global assembly cache (GAC) first.A key feature of the app is to export data from sql server to an excel spread sheet so I have the following import statements

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VS 2005 Hotmail Email Validation?

Apr 5, 2009

i wanna check if it's a hotmail email something like this : which is the domain i use this RegularExpressions to check if it's valid


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Make Data Validation?

Aug 11, 2010

I have dragged across the details of a table from the data sources onto a form. So VS2008 automatically generate the BindingNavigator, DataAdapter,Dataset, ...etc. On the form I hv also placed an errorProvider and listbox, which is bound to the bindingsource. So as user clicks on the items of the listbox, the values of the textboxes changes accordingly. My question is how do I validate the values in the textboxes.

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VS 2005 Triggering The Validation Of A Self-validating Control

Jun 2, 2009

I have inherited a control and added the Validating and Validated events to it, the validation works when the I set focus on another control but somehow it is not being triggered when a StatusStrip button is clicked hence I need to be able to trigger the validation.


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Make Image Combo Validation?

Jun 10, 2010

I want to VALIDATE Image Combo control just like the one that is in CommonDialog control. Now I have to choices:1. Put validation routine in Click Event, it works fine if I only use mouse, but if I use keys (Arrorw, PgDn-PgUp, Home-End, etc) Click Event is invoked.2. Put validation routine in Validate Event, perfect; but I will work until when focus is moved to other control.How CommonDialog Image Combo does work? I can open it with mouse click or with F4, then I can move across options with mouse or keys and, when I click a choice or press Enter is when validate routine is invoked.

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Make Validation Control To Only Allow Certain Characters?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a validation control that only allows (a-z, A-Z, and 0-9). Which control to i use in or do i have to write specific code to validate it?

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VS 2008 How To Make Textbox Validation

Jan 7, 2011

is there any way of making a textbox only accept intergers and treat them as such when doing calculations.

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VS 2005 Pick Data From Other Table Using Key Press Validation?

Apr 7, 2011

I am newbie in VS 2005 and started learning. Can you please tell me how to Pop up the data from a table when there is a key press in the textbox.

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