Make A Syntax Highlighters?

Mar 17, 2011

I making a html editor, how to make a syntax highlighters?

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Make Make Syntax Highlighting And Keyboard Behavior Identical For C# In Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 25, 2010

Types have their own color (cyan by default).Enter completes the auto-complete suggestion.

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Make Multiplication Syntax?

Jan 29, 2010

This is part of a calculator program. I first part I sort by num and sign using a multitude of commandbuttons with no parenthesis.This program below is part of the second part. I have three more subroutines for /, +,- respectively.The + and - work correctly but * and / do not.I think it is in the line: numop(m) = g * h Is there something I am doing wrong wth the syntax in multiplication?

Public str, sign(100), numstr(100) As String
Public num1lock(100), m, n As Integer
Public ans, num(100), numop(100), g, h As Long


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Make Syntax Access IIf?

Dec 4, 2009

have about 57 possible termination codes that if present in Action Reason I will need to pass in Action_Start_Date otherwise it should be empty.I got it this far this will bring in the Action_Start_Date if Action_Reason is s present. But when I add the OR syntax as you see on the second line it says syntax error

IIf ((Records("Child").Fields("Action_Reason") <> "07"),"",Records("Child").Field("Action_Start_Date"))
Or((Records("Child").Fields("Action_Reason") <>


View 10 Replies

Make A Syntax Highlighter Such As Notepad++?

Dec 3, 2009

Using VB 2008r 2010 is there somehow I could make a syntax highlighter such as Notepad++?But maybe more simpler for only HTML, PHP and CSS? Or is there a plug-in or something you can download and add in your app?

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Make The Seconds Part Of The Syntax?

Oct 26, 2010

shutdown -s t 60shuts down the PC in 1 minute. I would like to make the seconds part of the syntax variable as:Dim varSec as integer Process.start(shutdown s t & varSec)But it doesnt work nor produces errors. Can it be done this way?

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VB 2008 Make Express Syntax?

Jan 9, 2011

My question is about syntax.bviously every language has set of rules for how to write or speak specific language.My problem is that I don't know the rules for VB. Let say that I want to write this sentence in VB compiler: aligator with big mouth is coming to your house. I know the order: first noun, then verb, and argument in brackets. But when I want to write this aligator

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VS 2010 : Make A Syntax Higlighter For HTML/CSS/PHP Editor?

May 21, 2012

I'm trying to make a syntax higlighter for my HTML/CSS/PHP editor and it's working great so far, except if you paste something and then try to edit it, it will randomly select text in front of the cursor.

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1


When you try to edit the pasted text this will happen:It randomly selects text in front of the cursor. This is only when the pasted text contains a keywordmatch.

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Syntax/Command Trying To Implement Syntax Highlighting In RichTextBox?

Oct 12, 2011

I am having an issue trying to figure this out. I am writing a script editor that uses tabs (a tab control) and I want to implement syntax highlighting. My issue is that every sample I can find on syntax highlighting uses

Private Sub RichTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged

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C# - Syntax Conversion - Translate Syntax ?

Dec 16, 2009

Can any one translate the following syntax to

m_TextBox.Loaded += TextBoxLoaded
m_TextBox.Loaded -= TextBoxLoaded;
private void TextBoxLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)[code].....

View 4 Replies

Convert Late Binding Syntax To Early Binding Syntax In .net?

Sep 5, 2011

i have this code:Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


Error 1: Option Strict On disallows late binding.Im using visual basic 2010 express on a gateway laptop thats running Windows 7 OS How do i resolve this error?

View 2 Replies

Convert Late Binding Syntax To Early Binding Syntax?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a listbox and it it I am showing numbers.It should look like this (line by line) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11.....but is is showing it like this 1,10,11,...2,20,21...3,30...ow can I make it that it will show it in number order 1,2,3,4,5......

View 5 Replies

Syntax Error: Syntax Error: Missing Operand After '14' Operator

Oct 21, 2009

I want to select some rows from a sql express 2005 table. I am using this expression: "Starttime >= " & dtpStart.Value dtpStart is a DateTimePicker But I am getting this error: Syntax error: Missing operand after '14' operator.

View 18 Replies - Regarding Syntax In C# And Vb

Aug 7, 2009

I have a web service in c# and its working well in c#.Following is one method i used in it

[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void abc(BllNew objNew)
new DAL.Entity.BllNew().sample();

But again i implemented above method in vb and is like this

[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public void abc(BllNew objNew)
new DAL.Entity.BllNew().sample();

One syntax error is showing near 'new' keyword.What change i hve to get rid of syntax error.

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C# Syntax To A Vb-er

Sep 11, 2009

I have the following code snippet:


I do not understand the


Can someone explain it? For the record...dropOperation is an enum. Can you give vb syntactical equivalent is all I need.

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Sql Syntax To Always Get One?

May 25, 2011

SELECT dbo.Calls.Description, dbo.TicketRead.IsRead, dbo.TicketRead.UserID
FROM dbo.Calls
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TicketRead ON dbo.Calls.CallID = dbo.TicketRead.TicketID
WHERE dbo.TicketRead.UserID = 1 or is null

I want to get a list of all calls, but also a value indicating if the user have read the call. so I made when a user open's the ticket a new record is added in a special table. now if no user have read it then it's ok, but if just one user have read this ticket, then the other users don't have this call in the list..

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Syntax For An Old Vba?

Apr 29, 2012

just starting out to learn I am doing so cuz i have some vba stuff i need to port.orry for the beginner question: translate this code I use in Outlook to I know it's not complete, but I am stuck here.

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, ByVal Cancel As Boolean)
Dim objNS As NameSpace
im objFolder As MAPIFolder


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Wcf - What Is This Syntax In .NET

Feb 6, 2012

The following is from a WCF sample I am working on.

<ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode:=InstanceContextMode.Single)> _
<Foobar()> _
Public Class Service1

I've never understood this and just used examples, but I would like to understand what is going on here. What exactly is the stuff inside the <> brackets? How are these related to Service1? I understand the ServiceBehavior is related to the hosting, but what about Foobar?

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ASP VB Syntax Error?

Jun 7, 2012

I'm trying to display an aggregate feed of several RSS feeds. I'm doing this with an asp page.The problem is I'm getting the error message:Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401' Expected end of statement for the line:Dim feed As SyndicationFe

View 1 Replies - SQL: Incorrect Syntax Near

Apr 7, 2011

I used to have this one

Dt = MyMod.GetDataTable("SELECT TOP " & QuestionsPerCats(i) & " * From Questions WHERE CategoriesID ='" & Cats(i) & "' ORDER BY NEWID()")

but now i decided to use sqlparameters like

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT TOP @QuestionsPerCats * From Questions WHERE CategoriesID = @CategoriesID ORDER BY NEWID()", conn)
Dim sqlParam As SqlParameter = Nothing
sqlParam = cmd.Parameters.Add("@QuestionsPerCats", SqlDbType.SmallInt)


and returns the following error

Incorrect syntax near '@QuestionsPerCats'.

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Can't Get A Handle On The Syntax?

Aug 6, 2009

I can't get a handle on the syntax. Can anyone give me a simple demo?

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Checking VB Syntax

Mar 12, 2012

i hope to create an application to check syntaxes (for simple function or methoe). Application will be given richtext box to add function or method and when submit, need to check that syntax and it will be execute by powershell.

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Difference Between The Following Syntax?

Jun 16, 2010

Is there any differnce between the following syntax? Im thinking that there isnt, as long as the end result of the "AS" portion has RuleType named "AS R.RuleType." Notice that the first snippet of code has the R.RuleType and the second has just Rule.Type.strRule.Append(

"select R.Ruleid,R.RuleNumber,isnull(C.ClientName,'') as ClientName,R.Customerid,Case R.RuleType when 'R' then 'P' when 'B' then 'G' else R.RuleType End as R.RuleType,isnull(C.InternalClientID,'')
as InternalClientID,")


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Get A Syntax Error?

Apr 27, 2009

im trying to do a basic calculation and i get a syntax error on what ever if first on the bottom line of this code :


at the error is on the bracket on the bottom line but when i remove it , the error goes onto the 805 .everything is declared properly in a module. as integers?

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How Is VB6 Different From .NET In Terms Of Syntax

Apr 9, 2010

How is VB6 Different from VB.NET in terms of Syntax? what is their relationship and major differences?.

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If Syntax For Dbnull And Value?

Nov 12, 2009

I need to make something like :

if isdbnull(value) or value = something then
'do something


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Incorrect Syntax Near '<'?

Dec 14, 2009

It was suggested that I use xmldocument.load to do a sql insert statement instead of BULK INSERT.However when I run the Sub I am getting this error: "Incorrect syntax near '<'. "Here is my code, I have no clue what is causing this error, or how to fix it.

Sub AO()
Dim Z As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Format(Today.AddDays(-1), "MMddyyyy")
Dim AO_Name As New String("\NetImportAO-M_" & (Z) & ".xml")


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Linq Syntax For .net?

Jul 14, 2009

tell me the equivalent syntax for the following code in

Static Class TestList
static void Main()


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Right Syntax For Looping

Jul 4, 2012

how to make this ode right. Public Class FrmSecurityProgram

Private Sub BtnOK_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnOK.Click
Dim ans As String
'Dim ctr1 As Integer


it is a simple security program where it will ask for username and password. the user just have 3 times to try and when its the fourth try the msgbox will show and will tell the user that he exceeds the maximum number of try.

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Jun 29, 2011

I am getting the error or syntax error , have a look!


I am getting the error near the variable "data" I have tried to put double quotes, single quotes and both together but it doesn't solve anything, what is the correct syntax?

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