Make A Textbox Not To Receive Focus?

May 31, 2012

I have a textbox that I have set to be a readonly textbox but I also want it in such a way that it cannot receive focus I tried to disable the textbox but the grayish color is not very apealing to me.

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Make DataGridView TextBox Cell A ComboBox Cell When It Has Focus

Dec 23, 2011

I have a DataGridView with several columns. One column is a TextBox column named "Status". This column can only show one of three values: 'Final', 'Ready', or 'No Reportable'. I want to have some code that would turn the TextBox cell into a ComboBox cell when the user left-clicks on the cell to allow the user to choose one of these three options. When the user clicks elsewhere or the cell loses focus I want the cell to change back to a TextBox cell.

Here is what I have so far, but the code throws an exception indicated below Plus, I don't think the code would remove the combobox when the cell loses focus.

Exception: "Provided cell does not belong to this DataGridView control."

Private Sub dgvCalculatedResults_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles dgvCalculatedResults.MouseDown
Dim ht As DataGridView.HitTestInfo = Me.dgvCalculatedResults.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)


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ToolStrip On A Databound Form - Toolstrip Buttons Don't Receive Focus In The Normal Way ?

Mar 24, 2009

I really want to make use of the toolstrip and databinding but these two technologies keep conflicting with each other. I think the root cause is something to with the fact that the toolstrip buttons don't recieve focus in the normal way.

I invite you to try the following:-

1. Create a form and put some text boxes a tool strip with a save button on it.

2. Write a query or sproc to get a datatable back and bind your text boxes to the field in the datatable.

3. In the code behind your Save ToolStripButton put some code that makes an arbitrary change to a field on the dataset (it doesn't matter whther this field is bound to a text box or not). eg:-
m_DataTable.Rows(0).Item("CommissionRatePerc") = "0.0000"

4. Put a breakpoint in the save and run the form.

5. Make some changes in the text boxes. Do not leave the last text box but rather click save while a text box whose contents you have edited still has focus.

6. When your code hits the breakpoint, query the value of the data table field that is bound to the text box you were editing when you clicked save - it will still contain the unedited value. Unless you do something about it that unedited value is going to get saved back to your DB.

We did get around this problem by explicetely setting the focus to another control on the form before saving. That worked most of the time because it prompts the text box to flush it's value back to the datatable (nb EndEdit does not work, although you'd have expected it to). However, and this is the reason I suggested you add a line of code that changed a value in the underlying datatable in step 3, if you change a value in code in this way before the value from the text box get's flushed back then it doesn't seem to matter what you do, the user's current edit is simply lost. They will still show in the text box, though, leading your user to believe that the change has been committed when it hasn't. Our final solution is that we never ever change a value in the adtaset in the code behind our toolstrip buttons. That's working but it's a pretty big restriction.

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Disable Datagridview's Column In Term Of The Column Will Not Receive Focus

Mar 25, 2011

I want to disable column in datagridview so the column will not receive focus,

when user press tab to move from cell to cell this column will be skipped and the focus move to the next cell or column.

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Current Date Is Inserted Into A Textbox And The Focus Is Transfered To The Textbox?

Jul 1, 2009

when clicking a button, the current date is inserted into a textbox and the focus is transfered to the textbox.

the problem is that Textbox15.focus() select the text inside the textbox. i wish to give that control the focus but place the cursor at the end of the text, with no selection.

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
TextBox15.Text = TextBox15.Text & DateTime.Now & " "
End Sub

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Remove The Textbox's Focus When Mouse Is Clicked In The Textbox?

Jul 18, 2009

Is there any way to remove the textbox's focus when mouse is clicked in the textbox? the blinking focus in the textbox is not needed for kiosk system. so i try remove it with


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Make An App Which Can Send/receive Files/pictures?

Mar 20, 2010

I am trying to make an app which can send/receive files/pictures. I am trying to make a app which will get a picture of the users screen and send it to me, and display it in a picturebox at a set interval. With this, I will be able to sort of see what someone is looking at without having to have him send screenshots constantly.

Remote assistance does not seem to work for these apps, shows black, but I can make the program already get an accurate screenshot and display it of this program, I just need to know how to make it send it to me and display it to picturebox.

The thing I have been using is the MultiUser TCP chat application off MSDN's website, I don't know if this will work, but I need to make it send somehow and display it.

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Input A Fraction A Textbox, And Receive The Value Or Allow The Application To Read

May 4, 2011

My problem is i want to input a fraction a textbox, and receive the value or allow the application to read "/",.

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Make A Messager In Vb That Should Be Able To Send And Receive Messages From The Server?

Sep 13, 2009

How do i make a messager in vb that should be able to send and receive messages from the server?

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Get Last Textbox Focus?

Oct 25, 2011

Basically, I have a form with about 15 text boxes. Most are in different tab pages. By default, text boxes allow anybody to copy and paste by using keyboard shortcuts.I added a tool strip up top and make the "Cut", "Copy", and "Paste" buttons. What I want to do is make them work for whichever text box was last focused. So if I click the Cut button on the tool strip, it will cut the text of the
last text box that was focused.

Example:I open the program and type in TextBox1. Then I type in TextBox2. I want to copy the contents of the last text box by using the Copy key at the top, so I click that and it copies TextBox2 as it was the last focused textbox.

Like I said, I'm not fully sure how possible this is as I do have many. The whole reason I have the tool strip is for users that prefer using a mouse for everything rather than keyboard shortcuts.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Visual Basic 6 (VB6)
Visual Basic Script (VBS)
Convert C# to VB

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Getting Focus On A Textbox?

Dec 12, 2010

For validation of a textbox i am using :-

Private Sub t4_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles t4.LostFocus
If Not IsNumeric(t4.Text) Then


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How To Set Focus In WPF Textbox

Mar 3, 2009

I am writing a control in WPF that draws a shape on a form and then draws dimensions of this shape. These dimensions are editable so they are shown in a text box. When the user changes a dimension in a text box the shape is updated. I am updating the shape when the textbox showing the dimension loses focus i.e. as soon as the text box loses the focus the shape and all the dimensions are redrawn.

A text box loses focus in one of two ways - either when user presses tab key or when user clicks in another control outside the text box. My problem is that when user presses tab key or clicks somewhere else outside the text box the whole control is redrawn and the focus is not set to the next control where it should be. This is really annoying because tabs stop working altogether and to set a focus using mouse the user has to click twice.

An image of my control is shown below

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Textbox With Last Focus

Jan 19, 2011

I have a form with + 50 controls and with key numeric screen to write in only 5 textbox of this form.I am using this code to write in these textbox using key numeric screen:[code]I need to know which of these 5 textbox had the focus before touching the numerical button.I have seen this code from this post Find out the control with last focus to find last focus:[code]But how I do it in a form with + 50 controls (Controls of many types: buttons, checkbox, combos, textbox, etc.) ?

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VS 02/03 Set Focus + Textbox?

Oct 27, 2009

Suppose I have 5 texboxes on my form,named Textbox1,Textbox2 & so on.I want that when the form load,curor is on Textbox1.I write

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub

But its not working?

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Datagridview1 Always Focus On Textbox

Jun 5, 2011

I use visual baisc 2008 if i use "mouse click" or "use arrow keys " in the datagridview1 then i want that always the focus in on the textfield => Number_Pieces.text.[code]

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Determing Which Textbox Has Focus?

Aug 28, 2011

In my project exercising the PrintDocument Control, I want to set the font of one of 5 text boxes, Print location, etc depending upon which textbox has focus. I was hoping to loop through a text box array until the box with focus is found and use a vb6 trick like 'If tb(i).gotfocus then SetFont(i)' but the 'gotfocus' property seems to be missing in I could use a button click or mousedown event

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Focus On Textbox That Needs Correction?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a few textboxes for inputing values in, but i want a textbox to prompt me if I have made a mistake inputting values, as well as setting focus on that textbox with the mistake, how do I go about doing that? So far, I have[code]...

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Focus Textbox And Datagrid?

Apr 24, 2009

When the form loads, I query the dataset, and populate the dataGrid with initial values. My problem is that I cannot set the focus to the textbox. I have done the obvious (textfirstname.focus()), in the form loaded event. (and yes, I'm attempting to set the focus AFTER I have dealt with querying and filling my dataGrid).It seems that no matter what I have tried, the cursor always begins in the first row, first column of th

Private Sub Newemployee_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Giving Focus To Another Textbox

May 8, 2012

I am entering a values into another textbox and I want it to surrender Focus to another textbox if the value I have entered is the same as the one in the database.However what is happening is that if the value is the same as in the database the cursor just disappears and it does not give focus to the control that I want it to give focus to. Any ideas on how I can correct this.

Private Sub txtProducedAt_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtProducedAt.TextChanged

Dim iSql As String = "SELECT ID,SiteName FROM Sites WHERE SiteName = '" & txtProducedAt.Text & "' "
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(iSql, LoginForm1.Conn)
Dim dTable As DataTable = New DataTable
If dTable.Rows.Count = 0 Then

Exit Sub

ElseIf dTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then

txtProducedAt.Text = dTable.Rows(0)("SiteName").ToString


End If

End Sub

I've tried putting code into the tabindex changed event but its not doing what i want and also in the lostfocus event

Private Sub txtProducedAt_TabIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtProducedAt.TabIndexChanged

Dim iSql As String = "SELECT ID,SiteName FROM Sites WHERE SiteName = '" & txtProducedAt.Text & "' "
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(iSql, LoginForm1.Conn)
Dim dTable As DataTable = New DataTable
If dTable.Rows.Count = 0 Then

Exit Sub

ElseIf dTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then


End If
End Sub

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Giving Focus To Another Textbox?

May 8, 2012

I am entering avalues into another text box and I want it to surrender Focus to another textbox if the value I have entered is the same as the one in the database.However what is happening is that if the value is the same as in the database the cursor just disappears and it does not give focus to the control that I want it to give focus to.

Private Sub txtProducedAt_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtProducedAt.TextChanged
Dim iSql As String = "SELECT ID,SiteName FROM Sites WHERE SiteName = '" & txtProducedAt.Text & "' "
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(iSql, LoginForm1.Conn)


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How To De-select The Textbox Focus

Jun 22, 2010

When a Windows Forms TextBox control first receives the focus the cursor has to be there at first position in the Textbox.

We have tried to resolve the above issue by adding below code in form load event.

TextBox1.SelectionStart = 0
TextBox1.SelectionLength = 0

Now, when a Windows Forms TextBox control first receives the focus, the default insertion (cursor) within the text box is to the left of any existing text. The user can move the insertion point with the keyboard or the mouse. If the text box loses and then regains the focus, the insertion point will be wherever the user last placed it.

But the problem is when some operation is performed in TextBox_Leave event, it will loose the focus. Again when it receives the focus, the whole text is getting selected instead of showing cursor where the user left.

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How To Focus A Specific Textbox

Dec 19, 2011

I'm making a desktop application in When I click the back button (placed by me) on any form it hides current form and shows previous form but when i go again to the form from which i had hit back button then the focus cue still remains on the back button but I want the focus to be on the first textbox on that form or any specific button on which I want.....How can i achieve this...

I have already used some code to shift focus from one textbox to another when i press enter key...but it doesn't work in the above mentioned case....I'm using in visual studio 2005...This is the code i'm using for shifting focus among textboxes

Private Sub party_code_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles party_code.KeyDown
If e.KeyData = Keys.Return Then
End If
End Sub

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How To Put The Focus On The Last Character In The Textbox

May 30, 2012

Private Sub txtOPass_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtOPass.KeyUp
txtOPass.Text = Replace(txtOPass.Text, Mid(txtOPass.Text, Len(txtOPass.Text), 1), "*", 1, 1)


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Moving Focus To TextBox?

May 7, 2009

I have simple application that basically allows you to open up and view PDF files.I use an OpenFileDialog control to select the PDF file and a WebBrowser control to view the file (via the Acrobat ActiveX). Everything works great. However, I would like to also record info, from each PDF file that gets viewed, into a TextBox control (someone would read a line or two from the PDF file and type a summary into a TextBox control). Once the PDF file gets loaded, it takes the focus. But instead, I would like the focus to move the TextBox control. Changing the focus upon the Web Browser1_ DocumentCompleted event does not work (I don't believe the WebBrowser control is aware of the PDF itself, just the ActiveX control) In fact, the only way to move focus to the TextBox, after the PDF file is loaded, is to click the TextBox with the mouse. I can't �TAB into that field.

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Passing Focus To TextBox?

Nov 17, 2011

I have a Windows Form Application that has a few TextBoxes, Buttons, and a couple of ListViews. One of the TextBoxes takes an entry (usually by a barcode scanner or the user can type text and hit the TAB character) and then that searches through some data structures and if found it modifies the color on a row in one of the ListViews and adds a row to the other ListView. What I want to be able to do is to put the focus back on the Textbox that takes the input from the barcode reader.The problem I'm having is that the TextBox doesn't always get focus back after a scan. Sometimes after a scan it looks like the focus is on one of the splitContainers. I can manually take the mouse and put the focus back on the TextBox, but that would be kind of inconvienient for the user. What I would like would be for the user to be able to scan (which enters text into the textbox and then TABS out). The TextBox's Leave Event fires and runs the code that manipulates the ListView's and then at the end the leave event code clears the textbox with TextBox1.Text = "" and then calls TextBox1.Focus()

I've tried using TextBox1.Select() and/or TextBox1.Focus() and neither one works. I even put in a Apllication.doEvents() so that any pending action that might cause focus to change will happen before I call the Focus() or Select() code.My guess is that maybe it has to do with some race condition on actions that pull focus away, but how can I keep focus on the text field and still allow the user to use the mouse to press the EXIT or SAVE buttons or even click on an item in one of the ListViews (which doesn't do anything right now).

I do have a check in the TextBox.leave event that checks for empty values using


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Set Focus On Textbox During Start Up?

Nov 15, 2011

I actually want to ask two things, first, how do I set Textbox1 to get focus so that the user will not have to click the textbox if he wants to write something, the .focus() method does not work also, how do I highlight texts inside a textbox programmatically. I think the equivalent code for this in VB 6.0 is Home+End.

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Textbox Focus Out Of Control?

Jan 15, 2009

i have a window form which has text boxs, buttons and radio buttons.when the form is loaded i want to put the cursor focus to TextboxA. But what i got is it didn't go to textboxA although I call TextboxA.Focus() at Form_Load event.In my Form_Load event() i have:

1) assign a value to a global variable.
2) hide a panel
3) set this TextBoxA.focus.

What i found is if i didn't checked the radio control to True in Form design time, the focus is go to that place, textbox.If i set the radio checked = True in form design time, focus is go to this radio button although i set TextBoxA.focus in form load line end.In my radio_checkedchanged() event, I have:

1) clear all textbox and set the focus to textbox. ( i even tried remove the set textbox focus line in this radio event but it didn't work)

But i must at least set this rdo button checked = true to carry on.if i set true, focus get lost.My program is a simple user registration form. Here is the
Private Sub rdoNew_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdoNew.CheckedChanged
If rdoNew.Checked Then


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VS 2008 Why Can't Set The FOCUS To A TEXTBOX

Aug 25, 2009

I've got a dialog form that I do a .ShowDialog from my main form In the load event


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[2008] Set Focus On Textbox Within Second Tab

Feb 16, 2009

I am trying to find the code to move the focus to a text box in a "Settings" tab on a form "tabSettings".


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.net - Winforms Textbox Focus With TabControl?

Aug 22, 2011

VB.NET Windows Forms Project, VS2010.I have a tabcontrol with several tabpages and on each tabpage there is a textbox. I want the focus (and insertion point) to go to the end of the text in the textbox when the tab is selected. If I make a junky project with the following code in each tab, it works fine:

Private Sub TabPage1_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Enter
With TextBox1
.SelectionStart = .Text.Length
End With
End Sub

However, the same code is not working in my actual project. I am having trouble debugging, because if I step through, the breakpoints and IDE mean the focus events don't fire in the same order.

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