Make The System.drawing Namespace Available To A Console Application?

Dec 23, 2008

Would there be a way to make the system.drawing namespace available to a console application? ( i know this sounds silly, but all my application does is take a bitmap of a window and saves it to file, so whats the point in my application being form based)

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Error: Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Drawing.Image' And 'System.Drawing.Bitmap'

Aug 17, 2009

With this line...

If PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources._2star Then

I get this error: Operator '=' is not defined for types 'System.Drawing.Image' and 'System.Drawing.Bitmap'.Is there another way to say = with images?

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Convert An Object Form System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image?

May 23, 2009

Is it possible to convert an object form System.Drawing.Graphics to System.Drawing.Image?

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Error Value Of Type System.Drawing.Image Cannot Be Converted To System.Drawing.Icon

Jan 21, 2010

Here is my favicon code

Dim oURL As Uri = New Uri(e.Uri.AbsoluteUri)
Dim favicon As Image
If oURL.HostNameType = UriHostNameType.Dns Then


The error is Value of type System.Drawing.Image cannot be converted to System.Drawing.Icon Is it even possible to make the favicon be the icon of the form?

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Value Of Type 'System.Drawing.Image' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Drawing.Printing

Apr 3, 2009

im using an MDI parent form and MDI Child. how can i print the image that's inside a picture box that's inside the Child from a button that's on the Parent?when i try to use print preview or print dialog, i can't get it to recognize that the document is the picure inside the picture box. i've looked up this error message:Value of type 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be converted to 'System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument'.[code]

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Make System.drawing.printing?

Sep 10, 2011

While looking for a way to program a way to print using a console program one of the suggestions that i received was to use the printdocument class.However, when i try to import the system.drawing.printing

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Unable To Get Namespace System.Deployment.Application

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to get this: System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.IsFirstRun.But the application namespace is not there. I just see System.Deployment.Internal. The object browser, however, shows me all the properties and methods of that namespace, but my app can't see it.?

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'System.Drawing.Image' Converted To 'System.Drawing.Icon&#

Apr 9, 2012

I am making a web browser using geckofx. I have put the favicon in a picture box but I have changed my mind and now I want it as the form's icon. The code for the favicon is:[code...]

The favicon works fine in the picture box but i think it will look better as an icon. If i change the line Me.PictureBox1.Image = favicon to Form1.icon = favicon I get the error Value of type 'System.Drawing.Image' cannot be converted to 'System.Drawing.Icon'. How can I get this to work?

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Convert System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image

Jan 20, 2010

I have a System.Drawing.Graphics g, which draw something in a PictureBox. Now I want to export this pGraphics to a new System.DrawingImage pImage (or Bitmap). But how?

Dim pImage As Bitmap
Dim g As Graphics
g = Graphics.FromImage(b)


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Convert System.Drawing.Graphics To System.Drawing.Image?

Mar 10, 2010

I have two graphics I'm trying to superimpose into one, then display in a DataGridViewImage cell...The Value property of a DataGridViewImage is an Image type.

Dim Image1 As System.Drawing.Image = imgl_Imagelist1.Images(0)
Dim Image2 As New Bitmap(imgl_ImageList2.Images(0))
Dim DualGraphic As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Image1)


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Using System.Drawing To Make A Selection Tool, And Cropping An Image In .net?

Sep 4, 2009

If i wanted to crop an image in, how would I go about doing it? I am trying to let the user drag out the box they want (system.drawing.rectangle), and it will automatically remove the edges surrounding the box.

My first problem is primarily the fact that I cannot make the system.drawing.rectangle visible. It is not displaying at all, I am setting its location and height programmatically, but nothing is showing up. I know there is probably something fairly obvious I am missing...but I cannot seem to find it.

My larger issue, however, lies with the cropping itself. I cannot find any crop methods, at all. Is there a hidden one I am missing? Or must I code it myself? How would I go about doing this? It ought to be able to output to a bitmap image object.

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Type Or Namespace Name 'Messaging' Does Not Exist In Namespace 'System

Apr 10, 2010

The type or namespace name 'Messaging' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

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MD5 Verifier - Make An Windows Application Or Just A Console Application

Aug 11, 2009

Okay so basically I want to see if I can make an windows application or just a console application in VB.NET that will verify an MD5 Checksum. I have no idea how to start this out, but I have the ideas of what I'd like to make it.


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System Namespace Conflict With Sibling Namespace

Nov 16, 2011

This class is located in the namespace Acme.Infrastructure.Interface.A class with the same name EventArgs exists in the System namespace.In another project in my solution I have a class Acme.BusinessModules.MyModule.MyClass.When attempting to use the EventArgs class I have to fully qualify the class name or the compiler thinks I am using the System.EventArgs class.My understanding of namespace resolution was that the compiler would first look for the class in the current namespace, and then its parents. It seems that the compiler checks in System before it checks in sibling namespaces. Is it correct that System is checked before the sibling? Or is this behaviour caused by other issues (Imports order?)?

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Make A Console Application Game?

Jun 17, 2011

Is there a way to make a health variable that, when hit, you lose health?

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Make A Console Application Continue Running?

Jun 5, 2011

I was thinking I could make a console application that would have a FileSystemWatcher - watching for a .BAT file being created in a folder - and when it sees that file it does a PROCESS.START on it.

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Drawing Pixels With Me.creategraphics In System.drawing (yay)?

Jun 3, 2012

draw individual pixels, without resorting to drawing a line and setting it's length to 1. Is there an actual ability to draw a pixel that is just 1 pixel big?

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VS 2008 - How To Make Console Application Continue Running

Apr 1, 2012

I was thinking I could make a console application that would have a FileSystemWatcher - watching for a .BAT file being created in a folder - and when it sees that file it does a PROCESS.START on it. But I'm seeing that a console app doesn't continue running.

Imports System.IO
Module awcWatcher
Sub Main()
Dim fsw As New FileSystemWatcher("D:ACS DesktopAWCeportingstaging")
fsw.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName Or NotifyFilters.LastWrite
[Code] .....
How would I go about making this wait and then wait again and again and again?

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Make A Console Application That Will Measure HTTP Page Load Time

Aug 31, 2009

I need to make a console application that will measure HTTP page load time.

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Make A Browser - Settings - Error - Value Of Type "System.Drawing.Color"cannot Be Converted To 'String'

Sep 19, 2011

I am attempting to make a browser. I have a menu drop-down where the user can choose one of a couple colors. I set up each button, panel, text, etc... as my.settings. I have tried to write the code two different ways, but neither works. How would I fix this?


I keep Getting the Error: Value of type "System.Drawing.Color"cannot be converted to 'String'.

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Check VB, Console Application, User Input To Make Sure They Entered A Valid Number?

Feb 2, 2012

Vb is not my language of choice , but I have to do this for school and I'm not having a very easy time with VB's documentation.I'm just creating a very simple console application that accepts user input: degrees in Celsius, and converts it into Fahrenheit. I want to make sure that if the user just hits enter without entering the degrees in Celsius, then an if else statement will catch and write to enter Celsius again.Here's what I've tried:


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.net - The System.Linq.Dynamic Namespace - Visual Studio Does Not Recognize In The Project Files The System.XXX References

Aug 11, 2011

I would use the System.Linq.Dynamic. I added the specified Dynamic.vb file, that starts like this:


to my (VB.NET)solution. Now Visual Studio does not recognize anymore in the project files the System.XXX references, proposing me to change them to Global.System.XXX

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Exception Of Type 'System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception' Occurred In System.Drawing.dll

Oct 14, 2011

I have a program that creates a Treeview from information procured through an ODBC query and dumped into a dataset. I have three such queries set up via radial buttons as well as a refresh button that triggers whatever radial button is active at the time it's clicked. The purpose of this program is to allow drag-and-drop of selected nodes, ending with a post to the database that officially makes that change of assignment to the new node.


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System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled (system.drawing.dll)?

May 6, 2008

I made a program with Visual Basic Express 2008. I got this error message when I try to close my program after running it. (PS: It is a simple code that can login into Microsoft SQL Server)The error message shows the error was caused by the "system.drawing" (Parameter is not valid). Also, I have been trying the code in VBA (Excel). When I tried to close Excel after running my code, I got the same problem (Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and need to be closed.....) and the error report shows the error was caused by "system.drawing" as well.

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C# - .Net Console Application That Doesn't Bring Up A Console?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a console application I'm using to run scheduled jobs through windows scheduler. All the communication to/from the application is in email, event logging, database logs. Is there any way I can suppress the console window from coming up?

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Make Idle System For An Application?

Jun 9, 2011

can i make idle system for my when user login system & idle for 30 minutes, system automaticly logoff...

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System.Web.UI Namespace?

Apr 5, 2010

I want to define WebControls from VB code. I add a reference to System.Web.dll and I use VS2005. My code below gives me the errors:ype 'RadioButtonList' is not defined.Type 'UpdatePanel' is not defined.

Imports System.Web
Dim radiobtnlist As RadioButtonList


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Console Application Without Showing Console

Aug 8, 2010

I am currently working on an application, where I am using a console application, that will set up the application prior to the main form is run. This is no problem I've got that all working perfectly, the only problem I have is that the console is showing while the application is running, I was wondering whether anyone knows any way in which I would be able to hide the console before it gets shown to the user.

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Showing Console In Console Application?

Dec 15, 2011

How do I get the console from closing immediatley upon opening in a Console Application program? I have all of the code written but when I run the program it pops up the console window and then immediatley exits so I am unable to read what is in the window to see if my program is operating correctly. This is the first time I've ever used a console window so I don't know where in the code I would need to put "whatever it is" I might need to put to keep the window open until closed by the user.

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VS 2010 Console Application Without A Console?

Aug 23, 2009

It sounds confusing but it's not really. What I need is basically a way to emulate the console style text, without using a console. What I'm really doing is trying to do a matrix effect on my form background, by drawing symbols and moving them, alternating their colors (see this video for what I mean).

Is there a way to do this effectively with a timer and a draw event, with the timer calling the draw event and changing the intervals?

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