Move The File Showed In A Textbox From A Directory To Another One?

Dec 30, 2011

I want to move the file showed in a textbox from a directory to another one. The file showed in a textbox is randomly determined, but once is showed, I want that after press a button it is moved to another directory.

I know the instruction to move files is:

My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile("C:TestDir1 est.txt", _
"C:TestDir2 est.txt")

But which would be the code for a "dynamic file" depending if this file is showed in a textbox?

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Move Selected File To Directory?

Dec 12, 2011

First off, I am completely new to VB and have no previous programming experience. I was required to take an Intro to Visual Basic class.

As a result, I was assigned to write a program for my final project. My professor wanted us to challenge ourselves and try to design something we would use. While my fellow classmates chose damage calculators and stat calculators, I chose to write something that would move files around. It was challenging for a beginner, but i figured i would be able to find alot of help in my book and online. I'm impressed at myself that I've made it as far as I have, but I've hit a snag in the road.

The project is due friday, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to move the files... which is a bit of a problem.[code]....

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File I/O And Registry :: Cannot Move Any Stuff Over To Directory

Sep 24, 2008

It keeps throwing an exception like this "Cannot create a file when that file already exists" at this line:
Directory.Move(contentDirectory, archiveDirectory)
I have checked, and the directory that I am moving, does exist at the source, but does not exist at the destination. I have tried including some console.writelines to make sure my variables are correct, and they look good. The first bit of code works where it creates the new directory, but fails when I try to move anything over to that directory.

Sub Main()
Dim Guid As String = "test"
Dim archiveName As String = "scripttestone"
Dim contentDirectory As String = "C:content" & Guid
Dim archiveDirectory As String = "C:archive" & archiveName
Dim TodaysDate As Date = Now()
[Code] .....

View 5 Replies

Search For File Type Then Move To Specified Directory?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm trying to make a program to gather Photoshop Brushes (File type is *.abr) and move them to the photoshop brush directory. I've been looking at this little bit of code and am stumped as of where to start


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Move - Xcopy Equivlent - Copy And Move The Entire Contents Of A Directory To Another

Jan 6, 2012

how do i copy and move the entier contents of a directory to another ussing then also delete the files from there original directory?

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VS 2010 Copy / Move / Rename & Delete A File In Program Files Directory?

Aug 30, 2010

how can i either copy/move/rename & delete a file in program files directory? [c ode]i already have the form which grabs the updated file and it save it to temp directory ready for copying, just stuck here as of the access denied.

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Select A Directory And Move Files From The Directory

Apr 8, 2011

I am going to need to create a windows form for work that we can connect to a database table, select a directory and move files from the directory that are in the table and move to another folder. The directory will have sub directories that I need to search for the file name and move. I would like to have the table hold the file name (or path) and move all files that are in the database. There might be 20 files or 1000. Depends on the client we are processing for.


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VS 2008 Start Load File After Main Screen Showed?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a startup form with one list view and one combo box. When combo box SelectedIndexChanged a make call a subroutine that perform read of a file. In Main_Form_Activated i give a default value in my Combo box. The problem is: The program didn't show me the main screen and after call the subroutine to load the file but without show me any screen starting to load the file and they show me the screen AFTER the load of the file.

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Displaying The Directory Of A File In A Textbox?

Nov 17, 2011

What I am trying to do is create a rather generic file opening form.

I am creating a visual basic form to prepare a file to open. I want the user to select the open button, get the dialog to open the file, then I want the exact file path for the selected file (C://Users/text.txt) to be pasted into the the textbox immediately below the button. The textbox is also to allow the user to type the directory that they want to draw from. So he actual opening of the the file will commence once another button is pressed, once the directory has been decided upon via either the openfile dialog or by pasting the address.

how to reference the root directory of an application. I want to the openfiledialog to the directory of the application.

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FileSystemWatcher And IO.Directory.Move?

Jul 11, 2009

I've been trying to figure this out, but have had no luck...Using FileSystemWatcher to monitor a folder and subfolders.I've got everything working fine (inluding cut-paste of a folder), the problem i'm having with is if a directory is moved, there is no way for me to get the contents of the moved folder...and the only event that is fired is a "Changed" rename, nothing else.From the MSDN website:Copying and moving foldersThe operating system and FileSystemWatcherobject interpret a cut-and-paste action or a move action as a rename

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Rename Then Move Files From One Directory To Another

Oct 15, 2009

I have a script task inside a for each file loop which moves files from one directory to another. It uses the file.move command which works fine unless the file I am moving already exists in the destination directory. I would like to add the datetime string to the filename before moving it or alternatively an incremental variable to make the filename unique before its moved.

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Move Files From Multiples Subdirectories To The Parent Directory?

Dec 23, 2009

I have downloaded a program for moving files and it accepts visual basic instructions. I want to down a level all the files from multiples subdirectories to its parent directory. Example:

I have this:

And I want to have all the files in just one directory, like this:


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Moving A TextBox - User Will Have To Move A (selected Textbox) By Clicking A Button

Feb 11, 2010

I am building an app. that needs some input from the user, the user will have to move a (selected textbox) by clicking a button. The TextBox will have to move 20 points down or up from corent location by clicking a button.

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Move From Custom Login Screen To Active Directory LDAP Authentication?

Mar 11, 2009

I have a WinForms app with SQL05 backend. It has a standard Login window where users are required to supply a username/password. This is validated using my own code and sprocs. Now one of my big clients has scared the bejezus out of me by saying, "Hey Chris, I want you to change your app in line with all our other IT systems so that users can use their common username and passwords with authentication against LDAP". :confused: Having had a moment to reflect, I have some questions (some very noob in nature!)

1. Is this requirement a big deal? :) Or straightforward to implement?

2. Does this mean that when user's double-click my app icon on the desktop, the authentication automagically happens without the need for a Login screen?

3. How on earth can I test this. My dev environment does not use AD, but I do have SBS2003

4. Can anyone point me to good resources about this on the web?

View 7 Replies

Add A Condition When Textbox1.text Changes , The Added Text To Textbox1.text Is Showed In Another Textbox?

Feb 23, 2012

I want to add a condition when textbox1.text changes , the added text to textbox1.text is showed in another textbox.

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C# :: Save/retrieve A File In A Project Directory, Not The Output Directory?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm creating a simple .NET console application where I want to save a file in a folder that's part of the root project, like so: SolutionName.ProjectNameTestData. I want to put test.xml into the TestData folder. However, when I go to save my XDocument, it saves it to SolutionName.ProjectNameinx86Debug Console est.xml.

View 3 Replies

Copying The File From One Directory To Another Directory By Create The Folder?

Feb 9, 2012

copying the file from one Directory to another directory by create the folder if that folder is not exists in destination directory.Example:

Source path: C: emp est1.txt
destination path: C:Data
if C:Data doesn't contains "temp" or "test" folder, it should create the folder before copy the 1.txt.[code]....

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Create A Directory Listing Of Every File Inside A Specified Directory

Jun 30, 2009

I'll tell you what I'd like to do which is to create a directory listing of every file inside a specified directory and then use a loop to upload each file in this directory to a remote folder via FTP.


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Bindingcontext And Data Showed By Controls?

Feb 24, 2010

Bindingcontext and data showed by controls?

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Integer Showed In Debug Mode As Hex Value?

Sep 20, 2010

Since a week my vb 2008 is showing the integer value as a hex, see attachment. how to show the normal integer value?

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Compare Two Directory Trees - File & Directory

Feb 1, 2010

I am attempting to compare two directory trees. I have the program map the network drive and copy a directory. I need it to verify that the files copied successfully by comparing the source to the destination. If comparison returns equal then perform action1, if comparison returns unequal then perform action2.

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Move One Textbox To Another Textbox With Enter Key?

Apr 13, 2010

How to Move one Textbox to another Textbox with Enter Key.

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Move To Next TextBox?

Nov 16, 2008

I have a form with a number of text boxes on it How do i get the program to move focus to the next text box when a user hits the enter key.I used to use control arrays in VB6.I know that you can trap the keydown event and if it is 13 or Keys.enter then move focus to the next text box, but this means that I have to have a Keydown event trap for every textbox on the form.Isn't there an easier way?

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Copy A File From One Directory In To A New Directory?

Aug 17, 2011

Is there any simple way to copy a single file out of one directory to a new one?
I tried this:


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Forms :: When Clicked Final Button To Display Results 'as String' It Still Showed Number

Mar 18, 2009

when i clicked the final button to display my results "as string" it still showeed the number?? here is the code i wrote, is relativley simple, but the theory doesnt make scence to me Basicly its a box with 3 lables, (first name, surname and age), 3 text boxes (for the user to input this info) and a button at the bottom called "display in message box" so when i click the button, it displays the users input in the form as a message box. [code] what i dont get is if i said to VB that vaiable "Complete" was STRING then howcome it still displays the AGE which is an Integer (a number) not a string??

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Move Textbox Scroll Bar To Top?

Mar 24, 2012

After I populate the textbox the scroll bar is at the bottom and want to move it to the top. How do you do that? Tried this but it doesn't work.

text1.SelectionStatrt = 1

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Using The Enter Key To Move Between The Textbox

Jul 22, 2010

how to move from one text box to another textbox using the enter key rather than the tab key (if in VB. 6.0 I use keyascii) I am using vb 2008

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Move Text In TextBox Continuously?

Nov 8, 2010

I want to make my text in the TextBox move continuously.

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Move Textbox Info To Listbox?

Jul 7, 2011

I want to know how to get data from textboxes to a listbox i want it to look like this in the listbox


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Skip Empty Textbox And Move To Next One

Mar 5, 2010

My code so far:
If newpound.Text.Length = 0 Then Else
Dim newpound1 As Integer
Static savedpound1 As Integer
savedpound.Text = newpound.Text
newpound1 = newpound1
savedpound1 = savedpound1
End If

What can I put between Then and Else to ignore Dim newpound>newpound.clear?
If the text box is empty and it moves on to the next one.

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