Open An Existing Excel Workbook Code Mods?

May 30, 2009

I have questions on this [FAQ's: OD] How do I open an existing Excel Workbook? I have playing around with the code little. Trying to mod the code to display the selected path and File name in the textbox I have on a form. I can to get it to work right

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IDE :: Open An Existing Excel Workbook From A Form?

Dec 5, 2009

I have successfully created a new excel with the code

[xlApp = New Excel.ApplicationClass]

and can transfer and manipulate data from my VB2008 form back and forth with the spreadsheet One time only each time I try and add additional data it wants to open a new workbook with the same name but cant seem to get it to just add the additional info.

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IDE :: Open Existing Excel Workbook From A Form Created With VB2008

Dec 4, 2009

here is a copy of my current code. Am trying to open an existing Excel spreadsheet then retrieve the old balance data refigure the new balance and store new data into the spreadsheet. Am I on the right tracK, or way out in left field?

"Checkbook.xlsx") Nothing


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Open An Existing Workbook

Sep 4, 2009

I'm trying to open open an excel workbook thats going to be used as a template that i'm going to paste raw data in. It comes up with as an error saying that the file is missing, but its not. The path and file name are correct. So I'm curious if its something else or what.[code]...

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Activating Or Opening An Existing Excel Workbook With VB From Within A Visual Studio Project?

Sep 1, 2006

I have tried numerous ways to modify the responses to "Openening an Excel file from within project" to open an existing Excel workbook and also select and activate a minimized workbook but have totally struck out, Can anyone give me some guidance? Also, where should I be looking for samples that answer such basic questions?

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Set The Value To An Already Open Excel Workbook?

Jun 15, 2011

I am working with an application, which stores and manipulates data in Excel. have successfully imported the necessary Excel libraries viaImports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

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Excel Open Workbook Timeout?

Mar 4, 2012

I think I am trying to do something simple. I am using this command:[URL]..Sometimes VB gets hung up opening the website. If this is the case, I want it to quit trying and move on to the next line of code.

For example, try to open the website in excel for 45 seconds. If still not open, skip and move to next line of code.

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Open Excel Workbook 'Beeps'

Feb 10, 2012

I have the following function to read an excel spreadsheet and read a certain cell for a value and then I put it into my own List(of T). Everything works fine. However the one quirk I am running into is that as the "oExcel.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFileName)" executes, it does a "Windows Beep" sound.


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Office Automation :: Code Hangs When An Excel File Is Opened To A Excel Workbook Object?

Aug 3, 2009

I use the following code snippet

Dim exlapp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook_new As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim strOriginal As String
strOriginal = Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath & "/Attachments/") & "abc.xls"
xlWorkBook_new = exlapp.Workbooks.Open(strOriginal)

The code hangs in the last line. It works fine in the development environment. i deployed in windows server 2000 ,where I get this issue. the browser goes half way and throws the below exception after some time


I have set the identity impersonate to true in web config. This should be mostly an access rights issue.I have even provided access rights for the "everyone " user in the excel file and as well for the interop component. Please post ur valuable comments.

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Excel - Open A File In An Active Workbook?

Aug 19, 2010

I have a program that filters data and then outputs it to a tabg delimited file. I then use Excel Interop to open this file in Excel because directly outputting to a worksheet takes too long. So currently I am using this code:

Dim WB As Workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(AD.DF.DatafileInfo.WriteToFileLocation)
ExcelApp.Visible = True

The first line takes the filtered data and outputs to a tab delimited file. The second opens that same file in a new workbook in Excel. And obviously the third makes Excel visible. Here is my problem though: right now when this code is run there are two open workbooks. I already have an active workbook and I would just like to open this file to that workbook.

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VS 2010 Open Active Excel Workbook?

Aug 8, 2010

I am finally switching from VB6 to VB Net and am rewriting a technical application that calculates the heat transfer performance of automotive radiators, heater cores, evaporators, condensers, etc.The user can calculate a heat exchanger and save the results to an Excel spreadsheet. After a series of calculations he can then plot curves of performance.

He can also click on a previous calculation in Excel and import it into the VB routine. The user may have a number of workbooks open when he does this.My problem is I need to open the Excel workbook that is the active workbook. I have been able to select the active worksheet but have been forced to specify the index of the workbook. I have not been able to get the workbook I want.. The code I used is the following,

Dim oExcel As Object = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
Dim oBook As Object = oExcel.Workbooks(1)
Dim oSheet As Object = oBook.activesheet

How do I get the active workbook instead of Workbooks(1) with an index of 1?

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NullReferenceException Was Unhandled Trying To Open A Workbook In Excel 2003?

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to transfer data from a VB form to an existing Excel 2003 file. This is the code I am using, but it is throwing up the following error:I have coded in VBA but am new to VB.NET and am struggling with setting up the objects

Dim oXL As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Open Excel Workbook On Client Machine With Web Application?

Sep 29, 2009

I'm writing a VB.NET WEB application and I'm fairly new at it. What I want to do is open Excel workbooks on the client workstation so the user can "Save As" or print or basically do whatever they want with it past that point. I've done this in a windows application using System.Diagnostics but all the information I've read so far doesn't seem to work. I can open .txt and .xls files using this approach:[code]but it opens in the browser, which is not what I want. Do I need to mix Javascript with the HTML and the VB code?

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Open Excel File And Reusing Existing Excel Instance?

Jul 13, 2010

I have an application the contains several excel files bundled with it. I'm not opening the files and processing them within my application. These files contain a data-connection to reload all of the pivot-tables within each excel file. I have a 'link' on my form, that when clicked, it determines which file to open and calls a sub using filename and executing Process.Start(filename) for any excel file I want to open. I have no problems opening any one of the files and then exiting excel.

The problem is when I 'close' a file, but don't exit Excel; then try to open another file(clicking link on form)... it creates a new instance of Excel.

I know from experimenting that the fileopendialog form will 'reuse' an existing Excel instance, IF it does not already have a file open.

How can I do the same thing without using the fileopendialog?

I don't want the end-user to have access to the folders where these files live. That's why I have multiple 'links' on my form, one for each xls that already exists. I just want them to be able to click on a link and the xls file opens AND if they choose to merely 'close' a file and not exit... Don't create a new instance of Excel, but re-use the existing one.

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An Excel Workbook's Sheet Tabs Be Sorted Within The Workbook?

Jan 6, 2011

In building an Excel workbook with VB.Net, is it possible to sort all the worksheet tabs into a particular order? I'm building a workbook with individual sheets named by drive letter, i.e., "C Drive", "D Drive", etc.

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Open An Existing Excel (.xlsx) Spreadsheet Into MemoryStream?

Apr 23, 2010

I want to know how to open an existing Excel Spreadsheet into a MemoryStream to that I can write to the Response object.

Dim ms As MemoryStream = CreateBasicWorkbook(True)
Dim FileName = "\Ihe-webprod1tvinjurytrackingdocuments$ExcelSpreadsheetsHours.xlsx"

I need the code to get File the xlsx file to a memory string



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Button Click Event Not Changing With Code Mods

Apr 5, 2009

Visual Studio Version 9.0.30729.1 SP
.NET Version 3.5 SP1

I have a button click handler that is coded. I typed in a new line of code without any errors, but the new line of code does not execute. To troubleshoot, I tried to add a simple message box, commented out the code, and deleted the entire code. With everything I try, even deleting the code, the original code exectutes at run time. I can't find any other instance of the code anywhere else in the application. Other events update normally.

I gather the code is either not updated upon build/compile, or this bit of code is stored somewhere.

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Save VB Code Ie. The Extension Which Will Open As Macro In Excel Not Code Created With VBA In Excel?

Nov 9, 2010

I can do this using VBA, but I want to be able to create the code using a compiled VB programme, which can then be opened in Excel.

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Like To Change Code To Open Existing Spreadsheet Not A New?

Mar 16, 2009

I am working with some prewritten VB code ,and this portion of code opens a new excel spreadsheet . I would like to instead , open a existing excel spreadsheet that I would like to have a template that explains my data that is loading into it. Could you please give me an idea what I would need to do with this portion of code?


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Merge Multiple Excel Files Into One Excel File And It Works For 3 Source Files But Its Not Working If Workbook With Worksheet Count Is > 3?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm trying to copy multiple excel source files into one excel file. My current code is working only for 3 source files..If more than 3 files are there, it doesn't copy the data but creates blank work sheet in the output excel file. Lets say I have a source folder with 5 excel files. Each workbook contains one worksheet with data. It copies upto 3 worksheets along with data into output excel file.

Lets say excel1 contains A as work sheet, excel2 contains B as work sheet ,excel3 contains C as work sheet ,excel4 contains D as work sheet ,excel5 contains E as work sheet .Now my output excel file should look like..OutputExcel with A, B, C, D, E along with respective data.But my current code is giving output as A,B,C worksheets along with respective data but its creating blank sheet1,sheet2 in place of D & E.

SSIS Script Task Vb.Net Code:

Sub Main()
Dim filePath
String =


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Check If Workbook Is Open?

Feb 8, 2012

I have got problem, I got function which should correctly check if Woorkbook is open or not, but anyway if i got open my excel file or not I always get False Value in MsgBox. I don't know where is a problem. Please check it:

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Function IsXLBookOpen(strName As String) As Boolean


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Why Is The Message Box Behind The Excel Workbook?

May 16, 2010

In the following code why does the message box display behind the workbook,instead of on top of it? It does this related to the line, app.Visible = True. if this line is commented out the message box appears in front, but there is no workbook visible. I've used the message box in other places without a problem. Is there something fundamental here that I'm missiing?


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Why Does Code Cause Open Excel Files To Close

Jun 25, 2009

Here is the problem: I have written an application that opens an excel file, copys a chart to the clipboard, then closes the excel file. It works fine except under a very special condition. If the user has an excel file open and then runs my application, the open excel file closes. To make this more confusing, if the user then reopens an excel file and runs my application again, everything works fine. It will continue to work fine untill the user reboots his or her computer. Then it will occur again one time

Here is the section of code I found the problem is in:
Private Sub Get_R1C1_Image() 'Gets excel data to display
Dim objXLS As Object = CreateObject("Excel.Application")


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Office Automation :: Check If Workbook Is Open?

Jul 26, 2010

how I might check to see if a specific Excel Workbook (call it Test.xlsx) is open?I have a routine that calls a subroutine. Sometimes at the time of the call Test.xlsx is open, sometimes not. So when the subroutine runs, I need it to check first to see if Test.xlsx is open. If it isn't then the subroutine should open it and perform the subroutine's purpose operations. If it is open, it should not try to "re-open" it or worse open a copy of it; it should simply perform the subroutine's purpose operations.

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Add Multiple Worksheets To An Excel WorkBook?

May 10, 2010

I wrote code that creates an Excel workbook wit a single worksheet (see below). How can I update this to add multiple worksheets to the workbook?

''' <summary>
''' Create a new XLS Excel spreadsheet based on a passed CSV (comma separated values) file.
''' </summary>


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Create Excel 2003 Workbook ?

Jun 5, 2011

I'm trying to create an excel 2003 workbook from my project I referenced the code from this website [URL]

However i'm getting error on this line "objSheets = objBook.Worksheets"

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

''Create the Excel object declaration

Dim objExcel As Excel.Application = Nothing


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Create Excel Workbook With Macros?

Jun 30, 2011

need to create an excel workbook with macros that clients accessingthe web app will download. Data to populate the workbooks comes from a database and I need macros to generate lookup tables in the workbooks. I cannot automate Excel to do this sincewill NOT beinstalled on the server. Which tool or component can I use for this task?

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Creating Excel Workbook Dynamically Through .net?

Jun 5, 2011

to create excel workbook dynamically where data will be input and manipulated by user. i want graph as well to be created using the data i manipulated and entered.i want as many as work sheets to be added in workbook once it is created.

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Declaring Excel Workbook In VS/VB 2010?

Mar 25, 2011

My question centers upon the two approaches, (1) and (2), shown below, to declaring Excel workbooks in .Net.The two approaches interact differently with the lines "wkbk10 =" and later with

Range references to this workbook,like "rng1Stocks = CType(wkbk10.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet).Range("H5:H30")".


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Multithreading Errors With Excel Workbook?

Aug 26, 2009

I have a .Net program that responds to worksheet updates of an Excel 2003 workbook. Sometimes when the worksheet is updated and I try to write related data to my forms, I'm getting "Cross-thread operation not valid...." errors. This confuses me, as I have never done any multi-threading in my program. Does the mere act of me responding to events of an external excel worksheet mean I am now multithreading? Is there a way to handle the events without multithreading?

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