Play Sounds On Receiving Message In

Feb 20, 2012

I am developing a chat application in using In this, if a user receives a new message from other users then I want to play a sound to let him know that he received a message. I wanted to play some .wav files.

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How To Play Sounds In Vb 9

Nov 25, 2009

well i wanted to make a piano with visual basic 2008 and i searched around the internet to see how to play a sound but my search returned results relating only to visual basic 2005 & 6 so i am again forced to waste your time

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Play Wav And Mp3 Sounds Using .net?

Apr 23, 2010

i need a way to play wav and mp3 sounds using vb net. its has to be able to play more than one sound at same time and also to play the same sound again even if it has not finished playing

i tried this

Dim ch As String
ch = Chr(34) & TextBox1.Text & Chr(34)
mciSendString("open " & ch & " alias s1", Nothing, 0, 0)
mciSendString("play s1", Nothing, 0, 0)

it plays the sound once then will not play any other sound at all.

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Play 2 Or More Sounds At The Same Time

May 4, 2011

What is the simplest way to play two or more sounds at the same time? It should be a light software.

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Possible To Play Two Or More Sounds At Same Time?

Feb 2, 2009

Is it possible to play two or more sounds at the same time (i.e., one plays in the background and one plays a sound effect) and if so, how can I do this? I am having problems because it is cancelling one of the sounds out when the other starts.

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Resolved How To Play Sounds In Vb 9

Oct 29, 2009

i wanted to make a piano with visual basic 2008 and i searched around the internet to see how to play a sound but my search returned results relating only to visual basic 2005 & 6 so i am again forced to waste your time (sorry about that) oh and i also have the wav soundfiles i only want vb to read them in the final exe

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Sounds - Play Two .WAV Files At Once

Dec 7, 2009

I am making a program that plays a sound whenever you hit a button, and was wondering if there was a way to play two .WAV files at once. Here is what the code looks like:


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VS 2008 Play 2 Sounds At Once?

Dec 11, 2009

How do i play 2 sounds at once? i have a sound effect on a button, and when i press it, it does the sound effect of the button and stops the music sound

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How To Play Non Default System Sounds In .NET

May 12, 2011

I want to play system sounds with .NET code in my app - no problem if I want to use Beep, Asterisk etc as I can just use: My.Computer.Audio.Play SystemSound(Media.SystemSounds.Asterisk)But what if I want to play something like 'Menu Pop-up'? This sound is off by default in the Windows Default Sound Scheme, but if the user has set this sound up to do something then I want to play it.The user could have assigned any wav file to this action so I want to find which (if any) sound they have assigned and play it. Compatibility with Windows versions back to XP is also essential.

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Play Sounds When Certain Events Occur?

Oct 22, 2009

me and a partner need to play sounds when certain events occur, however, every method we try..

Sound.PlayWaveFile("file.wav") from this class: http:[url]....etc they all don't work

They do NOT throw any exceptions, they just dont play the music, the test demo of the Sound Class works like a charm, its just not working in our project..same with My.Computer. Audio. Play.what could we have done to make it so that we can't play sounds from our application?

PS: this problem occurs on all of the computers we test it on, yet the normal sound-playing methods seem to work on all of those computers when they are implemented in other projects.. its just not working in these instances

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Forms :: How To Access And Play System Sounds

Oct 5, 2009

I know how to access and play the system sounds using, and I also know that using the registry to save users' settings isn't ideal, however, The details of my project are rather long and drawn out, so I'll skip most of them Basically my program is loaded onto several computers on our network. The entire purpose of this program is to sound various alarms on different dates and times. Apparently I am to set up the program so that the different alarm sounds can be configured through Windows' control panel.

I can add the program into the appropriate part of the Registry in order to make that happen. The problem is reading the the information back. Under the name of the app, I have four different subkeys, each with the name of one of the alarms. Under those keys are two other subkeys, .default and .current. How do I get the sound from .current to play? For some weird reason I get null returned any time I try to read the key that I created.

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Play Default Windows Sounds (not Beeps)?

Dec 7, 2011

What is the easiest way to play a sound from windows sounds? Does .NET built-in library for that?

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Play Multiple Sounds Simultaneously From Resources?

Dec 13, 2010

I want to play multiple sounds simultaneously from My.Resources in Visual Basic 2010. I have tried:My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.SoundName, AudioPlayMode.Background)

I have also tried using multiple Windows Media Player controls, but that also didn't work.The first sound is cut off when the next sound plays.When searching around the internet I found people suggesting using 'DirectSound', but there are only tutorials for DirectSound in VB 6.0.

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Play The Usual MIDI Sounds In A VB Program?

Jan 14, 2010

I am looking for a way to play the usual MIDI sounds in a VB program. Similar to the beep program (ie console.beep, leading to timer1.start etc.)but instead of an annoying bleep, have a MIDI sound (like a flute, violin, clarinet, etc.). Is this possible in VB 2008?

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VS 2008 - Using Media.SoundPlayer() To Play 2 Sounds

Jan 6, 2010

I am using the following code to play sounds in my VB.NET application: [Code] now this works fine for any sound file. However there is a second sound file (sound2.wav) which I want to play sometimes too. I want sound2 to have priority over sound1, however if I play sound2 using this method and then sound1 also plays a second later, sound2 will be canceled for sound1 to play.

So I'd like to know if there's a way to either play both sounds at once, or to check if sound2 is playing before I play sound1, and then only play sound1 if sound2 is not currently playing.

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Button In Application That Starts A Function To Play Sounds?

Mar 18, 2009

i have a button in my application that starts a function to play sounds.But when the function starts a have a problem that my application stops working until all the sounds are played. Then a want to display a waiting screen to show the status of the current application. To this i thought to create a new thread to open the waiting window and then show the messages.

But i have a problem that when my thread finishes, it closes the waiting screen. I tryied to put a loop inside my thread, but this crashes my aplication until the loop condition is satisfied.

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Play Sounds From User Specified Buttons + Save Settings?

Nov 20, 2008

For an application I am building, I need to have the user specify button labels and be able to click on them to play a sound they specify. I would like them to be able to specify the number of buttons, the label for the buttons, and the sound file to be played. I would then like the user to be able to save those settings. How do I go about doing this? Also, how do I get the file they've opened's name to show up in the title bar of the app?

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VS 2010 Put Music/sounds Inside Program And Play Them?

Sep 20, 2010

I am wanting to simply insert a sound/music file into my program, and perhaps make a button function to make it play?

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Thread - Waiting Screen - Button In Application That Starts A Function To Play Sounds

Mar 20, 2009

I have a button in my application that starts a function to play sounds. But when the function starts a have a problem that my application stops working until all the sounds are played. Then a want to display a waiting screen to show the status of the current application. To this i thought to create a new thread to open the waiting window and then show the messages. But i have a problem that when my thread finishes, it closes the waiting screen. I tryied to put a loop inside my thread, but this crashes my aplication until the loop condition is satisfied.

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Using IP Address Over LAN And Play Perticular Sound By Receiving The Soundfile Name As Argument?

Dec 2, 2011

From the below thread i could able to communicate to other system and send messages and play a default sound on receiving the message.[URl]..But i want to play the sound by receiving even the sound file as argument.

if i have below sound files on all the systems after installation in application folder...


As of now i am playing for instance only "sound1.wav" if i send "sound2.wav" along with the message then the receiving system should play "sound2.wav"

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Message-Only Window Not Receiving PostMessage

Nov 17, 2010

I have an application made by a third party , that I need to control using outside resources from a simulated environment and must not interact with the desktop. To simulate inputs that a user would normally input from a special screen with specific keys around it, I've built a test control library to control it and send the form image to a .bmp. The form cannot be visible and showed in taskbar , the bmp output will be displayed by the simulated environment.Using PostMessage and sendKeys work well as long as I don't but ShowInTaskbar = False for the main form. After many read & testing, I have learned enough to try what seems to be the only thing that would work. I've created a form that I setparent using HWND_MESSAGE parameter, this should create a Message-Only Windows, that are supposed to received postMessage, and subclass it's events.msdn.

I can't seem to get it to work, and I was hoping someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.I have been testing several different ways found through out the web about .net , and short of going into message thread peek and feed(maybe(may be)my last hope), they all seem to work until I take the forms out of the taskbar.[code]

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How To Stop Application From Receiving A Certain Message

Jan 25, 2012

I believe I have found a solution! I will be continuing testing to make sure it DOES in fact work, but I'm hopeful :) I have detailed how I found the solution in EDIT THREE of the question.

For anyone wishing to know the full background behind my problem and what I have kind of tried as a result of input from this question, see this: [url]

I will be editing this frequently (>3 times a day most weekdays) as I progress my research and situation, so keep checking back if you are interested or have some information or knowledge of my issue :)

Quick Background:

I have this app I have made that can be crashed by changing my screen saver or locking my work station, and in general whenever a WM_WININICHANGE/WM_SETTINGSCHANGE message is sent to it.

If I can consistently crash my app by changing my screensaver, then SOME part of doing that is sending my app SOME kind of message (not necessarily a windows message, I mean message in the most general sense), which in turn is catastrophic to my application. Due to this, I am trying to find a way to block whatever message is causing my problem from being processed by my application. I am aware this isn't the best way to go about a solution, so you don't need to tell me. Look at the backgroung info or ask why if that bothers you (there is a good reason).

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SMS Application - Recipient Not Receiving Message

Jun 10, 2009

I am currently developing an SMS application to read and receive SMS. I run the application and tried to send an SMS and the application indicates that the message is successfully sent. However the recipient did not receive the SMS. I am using Sony Ericsson T610 btw.

Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.IO.Ports
Public Class Form1
[Code] .....

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GPS - Receiving SMS Inside Message (Longitude And Latitude)

Jun 10, 2010

In need vb6 program Works with GPS. I want this program to works with GSM Modem, which is receiving a SMS Inside the message the longitude and latitude. I want the program view the coordinates on the map in [URL].

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Receiving Error Message "Value Of Type Decimal Cannot Be Converted..."?

Mar 20, 2011

I am taking my first quarter of programming and am having a VERY difficult time understanding jagged arrays. At the moment I am working on a project that is using two two dimensional jagged arrays

If IsNothing(g_decChargesArray(g_intActivePatientNumb er)) Then
numVisits = 0
Dim decTemp(g_intActivePatientNumber) As Decimal[code].....

The line in bold is the only way I can think of to pass the amount of decCharges into the array g_decChargesArray.

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Click The The Song To Play, Even The Play Song Finish But Does't Play Automatically?

May 8, 2010

I want to the song can auto start one by one when import the song to list box. But it doesn't work that I need to select one by one. Besides, the program can repeat all the song or individual song when checkbox enable.

If AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.playState = WMPLib.WMPPlayState.wmppsMediaEnded Then
If playlistbox.SelectedIndex < playlistbox.Items.Count - 1 Then


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Shell - Media Player Play File Error - Refuses To Play

Sep 16, 2010

Im trying to open media player (full screen) and play a movie. When i create the file path like so: Dim MoviePathVTS As String = String.Concat("""" + tempMoviePath, " \VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB" + """")

It wont play the file but if i do it like this: Dim video1 = """F:\Movies\DvD\Angels and Deamons\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.VOB"""

It plays fine? the file paths are the same including the extra "" but it just refuses to play. I need the top one because i have many movies in a treeview.

Heres my code

Private Sub watchNow_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

'get the position of the selected node
Dim i = movieTreeView.SelectedNode.Index


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Make A Play Button Play/stop Toggle?

Feb 9, 2010

How can you make a play button play/stop toggle? Currently my button plays a file in WMP but when I click it again, it just restarts the file. I would like it to toggle on and off, play and stop, not play and pause.

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Mute Sounds JUST From An App?

Apr 8, 2010

How can I mute sounds JUST from my app?

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Why Cant Hear Any Sounds

Nov 23, 2011

Turns out, visual basic cant play wav files under 100 kb :S, just needed to edit my wav file with audicity to extend it and increase its size.

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