Project - Queuing Of Clients With Face Capture Feature And Text To Speech And Auto Generate Of Reports

Jun 26, 2011

Project about queuing of clients with face capture feature and text to speech and auto generate of reports.

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Project On Attendance Using Face Recognition?

Jun 11, 2010

i am new to this ,now i am doing project on attendance using face recognition .any body has done this using i am using vb2005 .

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VB 2010 Speech Recognition / Speech-To-Text / Voice Control

Oct 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a Speech Recognition support for my program. I want to make it so that if I say something in my microphone, the program just writes what I said in Label1. I looked for Speech Recognition codes in MSDN and Google, but I didn't find anything useful. I found a code, but it was for, I tried but it didn't work in VB 2010.

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VS 2005 Generate A Licence.dat File And Then Install In On The Clients Computers?

Mar 24, 2009

I descovered that an application within my company at the minute reads a 'license.dat' file which must be generated off-site. If the file is missing or is edited in a text editor (which 90% of the content is not english, more gobuldy gook). then the application shows an error and then closes. I would like to know if that can be done for my application, so i can generate a licence.dat file and then install in on the clients computers.

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MS Speech SDK - Highlight Text On A Richtextbox Control While Reading The Text Using Speech Sdk Control

May 26, 2011

I just want to know that how can i highlight text on a richtextbox control while reading the text using speech sdk control. I mean the word currently speak automatically selected in the RichTextBox.

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Make An Auto-Update Feature?

Apr 13, 2009

I've been working on my program, which is a calendar, and I want to update it with the so called: 'Textfile method'. (Not ClickOnce, try'd it but didn't work out.) So basically I dont know where to start, I want my app, to download a text file from lets say: http://localhost/textfile.txt/ I want the app to compare the text file to its current version and if the textfile> than the current version I want the app to download lets say[curl]...

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VS 2008 Auto-login Feature For Application?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a question about application settings.Is it possible to update application settings or are they read-only?

If I program an auto-login feature, am I able to store the login details and use it next time user logs in. Would them settings remain after application is closed and opened again?

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Generate Reports In VB?

Sep 20, 2010

I am a beginner in VB.NET. I have made a small project and now i would like to make some reports to complete the project.

how i can work with reports in VB.NET. I want to retrieve data from SQL Server 2000 using Stored Procedures and generate a report in VB.NET.

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Auto-complete Feature In Texbox On OnSelectedIndexChanged Event Of Combobox?

Jan 12, 2011

When user selects the states in combobox in the next textbox i should get the names of cities as soon he tries to type the name of city.

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Generate PDF Format Reports Through Vb 6.0?

Sep 7, 2009

I am generating Reports on Note Pad or Excel or WordPad. But I want to generate report on PDF Format.

How To generate PDF Format Reports through Vb 6.0 or Vb.Net

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Generate Attendance Reports Using Biometrics?

Mar 3, 2012

what im trying to do here is saving the time in and time out in the attendancereports table for reports lets assume that my schedule is every sunday 1:00am to 2:00am, lets say today is march4 sunday. i successfully save a record for today. my problem is that on next sunday mar 8, instead of generating(or insert) a new record it just update the time_out of my march4 record. im so confused with this the whole day.

LogIDEmployeeIDTimeEntry Type
1201210002012-03-01 01:05:00.0000
2201210002012-03-01 01:05:00.0000


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Generate Crystal Reports From Code?

Jan 7, 2011

I am in the process of creating a crystal report and assingining a database and table to my report can some one help me or just point me in the right direction.[code]...

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Generate Reports Using MS Access In Program?

Feb 20, 2007

I have tried to google it and then tried to search on codeproject as well but unable to find an article in which there is some good guidlines and walkthroughs for making reports using Ms Access in VB.NET.

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Using Crystal Report To Generate Reports?

Jun 12, 2011

My program is using Crystal Report to generat reports. Fine. Everything worked in 2005 and Crystal report XI. But know, when I have build the project in 2010 I cant open the reports any longer from the program.

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Can't Generate Reports In Visual Studio 2010

Jun 4, 2011

After downloading crystal reports for VS 2010, the code i used in VS 2008 generates a database login error


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Enable The Excel Generate From Crystal Reports By

Aug 10, 2010

There are 50000 thousand records in the data table which is binding to the crystal report. but while generate a PDF or excel report from it is giving as time out exception.

how can we resolve this problem and any one can tell me what is the max records limit in the crystal report.

I have increased Session Time and application time by using maxrequestlength and executiontimeout attributes of in the HttpRunTime elemnt tag in web.config then also no we are gettting page cannot be displayed

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Feature For IP Location Project?

Jun 14, 2009

Im making an application which is basically a lojack project. Im wanting to get some ideas for maybe other features or the best way to go about this for maximum tracking ability.Right now I have it working the way I think it should work and what it does is get your external IP, it then returns the City, State, Zip, Latitude and Longitude and sends all that info to you in an email. I have it check against a Database that houses computer registration, computer name, and then the status of the laptop which the customer calls in, if its stolen. Right now this is just a piece of software and Im currently working on something low level to do something before Windows loads up. Right now thats not something Im focused on hardcore, but Im working on it and itll get done.

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Use SQL Server 2000 To Generate Reports Using Stored Procedures?

Nov 9, 2010

I have installed Crystal Reports and am using it in Visual Studio 2005. how i can use SQL Server 2000 to generate reports using Stored Procedures.

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Capture JetDB Auto-number?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building an application in VB that will use a JetDB backend (Access 2007 db). I am trying to figure out how to capture the autonumber PK from the database when I add a new row to the table so that I can then load that value into a variable. I am currently using the IDE tools for my database queries (dataset designer), so if this is not something that can be done through that, I would need to know how to code my database query.

Here is what I have:
Table (mainTable):
ID (autonumber PK)


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Auto Generate Item ID

Oct 15, 2011

Generating item codes for my inventory system became complex when the panel said that this must be the format of the generated ID number: "CATEGORY-ITEMNAME-ITEMINDEX" For example: School Supplies - Coupon Bond short- Second Item in the database would result to an item ID : SCS-CBS-002.

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Auto-generate Number In .net?

Jun 21, 2010

How can i auto generate number in

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How To Auto-generate Numbers

Jun 8, 2011

I have a data base using access which has one column as jobno and which is empty. I want that when my form load ( 2005) it generate a number which then appears in a textbox.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sql As String


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.net - Auto Generate Gets And Sets From A Database?

May 3, 2009

I am coming from VB6 and I am starting to convert an existing VB6 code to VB.Net. What tools can I use to automate this task?

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Auto-Generate Next Number In Textbox?

Mar 31, 2012

How to display the auto generate next number from sql server 2005 to 2005 textbox. This code below is not displaying any data in the textbox after retrieving the data from the database.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class NewConnection


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Generate Auto Id In Data Grid?

Jul 5, 2011

How can i auto generate id starting from 10000 increamented each time by 1 i.e 10000+1

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Generate Auto Increment Number

Jun 22, 2010

im working with my thesis, to generate auto increment number. for example,when the form load for the first time it will appear transaction 1, and then next time i'll load the form it will be transaction 2, so on and so forth. i am using a and SQL server.

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Generate Auto-number The Sequence?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to generate autonumber the sequence is like this. From left to right, last two digit from Year, Month in numeric and the last three digit number be from 001 to 999. I tried with the below coding but the sequence is not coming correctly.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Get Auto-generate Code For Component

Jul 27, 2010

I build a component class it extends a combo box and generates some random numbers. But when I drag and drop my component from the toolbox to a form it auto generates Me.Randtest1.Items.AddRange(...) in the Designer which uses static numbers. The idea was to have different numbers each time and not the same.[code]

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IDE :: Auto-generate Number In A Texbox

Jun 11, 2010

How to autogenerate number in a texbox. in Visual Basic .NET 2005 and Using OLEDB I hv created 1 application in which there is one field in the database called "treatment ID"... and now i want to Autogenerate an ID in Incrementing Manner.

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Windows - Auto-generate A Number In .net?

Dec 4, 2010

i want to genrete a auto number in my project....i used vb .net 2008 and SQl server 2005 as backend ??i want to create a serial no that is like abc/2010/01..In this..

the abc is same in all the serial no.the 2010 is used from the running Year.(using date for year)the 01 is a actual serial no that can be auto genrete...But how can i do this ....?? and How can i find max number from my serial no.....??how can i maintain it if i delete it then all after delete serial no will place it's place..(there is no break in serial no on delete)

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