Record Microphone To .flac File Or To .wav File And Then Convert It To .flac?

Jan 5, 2012

.flac file with 16k sample rate or .wav file with 16k sample rate and then convert it to .flac? I tried to use MCI to record it in .wav with 16k sample rate but i can't convert it properly to .flac with flac fronted command line because something is wrong.

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Record From The Microphone, Then Convert It Into A Midi File?

Feb 3, 2011

i am wondering if it is possible to make a program with visual basic that records from the microphone, then converts it into a midi file.

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Record Sound From Microphone?

Aug 19, 2007

I am looking into recording sound from a microphone using into a wav or mp3 file. I've Googled loads but only found 3rd party controls and C# code, which looks too sticky to convert..[url]...

I found this article on the code project which uses WaveIn and WaveOut but this looks unconvertible.... and I would like to avoid using DirectX SDK because the installation files are large and I wouldn't like users to have to do that.

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File I/O And Registry :: Binary File Primer - Read The Nth Record Without Reading The Whole File?

May 4, 2009

I need to write data to a file, preferably in binary format, but I am unaccustomed with the concept. Where's the easiest place to get the basics? I could come here with a specific need, but I'm at the point right now where I am more willing to work within the confines of keeping it simple.

Here's what I know:
1. how to open a new file
2. how to specify the record length
3. how to close the file

Some specific questions:

Does the record length have to be constant throughout the file?

Can I read the nth record without reading the whole file?

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Make A Program To Record Sound From The Microphone?

Apr 10, 2010

How can I make a program to record sound from the microphone? I've tried lots of thing but they don't work. Can someone show me how to do ths using winmm.dll or DIrectx?

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Record Sound From The Normal Microphone Port Onto Program?

Feb 26, 2009

How do you record sound from the normal microphone port onto your program?

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Text File Array - Read The Next Record - Cut Record Out Of The Program

May 5, 2010

Im wondering how would i work with a text file. which would allow me to Read the next Record, Cut record out of the program.

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Add Record And Save In A File With A 4 To 6 Digit Number As File Name

Apr 26, 2009

I am currently working on a flatfile based database, meaning: all database records are saved in single files in a data folder of my main application. So far everything works fine except for one thing:

Each record gets currently saved as file under its item name. This sometimes causes problems because some item names contain special characters which can't be used as a file name. What I would like is the following: Whenever I 'add a record' to my database it should be saved in a file with a 4 to 6 digit number as file name - to keep things simple I just ignore the file extension for now.

For example, I add a new record with the ITEM NAME Flower "Blue River" #1 - I won't be able to create the file because of the special characters in there! I would like that the program creates automatically a file in a 4 or 6 digit format (I haven't decided yet how many digits because I am not sure how many data records I will need one day, so, 4 digits will be enougth for now!), starting at 1000, so, the file I am creating is called 1000 + whatever extension I will give it later.

In addition, I would like that it checks for missing numbers in between when creating a 'new database record', meaning: I have already the folloing file names: 1000, 1001, 1002 and one day I delete the second record, so, 1001 would be available for the next new file / data record which I add to my database.

So far I've experimented with the GUID but the filenames I get out of it are just not in an 'eye pleasing' format. Would there be a way to give this GUID a special format or is there any other good way to accomplish that?

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Delete A Record From A Dat File By Selecting The Record From A List Box?

Feb 9, 2011

Basically, I am making a booking system. On one of the forms, you can: Add, Edit and Delete a record by using the selected index. I can do the Add and Edit part fine but some problems are occuring when I try to delete it. What I'm trying to do when deleting is, copy all the records except the selected one and then copy it back into the original file again.


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Write A Program To Convert Binary Pdf File To TIFF File?

Feb 2, 2010

Program to convert binary pdf file to tiff file in VB.NET..?? We can use third party tools also..???

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.txt File Convert To .shp File Using VB 2008 Express Edition

Mar 9, 2010

how to convert the .txt file to .shp file using visual basic 2008 express edition and the .shp file can read in ArcMap?

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Convert A .mdb File To A .accdb Formatted File Using ConvertAccessProject

Nov 17, 2011

I'm trying to use the and the ConvertAccessProject to convert a .mdb file to a .accdb formatted file. I'm having a problem getting the right References included in the project as it isn't recognizing the ConvertAccessProject command.


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Convert Or Decompile VB .exe File To Normal VB Code File?

Jun 4, 2010

how to convert or decompile vb .exe file to normal vb code file.because we can make a changes on vb exe file. so first we can decomplie the vb exe file in normal vb coded file.

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Read A HTML File And Convert It Into A Text File?

Jul 14, 2009

How can I read an HTML file and convert it into a text file?

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Write A Program That Can Convert .dwg File Into .xml File Format

Aug 12, 2010

i am a beginner and trying to write a program that can convert .dwg file into .xml file format.i am familiar with visual studio 2008, and autocad question is what do i need to do or learn to start this project?

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Convert .htm File To Excel 2003 File?

Oct 4, 2010

Iīm working in a application where I receive a .htm file, but I need convert it to a excel 2003 file

if I right click on .htm file appears the option to open it with excel 2003, but through the application even if I change the extension to .xls, the application continues recognize it as a .htm file, and donīt open it.

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Convert Media File To Text File?

Sep 17, 2009

while coding on my current project.. I just want to convert the media file (.wav) to text (.txt)/(.doc).

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How To Able To Convert And Excel File Data Into An XML File

Sep 24, 2010

Does anyone have a source code or tutorial link how will I able to convert and Excel File data into an XML file?Currently I have tables that compose of headers and Data from excel file and i tried to use and convert into XML using "print" code but in VBA. I want to learn it by using the code.

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Convert .cs File To Aspx.cs File?

Nov 15, 2011

convert my .cs file to aspx.cs?I thought I could just put my same cs code into this file that would open a webpage but apparently things are different. I need this because I have a login file that has three options for the user, the page I am building takes in their username, authorization and database information and then outputs all of that into a text file. The problem is I have to link the .cs file to the file and it is really complicated (for me).

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Convert Icon File To BMP File?

Aug 21, 2011

Dim outBitmap As Bitmap
Dim tmpIcon1 As Icon = (Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(f))
outBitmap = tmpIcon1.ToBitmap
outBitmap.Save(destName, iFormat)
picturebox1.BackgroundImage = outBitmap

I've reduced my massive test code to the above for this post.

In the above iFormat is the BMP image format.

The picture box displays the correct image but the saved image shows in Windows Explorer and Paint as all black.

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Convert Text File To Xml File?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm not exactly sure if this is the correct question to be asked but I will tell you what I am attempting. I have an ASCII txt file with data in it. It does not have headers. I am looking for a way to convert this data into an XML file.


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How To Convert * .pdf File To An Image File.

May 10, 2010

I need to find out a way to convert * .pdf file to an image file. Can this be done in vb ?If anyone could give me a tip or post a link to good explanation or example

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How To Convert .MDB File To Text File

Apr 11, 2009

I am developing an application in 2005 and using Access Database. I have the database and the application working very well. what i want to do is to convert the a tabel in the database into a text fileI wrote this code into a button which i should click and pass a database tabel name as a parameter and a textfile name as an output.I can write into a textfile so far and this is the code i am using .

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Convert A Pipe Delimited File Into A Tab Delimited File And Show Results In Listbox VBA?

May 7, 2011

So i'm new to working with vba in access and i'm having trouble getting this code to work. What it is suppose to do is take a selected text file and read the original file into a list box. Then there is a second button that when pressed will convert the text file from a pipe delimited file into a tab delimited file and then show the changed file into a new listbox.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function GetFilenameFromPath(ByVal strPath As String) As String


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Record The Output Of The File?

Apr 1, 2012

i have this program i need to make, where it runs a bat file. i got that far, so when i click the button it opens the bat. but 3 problems i encountered i have been trying to resolve for a few days now, the problem is that i need to get the output of the .bat and display it in a textbox, i got that, but it only displays the first and least line... then i need to run the .bat in the background. so you don't see the window.then i also need to be able to hit a second button to close it. the bat is a constant update, lets just say it reads a number then 5 seconds later adds 1 to that number and displays it again. and does this over and over till you close it. that would be a simple description of this

Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Users/jwoow/Desktop/Server/run.bat";


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Dragging A Record From A Linked File?

Apr 29, 2012

I'm having trouble dragging a record from a linked file. The structures for the three files

Customer File:
First Name
Last Name
Address etc


how do i then display all the records in the booking file, in a listbox - but to also populate the relevant details from the other files. Example: after displaying the Customer ID in the booking file, to get the first name and last name from the customer file.

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Get Record Number In Binary File?

Nov 2, 2009

Recently I experiment with the binary file type. I have this structure[code]...

It works. And now, in the load event of the form I want to know, how many records (structures) are stored in the file.

Another question: how can I search and seek in the file (structure to structure, not byte to byte)?

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How To Read Colors And Record Them In Xls File

Feb 22, 2010

Let us suppose a 256 colors picture (bmp or jpeg) with a size of 500 x 500 pixels.I would like to allocate a code (1 to 256 max) to each different color identified and put that code in a 500 x 500 table of a .xls sheet, all positionned at the right place.Additionnally, I would like also to place a chart illustrating the different colors and their respective code at the bottom of the sheet.

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Read A Record In A Binary File?

Oct 3, 2010

To read a record in a binary file in VB^ I would define a type with all the fields specifying strings as STRING * whatever the length of the field was.

For example:
Type Record
Field1 as string *15
Field2 to as string * 20
Field3 as String * 10
field4 as byte(10)
End Type
Dim filerecord as record

I would the open my binary fiel and do a Get#1,, filerecord

The record would be read and all the fielsd would be in place.

Now with the new Structure we cant dimension an array in the Structure And wjhen declaring strings we can't specify the length.

I tried to create structire and use a stream binary reader. and just read afixed number of bytes into the type, The program says it canvert bytes to my fiels.

So how do I do this. Or has Microsoft in their infinite wisdom left no way to do this.

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Update Record In File Handling?

Mar 11, 2010

How to update a record in file handling?

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