Sample Code For Select Case Statements Under A Button Click Event?

May 5, 2010

can anyone give a sample code for select case statements under a button click event?

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Sample Code For Call Button Click Event

Mar 28, 2011

i have two button one is PRINT button another is View Button .. for PRINT button it will print directly from default printer in crystal report in which created at visual basic the VIEW button will go to Crystal report viewer first before print..i need to call out the button click event (in which when user click PRINT or VIEW button)it will trigger to print directly statement in the form load crystal report viewer or if user click View button it will pop up the crystal report viewer UI before print.any examples codes i can do the calling button click event in order to do this ??

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Sample Code For Call Button Click Event?

Jul 19, 2009

i have two button one is PRINT button another is View Button .. for PRINT button it will print directly from default printer in crystal report in which created at visual basic the VIEW button will go to Crystal report viewer first before print now my problems is ..i need to call out the button click event (in which when user click PRINT or VIEW button)it will trigger to print directly statement in the form load crystal report viewer or if user click View button it will pop up the crystal report viewer UI before print .. any examples codes i can do the calling button click event in order to do this ?

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If Statement - Code In The Click Event For A Button - Select A Row In My Datagridview

Sep 26, 2009

Dim i As Integer
If Label1.Text = "" Then
i = BPORes_csvDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index
Label1.Text = BPORes_csvDataGridView.Item(0, i).Value


I have this code in the click event for a button I want to be able to select a row in my datagridview then Hit the ok button and have it populate to text box1 if textbox1 is already filled then i want to go to textbox2 and so on, (total of 6) So far if extbox1 is empty "" and i click ok button it populates, when i click ok button again to textbox2 does not populate.

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Select Case Using Click Event Handler

Sep 7, 2010

Basically, I have about 5 forms. 1 of these forms is the main program screen. I need to be able to use select case to navigate to the other forms, however I am unsure how to do this. I thought about using multiple buttons to each form using select case, but did not know how to implement this with the click event handlers for each button?

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Unable To Use The Select Case Statements

Feb 20, 2009

Dim subtotal As Decimal = CDec(txtSubtotal.Text)
Dim discountPercent As Decimal
Select Case txtCustomerType.Text.ToUpper() = "R"
Case CBool(250) To CBool(500)
discountPercent = 0.25D


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Use Select And Case Statements Along With Startswith?

Jul 10, 2009

i have a situation in which i have to check if the string starts with something and then perform something....First i used "If" as below

If utn.text.startswith("Fuel") then"Fuel Purchase is selected")
End If


Now i have to use Select and Case statements along with startswith...?

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Select Case Statements With Radio Boxes?

Sep 19, 2010

I am working on a calculator and I'm trying to use select case statements for the symbols selected (radio buttons) as opposed to If then Else statements. I am running into trouble because I'm only used to using them with list boxes.[code]...

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Use The IF ELSE Statements OR The Select Case Statement To Write?

Oct 7, 2011

Im trying to figure how to use the IF, ELSE statements OR the Select Case statement to write this program.I'm using Visual Studio 2010. The program is suppose to allow the user to input their weight in a text box and from group box 1 the select whether theyre male or female using the radios and they select inactive or active from group box two and the calculate but will determine how many calories they should intake based on the criteria below.


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Converts Characters In String Using A Case Select Statements

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to write a code that converts characters in string using a case select statements. For instance if I type the word "aeiou" the the word "<>[]/", also if I type "AEIOU" then <>[]/" should print but its not working here is a sample of my code so far.


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VS 2008 Radio Buttons And Select Case Statements

May 26, 2010

how to associate a select case statement with, which point to four Function procedures, to four radio buttons that are used to +, -, *, and / two simple fractions in a fractions calculator. This is a class assignment for which I have already been graded. I used an If...ElseIf statment and it worked perfectly. Now I am trying to utilize the Case Statments with Function Procedures to do the same thing. I do not get graded for this, but I was told to research it an find an answer. My current code is listed below.


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VS 2008 Add Button Control In DataGridView Based On The Case Statements

Oct 21, 2010

I am working on Datagridview. My task is adding buttons in the Datagridview table based on the case statements. Like In the Present table i have one column called "CategoryDescription". In this column, values are like 3101,3102, 3103........Here 31 is the common. and like 3201,3202,3203......Here 32 is the common. Like there are so many common values are there. So where ever the common values will come there i have to add one button in the Same column.

So Finally my conclsion is at Satrting 3101 and starting 3201,3301,3401.. i have to add one button control 3101 and add button control on 3201 and add button control on 3301.

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Difference In User Clicking The Button OR Calling The Button Click Event Inside The Code?

Aug 23, 2009

I believe there wont be any diff if user clicks the button on the form and the click event is fired OR if we call the button click event / function in the code. Because in one my project, this does make diff. If I click the button on the form, the App works great but same button if I click it thru the form code, the whole process crashes. This happens in Vista /

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VB Code For Notification In The Event Of Click Of A Button?

Jun 1, 2010

give me the code in VB for automatically notifying an email ID when the user has clicked the submit button of a form.

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Button Click Event Code Priority Sequence?

Jul 21, 2010


I have a user control as Binding Navigator control and it has navigation buttons, one of them is Cannel.I put the control in the form every thing works fine, but the problem is the priority of the sequence that the code performs for example:In the Cancel Click event there are some code inside the control it self, and in the form which hold the control I also put some code it goes fine but it first perform the code in the form and then it perform the code in the control.My question is there a way to tell the click event to perform the code inside the control first and then the code inside the holding form, (priority sequence)

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Button Click Event Not Changing With Code Mods

Apr 5, 2009

Visual Studio Version 9.0.30729.1 SP
.NET Version 3.5 SP1

I have a button click handler that is coded. I typed in a new line of code without any errors, but the new line of code does not execute. To troubleshoot, I tried to add a simple message box, commented out the code, and deleted the entire code. With everything I try, even deleting the code, the original code exectutes at run time. I can't find any other instance of the code anywhere else in the application. Other events update normally.

I gather the code is either not updated upon build/compile, or this bit of code is stored somewhere.

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Coding A Button Click Event, And Adding The Code?

Mar 29, 2011

In the example from my book, I'm coding a button click event, and adding the code..."me.width=me.width + 20"The author states that "me refers to the object to which the code belongs(in this case the form)".

But this isn't exactly accurate, is it? The "code belongs" to the button object -- not the form object, right? So, I'm guessing that what the author really should have said is that "me refers to what ever form you're working on". Would that be true?

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Click A Button On The Form Code Never Reaches It's Onclick Event?

May 19, 2009

I have a dropdownlist and a textbox with a button on a form. When a button is clicked it does not go to my onclick even in the code but it goes to my dropdownlist's selectedIndexchanged event. How can I fix this?

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Forms :: Creating Command Button Ans Assigning Click Event Through Code?

Jan 25, 2011

I am trying to write a program using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition that will automaticlay generate multiple Command Buttons that have different Texts and perform different commands.For example I want to generate Button_1 and Button_2 where Button_1 when clicked enters the value "1" into a textbox and Button_2 enters the value "2" into the same textbox.I know this can be simple done by using the designer and wirting the code in the Button_1_Click, but what I want to eventually achieve is for various buttons to be generated across different Tabs in a TabControl.So far I can create a button on a windows form using code, but the button has no purpose so command is assigned to it. The code i've used is listed below:


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VS 2008 - Access Click Event Of Button On UC Control In Form Code

Oct 7, 2009

I made a UserControl with a button on it. I then added that UC to a form by dragging from the toolbox. Now I want to be able to access the click event of the button on that UC control in the form code. How do I do that?

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Access Button Click Event On Modal Popup Button Click Event?

May 14, 2011

my source code in design part is:

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Style="display: none" CssClass="modalPopup">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" Style="cursor: move;background-color:#DDDDDD;border:solid 1px Gray;color:Black">[code]......

Ok button click is not accessing click event.

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Using Treeview To Select One From The Other The Code Contains The Case Select?

Oct 31, 2010

ive got a form containing treeview on the left docked, and two panels one over the other (just as for practice), so i am using treeview to select one from the other the code contains the Case select,

Not e.Node


The problem is , both panels are not visible, when i select the first node the firstpanel is visible then i select the second node both panels are not visible, i return to the first node the first panel is visible.

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VS 2008 Send Sample Code For SelectedIndexChanged Event In Combobox?

May 6, 2011

send me sample code for SelectedIndexChanged event for Combobox , whn i change value in Combobox through SelectedIndexChanged event then data should be change in Other Combobox and Textbox.B`se i am tring a lot for this but last i am not able to get.In load Event i bind the data in Combobox control .

If All controls bind the same table then how can do code?? and if controls bind different tables then how can do code??

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Rewrite Code Below Using Select Case?

Jan 26, 2011

How to rewrite the code below using select case? [code]....

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Select Case Block W/code

Nov 24, 2011

'This program is to ask for input from a customer as to the type of lift ticket desired, whether it will be for a half 'day or full day and the total number of days desired. It will then calculate the total ticket price plus a slope 'charge of $10.00, a 10% sales tax will be added to the total of both the price and charge.'The checkboxes were designed to order one type of ticket at a time, when one box is clicked the 'other checkbox dissappears. Clicking the box again resets them both to visible.[code]

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Why Wouldn't 'Select ... Case' Execute The Code When Using A Variable

Jan 3, 2011

I'm using some VB.Net code to manipulate files on my system - the idea is that the code checks if a file exists, and based on a value read from a text file elsewhere the system decides what to do... For this I'm using a 'select... case' statement to decide on the action to take. However, when assigning a value to the variable, the code doesn't even find the option to go for... Here's the VB code:


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VS 2010 - Select Case So That It Calls All The Code Need To Check Before Running

Jul 5, 2010

I have an app that adds ammount to gether and i am trrying to do some error checking. This is the code i Have so far


I would like to turn this into a select case so that it calls all the code need to check before running. I have tried to do it my self but has been ages since i coded and even then it was in VB6. I know there is a way to do the case in a module and then call it into the form where i need it. i have 3 radio buttons that if they are not selected it pops up a message to say so.

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Control Array - Add New Event - Click Event Code And Calling It A Doubleclick Event

Jul 31, 2010

I've read thru Iceplug's tutorial on control arrays and got it working. I tried to add a new event by basically copying his click event code and calling it a doubleclick event. I used the proper addhandler and assigned the correct name to my sub. I have the click event changing the background color to blue and the doubleclick event changing the background color to green. The background color does not change to green. Why?

Heres the tutorial with my new code encased in asterisks ...


Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class form1


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Code To Save File Is Not Working - Using The Click Event Of A The Button Save?

Jun 10, 2010

Dim sw
As StreamWriter
Dim flagX


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Make Program Click Button And Select File Using A OpenFileDialog And Click Send On Computer

Jan 31, 2009

How can I make a program so you click a button and select a File using a OpenFileDialog and click send on your computer and it will send the file to a different computer and then a SaveFileDialog will show asking where to save the file on the other computer. Oh ya I cant use WinSock or whatever becuase im using Windows Vista 64 Bit. I need it because I for some reason cant use printer sharing. It might be because im on A 64bit Vista Machine and I want to print a file off of a 32bit XP Home Machine.

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