Search All Sub Directories For A Symbol And Replace It With Another?

Mar 30, 2012

I am trying to search all sub directories for a symbol and replace it with another. The code below works for a specified path but it will not search sub directories.


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Search Engine - Search In Directory With Its Sub Directories And Txt Files

Apr 11, 2011

one of the BIG hurdles in my simple project, making a search engine. I don't know how at all. The search engine need only to search in one Directory with its sub directories and txt files for criteria, and display the results, with option open from the results. any basic code or example maybe?

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Avoid Using Percent (%) Symbol In Search

Jun 21, 2010

I have a method that searches a database using the contents of a textbox. I don't want people to be able to type "%" and retrieve all of the info.

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Search Directories For A File?

Aug 12, 2009

I have an issue with avoiding this exception and trying to continue on with my trying to search directories for a file. this is my code
Dim As FileInfo() = d.GetFiles()'Errors here
Dim fFile As FileInfo
For Each fFile In Files
If Not fFile.Attributes = FileAttributes.System Then
If fFile.Extension = Extension Then


It's the files located in the C:System Volume Information Directory.How can i avoid the exception but continue on. I can't put a if then statement around the variable declaration. because then i can't use the variable. And catching the exception just causes my routine to stop.

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VS 2010 Search Sub-Directories Also?

Jul 18, 2009

Right now this code just searches 1 directory, how can i get it to search the original directory and all the sub-directories

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim strFileSize As String = ""


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Prefixing And Suffixing With Hash(#) Symbol - How To Remove # Symbol?

Nov 25, 2010

I am writing sample code for Date conversion using i am facing that it is prefixing and suffixing with hash(#) symbol.ex : #2010-12-12#.How to remove # symbol so that i can only date.

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Make A Program To Search For Directories Of Text File

Sep 2, 2011

How i can make a program to verify if files of a text file exists ?


I have directories.txt who contains:

Line 1: C:PasswordsAccounts.txt
Line 2: D:GamesFifa 11fifa.exe

So i can to verify if these two files exist?

But not:"for each one")

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Search A Specified Directory And All Sub Directories For All Files That Have The Specified File Extension?

Dec 30, 2011

i have been trying to search a specified directory and all sub directories for all files that have the specified file extension. However the inbuilt command is useless as it errors up and dies if you dont have access to a directory.

Private Function dirSearch(ByVal path As String, Optional ByVal searchpattern As String = ".exe") As String()
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(path)
Dim fi As FileInfo


However i get an "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when i try to access the data stored inside the filelist string array.

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Recursive File Search - Series Of Text Files In Multipule Diffrent Sub Directories

Jul 21, 2010

I have a series of text files in multipule diffrent sub directories. I found the following functions on the Internet:


The functions will make a direcotry tree in my debug window, that looks something like this:


What I want it to do is to have it return an array of relitive file paths, from the starting direcotry I give the function. Then I will use a loop to cycle though each file in the array to make certain changes.

Something like this:


Any ideas on how to acomplish this?

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Hex Data Search And Replace?

Jun 8, 2011

Im using this code in, but works only one byte replacing. Plz, how to work many byte search and replace.I want find all F1 B6 D9 E8 C5 and replace to F7 B3 D1 E7 C4 and save. my code:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim fullFilename As String


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Exit From Search - Replace Loop

Jan 16, 2010

I want to allow the user to exit out of a find - replace operation, but I also need to block input during the operation, so I was using this Declare Function BlockInput Lib "User32" (ByVal fBlockIt As Boolean) As Boolean Private Declare Function GetInputState Lib "user32" () As Int32


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Function To Search And Replace A String?

May 15, 2009

I have a VB .NET String. How can I search that string for a character string and replace it with another string?

For example:

Dim rValue As
String = sproc.ExecuteScalar()
' rValue now has the XML string <indracio fire height=23, width - 6>
/* This is the string that I want to search. Replace the words "indracio fire" with the word "lucion time"

How can I search this string for the words "indracio fire" , and replace with the word "lucion time" ?

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Search And Replace A Very Large File

Dec 6, 2010

I have a 133 Mb file which contains almost a million records. Currently, a user loads this file into KEdit (a great editor for working with large files) and changes occurrences of a dollar sign $ to blank and takes negative numbers represented as such with parentheses and changes that to a negative sign. That is, (5000.23) would become -5000.23. So the leading ( becomes a - and the trailing ) becomes a blank. I believe the only occurrences of ( and ) are around the numbers I want to change, so I don't have to worry about changing something that should have been left alone. Using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2008, is there a "painless" way to do this other than reading the file one record at a time and searching/replacing and writing the record out? While not really painful, I am worried about how long that will take (to run, not to code ). Is that a valid concern?

My long range goal is to automate many of the routine file preparation tasks my users do. We get an input file from 15 clients. The file can be in any format the client has chosen to give us, and it is our burden to reformat any errant fields into an acceptable format for insertion into our database.

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Search Record In Datagridview And Replace It With New?

Dec 31, 2011

I am trying to find or search record from a datagridview so I could replace it with a new data from a textbox. I used the datasource.find() method the only problem is...If the my Table consist only of one Row, the find method replaces that one row everytime i insert a data. I just couldn't figure out how to datagridview works with if else statment.

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Way To Load A Php File And Then Search And Replace

Jul 31, 2009

I've figured out a way to load a php file and then search and replace if it contains one of the following:[code]Is their a way where I can load the the php file and also load a txt which contains the string i want to replace, so the exe dont actually save the txt.Replace. This way the user of the app can define the contents of the search and replace and it wont run out of memory.

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VS 2010 : Listing Directories Inside Directories?

Jul 29, 2011

This is currently the code I am using.

Dim fileList As Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(FolderDialog1.SelectedPath, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly)
For Each topLvlFile As String In fileList


The above code reads all the files & directories in a selected path. It ignores any hidden folders, like it suppose to. Except it doesn't ignore folders inside of the hidden folders that it finds & I need it to.I can't quite wrap my head around how to make it ignore all folders & files inside of a hidden folder that it find.

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Make Search And Text File And Replace It?

Sep 3, 2009

I got some code that im try to make search and text file and replace it. The code im using to replace it with is whatever the user entered in txtURL.text. Here is what i have

Dim strFile as String
Dim result as String
strFile = "C:\test.txt"
oRead = IO.File.OpenText(strFile)
result = Replace(oRead.ReadToEnd(), txtURL.text, "1F.php")

Is this writing it back to the file also....I think that might be the problem, not sure..

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Search / Find And Replace Function - NumericUpDown

Apr 6, 2011

I am writing a program and I have the Read Function all written out. I need to have the write function. I think is I copied and pasted from the Read function I wrote.

I was able to Mass edit This:
Reader.Position = (&H)
NumericUpDown281.Value = Reader.ReadInt16()
Reader.Position = (&H)
NumericUpDown280.Value = Reader.ReadInt16()
Reader.Position = (&H)
[Code] .....

And there is at least 370 NumericUpDown's. Is there any way to search/find/replace all in one instead of typing:
Find what: NumericUpDown320.Value = writer.WriteInt16()
Replace with: writer.WriteInt16(NumericUpDown320.Value)
Each individually?

The write function will only write properly this way:
writer.Position = (&H)

And not this way:
writer.Position = (&H)
NumericUpDown319.Value = writer.WriteInt16()

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Search A Textbox For Specific Text Then Replace It?

May 21, 2010

Is there a way to look in a textbox for some text1 and then if its there, it is replaced by text2?

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VS 2008 Search And Replace Text Of A File?

Jun 4, 2009

I have this code to search text and replace it in a file. But might it optimized?


Dim reader As StreamReader
Dim contents As String
Dim writer As StreamWriter


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Open An Xml File To Search And Replace / Add Elements - Nodes?

Jul 20, 2010

I am needing to open up a file, it is a kml file, and I am wanting to search for a particular line and the replace some of the lines following that.

Dim file As New System.IO.FileStream(kmlFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)But I don't see any means in which to actually go through the file line by line in order to search for my criteria.

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Search And Replace Text With System.IO (Visual Basic)?

Dec 1, 2009

What is the code to replace text in a document. For exaple if my document had the text "The Dog Jumped over the fence" how would i get it to change to "The Cat Jumped over the fence"

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VS 2008 How To Search And Replace Words In Listbox Items

Nov 6, 2010

How to search and replace words in listbox items.

just can't seem to work it out

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Function - Overload Resolution Failed For Find/replace Search?

Jun 15, 2012

Public Sub MyFunction()
Dim lowstring As String
lowstring = "hi"
Me.RichTextView.Find(lowstring, 0, 2)
End Sub

The above produces the error of Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Find' can be called without a narrowing conversion:

Public Function Find(characterSet() As Char,
start As Integer, end As Integer) As Integer:
Argument matching parameter 'characterSet' narrows
from 'String' to '1-dimensional array of Char'.

Public Function Find(str As String, start As Integer,


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Making Directories Within Directories Using For Loop

May 3, 2010


it just creates 1 folder but not other folders with in folder.

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Cipher/ Code Generator -Program - Search Through Textbox And Find All Of A Certain Letter (say A) And Replace It

Nov 25, 2008

I'm trying to make a program (in VB 2008 Express Edition) that will take text (from a textbox) and then switch the letters (say a->f and A->F) and will put the result into a second textbox when I click a button. How do I code the program so that it will search through the textbox and find all of a certain letter (say a) and replace it, then search for the next letters (say b-z) and replace them?

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VS 2010 Listing All Directories And Files And Sub Directories And Subdir Files?

Jun 19, 2012

I need to list all files folders, subfolders and subfolder files under a selected directory in a list box not sure how to do the logic in the last amount of code lines to enumerate all subfolders dna files.Here is what I have so far:

Dim OldProfileDir As String
Dim NewProfileDir As String
Dim Newdocs As String = ""
Dim Olddocs As String = ""


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Using Directories, Sub-Directories And APIs?

Jul 11, 2011

Basically I'm going to try and develop a software that merges PDFs automatically using the PDFSharp API.What I want in the program is to basically that: Have the program to give and Input and Output directoryMerge all the documents in the directory or sub-directoryRename the merged PDF file according the the name of the directory/sub-directoryIf the folder has PDF files and a Sub-Directory I want to merge the PDF files in the folder and rename them as per the main folder, and rename the files in the sub-folder according to its name (i.e. seperate|)

It's the first time I'm using an API.The problem I have is how to use the directories and sub-directories as I need them.

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Regex - Mass Search And Replace With Wildcards Or Reg Expression MyString.Length To Len(MyString)

Oct 14, 2010

I have a large ASP.NET project where I want to do a mass search and replace (about 3500 instances)

I want to change

If strErrorMessage.Length > 0
If strSomeString.Length > 0
If strWhatever.Length > 0

and any other similar call to the Length method from a string to the following

If Len(strErrorMessage) > 0
If Len(strSomeString) > 0
If Len(strWhatever) > 0

Anyway to reliably do this in one shot?

I can do a search and replace for something like If *.Length > 0 --> If Len(*) > 0

This just won't work though as it won't understand how to rearrange it properly. Currently have VS2010 and N++ at my disposal.

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Search For A String And Replace With New String Program?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a non standard text file, ie its not delimted etc, its pretty much free flowing. What I want to do is to search for a specifc string eg. "xyz123" and then replace it with what a user types into a text box, lets call the text box and its contents "txtreplace".

I am trying to replicate a find and replace function essentially, but will need to tailor it later on down the line, but this will be a starting point.

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