Show The Records In Textboxes?

Apr 15, 2010

How can we show the records in the textboxes in VS2008? I used the following code in VB6 to perform this action:

Public Sub Show_Record()
If Not (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) = True Then
txtSNO = rs(0) & ""


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Add New Row And Save Records In Textboxes?

Apr 2, 2009

'Already declared the DataSet as dtFile and SqlDataAdapter as daFile
Dim SqlQuery as String
SqlQuery = "Select * from FileRegister where FILE_NO='" & frmBsearch.txtFileNo.Text.Trim & "'"
daFile = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SqlQuery , SQLConnection)
daFile.Fill(dtFile , "FileRegister")
frmBsearch.txtSPrefix.DataBindings.Add("text", dtFile, "FileRegister.Prefix")
frmBsearch.txtSPlotNo.DataBindings.Add("text", dtFile, "FileRegister.Plot_No")
frmBsearch.txtSBlockNo.DataBindings.Add("text", dtFile, "FileRegister.Block_No")
How can I add a new row and save those records in the TextBoxes?

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Display Records From The Datagrid To Textboxes?

Aug 9, 2011

I cant figure out how to show the records from the datagrid to textboxes

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Display Dataset Records In Textboxes Instead Of GridView?

Jun 7, 2010

I want to display dataset records in textboxes instead of GridView. I also want to provide next, previous and search option to navigate between records in the dataset. And I also want to provide update and delete buttons to update and delete the current record that is being displayed.

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VS 2008 Edit/update Records From The Database Using Textboxes By Linq To Sql?

Sep 26, 2009

This is the hardest part of LinqtoSql database handling operations in visual basic 2008 I ever encountered,w/c is the update operation cause Ive been posting this thread several times from the other forum site but noone yet was able to answer my question,examples were given but its not efficient cause it won't specify based on the codes i gave and i know its not easy but im still hoping that one of the answerers of this forum will be able to resolve this particular linqtosql operation codes. I used textboxes in manipulating all data into the database such as displaying records, adding records, & updating records, basically I used with textboxes in doing those database operations. I will give you 3 block of codes w/c corresponds those database operations I used and differentiate from each other inorder for us to determine why one of them has no progress or won't do its operation w/c is the update operation...

*************Block of Codes#1(Adding Records)*************
Private Sub Button1_Click(------------------) Handles Button1.Click
Dim db As New memrecDataContext()


I would like you to identify,differentiate, or troubleshoot the block of codes#3, or anyhow, why it has no progress at all or it won't edit and change the records but it runs and no error in regards with its code, and the other 2 blocks of codes were able to successfully do its operations.I was just wandering why only the block of codes#3 is not doing its operation successfully when you change the record being displayed in the textbox.Is there a possible way to edit records in the textboxes?If there is.... Is it possible to debug the block of codes#3 to successsfully do its operation? If you could possibly give an example,can you based it on the block of codes#3?

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Getting Database Data To Show In Textboxes?

Nov 5, 2009

Alright it's been awhile since I messed with this project, so here goes. It's an appointment scheduler and everything works except two things: I can't edit existing appointments and it only records the current time, not the timeslot I click on.

If I try to edit an existing appointment it doesn't get the row data, just shows me blank text boxes. I assume I have to have those text boxes read the info from the database, but I don't know how to do that.

This is how it looks:

So, you double click a time slot and it looks like the second window. You can right click on an existing appointment to edit it, but when you do that all the text boxes remain blank like you're inserting a new one.

What code would I use to read whatever row's data I am trying to edit and insert it back into the boxes?

Here is the code I use to add new rows to the DB:

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim NR As TestAppointmentDataBaseDataSet.AppointmentRow


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Show Info From Listbox To 3 Different Textboxes?

Feb 26, 2009

I have 3 textboxes that each gonna have something written in it.Say like.

Textbox1: Jonny
textbox2: Tennis
Textbox3: 1986

Now. I transfer this to a listbox.Now, when i press the saved item in listbox, I want textbox 1 , 2 and 3 to show up in 5 , 7 and 8.How to I get this to work?

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How To Show Records In Listview

Apr 15, 2012

i created a listview, and i have a button5 "view records" if i click the button, all the records should be shown to the listview but yeah i doesn't work

here are may codes:
Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0; data


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Records Do Not Show Using DataGridView?

Jul 13, 2010

Why do I cannot show my records using datagridview? The database I use is sql server 2005 with the extension of ".mdf". Also if I use the wizard to add the data source. I can add,delete records and show but when I change the startup form and run the form that connection is code to display. It doesn't show the records.

Below here is my code :
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form2
Dim con As New SqlConnection
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

View 19 Replies

Show All Records Between Two Dates?

Jul 10, 2011

I have a Form and a Local database and Table1 in DataGridView. Also I have 2 DatetimePickers and a button.

See the photo below: [URL]

The Date column is defined as DateTime datatype.

How to show the records between two dates in DataGridView by pressing button1?

I like to do this with DataGridView Task --> Add Query... --> Query Builder...

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Show Only Particular Records In Gridview With Req

May 13, 2012

Is It Possible To Show Only Particular Records In Gridview With Req. There are 2 textboxs to accept from date and to date. I will be comparing the fromdate value and todate with the table column. If the record matches then only that row will get display in the datagridview.

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Show Records From Other Tables?

Mar 15, 2012

i want to show records from other tables but this error occurs

Sub fillorderdetail()
Dim adpt As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from orderdetail", conn)


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Show Records In A Listview?

Apr 15, 2012

I used this codes to show the records but this doesnt works .. but when use the query

("Select * from Schedulings") it works .. it shows the all records. but i want to show the records that satisfy this query.


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The Textboxes On The Rightside Will Show The Results On The Left?

Mar 14, 2012

What do i need to put in the search button so the words that i will put in the textboxes on the rightside will show the results on the left?thanks for the reply. i need some codes for pattern.. ll i found in google is searching in a datagridview. i dont know how to put them in textboxes.

Dim id As String
Dim title As String
Dim country As String


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VS 2008 Getting Database Data To Show In Textboxes

Nov 10, 2009

Alright it's been awhile since I messed with this project, so here goes. It's an appointment scheduler and everything works except two things: I can't edit existing appointments and it only records the current time, not the timeslot I click on when I add a new appointment. If I try to edit an existing appointment it doesn't get the row data, just shows me blank text boxes. I assume I have to have those text boxes read the info from the database, but I don't know how to do that. This is how it looks:


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WebBrowser - Show Preview Of Contents In Textboxes

Jul 2, 2010

I have been working on a program (obviously) I have several textboxes and a webbrowser. I want this webbrowser to show a preview of what you have so far in these textboxes. Up to now I have:

For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf (ctrl) Is TextBox Then
WebBrowser1.DocumentText = CType(ctrl, TextBox).Text + WebBrowser1.DocumentText
End If
End Sub

When I debug it everything is ok until I press preview. I type hello in each of the boxes. By the way all textboxes are small and positioned close together. So I type H in one box E L L O etc and i press preview. And H only appears in the preview. I press preview again then H appears Once Again.

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Is It Possible To Show Only Particular Records In Gridview With The Followi

May 17, 2012

There are 2 textboxs to accept from date and to date.

I will be comparing the fromdate value and todate with the table column.

If the record matches then only that row will get display in the datagridview.

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Select Between Two Dates And Show Records

Jun 21, 2009

cmd = New SqlCommand("select * from employee_log where log_datetime >='" + DateTimePicker1.Value.Date + "' And log_datetime<= '" + DateTimePicker2.Value.Date + "'", cn)
Suppose if I select two dates june 21 and june 30 then records between 21 and 30 including 21 and 30 should be shown. But the records of june 30 is not shown..only from 21 to 29 is shown by this code. What should I add or edit to this code?

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Show A Word Microsoft To 10 Textboxes When Click A Button?

Apr 29, 2010

how to show let's say a word microsoft to 10 textboxes when i click a button.

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Open A Form And Show A Specific Records?

May 22, 2009

I have a dataset called KeyData made up of two tables Customers and Orders.

I have two forms, one named MainForm that shows records from Customers in details view and the related Orders shown in GridView called OrdersDataGridView. The other form is called OrdersForm and is populated with the Orders table from the keydata dataset and shows records in details view.

When I navigate the MainForm customer records the correct orders are shown in the OrdersDataGridView. So far so good.

Here's the code that was generated when I dropped the tables within KeyData dataset onto the MainForm:

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'KeyData.Orders' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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Change 2 Textboxes So That They Show The Current List View Selection?

Dec 10, 2009

I am trying to change 2 textboxes so that they show the current list view selection. When I click to change the selection the program crashes. Here is my code:

Private Sub BookmarkListing_ItemSelectionchanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItemSelectionchangedEventArgs) Handles BookmarkListing.ItemSelectionchanged
NameBox.Text = BookmarkListing.SelectedItems(0).Text
LocationBox.Text = BookmarkListing.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(1).Text
End Sub

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Bindingsource.filter - Show Only Those Records That Have Null Values

Nov 7, 2009

I'm trying to filter all the records in my datatable that have a NULL value for one the fields in the table, I'd like the bindingsource to show only those records that have null values.


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Show Records From In Form2 According To Textbox.text In Form 1?

Mar 12, 2009

I am a rookie in VB and have been trying to show in form2 only the records in table2 filtered by the value of a textbox shown in form1 which is a value from table1.So far I have not been able to achieve this and I have seen so many answers to similar questions but when I try there is always something wrong.

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VS 2010 - BindingSource And Dataset - Show Attributes In Textboxes Inside A Form

May 16, 2011

[Code] Somewhere my system haves a function that returns a DataSet with the books of a certain subject and all the Authors that wrote such books. I need to show the book's attributes in some textboxes inside a Form. I use a BindingSource to display the ISBN, Name and Subject of the books in a textbox, yet I don't know how to display the author name of the book I am currently viewing in a TextBox, taking into account I already fetched the Author into the DataSet.

Its pretty much the Child/Parent display problem somewhere discussed in the codebank, but kinda backwards, the thing is that I;m navigating through the CHILD records here, not the parent, yet i have all the data needed in my Dataset.

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Display Multiple Records In Multiple Textboxes?

Apr 23, 2010

I would like to display the multiple records in multiple textboxes Following is my tables and data:

tblJan with these data:
col id
col January

now i want to display the value 10 in one textbox and the value 20 in another textbox and so with the value 30 in another textbox..

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Filter The Data In The Date Column To Show Only The Records That Don't Have A Date Entered Into The Field?

May 13, 2010

I have an access form that shows a data table. when the form is opened, I want to filter the data in the date column to show only the records that don't have a date entered into the field.

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Filter Records In Datagrid View And Show The Selected Record In The Datagrid?

Oct 16, 2011

I have a datagridview with transaction bindingsource I want the datagrid to show the sorted rows only not all the records when i enter a value into a textbox and click button sort.

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VS 2008 - Control Types - Textboxes And Richtextboxes - Isolate The Textboxes Only

Oct 14, 2011

On my form, i've got some textboxes and some richtextboxes. I'm using the following code, to search through the text properties of each of the two types of control. see below:-

For Each ctl As Control In Me.Controls
If ctl.Text = "7777" Then
ctl.Text = "found the sevens"
End If

What i'd like to do is isolate the textboxes only, is there a way to do that? I tried this but i got an error:-

For Each box As TextBox In Me.Controls
If box.Text = "7777" Then
box.Text = "Found"
End If

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Pull Information From A Websight's Textboxes In IE Into Program Textboxes?

Oct 21, 2010

My goal is to, Pull information from a websight's textboxes in IE into my program textboxes. and to later Put changes from into other values on the websight from my program into it. The sight has multiple textboxes, on different frames. within it.I need to keep it as a exsiting open browser instead of making a new one. only gotten as far as finding the open internet explorer window, by useing


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Can Retrieve Records From Database Fine / Having Trouble Updating Records

May 17, 2006

I can retrieve records from my Database fine, but I'm having trouble updating records. I am getting a syntax error on [code] I get this error when I change the Last Name (Row 0, Column 1). [code]

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