Splitting Command Line Parameters?

Apr 7, 2011

I am passing some comma separated parameters to console Application. I want to split those string for that I have written below script but it is giving error .

static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Command Parameters :" + Environment.CommandLine);


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VS 2008 How To Set Two Command Line Parameters

Dec 23, 2009

as i need add the two commandline parameter on debug window.
one is okay


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Pass Command Line Parameters Through The Executable

Mar 5, 2009

I'm currently creating a new process and then executing an executable from a specified location:


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Command Line (console) Program With Parameters For SharePoint?

Oct 29, 2009

I would like to create a console program in VB.net that would allow parameters. What i would like to do is in the code below add parameters so the webpart page can be created from the Run menu. e.g. C:.......MyProgram.exe "Design" --This would then create the Design webpart page.

I tried looking at the internet but was not very successfull.

Module Main
Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim prj As String


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VS 2005 Execute A Command Line EXE (busobj.exe) With Required Parameters Through .Net?

Jul 3, 2009

I am trying to execute a command line EXE (busobj.exe) with required parameters through VB.Net. Because of unknown reason the report is not being generated. Here's the commandline:

Shell(txtBOExecutable.Text & _
" -user " & txtUserName.Text & _
" -pass " & txtPassword.Text & _
" -system " & txtDomain.Text & _


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Command Line Argument: Check If Correct Command Line Or Exit App?

Jun 6, 2012

I have beginner skills using VB (am using the Express edition to learn). I would like to know how to set up a conditional statement in a Windows Form (WF) app that would check if a specific command line has been passed by another separate app that launchesthe Windows Form app using command lines, and if not passed, then the Windows Form app would shut down (exit, close).So far, I can use:

For Each s As String In My.Application.CommandLineArgs
If s <> "xyz" Then


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VS 2008 Reading RichTextBox Line By Line - Splitting It?

Jun 16, 2009

To read any form's text (except RichTextBox) line by line I've always used this splitting

Dim Lines() as String = Split(TextBox1.Text, vbNewLine)MsgBox(Lines(0))This code just works perfectly.But whenever I try this code on a RichTextBox like this:Dim Lines() as String = Split(RichTextBox1.Text, vbNewLine)MsgBox(Lines(0))The message box appears with the whole lines.I think maybe the RichTextBox1.Text() returns another new line character (means not vbNewLine).

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Send A Command To A Command Line And Then Submit The Command?

Apr 30, 2010

First let me say that I am not sure whether or not this should go in this section or the API section, and if it needs to be moved I apologize. My issue is fairly straight forward, but for some reason I cannot get it to work.

I am trying to send a command to a command line and then submit the command. I have been trying without success to get this to work in v2008 Express and v2010 Express, Here is the code I am trying to us:

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" ( _
ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As String _


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Splitting A Line With More Spaces?

Jun 11, 2011

how to remove spaces in a line which contains more spaces in vb.net.


12 25.53 35

It should be read as 12 25.53 35

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Splitting A Csv Line With Commas And Quotes

Mar 11, 2010

I have a comma separated file that has commas in the data, so using Split() doesn't work. I tried to use Jet 4.0, but a column has text and numeric data in it, so half of the values return null. After researching for hours and getting nowhere I attempted to write my own split function that checks for quotes so it can skip past the extra commas in the line. I fiddled with it for a few hours and got it almost running. [Code]

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How To Wrap Splitting Word Instead Of Moving To Next Line

May 19, 2011

Im using Asp.Net and VB on Visual Studio 2010. I am using a System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox with the wrap property set to "true", my problem is that when it wraps a word, it moves the whole word to the next line, what i want to accomplish is for the textbox to wrap, but not move the whole word, just move to the new line when the text reaches the right side of the textbox.

Example, imagine a textbox 10 chars wide.
This is what happens:
I am a textbox

This is what I need:
i am a tex

But if I set the wrapping to false, it just will keep expanding the width of the textbox on the same line. I was thinking of setting the wrap to false, and use the onTextChanged event to check the length of the text and manually trigger the new line. is there any easier way to accomplish this?

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Splitting A CSV File Line Array Using Regex

Jan 5, 2011

I used to do a bit of coding in early versions of VB years ago but moved on to things like RPG400, CL and SQL on an AS/400 box. As I am no longer in this career, I havent touched an AS/400 for a while either.

I am currently working on a visual basic console application in Visual Studio 2005 which takes various csv files from an osCommerce web shop, processes them and writes the data to TAS Books accounts software with the aid of the Infoplex COM module.

I have 2 functions, one reads each line of a csv file into an array, and the second function uses Regex to split the lines array into the various fields before they are added to a structure.

There are something like 5000 records (lines) in the csv file, one example is as follows;


My problem is that due to the formatting of the product description in the example csv line above, it fails the Regex match and therefore fails to read.

I know this is because my pattern is wrong, but I'm not sure how to solve it, I think all I really need is for Regex to split the line by the "," between each element, this might be a little difficult because some of the descriptions contain both , and " but never one after the other.

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VS 2010 : Splitting A Line On Readline By Comma Value?

Jan 25, 2012

I have a text file that I'm reading from.It has basic data and then I get to a field that has

City , State

I was trying to use

'Original Code
'strCountyStateIN(intCount) = txtFileRead.ReadLine()
'Trying to Split out County and State


I'm storing the data to an array and everything else works great. I just havent been able to split the county and state?

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Command Line Switches - Keeping Command Window Open?

Feb 24, 2010

I am using the following code to run defrag and to analyze if the C: drive requires defragmentation:

Dim analyze As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:WindowsSystem32defrag.exe", "C: /a /h /u /v")

This process runs through analyzing, runs it in normal mode & prints the progress to the command window.

My problem is that as soon as the process is complete the command window closes. I need it to stay open so that I can read the results.

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Send Command To Command Line From Windows Form Application?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to send a command to the external command line (cmd.exe) from the Windows form application that I'm writing in VB.NET (using VS2008).

I can only access the external program thru the command line (its not my program) and I must do so from a form app.

I am trying to use the following code. I am able to call a cmd.exe window, but I can't pass the command line my command.

Using mp As New Process
With mp.StartInfo
.FileName = "cmd.exe"


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Command Line Program To End Before Moving Onto The Next Command In Loop?

Feb 4, 2011

I am using a CheckedListBox that is populated with Filenames (full path, i.e. C:TestTest.jpg)When I have the files that I want in the CheckedListBox I wish to click a Start Button which will process the list one at a time using an exe program that runs on the Command Line. There are arguments that need to pass to the command line as well as the file location in order for the program to process.I currently have it working but the issue is the loop finishes quickly and it is left up to the CMD.exe to finish the process. What I would like is for the LOOP to wait until each file completes processing before passing the command for the next file in the CheckedListBox.There some reasons I wish for it to work this way.

1) I would like to have a button that can Pause/Restart the Loop.

2) I would like to have a button that can Stop the Loop so the whole process can end.

3) I would like to have the Loop remove each file one by one from the CheckedListBox after it has been processed.

4) I would like to display a Message once all the files have been processed.

5) And if it were possible I would like to report the status either by text or a progress bar showing where it is at in the process.

6) And the ability to add some error handling if possible.

Since the Loop finishes so quickly as it just passes the command to the command line using the & as a seperator it is the command line that is handling the rest of the process. Because of this there is not control over it in the GUI.The code I am using allows the Command Line text to display in the Form so it won't open up a seperate window to run CMD.exe. This is the desired affect as I would like everything to appear to run from within the Form itself.


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Adding Parameters To Sql Command?

Dec 1, 2009

I am running visual basic 2008 express. When I run the code that I have written it gives me the the following error message

- Incorrect syntax near '?'.

Does anyone know what causes this error. My code is as follows -

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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SQL Command Object Parameters?

Feb 10, 2010

I have been working on this all day and still haven't had any luck at getting it to work. I am using the SqlDataReader Object to retrieve data. I am using the code below to send a value to the stored procedure.The problem is that the value is sent enclosed in quotes so I dont get any data back. I have tried using .text.replace("""","")

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Created Checkboxes To Add Parameters To Command

Oct 16, 2009

i am running a dos command. now i created checkboxes to add parameters to the command. [code] but it only gives me a 1 or 0 but i want the parameter -h, -t, -v when the checkbox is checeked.

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Syntax For Shell Command With Parameters?

Sep 9, 2009

I am trying to setup a variable in VB, which will execute a shell command (autostatus.exe) with a parameter (-j JobName), and later display the output of the said variable. The code thus far is...

Dim JobName
Dim JobStatus
JobName = "asysr11_set_global_var_2day"
JobStatus = ShellExecute("autostatus.exe", -j, JobName)

What is the easiest way to achieve this? Currently, the above code returns error message "line:4, Type mismatch: 'ShellExecute', code: 800A000D"

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.NET - Pass Command On Command Line?

May 29, 2012

I am struggling to pass a parameter to a VB.NET application via a Windows scheduled task. It works perfectly in Visual Studio (passing a command line arguement via project properties).If I am calling a VB6 application, then I will supply the following parameters and it works:

Run: c:progra~1TestTest.exe TestParameter Start In: c:progra~1Test However, if I supply the same parameters in VB.NET, the program throws an exception when it tries to create an instance of a class in the Form.Load: System.NullReferenceException cannot create instance of object.

I have also tried the following:Run: c:program filesTestTest.exe TestParameter Start In: "c:program filesTest" This time the status of the scheduled task changes to "cannot start".What is the correct way to specify command line parameters in a scheduled task for a VB.NET program?UPDATE I found the solution on this web page:[URL}.. I am still confused as to why the program would not create an instance of an object when I used the 8 bit paths (i.e. progra~1)

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Command Parameters Procedure Or Function Has Too Many Arguments Specified

Nov 4, 2009

I don't know where the extra character 'N' is coming from, there should only be one parameter coming from my SP which is the ID:

cmd1 = oStringConnection.SetCommand(sqlConnectMain, _
cmd1, "TestStoredProc", _


When I ran the SQL Profiler, I found this:

exec TestStoredProc @StudentID=N'12345'

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Setting Parameters Of Command Object Seems To Fail?

Nov 3, 2011

I use the following VB code to execute a scalar function on my sql server:

cmd.CommandText = "[STFRA].[dbo].MyScalarFunc"
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Fastener", SqlDbType.Int)
cmd.Parameters("@Fastener").Value = 4148


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VS 2005 Data Class And Command Parameters

Mar 2, 2012

I'm rewriting a small application and I'm working on moving the data access logic from the form to a separate class. All was working will when I had all the code in the form. Lets say I had code similar to this in my form:


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VS 2008 Giving Parameters On Startup In Command Prompt?

Mar 18, 2009

I need to give an app 2 string values on startup via the command prompt like this

C:myapp.exe string1 string2

How do I accept these values?

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VS 2010 Sending Arguments/parameters To Command Button?

Dec 8, 2009

how to send a procedure call to a Command Button.

What I would like to do is have one button be able to call any number of other sub routines when needed. In other words...the app is running and I need it to stop so the user can either read information presented...or make choices...then click the CONTINUE button to pick up where the app left off. However, I need this to happen many times across several forms and modules.

I know I can use a MessageBox and get the same effect..

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Command Parameters Not Working When Calling A Stored Data Procedure?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a stored Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DescriptionLookup
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@manfactureid as int


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DB/Reporting :: .Net/Oracle Application Best Design When Building Sql Command Parameters

Oct 2, 2009

Currently working on a web-service with Oracle10g as back-end. Here is my problem.

1. The table I need to populate has 100 columns. I have no control over the design of the table.

2. I wanted to use the "deriveparameters" method of OracleCommandBuilder, but found out that this is "costly" in terms of performance. What I initially planned to do was to derive the parameters from an open connection, close the connection, then maybe cache the parameters obtained but I don't know if this is possible.

I am unsure how big of a hit the performance will get if I continue using the "deriveparameters" method WITHOUT caching the parameters driven. The environment is as follows

-around 2000 users
-users spread out in different parts of the country

I am not familiar where they will put the web pages of the application, the web service and the database. I don't know if they'll be putting it in different servers or on one server, but that's something we cannot control too, that's why I am looking for the best approach.

I just don't want to hard-code all that parameters and if, for instance, we need to change some properties/parameters, it will be a pain to maintain the code. It would be nice if someone here can point a way to automate the whole thing w/o the performance of the system taking a hit.

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VS 2005 : Passing Command Parameters To A Data Access Class?

Mar 31, 2011

I've got a program where the insert/update SQL was created with the values coded directly into the SQL string. I've changed this to use the Command's Parameters.AddWithValue method and all worked well. I'm now in the process of separating the data access code out into it's own class. I've got the Select code working using a DataSet in the form that I pass ByRef to my data class so it can populate or refresh it. My sticking point is in how to pass the parameters for the Insert/Update commands to the class since from the form I no longer have access to a Command object. Do I need to make the Command object in the data access class available to the form?

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Run A Command Line EXE From .NET?

Mar 3, 2006

I want to run the following command line program from VB.NET: rotor95.exe -d -k "password" -i "C:FileLocation" -o "C:FileLocation" The reason for this is that I don't want my users to have to drop out to a command line prompt in order to run a tiny program for 3 seconds. Typing in a 50 - 75 character file path twice isn't any fun either.

I tried using tooltask as discussed in the MSDN2 help but it appears to work with switches (/d etc.) but not parameters (-k "password"). I couldn't get the thing to work. See the following for the tooltask example:[URL]..light now I'm just using Shell("rotor95.exe -d -k "password" -i "C:FileLocation" -o "C:FileLocation") which works just fine but I'd like to use the .NET 2.0 super-whammy version of handling this problem if there is a better way to do it.

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