Stream Audio And Video In The Local Area Network?

Oct 26, 2009

I am developing an application where in I need to stream audio and video in the local area network. There is calling option from my application where users can call each other(audio call or video call) in the LAN.

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Stream Video From Network PC Via Webcam?

Jan 18, 2006

I have a little Logitech USB Webcam that I have attached to a laptop and I want to be able to view a video stream from it. I already gathered it will need to be a client/server model...and I probably need to use TCP/IP and/or Winsock (if its still even used)...

how to really approach this application as far as the video capture process? I don't have a need to really record video in any way so if i can just "preview" the video thats fine, although recording would be a neat bonus.

I read into the Windows Image Aquisition libraries and they seemed to be the right thing...but I wasn't so sure about the cross-network half of the equation.

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.net 08 Local Area Network (LAN) Source Code?

Mar 4, 2010

find a source code of using a local area network(LAN) in visual 2008?

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Deploying Desktop Application With SQL Server Express As Backend Db On Local Area Network

May 28, 2009

Basically back in VB6 days, I created several VB6 apps with Access as the backend database. I'd package my Access db file with the application setup, which copied it on to a shared network drive, and then different computers on the LAN could use the same backend database file, and that worked just fine. With SQL and VB .Net, I've done work with a SQL database hosted on a remote server, so you can basically build your query string easily and anyone can connect to it from anywhere, and it works just fine.However, what I'd like to do is have a local SQL express database as the backend for a VB .Net application and make a setup program that can install it in a way that it could be shared on a Local area network, without the user who is installing the application do anything.

I know about building a connection string with the local machine name, but I don't really have any experience with including an actual MDF file with the application. Does anyone know how it works, and is it a better approach? Does it work similar to placing an access file in a shared unc path?I know that ClickOnce (which is awesome) can install SQL express easily on a user's machine. However, the key is that I want SQL express to be installed only on the machine that is going to be the database server in a LAN enviornment, and not on every machine, unless it is neccesseary. And then how does your VB app know how to build the connection string to access the database from any machine on the local share?

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Audio Converter And Compressor - Audio & Video - Dream.In.Code

Mar 13, 2009

I just want to ask or I need some idea on how to convert wav files to mp3 and compressed the file to make the size smaller. I've search on the internet and find vorbis.dll as a reference object and lame.exe for converter. With regards to the audio compression, i downloaded monkey's audio software but doesnt have an idea on how to incorporate it.

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Create Audio Video Chat - Client Move His Or Her Webcam Video Where Want?

Oct 17, 2011

I creat audio video chat and when calling receivng video and client video is together...I want that client move his or her webcam video where I know it name DROP&DRAP but I`m not know how to do it...

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Audio Stream Capture From Web

Nov 18, 2009

I have link: [URL]

I want capture the audio stream on my computer in mp3/wav.

I have no idea from what i should start. What should i use for start developing? I'm working in VS2008 on VB. Can i do it in VB? What additional software i need?

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.net Capture System Audio To Stream?

Jun 21, 2011

Is it possible to capture all/any audio played by a PC into a, so that it can then be run through speech recognition (System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine)?Essentially I'm looking to pefrom speech recognition on any audio on the client PC, google seems to suggest that capturing a stream like this can be done using Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound, however I cannot honestly determine how.

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Convet My.resources Audio To Stream?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using and "my.resources" to store wav audio files.I know I can play such files using:

My.Computer.Audio.Play(MyProjectName.My.Resources.Resources.resourcename, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)

However I want to use to play the file and it requires either the the file name on the file system or a stream. how do you get the data inside an audio resource into a stream?This is what I have so far:

Dim imgByteArray() As Byte
imgByteArray = CType(MyProjectName.My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("resourcename"), Byte())
stream = New System.IO.MemoryStream(imgByteArray)


I get this error on the bold line above:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStreamWrapper' to type 'System.Byte[]'.

1. Is there a way to cast from System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStreamWrapper to type System.Byte?

2. What would be the best method to get the audio resource into a stream format?

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Replay A VB Audio File Or Stream?

Sep 21, 2010

I am trying to write a little synthesizer program, and as a first step I am creating .wav files opened for reading and writing using the code below called from a button click event handler. The audo plays but once, no matter how many instances of the Audio.Play method are called. I also tried closing the file and then calling the Audio.Play method on the full path name. In each case, the audio plays but once. If I click the button again, the file will be played once more. The duration for the audio is one second, so I am sure that it is only being played once every time. I do not want to loop the data. The idea is that when the user plays a new note, I update the file and replay it with the new data. Since the file is recreated every time I click the button, I guess what I *need* is working, but I am still curious why I cannot replay the content of the file.

' Create a file stream object for reading and writing.
Dim FS As New IO.FileStream(fileNamePath, _
IO.FileMode.Create, _


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Detect Silence Of Audio In Buffer Of WMA Stream?

Aug 24, 2010

I have a standard WMA stream, streaming in constantly via the internet. I need to write an application to stream this audio, and looks for any periods of 'silence'. When it detects silence, it runs an event.

For the purposes of this, silence is defined as three seconds of zero-level audio. The stream keeps going in a technical sense, but there is no audible noise coming through it.

However, I want the program to detect the silence while it is still in the 'buffer'. That is, the user won't hear this silence before the program detects it is there.

The audio shouldn't stop as it is analysing this silence - it needs to keep playing the audio constantly to the user.

I'm open to using whatever suitable API is out there - such as BASS, or the Windows Media extensions built into the dot net platform.

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Microphone Audio Stream DIRECTLY To Speaker In VB?

May 6, 2011

It SOUNDS simple. In aVusual Basic application, how do I made an open (or controlled thread) connection to continuausly stream the microphone to the speakers?

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Redirect Audio Stream To/from The Serial Port?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm writing a program that will allow me to send SMS and call using a GSM modem.

I'm communicate with the modem using AT commands.

I have a problem with "connect" sound from the modem to the speakers.

After installing the modem is visible in the system as two ports.

On one of them sends and receives commands.

The second is just for voice communication.

I can't redirect PC audio input/output to the modem serial port. (So I can't hear callers and vice versa)

From what I've managed to find I have to use SAPI. (ISpVoice::SetOutput)

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MSVidCtl - Only Audio And No Video

Apr 28, 2010

I'm trying to use the MSVidCtl to utilize a TV tuner on VS2008, but so far only got Audio but no Video. I've seen some other discussions and some other people having the same issue, probably related to "no encoder found" from the feature list of the tuner? How to make MSVidCtl work?

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Capture Video And Audio From Another Windows App?

Dec 19, 2011

I am planning to create a proprietary Windows application that will let the user capture video and audio from any other Windows application and stream it onto another computer via Internet. Capturing video is easy, I could simply let the user browse all open windows (or applications) and have the user click the prefered one. But what about audio? Is it possible in Windows to capture the audio from any application?

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Detect Audio Or Video Files?

Mar 10, 2010

How can I know type of file, music video or something else, in VB 2005 without looking extension.

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How Do I Play Audio/video Files

Apr 10, 2009

How do I play audio/video files in VB.NET?

remember to mark the replies as answers.

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VS 2008 : Extract Audio From Video?

Oct 1, 2009

Is possible extract audio from video and save into file wave?

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Stream Video Over LAN?

Mar 16, 2011

I want to stream video from a simple webcam over LAN for object detection purpose. Is it a good idea to grab frames and send them continuously over network with NetworkStream.Write()?

I did this but usually on client side i lost half of image data and I got noise, I don't know what is wrong. I'm looking for a fix or a better idea.

I put the client and server source codes here, first run the client and click "START LISTENING" then run server and click "Send pic".


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Make Audio / Video Player Using DirectX

Sep 16, 2009

i need Help to make Audio or Video Player With Using DirectX. how many Different b/w DirectX and Windows Media Player???

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VS 2005 Combining Video And Audio Files?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a requirement to combine 2 audio files with a video file is this possible with the user basicly wants to do is select 3 files one video, 2 audio, then click a go button and the files be combined to produce a single file, where do I start?

Am wondering if media encoder can do this or do I need to look in other areas?

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VS 2005 Trim An Audio/video File?

Nov 17, 2009

I want to know if there is a way to trim and audio.For example, I load in a song that is 3mins in length. I only want 1min 10s part to 2min 30s portion of the song and then save it as, let's say a WAV file.

Is there any API that I could look into to do this?

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Video Stream From Ip Camera?

May 30, 2012

I want to write a .NET application to show and save video streams from an ip camera. But I'm not yet sure what would be the best way to get started. Should I look for an Axis camera so I'd be able to use their api or will I be fine accessing the video stream using directshow or whatnot using any other camera ?

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VS 2010 Stream Video Over Lan?

May 22, 2011

I'm trying to find source code for i want to stream video file (picture and sound) from my computer(server) over lan to another computer(client). on the server side i open the video into "Windows media player controller". how i stream the picture and sound over lan network?

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Disable Local Area Connection In Vb6 Or Vb9?

Oct 2, 2009

How to disable local area connection in vb6 or vb9

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Transmit Audio Over Network?

May 7, 2011

The short story is that I have a 5.1 audio system that is linked to my pc and I would like to make a tool to help me to transmit audio from my laptop to my pc to be played back.

I have a home network provided by a wireless router. (Bandwidth is about 54 mb/s so that shouldn't be a problem)

Router ip :
PC ip :
Laptop ip :

1) How to transmit audio over lan in vb

2) How to receive that audio and play it back

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How To Develop Tool To Recover Audio/video File

Mar 20, 2011

actually i have problem to develop tool for recover audio/video fil

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Integrate To Application A Process To Capture The Audio And Video

Mar 29, 2012

I'am on Visual Studio 2008, language :VB

I want to integrate to my application a process to capture the audio and video from a specific area of the screen and save it in a .wmv or .avi file.

I already have Microsoft.Expression.Encoder on my computer but I dont know how to integrate the tool to my project.

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VS 2008 Play Media File Video Or Audio?

Jul 7, 2011

how to play video or audio in a application but have come up with not a lot.

I want to create a program that accessing a web server (no problem on that) and will pick up audio and video that is stored on that server.

Or, maybe do a live broadcast where I can play my guitar and sing a song. (Promise if I get this done through here I will give you a live performance) on that note I am sure you will all hold back.

This is a little open and wide, but what I would like to know via a webserver is this possible

3.Live broadcast

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Play Video From Memory Stream?

May 5, 2010

I have an application that sends Bytes of data through UDP, these bytes are read from an AVI file when the client receives the bytes it builds the AVI file on another computer perfectly but I want to be able to use the received bytes to play the video from the stream. Does anyone know how I can play the video from a stream? I tried using DirectShow but I don't know how to use a stream as video let alone having AVI files play with DirectShow.

My main goal is to have the application slowly "buffer" the movie for the client as they watch.

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