Wpf - HierarchicalDataTemplate For Very Complex Layout?

Oct 3, 2011

Im making a herbal database program and I am having troubles setting up HierarchicalDataTemplates for my main data class.


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Change The Layout Of The Web Form To Grid Layout?

Jan 13, 2010

how do i change the layout of the web form to Grid Layout so that i can place my control anywhere and not follwing lines or cursor

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Asp.net - ASP.VB Complex IF Statement?

Jan 20, 2012

I'm getting an intellisenxe error saying that the statement below is expecting a ')' and is positioning the correction ater the parenthesis following "Approved". I'm not familiar with this IF syntax and I can't seem to make the correction; trial and error isn't working ;o)) If (reader.Item("Approved"), True, False) = 0), (reader.Item("DoNotDisplay"), False, False) = 0)) Then

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Combo Box Complex Binding

Jun 10, 2010

I am having a problem setting up my combo box to pull its menu from a SQL Server table and store to the main data table.Currently my drop down list displays correctly but saves 'System.Data.DataRowView' to the data table. My main data table is called 'Survey' with staffname as a column, then I have another menu table of staff member names which populates the drop down menu.I found that when I remove the DataSource and populate the Items collection instead the combo box saves the correct value as expected but when I use the datasource it saves the words ''System.Data.DataRowView',[code]

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Complex Binding If ComboBox?

Sep 9, 2010

I have combox1 and i want to dispaly Foure Columns in combox1 and I make this

Dim dr As SqlDataReader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.Text, "select FirstName,FatherName,GrandFatherName,FamilyName from dbo.PersonalData")
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetSpecialFieldOFPersonalData")
Do While dr.Read
Me.ComboBox1.Items.Add(dr(0) & " - " & dr(1) & " - " & dr(2) & " - " & dr(3))

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Complex Numbers In VB 2008 And In VB?

Apr 18, 2011

How do I use complex numbers in Visual Studio 2008 and in Visual Basic, dont tell me I spent all this money on VS2008 Pro only to find out that it cant handle complex number arithmetic!

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Complex String Validation?

May 17, 2012

In my spare time i give myself programming stuff to do. Today i want to write a function that goes through a string, if the string contains any numeric value the function must return false, if the string has any special characters it must also return false else return true. For example the following strings would return as follows:

String Return Value
Travis True
78* False


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Complex Types In SOAP With VB 6.0

Sep 15, 2009

I am currently working on a project, which purpose is to call a webservice through a VB script. VB is by far not my first language and I simply reach the point where I do not know how to go on from here.

I have a Webservice descriped in a WSDL document that defines a service that takes a complex type as parameter and returns such one as answer.

The complex type is basically just a string that is wrapped inside a class object. So what i did was to create a new class module and added a public variable to it. I created a new instance of this class, gave it for the purpose of testing a value and tried to call the webservice. Everything goes well untill i reach the call to the webservice, where the program throws an exception that says:

"Class does not support automation or does not support expected interface"

My first thought was that the initialization of the object might have gone wrong but i am quite able to set and get the values on it. So i have to assume that the object is okay. I know that the url to the WSDL document is correct, due to the fact that I can call the document via the browser and it will throw an exception of "wrong type" when i feed the soap method with a primitive.

With out luck I browsed several pages on the net to find a clue what this could. So now i wanted to give this forum a shot.

You should know that i am not able to alter the WSDL file. I have to go with the way it is. In addition am supposed to stick to VB 6.0.

I used a Form in VB to make the call to the webservice.

Here is the call procedure:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim tS


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ModelBinding Complex Objects In .net

Feb 8, 2011

I have a custom modelbinder built to handle my accountRequest class.This class consists of some boolean values and a UserViewModel.The UserView Model is made up of strings such as Firstname, Last Name, Address.Originally I was just passing the UserViewModel as the action parameter but I now I need to package UserViewModel inside of accountRequest.however, now my modelbinder will not map the strings in the httpContext.Request to my UserViewModel inside of AccountRequest. All of the booleans map just fine.Is there an easy way to get his data to map to the UserViewModel properties other than hardcoding it? [code]

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My.settings Complex Object Is Nothing

Mar 26, 2010

I'm trying to save some settings in a complex object. If I make a dll of the class I can then add it in the projects properties settings list as that type.When the program runs though it won't show up as anything other than nothing. I read you have to have a sub new empty constructor which I have but don't know why else this would fail.First question is how to you do this. Second is there anyway to use a class inside the project as the target of the settings type or do you have to bring a in an external dll to do this every time? [code]

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Planning A Complex Project?

Jul 29, 2009

I suppose this is more of an opinion question, but, when you start a big project, what do you think about before you even start Visual Studio? Do you setup structure and files before actually coding them, or do you code them one-by-one?

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VS 2005 Expression Too Complex ?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a product table which has around 90 columns in. Must of the columns are integers. When I search for an existing product and insert it into a row its fine but when I alter one of the columns and do an update using the command builder I get 'Expression Too Complex'. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it?

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LINQ To XML To Create Complex XML File?

Feb 9, 2012

I would like to know if there is any simple/fast way to create a complex XML file, when I say complex, I mean more than 20 elements encapsulated. Although this is VB.net,unfortunately literals will not work in this case

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.net - Generate Complex Object From LINQ To XML In .NET?

Apr 1, 2009

I have an XML File that I am processing using LINQ. I want to basically serialize the XML data into custom objects but don't know how.


How can I finish the above LINQ query to populate the Children property of the Group object?

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A Complex Question Regarding The REGION Of A CONTROL.?

Feb 26, 2012

Imagine you want to draw a regular shape such as a triangle, rectangle ... all the way up to say a 10 sided figure ( a decagon ) or more. I know that when we try lots of sides it looks closer and closer to a circle or an ellipse. The problem I am thinking of is placing smaller circles ( or ellipses ) at the correct positions near the points of that shape as shown for a triangle below.Here comes the question(s) How could we: a) Correctly place the circles ( or ellipses ) at the points so that the sides are at a tangent to them andb) Can we combine the REGIONs of these to produce a figure with rounded points so the light blue bits get excluded? I guess that to produce a method to deal with all the mathematics involved would be quite a complex task.Has anyway previously tackled doing this or know of any .Net tools I could use for this problem?

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Accurately Print A Complex Form?

Jun 16, 2010

I am currently trying to find a way to accurately print a complex form that I created in VB6.

I stumbled upon a company that has a very impressive package called Winform Reports.


Currently it is only supported in .NET.

Does anything like this exist for VB6?

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Complex Filtering Datagridview Items

Aug 15, 2011

I wanna search items like MS windows search for example if i wanna search mp4 files i should write "*.mp4" its enough my searching but if i ll use filter function i cant do this on datagridview couse when i want to search something i need to know full name of this record... its to bad for me... is there any way? can i do it?

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Draw Complex Shapes Onto A Form?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a control that looks similar to the following:

I need to add slightly round ends where all that extra end space is. I'm not sure how to add these. It should look similar to the round ends on this page.

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How To Optimize Simple But Complex Looking Implementation

Jul 28, 2011

Want to dump a fetched table to a excel sheet. [code] I am new to data fetching and ADO.Net concepts and just got it working.But. This seems to be very inefficient and lame to me. So, can you help reducing the complexity and may be improve performance ? A totally different (Better) implementation is most welcome !

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MVC - Rendering Textbox For Complex Type?

Nov 2, 2011

I have been reading the various blog posts on how to deal with a Complex Type. However I don't really get it. I am using EF code first development, MVC and VB. From what I have read so far to render a editor field for a complex types requires a custom object, right? However I don't really understand what code I need to put into the custom template. What code needs to go into custom template so I can render a textbox for the PostTags icollection?

My classes:
Public Class Post
Inherits EntityBase
<Key()> Property PostId As Integer
<DisplayName("Title")> <Required()> Property PostTitle As String
<UIHint("MultilineText")> <DisplayName("Text")> Property PostText As String
Code] .....

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Printing Out Large And Complex HashTable?

Jan 25, 2012

Is there a VB equivalent to PHP's print_r available? I have a very large and complex hashtable that I would like printed out.

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Retrieve Values Out Of Complex XML Schema?

Mar 11, 2010

My problem is I want to be able to read through this xml document and populate a winform before validating it and then storing it into a table.[code]...

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Summation Of Complex Array Elements?

Feb 27, 2009

So i run a loop that is an iteration for array variables. for i = 1 to 1000summation = summation + array(i)next iyet for every iteration, array(i) contains a different set elements, and I need to know the sum of these elements for every iteration step.For some reason VB saves the values from previous iteration(s) and adds them to the new.The question is: how do I sum a new set of array elements for every iteration without using the older values.? Can I: dim array(number of elements as a function of something) ?

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C# - Best Practice For Complex Shared / Static Members

Sep 7, 2011

I took over an ASP.NET application and have found this throughout several classes in the application. The programmers before defined several shared/static variables that act as "complex enums" throughout the application. As a fairly new programmer, it doesn't look like best practice.

Here is an example:
Public Shared SecureCommentsWrite As New Task("Secure Comments Write")
Public Shared SecureCommentsRead As New Task("Secure Comments Read")
Public Shared EditEmergencyContact As New Task("Edit Emergency Contact")
Public Shared DisplayPersonalReferences As New Task("Display Personal References")
Public Shared EditPersonalReferences As New Task("Edit Personal References")

The constructor takes the description, then loads the ID key from the database using a stored procedure (the database is SQL Server.) This seems like a good idea since we deploy this application to multiple databases and want to ensure that we load the ID key that's in that database in case it changes. However, since there are literally hundreds of these in the application, the first load takes a while.

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C# - Common Way To Test Complex Functions With NUnit?

Feb 23, 2011

is there a common way to test complex functions with several parameters with NUnit? I think it is very hard or impossible to test every condition.

I'm afraid the combination of parameters that isn't expected in the function is also not expected in the test.

So the expected condition will not fail but the unexpected.

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Complex Regex With Custom Formula Builder?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a string which is like this - MVAL("A","01-01-1900")+MVAL(B,"01-01-1900")+MVAL("C")+MVAL(D). Now I want to extract B AND D out of this using regex because it is the first parameter and it has no quotes around it in both the overloaded version of the functions. Secondly because MVAL function is an overloaded function with two versions like MVAL("A") and MVAL(B,"01-01-1900") how will I find which version of the function is being used.

I'm using System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex method.

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Complex SQL Table Names In Access Database?

Sep 8, 2010

I am using OledDb to create/retrieve/delete data from Access databases. At one point in the solution, I the user adds data to a new table and the table name is defined by the user. The obvious problem with this is that the user could add spaces, characters, and Access/SQL keywords that are not allowed in the table name. Later in the solution, the user should be able to identify their saved table and retrieve it. I have considered the brute force method of formatting the input to remove offending characters and then reformat for the user's view, but that seems like something I would like to avoid. I have also considered placing restrictions on the textbox with masks, key event restrictions, and checks for conflicts with keywords, but I would also like to avoid that. So, my question is, does anyone have a creative solution for identifying a table name with something like 'my name is table number *1'?

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Lambda Function Complex List Sort

Aug 12, 2009

I'm trying to sort a list of string, which (each item) consists of a word followed by a space, then a number. I want to sort first alphabetically by the word, then numerically by the number. I tried something like this:
wordList = wordList.OrderBy(Function(x, y) CStr(x.Split(" "c)(0)).CompareTo(CStr(y.Split(" "c)(0)))).ThenBy(CInt(x.Split(" "c)(1)).CompareTo(CInt(y.Split(" "c)(1))))

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Structure/component For Performing Complex Calculations?

May 24, 2010

I hope this is the right forum. I've been developing something for a while now, and I've hit some walls with the direction I was going. I'm not an expert in .Net, so I was hoping maybe there's a nice solution that I had no idea of its existance.

A little bit of background: I'm building a relatively large scale calculation component which used to be in a spreadsheet. It composes of about 1300 values, about 150 which are passed in to the component, and the remaining 1150 are calculated based on these inputs. However, these values can be in multiple rows, as in there will be multiple rows of these 1300 values. Aggregate calculations need to be performed on these rows on a regular basis. Right now I'm using a dataset to perform this since it supports multi-row calculations nicely, but it has its limitations. It doesn't support some of the mathematical functions that I need it to perform (such as exponential) and performing a calculation like a weighted average is a hassle because you need to add a new field for it. Furthermore it doesn't let you use custom variables in your expressions, so if you want to create an on/off switch for something you need to create a single row table and set up a relationship to it. Also I'm getting tired of the dataset designer being riddled with bugs, and it's obvious to me that it was not meant for calculations of this magnitude. Not being able to see the data type of the field in the designer is a minus too (you have to bring up the property window on that field). I looked in to just creating classes to perform this, but the problem is that it needs to be relatively dynamic, and the calculations need to refresh based on user inputs. The best way I can think of doing this is setting up the 1150 calculated variables as properties so that they will be calculated automatically. But, I'm afraid that this is going to fire off thousands of calculations each time any variable is accessed, which is going to be a rather significant performance hit.

So, my question is whether anyone knows of a good structure or component that I could use to achieve my goals. I apologize if I didn't do a very good job explaining my situation, so I'll try to elaborate on any of my explanations if anything is unclear.

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VS 2008 : Randomize Dictionary Of Complex Types?

Jun 29, 2009

I wrote the following function to randomize a dictionary object:

Friend Function RandomizeDictionary(Of T)(ByVal oCollection As Dictionary(Of String, T)) As Dictionary(Of String, T)
Dim oResult As Dictionary(Of String, T) = Nothing


This code works fine on simple dictionary objects, but when I use it with complex types I get a type cast exception. For example, I have an object X that Inherits Dictionary (Of String, Class Y). If I call the randomize function on object X, I get the type cast exception. I don't really understand why it cares what the type of the dictionary value is, I thought that was the point of using generics.

In summary the following all work:

Dim x as New Dictionary (Of String, String)
Dim x as New Dictionary (Of String, Boolean)
Dim x as New Dictionary (Of String, Integer)

This does not:

Dim x as New Class X
Class X Inherits Dictionary (Of String, Class Y)

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