Writing Different Values Types To Memory For A Particular Exe

Jul 24, 2009

Im having trouble writing different values types to memory, for a particular exe Using the code below will allow me to write a value of 4 Bytes correctly but I also need to write a Float value.[code]Is there any way I can have both of these, to allow me to write 4 byte integers as well as Float Values?

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IDE :: Out Of Virtual Memory While Writing (not Debugging)

Jun 15, 2009

I'm editing some code and moving stuff around doing a lot of cut'n'paste while writing and the intelli-sense slows to a grinding stall then eventually I get a message from my OS saying that I'm low on Virtual Memory and I haven't even run the compiler yet, still only in the IDE. ??? I 'unchecked' the 'enable Visual Studio hosting process' on the properties->Debug tab when this happened before and now I don't know what to do because VB won't run at all for more than half an hour making writing impossible...

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VB - Pointers, Memory Allocation And Reading Writing Data?

Aug 15, 2009

I am using these API functions for my project where I am handling 3 unmanaged DLLs of two external apps, basically all it does is to carry data back and forth between these external applications. The project needs a lot of use of pointers, passing pointers and reading/writing to memory so both applications can talk to each other.

Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32.dll" _
(ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Declare Function HeapCreate Lib "kernel32.dll" _


set of windows API functions for allocating memory, reading and writing to allocated memory, and other required functions to generate required arguments to pass to these API calls?I am up to where I am allocating memory and getting pointer, but I don't know how to go about reading, writing, passing pointers, finding data lengths and reusing memory.


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VS 2005 Reading / Writing Protected Memory - How To Debug

Jan 20, 2010

I've made a screen capture program, and I have a program to play back the captured clips (right now there's no sound). All of the data is stored like so:


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VS 2008 - Values And Reference Types

Oct 29, 2011

Reading a book, the following examples are given regarding value and reference types. This example is noted as a value example. ptY display {x = 10, y = 20}

Dim ptX As New System.Drawing.Point(10, 20)
Dim ptY As New System.Drawing.Point
ptY = ptX
ptX.X = 200

This example is noted as a reference example. objY displays "Hello Test".
Dim objX As New System.Text.StringBuilder("Hello World")
Dim objY As System.Text.StringBuilder
objY = objX
objX.Replace("World", "Test")

The idea is simple enough, but I just can not tell the difference between the two. Could someone explain how the heap, the stack and the New keyword play a role in accessing directly and indirectly objects and variables?

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Distinct Values In LINQ With Anonymous Types

Jul 2, 2011

Supposing the referenced List below contains 2 elements:
Dim Countries = From c In List _
Select New With { .Country = c.Country, .CountryID = c.CountryID }

The code above returns
.Country=Spain .CountryID = 1
.Country=Spain .CountryID = 1

How can I get the distinct values? The Countries query should contain only
.Country=Spain .CountryID = 1

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Use Coalesce With Db Column Values And Nullable Types?

Dec 8, 2011

I'm trying to do something similar to what's described here, but with nullable types.


int availableUnits = unitsInStock ?? 0;

In VB, it would be this:

Dim availableUnits As Int32 = If(unitsInStock, 0)

However I'm working with db columns, which could be DbNull, and nullable types, which can be Nothing (which is different to DbNull). If a column is DbNull, I want to return Nothing, otherwise return the value. For eg:

Dim availableUnits As Int32? = If(myDataReader("UnitsInStock").Value, Nothing)

The error I'm getting is "Specified cast is not valid" but I'm not sure why. I've tried this as well:

Dim availableUnits As Int32? = If(isDbNull(myDataReader("UnitsInStock").Value), myDataReader("UnitsInStock").Value, Nothing)

Which is messy and just results in the same error. The only thing that works is this:

Dim availableUnits As Int32?
If isDbNull(myDataReader("UnitsInStock").Value) Then
availableUnits = myDataReader("UnitsInStock").Value
availableUnits = Nothing
End If

Which is just silly. Is there a better way of getting nullable db values into nullable variables that I'm not aware of?

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Using Anonymous Types And Assigning Values To Controls Or Attributes

Jul 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a web site that users can log into and self serve their user information ie name, address etc. I've set up a SQL server DB with a couple of table holding the data and accessing those using Linq. I'm selecting specific data from my datacontext then trying to assign it to a label, ideally I want to assign the value to a class attribute so I can use the users details on multiple pages.

I've simplified the code (removing WHERE statement etc for the purposes of this question):

Using CurrentUserDataContext
New UserDataDataContext()


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Reflection - How To Get Variable Names Types / Values In Current Class

Feb 1, 2011

I am working on a project where my class has to execute VB code provided by the user, to make it simple I am trying to recreate my own eval function, I am using the following code I found on the web to do this task.

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Imports System.Reflection
[Code] .....

The problem with code is that it can't access any variables or there values, so I have decided to get the variable names, there values types and there types dynamically and recreate them in the class that is being created dynamically. Any way to get the variable names there types and values in the current class or method, so that I can recreate them, and execute the user passed code, the user knows what variables are in the current class or method and there datatypes but he don't know there values as they may have changed, so he can't initialize them. Is there a way to do this, this code will be called in an asp.net page on page_load event, the code passed by the user is stored in the variable vbCode that is passed as a parameter.

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VS 2008 : Edit The Game Memory Values?

Jun 7, 2009

i want to make a game trainer in vb 2008 but how do i edit the game memory values? like the amo address is


& Value is


how can i change the value of that to whatever i want ?

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Writing Values To Already Existing Worksheet

Apr 9, 2011

I already have an Excel worksheet. How do I write some values to that worksheet from my VB application?

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Read/Write Process Memory Address Values?

May 30, 2010

Ive basically got 2 problems I need to solve.1) I am trying to determine if a certain process is running on the user's machine at the same time as my program.2) I am also then,if the process is running, trying to edit a specific memory addresses value. I have already found the memory addresses for the program, but how do I tell VB.Net to basically read the current value stored in that memory address, and then write a new value to that address

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Writing Dictionary Values In Separate XML Tags?

Jan 16, 2012

If I had multiple entries under my value in my dictionary, is there anyway I can put each value in separate tags to create an xml document?

Is there anyway to split the 3 values into their own tags?

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VS 2008 Writing Control Values From XML To Controls Within Group Boxes?

Nov 28, 2010

So basically what I'm trying to do is write data from an XML file (a "save file") back into the form. My controls are in all different group boxes (makes it much easier for showing and hiding groups of controls dynamically). I thought about and am putting each control's Parent name into the file, but can't figure out how to get that parent name back into the DirectCast within a For...Next loop so it will actually cast the data into the control.


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C# :: Determining Object Equivalence For Value Types, Reference Types And ILists?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a class with a Property called 'Value' which is of type Object.Value can be of any type, a structure, a class, an array, IList etc.My problem is with the setter and determining whether the value has changed or not.This is simple enough for value types, but reference types and lists present a problem.For a class, would you assume that the Equals method has been implemented correctly, or just assume that the value has changed every time the setter is called?If I did assume it's changed, then perhaps I should assume it for value types as well, so that the behaviour is consistent.

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Loading An Image From A Jpeg That Exists In Memory (but Not On Disk) Using Direct Memory Access

Nov 5, 2009

In VB 2005, I am calling a C++ DLL function that returns the address in memory and size in bytes of a jpeg image. How can I load that jpeg image directly from memory into a picture box in my VB form? I cannot afford to save it to disk first.

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Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory / Often An Indication That Other Memory Is Corrupt

May 22, 2007

Im getting a problem with one of my programs I have made in visual basic.NET where it gives me a memory error when i debug the program in the IDE. the exact error is this: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt". My program basically has a few forms with text fields on that get their text values from an access database on the same hard drive. Im wondering if im doing something wrong because my program just seems to eat up memory whenever it does anything. For example I have one form that has a combobox on it and when you change the drop down list selection it retreives a few strings from the database and puts them into the relevant text boxes, if you keep changing the selection then the memory usage (in task manager) just keeps going up and up. occasionally I get the error mentioned above when debugging but in my built version of the program it throws an exception everytime the memory usage gets past 49K.

Also I noticed when debugging in the "immediate window" frame I get the following message often:A first chance exception of type 'System. Invalid OperationException' occurred in System.Data.dll...Do I need to somehow be "releasing" the memory that is used to gather data once it becomes redundant?

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Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory. This Is Often An Indication That Other Memory Is Corrupt

Nov 24, 2011

I am using the following code

This error occurs :

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

Public Class FormRegEnumValue


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Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory. This Is Often An Indication That Other Memory Is Corrupt?

Feb 1, 2009

QuoteSystem.AccessViolationException was unhandled Message="Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." Source="System.Windows.Forms"

Im designing a web browser and i continue to receive this error after going to about 3 websites it crashes with that error.

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Necessary To Detach Event Handlers To Ensure That Memory Is Cleaned Up And That There Are Not Memory Leaks?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a BackgroundWorker object that I instantiated to perform a DB process on a background thread ansynchronously. I have event handlers for DoWork and RunWorkerCompleted. I can tell that the BackgroundWorker is disposing of itself because I added a message box into the Disposed event handler.Is it necessary to detach the event handlers to ensure that the memory is cleaned up and that there are not memory leaks?

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Thread And Memory Leaks - Memory Usage Jumps About 1000k And It Never Goes Back Down

Apr 17, 2011

I've noticed that every time I start a new thread in my program, the memory usage jumps about 1000k and it never goes back down. I have ensured that the thread is no longer running, and only one instance of my worker thread is ever running at a time. I am using ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem and ASyncOperation to get stuff done. The program starts using a Sub Main in a module that uses STAThread; I read that using STAThread instead of MTAThread makes it impossible for the Garbage Collector to get in and consider objects for garbage collection. However, when I change the STAThread to an MTAThread, the WebBrowser control in my frmMain cannot be instantiated.

I get this exception:

Code: An unhandled exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadStateException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll

Additional information: ActiveX control '8856f961-340a-11d0-a96b-00c04fd705a2' cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not in a single-threaded apartment. I do threading with the WebBrowser control, so will using MTAThread fix my problem? If so, how should I partition my code so that the WebBrowser control won't be affected by the above exception? I call the thread repeatedly with a timer (although only one instance ever runs at a time), and my program's memory usage starts at about 5000k and can jump to 300,000k+ depending on many times the thread needs to be called.

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Compare Two Types In Dictionary Of Types .net?

Jun 23, 2012

I need to compare two dictionary values if the types stored are equal, this is what i have

if gettype(Args(key)) = gettype(argtypes(key)) then
'' do something
end if


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2008 Express Edition: Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory, This Is Often An Indication That Other Memory Is Corrupt?

May 27, 2009

I cannot use Visual Basic 2008 at all. When I go to "new project" and choose "Windows Form Application" I get this error.I have tried multiple uninstall/reinstall with no result.A microsoft reply to this suggested that I needed: " .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 " I checked, and I did not have the .netframework 2.0 service Pack 1.
When I tried to download and install the above from Microsoft.com, the istaller said that "it was not allowsed" and I was not able to install the service pack 1.

I tried Uninstalling net framework 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 and then reinstalling .netframework 2.0 sevice pack 1; then reinstalling Visual basic 2008 express edition. At the reinstall of Visual basic 2008, .netframework 2.0 sevice pack 1 is unistalled by .net framework service pack 2.When I check the foruims for simiar problems, the formus are mostly for Visual basic 5.0, or other programs that I do not have.

Here is the programs I have installed:

Operating system: Windows XP
Microsoft .net framework 1.1
Microsoft .NET framwork 1.1 Hotfix(KB928366)
Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2


All the security updates and hotfixes for Widows XP.

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DirectoryEntry Memory Leak - Gets A Out Of Memory Error In The Last Catch Statement?

Jan 11, 2012

The follow code can be called about 6K times on the server it is run on then gets a out of memory error in the last catch statement. I don't see what is wrong with the code, it works well up until the out of memory..

Public Function AddUserToGroup(ByVal sSamAccountName As String, ByVal sGroupName As String) As Boolean
Dim returnStatus As Boolean = True[code]......

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Read Or Write Protected Memory Often An Indication That Other Memory Is Corrupt?

Feb 9, 2011

I have two forms, Form1 and Form2. Form2 has a button to show OpenFileDialog. I call Form2 from Form1 by a button. My startUp Form is Form1. When i start debugging, i press my Form1's button to show my Form2, it shows, but when i click On Form2's Button to show OpenFileDialog it is giving me exception that

"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."

When i set my startup Form to Form2 and click Form2's Button to show OpenFileDialog then it shows!

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Form-printing Class Error - "Protected Memory Was Tried To Be Read Or Written. This Often Indicates That The Other Memory Is Damaged"?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a new problem with this same Form Printing project and I get exactly the same exception but from the different point of code:

line 538: d.PrintFunction(c, typePrint, mp, x, y, extendedHeight, ScanForChildControls)

The exception type is System.AccessViolationException and it says (after I translate it from my own language in which the message is given in my pc, into English):"Protected memory was tried to be read or written. This often indicates that the other memory is damaged"

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"Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory. This Is Often An Indication That Other Memory Is Corrupt"

Aug 4, 2010

I am getting the following error: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt". i am using interop service.

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Memory Leak - After About 6000 Of 1,250,000 Images In ##X It Throws An "out Of Memory" Error

Feb 9, 2011

This code was put together for a one time run. It's purpose is to count all the pages in a group of images. After about 6000 of 1,250,000 images in ##X it throws an "out of memory" error. Besides it being thrown together for a one time run does anybody see anything obvious that could be causing the error?


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Error - The Instruction At '0x000002c' Referenced Memory At '0x000002c - The Memory Could Not Be "read"

Dec 11, 2011

I am using VB.NET 2010 and accessing a DLL that was created in VB6.I added the DLL in the References, and in the program I do the following:



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Read The Latitude And Longitude Byte Values From The DEM File (retrieving Binary Values)?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a DEM file(Digital Elevattion Model File) and I am trying to open the file,where we have Latitude and Longitude values inside the DEM file.And, Now I have opened the file using Filestream and Read the file using BinaryReader.But, I am having a trobule in getting the values of Latitude and Longitude.I am getting Byte values randomly as 1,202,31,271 etc.But, we dont have latitude and longitude values more than 180,and also I am not getting 16 bit UInt values.For example, the values should be like Latitude 20.00416666666667 and Longitude 39.99583333333333.So,read the correct Byte values of the DEM file.The code I have used till now is:

Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream("C:UsersadminDesktopHeader and DEM fileE020N40.DEM", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim rd As New BinaryReader(fs)
Dim convertDB As UInt16
For i = 0 To rd.BaseStream.Length


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