[2008] Getting Cookie Values?

Mar 15, 2009

have looped through the cookies in the cookiejar and they appear to hold the correect values i need, the thing is i need to be able to use the cookie value outside the for each i did:

Dim cookie1 As String
Dim cookie2 As String
For Each tempCookie As Cookie In GETResponse.Cookies


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Cookie Info - Get Info From Stored Cookie On The Local Machine?

Sep 17, 2011

Can I get info from stored cookie on the local machine. I have a Webbrowser control in a winform, and I would like to output data from a cookie to a label or so.

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VS 2008 Webbrowser - Set A Cookie To Expire?

Jun 3, 2011

Well for who is willing to give this ago, all you need is 1 webbrowser and 1 button. Set the webbrowser to navigate to [URL] and the button goes the code to expire the cookie JSESSIONID which is generated by the website.

Ok the problem is that i can not delete the cookie before it expires so the only way is to set the cookie to expire e.g. webbrowser1.document.cookie.expire -1d Expires can only be used if you dim something as cookie i think.

Things i tried:

Dim cookie = WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie
If Not cookie = "" Then


This script is the only thing that works but i know nothing about this language but it does work it expires the cookie and the page lets me get another email address BUT it takes many many tries, restarting the debugging ect... because the cookie JSESSIONID is somehow not always in the same possition so when it is not first on the list i think it doesnt work (if you are going to test this you need to wait 2 secs untill the browser realises the cookie expired if more than that then u know u need to re start debugging and try again)

This should be easy but i have no idea where to start:

Do a lop through all cookies in webbrowser.document.cookie and find "JSESSIONID" cookie, expire it by -1d and then add it back to the browser.

or do a lop where the cookie is in the computer, open expire it and reupload.

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VS 2008 How To Store Cookie To Stay Logged In

Oct 2, 2009

I have a app with two functions. The first function use http post to log into a website. The site gives a cookie once I login, and the function have CookieContainer() to catch the cookie and then it proceeds to update my profile. I then use a second function to visit a different specific page on the website so I can grab/scrap the specific page's source code, but it appears that the script is no longer logged into the site. I see source code for a login form instead of the target page's source code. So the cookie must not being kept for the second function to be able to grab the target page source.

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VS 2008 - HTTPrequest Error: Cookie Functions Seem To Be Disabled

Sep 28, 2009

I use visual basic .net express edition 2008. I figured out how to do httprequests and how to login using them. [Code] But I get this error on the site: "Cookie functions seem to be disabled. Please change your browser settings!" How can I set a cookie container so I can login onto the site? I tried a lot of things, such as cookiecontainer.

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VS 2008 Retrive Http Header - Cookie / Session

May 5, 2010

I am looking for a tutorial how retrive headers(cookies/sessions) from a webpage. google only directs me to webbased cookies/header/sessions etc.

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.net - Asp.net With Null Cookie?

Nov 25, 2010

I'm having problems writing an If statement because it's asking for the value of a cookie, but it's possible that the cookie could be null which breaks the page.

Here's the code:If Request.Cookies("myCookie").Value = "1234" then'do stuff End If

I think i need an elegant way of say "If myCookie is not null and has a value of..."


Basically the cases are always going to be the same but it will select the case from one of 2 places depending on whether myCookie has a value. Since there may be quite a few cases is there anyway I can get away with only listing them once.?

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.net - Get Web Session From Cookie?

Nov 17, 2011

I'm trying to do an scrape a web page but in order to Post the data I need a web session ID like


How can I get that ID?

My code so far is:


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Asp.net - JavaScript Can't Get/set Cookie In Ie7

Sep 14, 2011

I have to store, in 2 cookie dictionary/keyed cookie, a user's preference for hiding certain sections of each form on the app. It would appear that IE7 has reached some limit for the number or size of the cookie in javascript. I mean that the cookies are only inaccessible on the client-side js, but can be read just fine in our asp.net/vb code-behind.

The functions that need to read the value of these cookies must be on client side because I can't run a postback everytime the function needs to update the cookie. How should I go about getting and setting the cookie without triggering postback? I thought about storing the value of the cookie onload in a textbox, but I don't know when I would read it back and update the cookie.

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Creating A Cookie

Jul 29, 2009

is there any way to create a cookie using vb.net?

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Encrypt Cookie In Asp.net?

Jul 21, 2009

how can i encrypt cookie in asp.net?

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Get Cookie From Cookiecontainer?

Jan 21, 2012

I add cookies to a cookiecontainer using


After that, how do I get the cookie in the cookiecontainer?

I tried

cookCon(0) and cookCon.cookies(0).

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Open URL With Cookie?

Oct 23, 2009

Open URL With Cookie?Nvm someone delete it

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.net - Why Is Cookie Expiry Disappearing

Apr 7, 2011

I create a cookie and it has the proper expiry set, but when I go to update the cookie and check it with the debugger the expiry is gone.

' Cookie Helper: Updates cookie with the selected source ids
Protected Sub UpdateCookieFor(ByVal cookieName As String, ByVal sourceIds As String)
' Update cookie if it exists


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Asp.net - Last Five Pages Visited Cookie?

Jul 1, 2009

I have a series of product pages and all I'd like to do is store the last 5 products viewed in a cookie so it can be displayed as a site-history. The problem I have isn't adding the five initial items to the cookie, its when they view 6, 7 or 10 items.Currently I have this flawed logic (i have replaced the cookie name (xxx) for brevity);

Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim productcount As Integer = 0
If HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies("xxx") Is Nothing Then
Dim gingernuts As New HttpCookie("xxx")


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Multiple Name/value Pair Cookie?

Jun 22, 2011

In my VB.NET code behind, I've created a multiple name/value pair cookie like this:

Dim UserCookie As HttpCookie = New HttpCookie("UserInfo")
UserCookie.Values.Add("UserNumber", Me.UserNumber.Text)
UserCookie.Values.Add("Password", Me.Password.Text)
UserCookie.Values.Add("UserName", Me.UserName.ToString)

Now, what I need to do (somehow) is read that 'UserInfo' cookie in javascript and be able to extract those values at will. Most of what I'm finding out there doesn't quite do what I need to do.I'm trying to do something like this:

var MyValue = ReadCookie("UserInfo", "UserName")

And MyValue would equal whatever the user had typed into the textbox.

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Reading A Cookie On Machine?

Apr 2, 2011

there is a cookie on my machine named "TestCookie" with a value of "0".how can I read that cookie and populate a label's text with the value.

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Send A Cookie Along With GET Request?

Sep 20, 2011

I need to send a cookie along with every GET request in VB.NET? I already searched for codes but I can't find something that works for me. Can someone give me a simple code to do this?

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Why Is It That Cookie Is Not Getting Deleted / Unset

Mar 12, 2009

I have a login link that fires a javascript function that calls a logout page.This is what the logout page consists of:[code]Originally I just had cookies.clear in there, but that wasn't working.The jQuery function $.cookie does not work either. The cookie is set by ASP.NET, so I figured I could unset it with ASP.NET too but apparently not.

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Write The Cookie For Another Domain?

Mar 15, 2010

How can I write the cookie for another domain in classic asp

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[2005] How To Read A Cookie

Feb 9, 2009

I need a simple app that just reads a cookie from the users cookie folder and then displays that cookie on a form. Now i would like for the form to update everytime the cookie changes but we can get to that.This is not an ASP application just simple VB.the cookie that is being written is called testcookie and the value is 999.what I am having difficulty with is how to find and refrence the cookie from the users desktop.

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Inserting New DWord Values And Chnages Values Using 2008?

Apr 13, 2010

Am New To This Fourm So Forgive Me If I Have Put This In The Worng Place I HAve Been Programming For 3 Years And Need A Project I Am Doing.I Am Using Visual Basic 2008 Express EditionOutlineI Want To Be Able To Add A Dword Value To A Exsisting Location and add a value to that Dword Value

Example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList and then Add a new Dword Value that is not there such as Administrator


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Asp.net - Set ScriptingContext Response Cookie After Upgrade To .Net?

Apr 25, 2012

We have a number of classic ASP websites using a VB6 DLL (COM) object for their functionality in the standard way. The DLL is regsvr32'd and the pages use Server.CreateObject to create an instance of the necessary object in the DLL, which in turn triggers the OnStartPage function of the object being created, passing in the ScriptingContext which we then use to get Request(querystring, form) information, read/update session information and read/write cookie information (etc). For clarification, the way you update/store a cookie value using ScriptingContext is

objSC.Response.Cookies(Key) = Value

In preperation of doing a complete .Net overhaul on the code base (and as a first step), we ran the code through the .Net 2008 VB upgrade tool, which makes a few minor code changes, sets up references to interop libraries (for ADODB, ASPTypeLibrary, CDO, etc) and adds the necessary attributes to allow the .Net object to be exposed to COM, and after a few tweaks here and there guided by comments (todos) left by the upgrade tool, the code is compilable except for anything that tried to update/store a cookie using the above code as now, through the ASPTypeLibrary (Interop), the Response.Cookies collection is readonly (with no obvious way to write a cookie now).

If I comment out the offending line of code, the code compiles, and all I need to do is register this new .Net DLL (and it's interop DLLs) in the GAC, use regasm to register it through COM and the classic ASP sites continue working as if nothing happened (except for writing cookies), using Server.CreateObject to create what it thinks is a COM object, triggering the call to OnStartPage, passing in the ScriptingContext.So although the code base is "upgraded" to .Net it is using a lot of interop libraries to continues working as before, including using the ASPTypeLibrary.ScriptingContext object, as this is what the classic ASP pipeline exposes. how to write/store a cookie in this scenario?

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Cast A String Into A Cookie And Add It Into A Cookiecontainer

Nov 15, 2011

I want to cast a String into a Cookie and add it into a cookiecontainer. For example if I had Dim cookieString As String = "variable1=hello&variable2=goodbye" Dim myCookieContainer As CookieContainer myCookieContainer.Add(cookieString.Parse(Cookie)) Something along those lines.

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Cookie Being Deleted Unexpectedly By Application

Jan 26, 2010

I am having an issue with a cookie that keeps getting deleted by the application. When you go into the application, if the cookie does not exist, it gets created. This works fine and everything in the cookie is stored correctly. When I click on a link to go to another page, once everything loads completely, the cookie gets deleted from the file system. Even stranger than that, the values from the cookie remain until the browser is closed. That is the application appears to be retaining the values even though the cookie does not exist on the local file system. The next time you enter the application, the cookie is recreated so any values stored are lost.Now, I have done some tweaking on the code to see what could be causing it. I found that I am adding the cookie to the Response object any time I make a change to the cookie. The cookie is also being added to the Response object when the page load is completed. My initial thought was that adding the cookie multiple times to the Response object could be causing the issue. I commented out the code in the page load complete event and the cookie hung around until the next postback. Then I put in some logic to keep the application from putting the cookie into the Response object more than once, and then I lost the cookie again at the same point as before.All of the code for handling cookies is in my "base page" that all pages inherit from. The page that seems to be loosing the cookie is my search page. I am including the code from both of those pages.[code]

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Cookie/Ticket Expiration 2059?

Apr 28, 2009

Using vb.net 2003 asp.net 1.1 sql server2005My cookie expiration is in 2059 after I set it for 1 Month and alsothe user data didn't return, also the cookie path is just a slash, I'musing LocalHost though.I'm using a ticket, I used just a cookie before and the cookie alsowas set to expire at 2059 after I set it for a year.

Cookie Info:Cookie Path : /Expiration : 4/28/2059 12:37:34 PMExpired : FalsePersist : TrueIssue Date : 4/28/2009 12:37:34 PMName : 4UserData : Version : 1


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Create Cookie On The Users Machine?

Jan 17, 2011

In my program you log into a MySQL database. I want to create cookie on the users machine and I want it to stay there until they press the "Logout" button. The cookie is there so that the program can constantly check to see if the cookie exists which will tell the program that user is online. How can I create a cookie?

Heres all the code I have so far:

Dim scenerymanageraccount As New System.Web.HttpCookie("scenerymanageraccount")

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Document.cookie Do Not Display The Whole Cookies

Dec 13, 2009

According to iehttpheaders my cooky is

blogger_SID=DQAAAGoAAABYbRLINA7t338Dn2DAgxir107U83Oj79MxuwWsLP0S0ch0W9N2GqgwbHzEo7gAbWAPOFx-RGIx7N9rBGi2zmCUpv6RoI6MTX58ad0hw7zHRlnLWuMAlnA1SH_x5Au1ItaeITyOk_zCMeaPGul9IKSM; blogger_TID=58443d4d10327e31;


however document.cookie yield

__utma=150635877.175684417.1260719708.1260719708.1260719708.1; __utmb=150635877; __utmc=150635877; __utmz=150635877.1260719708.1.1.utmccn=(direct)|utmcsr=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)

which is only part of the cookie?

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Document.cookie Do Not Display The Whole Cookies?

Jan 4, 2011

According to iehttpheaders my cooky is

blogger_SID=DQAAAGoAAABYbRLINA7t338Dn2DAgxir107U83Oj79MxuwWsLP0S0ch0W9N2GqgwbHzEo7gAbWAPOFx-RGIx7N9rBGi2zmCUpv6RoI6MTX58ad0hw7zHRlnLWuMAlnA1SH_x5Au1ItaeITyOk_zCMeaPGul9IKSM; blogger_TID=58443d4d10327e31; __utma=150635877.175684417.1260719708.1260719708.1260719708.1;


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New Cookie Not Present In Response.Cookies?

May 16, 2012

I have the following method that creates a cookie in the page's response. Immediately after I create the cookie, I checked to see what the value was and it was blank. Is this normal behavior? How can I check the response for a cookie after it has been added?

When I monitor the HTTP response, the cookie is there. When I use the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar to view the cookie, it is there. However, it doesnt appear to be present in the Response.Cookies collection. How do I access it?

Dim c As New HttpCookie("prpg")
c.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10)
c.Value = value


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