[2008] Number Formatting

Jan 19, 2009

I have two labels, one that will show the total gallons used in a journey and one that will show the total litres, both of these labels refer to their own Integer variables. How do I get the results to be shown only to 2 decimal places? This code below seems to work with Gallons but not with Litres?


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Formatting A Number To Time?

Nov 26, 2009

i am trying to format the result of a calculation to time.In VB6 I would use: answer = format(answer,"00.00")But in VB2008 this does not work,What I am trying to ahieve is always to display "00.00"

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C# - Number Formatting In Excel

Apr 8, 2010

Can someone give me some code to set the cell of an excel spreadsheet to a number format that use a max of 2 decimal places. Or would it work better it I change the data I am putting into the cell to a proper format? Here is a sample of data that is going in. Right now its going in as a string... col("ADJ").ToString() where col is a DataTable oject.

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Formatting The Number In SSRS?

Jun 16, 2011

I want to format a numeric value to two decimal points (it is an integer variable) I am using following expression (as used to use in vb6) but it is not working. Please advise how to fix it. ="Total Drawings Rs. " & format(Parameters!TotalDrawings.Value,"@@@@@@@@@@@.00")"

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Number Formatting In DataGridView Cells?

Feb 28, 2012

I have a DataGridView that is showing some weird numerical data. For example, my under lying datatable of the datagridview has 4.69, but the datagridview shows 4.6899999999999999995. What is weird is it doesn't do it for every cell in the column. For example, my underlying datatable has 2.66 and the datagridview cell shows 2.66, which is correct. I should note that the underlying datatable column that contains the numbers is of floating point data type which comes from the database column and the datagridview column is TextBox. Here is what the values look like in the database, underlying datatable and datagridview.

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Set Number Formatting To Datagrid View?

Nov 15, 2011

How do you set datagridview formatting to[code]...

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Formatting Databound Textbox As A Phone Number?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a databound textbox that I would like formatted as a phone number ((###) ###-####), instead of being displayed as 10 numbers.

I'm using this on a databound label, which works fine. The same doesn't work on a textbox, though.

phoneNumber = CDbl(lblPhoneNumber.Text)
lblPhoneNumber.Text = phoneNumber.ToString("(###) ###-####")

Anyone know of something that will work with a textbox?

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String - Text.remove For Phone Number Formatting In .net?

Oct 31, 2011

I have a textbox for a phone number that formats the phone number to look like this:(123) 456-7891

but I want it to change back to just numbers when the user is finished with the data entry:1234567891 Here's my code for formatting the number:


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C# - Globalized Custom Number Formatting - Variable Decimal Points?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to alter the existing number formatting in my company's application to make it more readable for international users. This is a stock trading application, so most stock prices come in with numbers precise to 2 decimal points, like so-> 17.23 We could also get ticks in that have precision out to 4 decimal points, so a penny stock might be 0.0341. The original string format that we were using for stocks was "#,##0.00##" Which would give us the format we wanted (essentially trimming '0's). The problem here is the ',' and '.' are forced onto the user, where in many other countries the thousands separator is '.' and the decimal point is ','. Boss man doesn't want to use "N4" for all numbers, even though this would resolve the globalization issue. Is it possible to have a globalized custom string format?

Other options besides writing some middle man code to internationalize numbers formatted the original way or another string.format method?

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Forms :: Formatting Bound Data - So The Phone Number Appears In The Label Properly?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a window form with a label. On the form I have a dataset, bindingsoure, and tableadaptor (all created by the IDE in response to binding the text property of the label) To fill the datatable, the IDE created this: Me.ClientsTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MyDataSet.Clients) Works fine. The bound field is a phone number, stored in the db as a 10 digit numeric string I need to format this with the standard ()-, and I have a function that will do just that. How can I apply the formatting so the phone number appears in the label properly?


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Converting C++ Printf Formatting To / From String Formatting

Sep 30, 2010

I have some VB .NET software that interfaces to a load of old (but sound) COM objects. The VB provides a GUI for the COM objects, part of which consists of setting various options on the COM objects - several of which relate to string formatting.I have a simple pair of VB .NET functions that convert basic %f, %d, %g formats to/from .NET equivalents using a large select case covering specific common strings, but they don't cover all formats.[code]Before I start diving in and making it more versatile with some parsing, does anyone know of a class (eg VB or C# .NET) that provides a decent ready-made implementation? Or perhaps some regexp wizadry could be used?

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VS 2008 Visual Studio 2008 Text Formatting?

Jan 5, 2010

if this is not the right area to be posting this. I couldn't find an area dedicated to discussion about IDE features.Somehow one of my .vb files is not showing the nice formatting that is default in VS2008, such as the text colors, etc. how I can get this back? I don't know what to search for, as I don't know what its actually called. On the left you see what I want, and on the right you see what I have right now.

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2008 Percentage Formatting

Jan 28, 2009

I have a program that is calculating the cost of a certain number of plane tickets, the validation and basic calculations are fine the only problem i've got this: There is a discount text box field called "txtDiscount" where IF a user enters a number it will discount this as a percentage off the total cost of all the tickets, but I cannot get it to work [Code]

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Date Formatting In VB 2008?

Apr 4, 2009

have a really annoying VB 2008 problem and I'm hoping someone knows how to solve this. I implement the following code:

DispArrDate = MonthArr & "/" & DayArr & "/" & YearArr
DisplayArrDate.Text = DispArrDate.ToLongDateString

So basically, I'm getting date information from the user and trying to convert it into a date format, and show it to the user in a text box which is obviously named "DisplayArrDate", and "DispArrDate" is a date variable and "MonthArr" & "DayArr" & "YearArr" are strings which are always numbers because they are selected from a drop down combo box.

Now, the code works perfectly on my computer and some others, but for some unknown reason, on some computers, even if they have the same local date settings, it gives me the error: "Conversion from string "4/13/2009" to type 'Date' is not valid.", that's just one example, where "13" is obviously the day. I use the month/day/year format because, in the toturial I'm reading, it tells me, that no matter my local date settings, when using VB 2008, the month/day/year format should always be used and it will display a date in the local format automatically. It seems that on some computers, this isn't the case, and the month/day format is creating errors.

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VS 2008 Date Changes When Formatting?

Jul 15, 2009

formating a date here

Dim dt As DateTime
dt = dsTitles.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("servicedate")
lbldate.Text = Format(dt, "dd/mm/yy HH:MM")

The original date is - 19/08/2008 00:00:00

the date that variable dt gets is - #8/19/2008#

the final result is - 19/00/08 00:08

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VS 2008 Date Formatting From Var

Sep 30, 2011

Good day to all of you again, I've been looking into this problem for several hours now and I can't find what is wrong with my piece of code


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VS 2008 Formatting A String?

Jan 4, 2012

I have this string "0.9874" and I would like to use vb code to change it to "" so that it looks like a proper version number.How do I do this? String.Format("{???}",MyString) or perhaps:

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VS 2008 Formatting A TimeSpan?

Jul 7, 2010

A TimeSpan by default shows hours, minutes & seconds when converted to a string. How do I show only hours & minutes? I tried ts.ToString("hh:mm") but that doesn't work.

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VS 2008 Formatting Drive?

Aug 5, 2009

I want to make an application that allows you to format a drive.My application consists of a combo box (so user can select drive) and a format button to format the selected drive.

I would like to know is this possible and if so how?

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VS 2008 Formatting Strings In .Net?

Apr 1, 2009

I need to make sure that a certain textbox only allows dates to be entered under a certain format EG: DD/MM/YYYY

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VS 2008 Formatting XML File

Aug 25, 2009

I'm a bit rusty when it comes to formatting the old xml's lol i can write them fine, i have this so far:[code]

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VS 2008 TextBox Formatting?

Feb 26, 2011


Format(781234.57,) 781235
Format(781234.57) 781234.6
Format(781234.576) 781234.58


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VS 2008 : Call A Skype Number That Is In A RichTextBox By Clicking On The Number?

Feb 3, 2011

Is it possible to call a Skype number that is in a RichTextBox by clicking on the number?I have links activated in the RTB but phone numbers do not appear as a Skype link.

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VS 2008 Code To Check If Label1 Number Is > Then Label2 Number?

Jul 10, 2009

I got 2 LABELS and ONE BUTTON... when i press the button, it fills both labels with a random number from 1 - 6.ild like to do it like this... you press the button then a little prograss bar starts running for 3 or 4 seconds... and THEN after it reached the bars max i want it to show the numbers in the Labels...

the second thing is...i want to make 2 checkboxes next to the labels... if you mark the first checkbox, next to the first label... and the outcome is that the number of the first label is BIGGER then the other one.. you should get some kind of a msgbox.. i know how to make a msg box... but i dont know the code for vb to check if label1 is > or < than label2....

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VS 2008 : Formatting Time In A String?

Jul 21, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application
LANGUAGE: Visual Basic


I am attempting to display time in a label on my MainForm. The label should display a stopwatch control's elapsed time in hh:mm:ss format. My code is displaying "00:00:00". I have defined the hh, mm and ss as variables but I can't seem to figure out how to use them effectively.

Public Sub RefreshTimeElapsed()
' Refreshes time elapsed display.
Dim hh As String = Me.MyStopWatch.Elapsed.TotalHours.ToString


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VS 2008 : RichTextBox Formatting In A Loop?

Jun 23, 2011

i am trying to display a line of smiley faces ☻ and change the colour of each face, i cant use a find method as there are 10 of these smilies so i thought about using a loop and selecting only the last one entered and changing its colour. here is a simplified version of my

For a = 0 to 9
RichTextBox1.Text += "☻" ' add the smiley


This when i ran it changes the first nine to the first colour in the array and correctly does the colour of the last smiley? could i for instance format the character first then add it formatted?

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VS 2008 Annoying In Text Formatting?

Jun 4, 2009

So i wrote a script which does a few things and richtextbox2 is updated as follows:

a = 27,130,000,000
b = 2,930,000,000
c = 4,290,000,000

Problem is, when i copy the contents of richtextbox2 to the clipboard using "clipboard.settext(richtextbox2.text)" and then open up note page, and paste the clipboard contents, it is wrapped wrongly and i get the following in note pad:"a = 27,130,000,000 b = 2,930,000,000 c = 4,290,000,000"

I am using "system.envoronment.newline" in my code to start a new line.

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VS 2008 Formatting Phone # In Textbox?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a text box that displays a phone number. The data is coming from a database.Right now it just displays as "xxxxxxxxx". I'd like to display it as "xxx-xxx-xxxx" or even "(xxx) xxx-xxxx"Here's the code that I'm currently using to display the phone number - PhoneTextBox.DataBindings.Add("text", aBindingSource, "Phone")What can I add to this line to get some formatting?

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VS 2008 Formatting The Contents Of A GridView

Oct 19, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic to assign a dynamic dataset to a gridview control. The VB calls a stored procedure on SQL Server which always returns the last 28 days of info and displays it in the gridview with the column headings as the date.


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VS 2008 Text Output Formatting In VB?

Sep 18, 2009

I am currently trying to save a piece of data extracted from a piece of hardware in my office and save it as a text file. The problem now is, the text file saves the data like this:


There are 3 buttons and 5 textboxes in my program. ignore the "plot" button as that is a machine specific code, as well as any weird lines like

Dim mgr As Ivi.Visa.Interop.ResourceManager

as these were provided by my machine vendor. I only need help with the data formatting.I am trying to program the "Agilent 8757D Scalar Network Analyzer.

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