[2008] Set Startposition Masked Textbox?

Mar 15, 2009

How can I set the startposition of a maskedtextbox. When i click on a maskedtextbox i always want to start at the first position.In visual basic 6 i used the gotfocus with maskedtxtbox.selstart=0 But in visual studio 2008 this doesn't work.

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VS 2008 Limiting The Characters In A Masked Textbox?

Mar 17, 2009

How do i limit the amount of characters in a masked textbox? I can do it in a normal textbox but not in a masked textbox because there is no option to limit the size.

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TextBox Validation - 16 Numeric Digits Entered Into The Masked Textbox

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to mkae sure that there has been 16 numeric digits entered into the masked textbox. If not show errror message and if so to call the fucnction ValidateLuhn. When calling Validate Luhn i want the program to tell me if the number entered is valid or invalid using the code in the function:

Private Function ValidateLuhn(ByVal value As String) As Boolean

Dim CheckSum As Integer = 0
Dim DoubleFlag As Boolean = (value.Length Mod 2 = 0)


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Jan 15, 2010

i wanna know about the main characters on Masked text box and meaning of them like CCCC, L, ?, 000, 999 and the second question is how i can use masked box to make user type a valid EMAIL.

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Coding A Masked Textbox

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to code a masked textbox so that when you jump out of it, when it's emply, it turns yellow. [code]

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Masked Textbox And Percentages?

Feb 11, 2011

I have many textboxes that I need to have display percentages. I have used a masked textbox extender and the percentages display fine. using 99.99% as a mask and number as the mask type.Now my problem is that i want it to be converted to a decimal when i save it to the database e.g 50% saves as 0.5 and then when it comes back from the database it must display as 50% again. This is needed for numerous calculations. IS there a way to do this?

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Tabing With Masked Textbox?

Nov 27, 2009

tabbing while using masked textbox.

I want to tab over to a masked textbox and highlight the text.

I have managed to do this with normal text box. But having trouble with masked textbox

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Use 5 Textboxs As A Masked Textbox?

Dec 8, 2010

I know the title spounds stupid. I will try to explain what I meen. I am trying to make a product key mask. for example: I was able to do this with the MaskTextBox but I want to seperate each line to there own text box For example: [Textbox1] - [Textbox2] - [Textbox3] - [Textbox4] - [Textbox5] I already limited the Textboxs to 5 characters. The problem I am having is, after I enter 5 characters in the first textbox, I cant get the cursor to auto tab to the next textbox. I have already tried fixing it with this code


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Masked Textbox Date Validation ?

Dec 15, 2011

How to enter the date in the masked text box and how to validate it

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Masked Textbox Validation Of Phonenumber?

Jan 13, 2009

OK, so i was going to verify a MaskedTextBox on whether the number input was or was not 10 digits in length. If not 10 digits, obviously they didn't put in a full phone number.

The problem is, even though you have no digits the length is still 10 so you can't check if the user put in 10 digits or not and return an error? Anyone got any ideas on testing for a phone number?I've seen tons of examples on date verification, but none on phone number verification.

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Count Characters In A Masked Textbox For Check?

Jul 28, 2011

I am using a masked TextBox, and I would like to check the input (total characters must be 14),

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Forms :: Using A Time Format On Masked Textbox?

Sep 22, 2010

i have several masked textbox connected to mysql database through a website i made, and what i'm trying to do is have these masked textbox automatically change the format what the user inputs to "hh:mm tt" so if the user inputs 6 or 600 or 6p it will automatically change it to the format to 6:00 PM.I know that i will have to use the Validated event and I've tried the Format(maskedtextbox1,"hh:mm tt") but can't seem to work. I would rather not use datetimepicker because i dont want the user have the option of using the dropdown.

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Hide Filter Mask In Masked Textbox?

Mar 15, 2009

How can you hide the filter of the masked textbox?

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How To Make DataGridView Cell As Masked TextBox

Dec 20, 2011

How to make the a particular cell as Masked text Box of Data Grid's Cell? Need to restrict the user to enter only,
like dd/mm/yyyy also with constrains with dd<31; mm<12; yyyy>1900
like Integer(Decimal) --> 25(0.001)

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Masked Textbox - Can No Longer Exit Field

Jun 28, 2010

I am new to visual basic. I am putting a masked text box that is data binded. Example social security number 000-00-0000. When the cursor is on the masked field, a can no longer exit the field. I tried a couple of things on the forums but it has not worked yet. It could be a very simple but I am failing to see it.

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Masked TextBox Adding Extra Character

Oct 31, 2010

I'm working on a project that employs a masked text box with a mask ####. When I run the code it pulls the value from the textbox then clears it. When I try to type in it again the first character is added before the mask. (ex. 1#### instead of ####) I've figured out that pressing backspace before trying to enter numbers again resolves this issue. Is there a way to send the backspace function rather than the chrs(8) like SendKeys.Send(Keys.Back) does?

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Masked Textbox For The Canadian Postal Code?

Jun 8, 2009

I have an assignment in which i have to do a masked textbox for the canadian postal code. So under the mask settings i set it to L0L 0L0. My teacher wants me to make it in such a way that if the user clicks on the postal code textbox and doesn't enter any values in and click in another text box, the box should be highlighted in yellow. I am able to do it for regular textboxes using

If txtcity.Text = "" Then txtcity.BackColor = Color.Yellow Else txtcity.BackColor = Color.White But when i try to the same thing for a masked textbox the colour does not change. This is what i have entered for the masked textbox

Private Sub mtxtpostalcode_MaskInputRejected(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MaskInputRejectedEventArgs) Handles mtxtpostalcode.MaskInputRejected
If mtxtpostalcode.MaskFull = "" Then
mtxtpostalcode.BackColor = Color.Yellow
mtxtpostalcode.BackColor = Color.White


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Masked Textbox Format Date From DataSet?

Feb 13, 2012

I have a dataSet that I am using to populate a masked text box field. The mask is set to ShortDate ("00/00/0000") but when the number is inserted into the text box it is not formatted correctly and is inserted and the date 2004-04-07 looks like 47/20/04 1 in the masked text box.

what I can do in order for it to read correctly?

RegUpdateSectionPage1.txtSysInfoRegDate.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataSet.Tables("Info"), "regdate")

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VS 2005 Move Cursor In The Masked Textbox?

Sep 25, 2010

I have a MTB with the mask "00 / 00 / 00",

now when the user fills the mask, say he enters the value for the first two zeros(days part), after that i want the cursor to be automatically at the third zero. (yes the cursor automatically move when the user enters the next input, but i want it to move before the user enters the input)

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Zip Code Masked Textbox Validation Is Not Working

Mar 21, 2010

I have a function i'm using to validate some textboxes. However, the zip code masked textbox validation is not working. Zip code cannot be missing any of the first five digits (the last four digits are always optional). Here is the code that is not working. [code] Also, I have a menu item which when clicked will pop up a font dialog box. When i select a font, it is supposed to changed the font of every control on the form. However, it is not working. [code]

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Add 10 Minuets To A Masked Textbox When Form Loads VB 2010?

Jun 13, 2011

On a form load I want the time now + 10 minuets to show in My TimeMaskedTextBox.IE, If the time now is 18:30 I want the TimeMaskedTextBox to show 18:40 the code below does not work can you please help?

TimeMaskedTextBox.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm" + "00:10")

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Masked TextBox Appearance - Accept Numerical Values Between 0 And 999?

Aug 10, 2011

Problem: I wanted data input text boxes that only accept numerical values between 0 and 999. I could check for this during a later 'save' routine, but instead preferred to warn the user at the input stage; so I chose masked textboxes - setting the mask to "000". However these boxes appear and behave differently. They have a row of 3 underscores - which I don't want - and also seem more difficult to hit with the cursor. How can I get Masked TextBoxes to appear and behave exactly as normal ones?

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Masked TextBox Validation - Today And Tomorrow Date?

Jun 9, 2011

The user can only input today's date and tomorrow's date. How can I get it? Example valid dates are: Today's date: March 01, 2011 and tomorrow's date: March 02, 2011 if the dates are not valid then error.

Dim DD As String : Dim MM As String : Dim YYYY As String
Dim DDMMYYY As String
DD = Now.Day : MM = Now.Month : YYYY = Now.Year
If DD.Length = 1 Then DD = 0 & DD
If MM.Length = 1 Then MM = 0 & MM
DDMMYYY = MM & "/" & DD & "/" & YYYY
MskTxtBoxDate.Text = DDMMYYY

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VS 2010 - Masked Textbox (Invalid Cast Exception)

Oct 10, 2011

I've got a masked text box that throws an invalid cast exception if I try to put anything in the TextChanged event:
Private Sub mtbZVal_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MaskInputRejectedEventArgs) Handles mtbZVal.TextChanged
End Sub

Even more oddly, it throws the exception in a completely different part of the program. The masked textbox is on a form that opens when you press a button, and that's the bit that gives the error:
Private Sub cmdAddLoc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAddLoc.Click
If frmLocation.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

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VS 2010 - Masked Textbox Cursor Start Position

Dec 23, 2011

I have created a maskedtextbox to do a simmple validation >L99999. My problem is when the user clicks on the empty box the cursor stays where they clicked it, not at the beginning of the box as it would with a normal textbox. I have found some suggestions but these all seem to affect the way the cursor moves within the box rather than just changing the start position. As far as the end user is concerned the box should behave just as any other textbox but with validation.

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Masked Textbox - Use Hour Format With Control Of Max 24 (Hours) 60 (Minutes)

Aug 1, 2011

I use a masked textbox, and I would control the input, the problem is, I use 1 textbox and the control should on the first 2 digits with a maximum of 24 and the last 2 digits with a maximum of 60. Is there a possibility to program this?

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Setting Masked Textbox To Validate Time In 24hr Format

Jul 9, 2009

In Visual studio 2005 using VB, I've just started using a masked textbox to input time in the 24hr format.In the Input dialog box , I've set the mask to : Time(European/Military) and checked the : Use validating Type box.[code]Problem: The user can enter numbers which do not match the time format.Example:25:75 or 23:66 , etcI would just like to restrict user input to the numbers required for the 24hr format only.Also, if anyone can provide me with a link to some working examples of masked textboxes.

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Windows - Enabling CTRL+Z Property In Masked Edit Textbox

Jul 22, 2010

I am using a masked edit text box in my windows application that was developed by using vb.net. In normal text boxes (CTRL+Z- to revert back to original value) is working fine. But In case of Masked Edit Textboxes its not working fine. This ctrl+Z should provide the functionality as same as normal textbox.

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Entering Date In Access Database Form Masked Textbox Tool ?

May 13, 2010

Entering Date in Access database form vb.net's masked textbox , just need insert qurey

like ; "insert into table1 values(" & age.text & ",'" & name.text & "',#maskedtextbox1.text# or ????"

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Masked TextBox - Hiding The Mask Pattern And Display When Information Is Entered?

May 28, 2012

I am trying to setup an SSN Masked TextBox, the mask i selected for the field is 999-99-9999 When the field has no info the mask pattern shows in it, i would like to hide it and display it only upon info entry, meaning the user will enter the first 3 digits and then '-' will appear, will enter 2 more digits and then the second '-' will appear.

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