[2008] Themes & Options For Every User In DB Program?

Mar 2, 2009

i am now creating a Sql server Database and i will connect it to my App using ado.net. the program & the db will be in the host computer. and each client in my network will have access to the App via a specific Username & Password. the user will choose an options to his interface( themes & colors & fonts & language etc....) via an option form. how to make each user have his own settings and when the user access the App in another time the settings to him will be the what he chose in the last time?

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VS 2005 Program Themes?

Mar 20, 2009

I am looking at adding styling to my forms and would like to know if it is possible to have the user select the theme and then apply it to their induvidual account within the program.I am trying to make it have the ablilty to be changed so that if people need text sizes different or bg colors changing the can, but to just them not everyone.

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Apply Styles / Themes In Program?

Jul 23, 2010

How do you change the desktop wallpaper and visual styles using vb.net?

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VS 2008 Making Options For Program?

Oct 21, 2010

im new to programing infact this is my second day... im unsure of where to ask this question and i know this is probably not the hardest thing to do lol, i am making a "launcher" to launch a few games, a webbrowser and a few other things, however to do this i have a "set path" in the code, i want to know if anyone can help me make a "setup page" so the user of the launcher can set the path [eg]- to launch firefox i have If IO.File.Exists("C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe") Then Process.Start("C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe")not everyone has firefox installed to that exact location , so i need to make a settings page to set the paths, each file is launched buy a single button, in the future i may even make another program much the same for people who dont know how to use a pc nd just want to check emails and browse to a webpage.

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Dgv And Various Other User Selected Options?

Mar 16, 2012

Just wondering if it possible to save a form. I have a form with dgv and various other user selected options.

Is there a way to save this form on closing so that it will open again exactly as it was closed?

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On Form Load Want To Provide User With 3 Options?

Nov 12, 2011

creating a simple pong type game. want to provide human user option to choose from "rookie , Veteran, Allstar" as CPU AI skill.

Q1 - currently on form load game starts (I do not want) I want to present list of options first. Player Skill Level *See above.

Q2 - Want to provide an option for who gets the ball first CPU or Human

Q3 - Want to choose "Game to #" the user can set as the first to score x points wins.

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Setting Termial Server Options On AD User?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a process that sets the Terminal Server properties on AD users. It has been working fine against Windows 2003, but since trying to run it against Windows 2008, it is failing with "Access Denied" errors. I am using...

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Options To Attach An Uninstaller With The Program?

Oct 29, 2009

when publishing a program , is there any options to attach an uninstaller with the program ?

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VS 2010 Options View Control - Child Options?

Aug 20, 2011

I am in need of a form that shows various options, exactly like the Options in Visual Studio. Since there are so many options I too want them categorized, with a TreeView to the left taking care of showing the right category.The usual 'easy' approach here would be to just place a TreeView control on the form, add some nodes, and give those nodes a tag or key that corresponds to a panel or UserControl with the options for that category.Since there will be a lot of options however, this is not really feasible design-wise; the form would be cluttered with possibly 50 panels, all of which I would need to select and bring to front from time to time to add controls to them that represent the options.

So I decided to create a custom control that does exactly that. The control is very similar to my Wizard usercontrol, users can add OptionsPanels at design time, which inherit Panel and simply represent one panel of options. When they do, the panel is added to a container panel, and at the same time a TreeNode is added to a TreeView. The control uses a custom ControlDesigner to handle design-time clicks in the Treeview, selecting a different node would select and bring to front the corresponding panel, allowing the user to add the controls he wants.

Due to the design time support the problem of having 50 panels is no longer present, only one panel will be visible at a time and selecting the right panel is as simple as selecting the corresponding TreeNode, just as during run-time. Anyway, I got all this working, but only for a single 'level' of categories. As you can see in the Visual Studio options, there can be multiple levels of categories. For example, the Environment node has a bunch of children, where each child represents one 'options panel'. There can even be deeper nesting, see the Text Editor node for example.Let me begin by drawing out the basics of how my control works so far.

The main control is an OptionsView control, which contains a SplitContainer with a TreeView to the left and a OptionsPanelContainer to the right. The OptionsPanelContainer is merely a Panel to which only OptionsPanel controls can be added, and which raises events when this happens, as well as when OptionsPanels are removed from it. An OptionsPanel also inherits Panel, and these are the actual panels the users will see in the control, one for each option category.For now, each OptionsPanel has exactly one corresponding TreeNode (and vice versa). In the Visual Studio options, each 'parent' category usually has a 'General' node as the first child, and the parent and this General node show the same option panel, but I am ignoring that for the moment.

The OptionsView control has a property Panels that returns the ControlCollection (Controls property) of the OptionsPanelContainer (in other words: it returns a collection of OptionsPanels that are in this container panel).

<Editor(GetType(Designers.OptionsPanelCollectionEditor), GetType(UITypeEditor))> _ <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _ Public ReadOnly Property Panels As Control.ControlCollection Get Return Me.PanelContainer.Controls End Get End Property

A custom CollectionEditor for this property takes care of the designer: even though the property type is ControlCollection, the CollectionEditor knows it should create instances of the OptionsPanel control instead of just Controls.When it does this, a corresponding TreeNode is also created and its Tag property is set to the OptionsPanel. Vice versa, the Node property of the OptionsPanel is set to the node. Hence the node and panel both know their corresponding object.

Public Class OptionsPanelCollectionEditor Inherits System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor Public Sub New(type As Type) MyBase.New(type) End Sub Protected Overrides Function CreateCollectionItemType() As System.Type


So far so good, this all works fine. I can add Panels via the designer and when I do a new TreeNode appears in the TreeView. I can select this node and the panel becomes visible (comes to the front).Now, I am a little stuck. How do I implement child option panels? And more importantly: how do I let the user add child panels?The most logical choice I think is to let each OptionsPanel have a property (ChildPanels or something) that returns the child OptionsPanels for that panel. Once the user selects an OptionsPanel then, he can look in the property grid to find its ChildPanels property and add child panels to that.

There is a problem though: what would this property return? It must return a ControlCollection of some container (this is, I think, a requirement for the designer features to work, otherwise panels are not added to the Form.Designer.vb file). But there is no container. I cannot add them to the OptionsPanel itself, that would make no sense because the parent OptionsPanel has its own set of controls (the options itself...), there cannot be another (fully docked) Panel on top of those obviously.The container of the main OptionsView then? That is not an option either, its Controls collection holds ALL OptionsPanels, not just the children of the selected panel. I cannot 'select' only the right panels either, that would require me to return a new instance of ControlCollection, it would be impossible to return the actual ControlsCollection that holds merely a small selection of its controls.

View 5 Replies

Terminal Program With Following Chanagable Options Available To Modify?

Mar 31, 2010

I wonder if there is a Terminal Program available for us to modify and use that has changable parts of:


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How Do Publish A Vb Express 2008 Program With "terms Of Use" Clause The User Must Agree To In Order To Install The Program?

May 26, 2009

I have a program in vb express 2008 which I would like to publish in a little more professional manner than provided in the standard vb express package. I would at least like to include a "Terms of Use" document the user must agree to before installing the program. I have dovnloaded and installed web developer, c# and vs 2008. Do any of these include a professional installer? If not are there any free installer packages available? I am 72 and live on a limited budget so I cannot aford an expensive package for one program.

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How To Add Themes In Application

Feb 3, 2010

add different types of themas in vb.net application

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Or Keyword - Does Options = Options Or Does It Set RegexOptions.none

Feb 28, 2010

With the following piece of code


The Or keyword is confusing me. So in the above example which variable gets set. Does options = options or does it set RegexOptions.none.

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Apply Themes For A Form?

Mar 13, 2009

iam working on windows application using vb.neti developed a patient information system it is working well but i have to improve the look and feel of my application using themeshow to apply themes for my forms like windows themes for each and every control

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Get Some Cool Looking Gridview Themes?

Jul 6, 2009

I have developed an application which used gridview to display 1 images, description, price, and other details.

I have to give a professional look to my gridview.

Where can i download some free gridview styles to use in my application.

There are multiple rows and many pages will occur for my gridview.

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Options To The User In A Menu - Create Sub-string - Replace A Word In The String

Feb 28, 2010

Problem: Your task is to take input from the user in string and give the following options to the user in a menu.

1- Find a String
2- Create sub-string
3- Erase a portion of a sting
4- Replace a word in the string
5- Count number of words and characters in the string without spaces.
6- Capitalize first character of each new sentence and convert the rest
of the characters to lower case.
7- Sort all the words in alphabetical order. (Use Bubble sort algorithm to perform sorting).

To perform all the above mentioned tasks you can only use pointers. Create a function to perform every task.

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Add Themes/skins For Desktop Application?

Dec 19, 2007

How can we add themes/skins in vb.net for desktop application? we want professional look for our application.

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Add Themes / Skins For Desktop Application?

Jan 10, 2011

How can we add themes/skins in vb.net for desktop application?

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Programmatically Change Windows Themes In XP?

Aug 13, 2009

I wrote a small app we use on our computer to keep them running optimally and do some utility things (delete temp files, defrag drives, clean registry, backup my docs to the server, etc). One of the options I ahve in there is "Reset Windows to Defaults" and the objective was to setup windows how we normally would set them up before we give them to our users. So if a user messes with all his/her settings we can click this button and reset it all back. So far it resets IE settings, changes Window Explorer views, puts all the default icons on the desktop and turns off desktop cleanup, etc. Well one of the last things I want to do is change to the default Windows XP theme and apply it. After a lot of searching the internet I found this:


It does reset colors and stuff back to the theme. The problem is if a user has "Windows Classic" set and this is run it does apply the theme.....mostly. Things like dialog boxes stay in classic while the menu structure and desktop go the XP style. If you go into display properties it still shows "Windows Classic" but under Appearance it shows "Windows XP" which leads me to believe even though this function is for themes its actually just applying the appearance and not actually setting the theme.

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VS 2008 Run A Program Before User Login?

Apr 3, 2010

How would I go about writing a program that would run before the user logs in to the system?The application would use a timer to start about 10 programs without the user needing to click either the application that starts the 10 programs or one of the 10 programs.

what I need it to do:

1. application needs to start before user logs in.

2. should use a timer to start 10 programs (with admin permission) successive after XX seconds.

3. should run the programs as if it's a shortcut, thus being able to add for example the -win parameter.

4. require a password to change it settings

The thing I really need to know is how to add a parameter to the file i want to execute. and how to set up the program propperly to run with administrator permissions before the user is logged in. (bassically I want the program to run as a service.)

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AddHandler Event Seems To Cause The Themes' Css File To Not Be Applied?

Feb 1, 2009

I am currently writing a website for a company to display their products to their customers. One of the things I am putting into it is the ability to add news items onto the homepage, only part of the admin side of the site.

I have managed to extract some news items from the database, and display them dynamically in a Web User Control which I have added to Default.aspx. I have managed to add buttons for "Update" with events. The problem is that, on clicking one of these update buttons, the page reloads with the theme applied (as it should), but the css files from the theme do not apply - the body text is bigger than it should be and changes back to the default font. I know the skin files apply as I have tried setting all button backgrounds to black by default. The css files seem to apply to any text which is generated from clicking an update button (I have it so it writes the title of the news item for the button that was clicked. This text is the size and font it should be). I have spent HOURS trying to work out why this is happening, with loads of Googling but no success. It is almost as if the theme is being applied between the PageLoad event and the ButtonClick event, but the skin files would say otherwise. Does anyone know why this is?


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Make A Plugin Type System For Themes?

Aug 16, 2011

I am looking for the best way to make a plugin type system for themes. have allow users to create custom GDI based controls in a dll plugin that is to be able to be switched on runtime by users. My issue is there is no way to have a dynamic inheritance so how can I make it so the controls show in the toolbox and can be changed on runtime?

View 5 Replies

VS 2008 : Execute The Program After The User Selects It?

Aug 10, 2009

How do I make it so that after the user selects a program it gets executed?Also can I the the OpenFileDialog1 to anything else?

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VS 2008 Calender Options In VB?

Jul 9, 2010

I have this program I'm writing that needs to print for instance what date it is a 100 days from now or 30 days from now. Is there a function in VB.NET that lets me do something like this?

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VS 2008 Run Executables With Options?

Dec 7, 2010

1. i have a panel on a windows form with picture boxes in.I wish to click on one and open a specific directory on my pc , much like clicking on one in explorer.

2. is it possible to run executables with options? i.e wmplayer.exe" /prefetch:1 if i use shell it throws an error obviously.

3. is it possible to open windowsa control panel items from within my program,like network and sharing. I am using win7 and VB2008

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VS 2008 Shutdown Options?

Aug 8, 2009

I was woundering if there is anyway via VB.net to have only two option on vista's shutdown menu. I only need "Logoff" and "Hibernate". just woundering if there was anyway possible to have these two options.

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Import User Passwords Into All Program Downloads?

Jun 29, 2009

Any way to import passwords into all program downloads. For example, if I wish to give a certain user a password I can somehow insert it into a program, and it updates all the programs which have been downloaded. It just saves editing the code, then releasing another update to include new passwords for people to use. Maybe if there's someway to auto update when an update is available, it would work. Here is the coding for a password. I just need to find a way with will mass update everybody's program when I want to add a new password for another person.

Private Sub ButtonX2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Verify.Click
My.Settings.Password = TextBoxX3.Text
Incorrect.Visible = True
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Multi-User Chat Program In VB2008?

Aug 8, 2009

do this??& can I make a Main server like this?

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VS 2008 Best Way To Create An Options Menu?

Mar 31, 2010

i have various options in my app, some complex some not, these 2 save on application exit and reload on application start themes, and layouts. There selected via a comobox each.So onto the question, how does everyone create options menus? With out using a menustrip/toolstrip?

The method i was using , was to have a picture box show a panel when it was clicked on, the panel had all the various options etc on it. This idea worked great, but meant working in design mode was a pain because the panel and everything on it had to be moved round to see the items under it on the form.

So today i decided to see what other ways i can implement a menu, and i changed it so the picturebox/button now opens a dialog, and all the options etc are on that dialog, this works great except options such as the combobox 1 and combobox2 last used setting (text data binding) doesn't load when the application is started, they only load when you go into the options. Which defeats the point, if a users going into the options just to load the settings its useless them been saved.

The time to initialize the dialog (for it to appear and be click able) is 5 - 15 seconds, not alot i know but the 1st method of using a panel it initializes instantly, but then its never really closed just made hidden, so i uses more system resources.So how does every one else implement there options menu?

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VS 2008 - SQL Server Express - Program To Run No Matter If The User Is Logged In To The PC Or Not

Jan 22, 2010

I am starting design of a program that needs to run no matter if the user is logged in to the PC or not. So I will be writing it as a VB.Net Service.

As I am not overly familiar with SQL Server Express, is it possible to connect to a local SQL Server Express Instance and access the database from a VB.Net Service while the user is not logged in to the PC?

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