.Net Calculator - Allow The User To Select Which Way They Want To Calculate The Mortgage

Jan 1, 2009

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based) with a graphical user interface. Allow the user to select which way they want to calculate the mortgage: By input of the amount of the mortgage, the term of the mortgage and the interest rate of the mortgage


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Creating A Mortgage Calculator That Display Continuous Information Depending On User Input

Mar 2, 2009

creating a mortgage calculator that display continuous information depending on the user input such as monthly payments, remaining balances, and interest paid. I am attempting to use a list box and am currently stuck. [code] Please use code tags when posting your code. Code tags are used like so.

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.Net Mortgage Calculator W/ Array And Loop

Jun 3, 2010

I am here again begging for help with homework. I have to write this program to display three mortgage payments simultaneously using an array for three types of loans, that part of my program does work... Then I must amortize all three loans at once using a loop for comparison so the user can see: [code] I can't get the amortization to show. [code]

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Mortgage Calculator : How To Pause A Loop In .net

May 19, 2011

I am having a problem trying to pause/hesitate my loop for a couple of seconds and then iterate through the loop, but pauses every 10th iteration. I have my loan amortization displaying correctly but cannot get it to pause to list only 10 items at a time. 'This section uses the for loop to display the Loan Balance and Interest Paid over the Term of the Loan.

Dim counterStart As Integer
For counterStart = 1 To LoanTerm
'Performs Calculations for Amortization of loan.
InterestPaid = LoanAmount * InterestRate


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Mortgage Calculator Using Functions And Sub Procedures?

Nov 23, 2011

For my enterprise computing course we were asked to re-due a previous project which was a mortgage calculator that calculates your monthly payment except now using function and sub procedures.


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Program - Vb - Create A Mortgage Calculator ?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm taking an introductory programming course, and am completely flummoxed as to what I'm doing wrong with my program. The problem seems to be in my arithmetic, as the program runs fine; it just doesn't produce the correct result when compared to the professor's control model.

I need to create a mortgage calculator, using the following formula: monthly payment = interest rate * loan amount * ( (1+ interest rate) ^ months) / ((1+interest rate)^months)-1) )

We have to use that formula, no other one. If anyone can spot an error in my code, please let me know what I've done wrong!

The code I've written is as follows:


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Creating An Amortization Schedule For Mortgage Calculator?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm creating an amortization schedule for my mortgage calculator and I'm having a problem with a loop.


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Have A Multiple Form Project That Is A Mortgage Calculator?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a multiple form project that is a mortgage calculator and I am having trouble with my Payment Numbers. One of the things I am listing in the amortization table is Payment #. The variable for that is Lyears. It seems like Lyears is set to 0 so it continues and never stops.

Public Class Week3Calc
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalcBtn.Click
Dim MonthlyRate As Double 'Initiates variable
Dim YearRate As Double 'Initiates variable


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Mortgage Calculator Application : Write/program VB Programs?

Mar 15, 2009

how to write/program VB programs. However, I'm stuck on the mortgage calculator application. Whenever I run the program, I come up with an error stating "Argument 'NPer' is not a valid value." which refers to the Pmt function in the code.

'Dim monthly As Double ' monthly payment rates
Dim years As Double 'total # of years
Dim rate As Decimal 'annual rate
Dim months As Integer


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Calculate The Maximum Mortgage Possible For A Customer?

Dec 3, 2011

I have to calculate the maximum mortgage possible for a customer. If it is a single application, the customer can borrow up to three times their salary plus any savings and investments they may have.

If it is a joint application, the customer can borrow 3 times larger salary and 2 times the smallest, also borrowing against any savings and investments. In either case, the applicant is not allowed to borrow in excess of 90% of the purchase value of the property (including stamp duty and legal fees).

I have declared everything and done out the code, yet every time I calculate the max amount they can borrow, it comes up as 0. My code is below if anyone can spot problems.Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _


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Throwing Exception Error - Calculate The Ever Popular Mortgage Payment And Amortize The Loan In A List Box

May 23, 2010

Number of downloads: 81This program is supposed to calculate the ever popular mortgage payment and amortize the loan in a list box. I keep throwing this error "Missing Member Exception" and can not find out how to fix it anywhere. Because of the error I can't even see if I can even get a calculation in the text box, let alone if the amortization will run. The purple text is where the exception is.

Public Class HarlessSmithIA3

Dim LoanAmt, Int, Result, Term As Double
Dim txtIntRate As New Object
Dim txtLoanAmount As New Object
Dim txtLoanTerm As New Object
Dim txtMonthlyPayment As New Object


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Change Calculator And Is Supposed To Calculate The Number Of Dollars?

Sep 16, 2011

I am trying to learn how to use the modulus operator.this excersise is a change calculator and is supposed to calculate the number of dollars , qtrs, dimes, nickels and pennies from the change that is calculated.

in the form if i put a value in for owed = 30.00 and paid 34.25 my dollars returned = 4 and that is correct but the number of qtrs = 0 and should be 1. I am not sure how to correctly use this - any assistance you can provide is great - this is purely educational

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim owed As Decimal
Dim paid As Decimal
Dim change As Decimal


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Create A Calculator That Can Calculate The Sum, Product, Difference, & Quotient Using An External Class?

Apr 26, 2011

So I was assigned to create a calculator that can calculate the sum, product, difference, & quotient using an external class. Unfortunately my teacher isn't exactly the best and I'm new to VB, I know how to create a calculator in VB .NET but when it comes to external classes,

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Calculator - Pass Decimal Values To Radio Buttons So Can Calculate An Output Answer

Sep 2, 2011

To pass decimal values to radio buttons so I can calculate an output answer. it is a tip calculator. I am using radio buttons as options to choose what amount to tip, ie. 10, 15, and 20%. I need to figure out how to pass the value to the buttons in code so I can calculate the tip amount.

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Payroll Calculator - Program Must Calculate And Display The Total Pay In The Total Pay Label

Oct 6, 2010

The pay rates for the project are:

a. Level 1 - $10.00
b. Level 2 - $12.00
c. Level 3 - $14.00
d. Level 4 - $16.00
e. Benefit Deduction Rate - 0.10
f. Overtime Factor - 1.5

For ease of program maintenance, all of the above rates and factors must be stored in module level constants. All references to pay rates in the program must refer to the module level constants.

When the Calculate button is clicked:

a. The value in the Hours text box must be validated to insure that it is numeric value greater than zero.

1. If the value is not valid, a message box must appear as shown below and the user must be offered the option to continue processing or quit the program.

2. If the user chooses to continue processing, the focus must be set to the Hours text box.

3. If the user chooses to quit, the program must close immediately.

b. If the value is valid, the program must calculate and display the total pay in the Total Pay label.

1. The pay rate is determined by which Job Grade radio button is checked.

2. For hours less than or equal to 40, the total pay is the hours times the pay rate.

3. For hours greater than 40, the total pay is 40 hours times the pay rate plus the hours in excess of 40 hours times the pay rate times the Overtime Factor.

4. If the Full Time radio button is selected, the total pay must be reduced by the Benefit Deduction Rate.

5. The value displayed in the Total Pay label must be formatted with a dollar sign and with two decimal

6. The focus must be set to the Hours text box.

Why i get an error when i try to run this code


Also the message box, both yes and no close the program.....

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Calculate Partition And Put In Sql Select Row Number?

Jun 4, 2012

trying to calculate the partitions for 8 portions, and putting in select statement for row number,something like,

If Not (dstotal.Tables(0).Rows(0)("totalrecord") = 0) Then
dPartition = CInt(dstotal.Tables(0).Rows(0)("totalrecord")) / 8
End If


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Javascript - Code Giving The Msgbox If User Select Or Not Select The Checkbox?

Jan 27, 2011

IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT ....My code below will redirect to Google in both conditions: If the user selects the checkbox, then it will redirect to www.google.com, but if a user forgets to check the checkbox then it shows the msg box with an ok button. When I click on ok it should redirect to www.google.com

I want When a user forgets to check any of the checkboxes to show a msgbox with an ok button and stay on the same page. Otherwise if user selects any of the checkboxes then redirect to google


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Standard Deviation Calculator - Random Number Of Numbers Input By User

Feb 19, 2011

Im working on writing a program for doing standard deviation and as of right now im running into one slight issue with subtracting my mean from the original numbers. I will post most of my code so you can get an over view but i mostly just want help on this one little part for now. Im going to be making a website for school and put some programming stuff on it so i wanted to make just some random programs for it so this is school related but not really homework. It's line 26 and 27 that this is relating to. When i put a stop in my code and look at the result of arrayDifferences it gives me 0.0 when it should be -1. I know i can go this route and say arrayDifferences(1) = arrayDifferences(1) - arrayAvg but seeing as how i want this to be a random number of numbers input by the user i cant do that.


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Develop A Simple Math Calculator That Will Allow The User To Input The Right-hand-side (RHS) Of An Equation Into A Textbox?

Dec 12, 2011

I am trying to develop a simple math calculator that will allow the user to input the right-hand-side (RHS) of an equation into a textbox on the application and have the application evaluate the expression for a given value of x, which is also input
into the application by the user via another textbox.For example, if the user wants to evaluate the following expression,

y = 3 + 4*x + 5*x^2

then they would input into the textbox the RHS of the equation

3 + 4*x + 5*x^2

and then enter a value of x into the another textbox and click on the calculate button.I tried this:

answer = EquationTextBox.Text

but it doesn't work.

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Allow User Select The Sign Name From A Combo Box If User Choose?

Jan 18, 2011

Write an application that tests the user�s knowledge of road signs. The application should display a random sign image and ask the user to select the sign name from a Combobox.

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Calculate And Display A 2% Commission On Sales Entered By The User And?

Mar 31, 2009

When I run this application the 2% menu item works fine but the 5% does not. It does nothing at all. I'm stuck.


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Calculate The Total Time A User Spending On An Application?

Jun 24, 2011

I want to create an application that able to calculate the total time the user (i.e. myself) spent on a particular application, for example Firefox. And this application should display warning message if the user spent a lot of time on Firefox (for example 1 hour or more)Reason: I'm a VB.NET developer. During my working hours, my main tool is Visual Studio and I suppose to do coding. But I need Firefox occasionally to access internet (particularly SO and other sites) to find solutions for my programming problems. The problem is I addicted to SO and SO sucks my time for hours until I have forgotten that I suppose to continue coding and not browsing the SO site.

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Get The Calculate Button To Automatically Click 4-5 Times Upon The User Clicking It Once?

Dec 9, 2009

I want my calculate button to automatically click 4-5 times upon the user clicking it once because it seems that it only works properly if it is clicked multiple times...

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Creating A Program For Which Will Calculate The Time Taken For A User To Make A Number Keystrokes?

Feb 18, 2012

I am creating a program for which will calculate the time taken for a user to make a number keystrokes. I want to start the timer running from the beginning of the first key stroke and end on the final keystroke. Each keystroke has been linked to a label which will change colour according to whether the key has been pressed. When the keystrokes have been finished I want to save this timespan in a field in a database. To test that the timer is running I have made a messagebox which will show the time taken however it is constantly showing zero and the label for the final keystroke is remaining in the keydown colour.

Public Class Form1
Dim dteStart, dteFinish As Date
Dim span As TimeSpan


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Implement A Controlling Design Logic That Prompts The User For A Length And The Area To Calculate?

Aug 12, 2009

I am trying to implement a controlling design logic that prompts the user for a length and the area to calculate until he or she enters a number less than zero in the length to end.So far I have it where I believe it�s doing the calculations but it�s not ending when I input a number less than zero or zero.

Sub Main()
' Declare Length As Float
Dim Length As Double
' Declare s, c, t As Float


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Make A Program That Will Calculate The Area Of A Rectangle Based On The Length And Width Given By The User

Nov 20, 2009

im trying to make a a rogram that will calculate the area of a rectangle based on the lenght and

width given by the user


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Cannot Display Lengthy Mortgage Payments?

Oct 9, 2010

I am creating a mortgage calculator using Visual Basic Express version. I am currently using the Console method, or command window view. I have it set up so the user can input the mortgage/loan amount, interest rate, term (in years), and have the formula for calculating the monthly payments.The problem I am having is that I need the program to display "all" the payments for the term of the loan, the loan balance/interest paid, and depreciating after each payment. The program should display a certain amount of payments, hesitate, then continue to display until it shows the end of the term of the loan. Basically, it is now an amortization loop formula I am trying to implement into the program.

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Mortgage Amortization Program Output?

Jan 26, 2009

I am suppose to be creating a mortgage amortization program that calculates the monthly payment and the amortization table for a mortgage based on user input of the mortgage amount, the interest rate and the length of the loan. I have worked on the program all week and finally got the program to compile; however, the interface does not give me any output. I already posted the assignment yesterday and am getting a C in the class but each week the program builds on the last week? Attached is the complet VB 2005 project file.

Public Class MortgageCalc 'Forms Click Event Handler
Private Sub MortCal_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
End Sub


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Use A Calendar's Date For Calculating A Mortgage?

Dec 4, 2010

I am writing an application for my class, wherein I have a mortgage that will give the customer a discount of 1% on their interest if they pay early in the month, or penalize them by 1% if they are after the due date. Right now, I have it working with a checkbox that the user selects. However, I would like to have VB see the current date on the calendar I placed in the application already, and calculate the appropriate amount of interest based on that information. I am using Microsoft 2008 Visual Basic Express Edition on a PC.

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Allows A User To Select A Program To Run At A Certain Time For A Specific Amount Of Time All Choosen By The User

Jul 1, 2010

I have a program that allows a user to select a program to run at a certain time for a specific amount of time all choosen by the user. Everything works with the exception of if my program has launched the other program, my program become non-responsive. Meaning I am not able to look at that window again. Not that one really needs too, because when time is up my program closes the program it opened, then closes itself. I just want to be able to see my program when the other program is running. how to do this and perhaps drop me some links, that would be wonderful. This is what I have coded, but like I stated there are no code errors.


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