.Net Office Spell Check?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a Network Deployed .Net 3.5 Windows Form VB.Net application that was referencing the Microsof Office 12.0 Library dll.As of last week the following code was working, however, the operations team upgraded everyone's Office (not a major upgrade, just a minor upgrade). Basically when the spell checker is running it is HIDDEN behind the VB.Net application and it appears that the application is now frozen. When I look at the task manager I see the instance of Office running and when I set that program to the front (in the Task Manager) I see the Spell Check box and can continue through. I'm not sure in my code what I'm missing to set the priority of the Spell Check box so that it is on top of the app.

As of today I used the 2.0.5 version of the 12.0 library but originally I was using 1.2.x of that dll. However upgrading to the latest version did nothing. I got the same results.I should also note that I looked at a 3rd party Spell Checker (Component One) and that required customization in the dictionary.

'Check subject line
If Me.txtSubject.TextLength > 0 And Me.txtSubject.Enabled = True Then
Dim objWA As New Word.Application


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Spell Check Class - Use It To Spell Check Textboxes In Real Time?

Aug 1, 2011

spell check class? How to use it to spell check textboxes in real time?

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Way To Add Spell Check

Apr 27, 2009

I have only created two programs with VB2008 (iPad, found here for download). I have it perfect for now, well maybe a few flaws, but i would like to add a spell check to it.

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Spell Check Vb Code?

Aug 31, 2010

I am Doing Spell Check for multiple Text box in VB6.0,the Spell Check is working but the Screen is Flickering?

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Mar 23, 2010

I am looking for SPELL CHECK capability - but WITHOUT using WORD. Does anyone use a commercial product that does this and has had good success with it?

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Using Spell Check Class

Sep 6, 2009

i wanted to create a program that checks the contents of a rich text box when a button is pressed, but i did not want to use a word instance, as calling it is slow, and some people dont have word.i found the spell check class in vb but cant get it to work, i can dim something as SpellCheck but i cant then use that to do anything,

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Add Spell Check To A Rich Text Box?

Aug 22, 2008

seeing that my last thread was not answered i made a new specific one....This is real simple:How can I add spell check to a rich text box?Background information:I built most of my application and I dont want to use wpf rich text boxes because then my code is not compatible. I could use MS Word but it ruins my app up(idk why but anyways i dont want to use becuz then the user has to have word).......Well I could also accept third party spell checks(which are free)

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VS 2010 Simple Spell Check

Dec 19, 2011

i'm trying to write a basic code to check a single word in a textbox against a text document, but i have no idea how to handle outside files (in this case the text document) also i would like to have an "add" option that adds the input from the textbox into the .txt file..What is the code for the relationship to the .txt file and how should i declare the variables relating to it?

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AutoCorrect Words And Spell Check In RichTextbox

Jan 10, 2009

How should I perform autocorrect words and spell check in richtextbox?

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Code ArcGIS Addin Of Spell Check ?

Dec 11, 2011

I am trying to use vb.net to create apell check add in to ArcMap 10. I have finished code, but do not know why it does not works.

Here is my code:


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Make Rich Text Box Spell Check?

Sep 3, 2011

got the following code from microsoft online thing...

Imports System
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Controls


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Retrieve Dictionary Definitions And Spell Check?

Feb 15, 2012

way that I can create a program that has the ability to check spelling that are being entered by a user or even displays a definition of a word? For example, when a user keys in a word in textbox then displays a definition into another tetbox but the main concern here is the source of the definition. Of course, it would be a very long task if i would manually encode words and their definitions in a database and retrieve them. I mean, can I just retrieve definition from a dictionary source, like maybe

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Spell Check To Type The Text For TextBox?

Sep 18, 2009

I will try the way of the following code:

'Click on Button1 spell checks Text1 textbox
Dim strResultText As String
Dim sc As New SpellChecker


I can identify the error.But I don't know.

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VS 2010 Spell Check A Rich Text Box?

Feb 8, 2012

Is there any built in way to spell check a rich text box is Visual Basic 2010? i have .NET Framework 4. If there isn't I am open for suggestion on another way to do it. Not using MS Word though.

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Method To Check If Word Spell Checker Is Present?

Dec 7, 2010

I want method which can check if microsoft office word spell checker is present. If version less than 2007 are there I check if ""C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoftSharedProofMSSPELL3.DLL" this dll is present, but for officewe don't find this dllat this location. I'm looking for a method which will check for spell checker of the various version of Offices.

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VS 2010 Adding Spell Check Functionality To Textboxes?

Jan 10, 2012

I have a couple of textboxes on my form. I'd like to give the user the opportunity to spell-check these textboxes so that they can correct their mistakes and then update the contents of the textbox into the database.

Only thing is, I'm not sure where to begin. I found this thread by Martin Liss, but it errors out for me as it's not .NET.


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[2008] Spell Check In Textbox With Wavy Red Line Under Misspelled Words?

Feb 12, 2009

I want to add the ability to spell check a few textbox fields on my form. I've seen a few thread on this forum regarding spell check, which works fine, but I also want that wavy red line under any misspelled words just like in Word.

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Office Automation :: Check If Workbook Is Open?

Jul 26, 2010

how I might check to see if a specific Excel Workbook (call it Test.xlsx) is open?I have a routine that calls a subroutine. Sometimes at the time of the call Test.xlsx is open, sometimes not. So when the subroutine runs, I need it to check first to see if Test.xlsx is open. If it isn't then the subroutine should open it and perform the subroutine's purpose operations. If it is open, it should not try to "re-open" it or worse open a copy of it; it should simply perform the subroutine's purpose operations.

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Office Automation :: Disable The Excel 2007 Compatibility Check?

Jul 7, 2009

I have an application that browses through Excel-files, changes color in some cells if they are in a wrong format etc.When my application is saving the changed file I get this alert about compatibility issues that can occur, and this alertbox has to be agreed or cancelled to move on to the next file. How can I disable this compatibility check programmatically? Or is there any way to ensure there are only Excel 2003 compatible colors in the document before saving?

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Office Automation :: Excel: Check If The Cell Is Too Small For The Text It Contains

Jul 15, 2011

I am exporting text to a worksheet with fixed column widths and there instances where the text in the cell does not fit and will obviously overlap to the cell on the right.

I'd like to prevent that overlapping by reducing the font size of the cell if it is necessary. The problem is how to check if the text does not fit.

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Office Automation :: Check If Word And Excel Are Password Protected In A Directory?

Mar 18, 2009

I am selecting a directory and then I want to loop through the files and check which xls and which docs are password protected and drop their names into column A in excel. I haven't gotten to the part of inserting into excel yet.I am trying to figure out how to check for password protected. I don't want to have to open each file separately.I am currently testing with excel, in a test directory i have one password protected xls and the other one is open. When i run my app both of them give me the message that they are password protected.I am not trying to crack password here...i am trying to enter the file names of the password protected xls and then remove them from the directory.

Function IsProtected(ByVal filepath_x As String) As Boolean
IsProtected = False


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VS 2008 Referencing New Office 2007 Components To Use On Office 2003 Machines?

Nov 10, 2009

We have currently upgraded our development machines to Windows 7 and Office 2007. We have a vb 2008 app that references 2003 Office components to use for mail-merging to word.We loaded up our app in the vb environment today and were instantly greeted with missing components/functions which are related to the 2003 Office components. We can update these to use the Office 2007 components/functions instead, however we are unsure whether after doing this our vb app will work with machines only with Office 2003 on. can machines with Office 2003 on work with our vb app that references Office 2007 components?

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Make A Spell Checker?

May 16, 2012

I am a newbie to VB.Net. Before, I did programming in PHP. I made a spell checker in PHP which splitted a big string into single word by spaces, checked if the word is there in the dictionary, if not, it highlighted it and gave some suggestions when a user clicks on it. I want to make the same thing in VB.Net.

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Office Automation :: MultiThreading In MS Office 2007 (Excel, Outlook, Etc)?

Mar 28, 2011

i was wondering if someone could give me the final explanation on what i might be doing wrong here.I spent a lot of time reading around the net and the forum about how to add Threading capabilities to a VB project.

Nos, i've got .NET 4 installed, and i've added the system.tsr and mscorlib.dll files as reference in, say, Excel 2007 (see screenshot).However, when i try to make a thread with anything as basic as "Dim Thread1 As System.Threading.Thread", i get a user-defined type not found error.Indeed, when i use the object browser to see what's in the System file, theres nothing remotely linked to any Threading, and in the mscorlib file, nothing under "Threading" either, just a few Thread related functions, but nothing defining a data type

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Office Automation :: Uninstall Office Shared Addin Programatically?

Feb 15, 2011

I've developed shared addin for Microsoft Word. I distribute this addin with my application and using Inno setup for installation. The Inno setup installs my application and then runs "myAddin.msi" file in order to install addin.

how to uninstall this addin programatically?

Right now, in order to uninstall addin, the user has to to it manually through control panel.

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Office Automation :: Display Office Documents To Form?

Jul 25, 2010

how do i use the webbrowser to display the word or excel docs. just like the pdf viewer... i tried the webrowser1.navigate but it didnot work, if it does its opening a new window, im using office 2010..

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Office Automation :: How To Display Office Documents To Form

Nov 27, 2011

How do I use the webbrowser to display the word or excel docs. just like the pdf viewer. I tried the webrowser1.navigate but it didnot work, if it does its opening a new window, I am using office 2010.

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Office Automation :: Office Add-in For Word 2010 64bit?

Dec 21, 2010

I've made Add-in for Word 2007 in VS2005.It worked well with Word 2007 and now it works well with Word 2010 32 bit.However it doesn't work with Word 2010 64 bit. The installation is successful, but the ribbon button doesn't show up.

Do you have any experience with add-ins for Office 64 bit?

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Finding An Active X Spell Checker?

Jan 20, 2010

I am looking for a recommendation for an active X spell checker that i can add into a VB 6 application.

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How To Make A Simple Spell Checker

Jun 27, 2010

i need a code or example of how to make it so that when a user presses ctrl p it will create a picturebox were the cursor is, i have this done, but how do i make it load them back in, and make it so if a panel or picturebox, runs into one of the ones the user created it will say "Smash", but there will most likely be tons of pictureboxes so i really need the help. how do i make a custom image file type that can hold up to 4 images and save and load them back in? how do i make a simple spell checker?

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