Can Refer To Samples Of Such Apps?

Aug 15, 2011

I would like to develop a VB.Net based smart device app. A simple one. Do any of u know where i can refer to samples of such apps?

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Code Samples Of Cloud Apps In .NET

Feb 16, 2012

I have been en-charged of creating some apps using the cloud. I only have experience programming windows apps ( Do you guys have any code samples of cloud apps in VB.NET? If not, do you know where I can find this?What about documentation for creating cloud apps?

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Kinnect SDK Samples For VB?

Jun 16, 2011

Today Microsoft announced the Kinnect SDK for PCnd VB Samples are there at launch.

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101 Code Samples For Database

Feb 21, 2010

Are there scripts available for these databases? The sample databases are created with an unsupported version of SQL

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Console Samples In Datasets?

Sep 16, 2010

What I'm looking for are videos in for console application that will show me how to use DataSets and TableAdapters step by step. Please provide links

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Data Access Samples

Aug 12, 2009

I went to [url] and downloaded the Data Access samples but when I try to open any of the projects I get an error:

"The project you are trying to open was not created using Visual Studio Tools for Application. Visual Studio Tools for Applications cannot open projects that were not created using other applications"

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Dowloading Samples In VB2008?

Dec 2, 2009

I tried to download in VB2008 express the Visual basic 2008 samples. It dowloads a zip files under Windows/temporary internet files/ When I try to launch the sample I get the message"The project location is not trusted"and it does not load the vb files What should I do ?

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Way To Access Program Samples

Oct 28, 2009

I'm new to VB Express 2008 (but not new to VB).I'd like to look at some of the samples, which I've tried to access from the Help menu. I've downloaded a 9 MB file called VS 2008 RTM, which contains nearly 2000 files many of which have the same name (e.g., Application.Designer.vb or Form1.Designer.vb).I can extract any of these files from the zip file, but how can I know which .vb, .proj, .sln, etc files I want in order to see a full sample for, say, learning how to use Try Catch or for learning how to read a text file ?

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Windows.Forms Based Apps Vs WPF Based Apps?

Jun 21, 2010

what WPF based apps are?Is it an application that runs under Silverlight? If so, how?I know; Windows Forms based apps,console apps,DLL _ Class Library Projectsand I've had an introduction to ASP.Net.What I mostly want to know is, if WPF apps are for Silverlight then do they also run in a server based fashion like anASP.NET website would when you create ASP.Net webpages?Is it a way of creating what looks like a FORMS BASED application but it runs in a browser instead or what?Please enlighten me a bit further as I have no idea what WPF is all about.

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Financial Monitoring Program Samples?

Feb 15, 2012

just a newbie programmer here. With 1 week experience in VB2008. I'd like to ask for assistance on making one of these inventory systems concepts. I hear its one of the basic programs a newbie can make. This will be made for students financial monitoring. Like how much they should pay in an event. Of course will be needing to input student names and event names.

So I'd like to ask could you give me tips on what to do first?*Set aside the database stuff first.

Like the main window, or a sample of a form to which I could encode and update entry payments for students.Am not asking for codes here just samples of forms or softwares I could get some ideas.

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Where To Find Great Samples And Resources

Aug 1, 2011

Where I can find examples of codes?Like event calendar or any?

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IDE :: Can't Open Samples In Visual Studio 2010?

Oct 3, 2011

When I want to open samples from local Samples folder or online, this message show for me " One or more projects in the solution were not loaded correctly Please see the Output window for details."

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Regarding Code Samples Gallery UPLOAD Link

Aug 31, 2011

I thought only Microsoft employees would be able to upload here? >>[URL] Why then, is the UPLOAD link enabled for me? This dialog pops up when I click on it, but I am not a Microsoft employee.


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Using VB With Other Technologies Or Finding Samples/content Or Requesting New VB?

Sep 6, 2011

For those that are having problems using VB with other technologies or finding samples/content or requesting new VB Language features then there is another way to provide this feedback to Microsoft so that we can work to provide useful content.[URL]..These posts will be actively monitored by Microsoft product team members who are interested to hear from developers.

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Fortran Samples For Visual Studio 2008 Will Not Debug Or Run?

Oct 28, 2010

Fortran Samples for Visual Studio 2008 will not debug or run. I can't get the sample programs to run. I am a engineer not a programmer

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Samples Codes On HTTP GET/POST From A Device Server?

Mar 10, 2009

Website dat have samples codes on HTTP GET/POST from a device server?

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UnhandledExceptionEventHandler Samples From Msdn Working, In My Code Not Working?

Sep 3, 2009

I found on msdn samples and modified (add Thread.GetDomaind.UnhandledException)

<SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags:=SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlAppDomain)> _
Public Sub Main()
' Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event.[code].....

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Forms :: Refer To Another Sub?

Nov 28, 2009

I have a program that used information form treenodes and put them in the textbox after timer ticks the problem is that i should use AddHandler for ticking, but i dont know how to refer to the title() and name() because they are not on the same sub private


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How To Refer To A MessageBox

Aug 25, 2009

I am amateur far, I can use Visual Basic .Net only. That is all I know!!How can I refer to a MessageBox?or how can I Programatically handle a MessageBox after it is displayed?I need to close a MessageBox after certain time if no response from the user.

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Refer To An Object By Its Name?

Jun 18, 2012

Is there a possible way to refer an object through it's name in Vb.Net?The case is, I have menu items created in my designer with names such as MenuA, MenuB and MenuC.On the database, I created a table consisting the list of all available menus in string format : MenuA, MenuB all the way to MenuZ.

Also I created a dynamic table consisting the user permission, what menu is accessible by a certain user.So when I started the app, it will get the name of menu assigned to the logged user, and start to turn the Visible property to TRUE.If it was a Control, I would just loop through it by Parent.Controls.Find(FoundMenu, True).My problem is most of it is not a control, it is an Item added to the Control, or even another SubItem added to the Item.So how can I found an object in my UI only by it's name?

SearchQuery = "SELECT menu_name FROM tbl_menulist menu, tbl_user user WHERE menu.id_menu = user.id_menu"
QueryReader = ExecuteQueryReader(SearchQuery)


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VS 2005 What Value Is Or What It Could Mean / Refer To

Jan 14, 2010

Can anyone tell me looking at this picture what Value is or what it could mean/reffer to? (S-1-5-xx-xxx)I had to block out some of it since I am not sure what it means.

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How To Refer Text Box As Username

Nov 18, 2011

I am creating a project using VB, and I am new to VB, I am still a beginner, I need help in retrieving email address from database when I enter the username, I have added the code below, please review it and let me know, basically when I enter the username it has pull the email address and display in the label..[code]I am stuck at the sql statement as I have no idea how to refer the text box as the username i.e "& uname" it is the name of the text box, is it the right way, also then as I informed I need to paste the email address in the label and the name is label2, I am trying it as " label2.text=da" but I get a error message, I am using Visual basic professional 2010.

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'dynamically' Refer To A Variable?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a bunch of string variables, string1, string2, string3 etc.At the end of my program I want to write these strings to a file, but I don't want to have to laboriously type out string1, string2, string3 etc.

It would be much easier to use a loop to dynamically refer to (string & loopcounter), ie reference the variable by dynamically concatenating its name from a string and a number. Python can do this with eval(). How does VB do it? I can think of loads of examples where it'd be useful. Otherwise I have to type out all the different conditions and that's not efficient.

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Cannot Refer To Itself Through Its Default Instance

Sep 2, 2009

am making a super advanced text processor and i am at the point where i am trying to make print preview dialog [code] Word_Env.Form1' cannot refer to itself through its default instance; use 'Me' instead.i have tried "Me" but that don't work.

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How To Programmatically Refer To A Control

Aug 23, 2011

This was explained in a recent thread - but I can't find it again :-( Why won't the following work? I am trying to set the bounds on 9 buttons - Button11 to Button19. All these buttons are already added in design time. qli() is a rectangle array.


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How To Refer To Columns In An Array

May 7, 2012

I am very new to programming so I apologize if I am asking really basic questions here, but how would I go about referring to a specific column in an array? I am trying to use the prices in one column of my array and multiply that by a quantity, but I am not sure how to extract the price out of the array.


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How To Refer To Container Of A Usercontrol

Mar 9, 2011

I have a user control called UCO and it is being put in many diffrent forms.How can i refer to these forms from the code of the UCO?For instance, how can i get the color of the form and make the UCO have the same color?

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Make A Control Refer To Itself?

Jan 13, 2009

Im working on a project and just wanted to know to make a control refer to itself?I know that by using the word "Me", the system refers to the form but how about the control. I know that i can simply name the control (e.g. txtSurname.Clear) but if i was to use the code on multiple controls it would save alot of time if the control could simply refer to itself!

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Refer An Object In Its Own Event?

Dec 22, 2009

I am doing a calculator project.In the given code below I want to modify the line txtDigitPanel.Text = Trim(txtDigitPanel.Text) + "0" as txtDigitPanel.Text = Trim(txtDigitPanel.Text) + this.text (the word 'this' is taken as a reference to the object that has invoked the event ) to avoid hardcoding. Because when I copy the BtnZero, the same code will work for other digits also. Is it possible?

Private Sub BtnZero_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Len(Trim(txtDigitPanel.Text)) < 15 Then
txtDigitPanel.Text = Trim(txtDigitPanel.Text) + "0"[code]....

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Refer To .net Dll From A .net Web Application Asynchronously?

Feb 9, 2011

I've a web application where I'm referring to another dll by adding the reference of the dll and creating the object but after the call it waits for dll to finish operation and return a value before moving forward, is there a way I can do the same job asynchronously.

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