How To Programmatically Refer To A Control

Aug 23, 2011

This was explained in a recent thread - but I can't find it again :-( Why won't the following work? I am trying to set the bounds on 9 buttons - Button11 to Button19. All these buttons are already added in design time. qli() is a rectangle array.


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Refer To Design Names Programmatically?

Oct 27, 2009

If I have 10 textboxs whos design names are textbox1 through textbox10 and I want to refer to them programatically how do I do this? (calling to ToLower in this example) I normally google my question(s) but this is a hard one to google.

For i as Integer = 1 to 10
'textbox code here.ToLower

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VS 2010 - Literal - How To Refer To A Label Programmatically Using Access Database

Mar 9, 2012

I have names of all labels in a table of an Access database (one field is a form name- it can be repeated, the second field is a label name - it must be unique for the same form, the third field is a text of this label). E.g. the first record has field1="Form1", field2="Label1", field3="Smith" My question: How can I refer to a label programmatically using the Access database? E.g. Form1.Label1.Text= "Smith" In C languge there was the opportunity "remove the quotation marks" from the text ("Label1") and get the literal (Label1). Is this opportunity in VB.NET?

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Make A Control Refer To Itself?

Jan 13, 2009

Im working on a project and just wanted to know to make a control refer to itself?I know that by using the word "Me", the system refers to the form but how about the control. I know that i can simply name the control (e.g. txtSurname.Clear) but if i was to use the code on multiple controls it would save alot of time if the control could simply refer to itself!

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Refer To All Of One Type Of Control?

Jul 8, 2009

Refer to all of one type of control?

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How To Refer To A Control That Exists Within An Ajax Tab

Apr 8, 2009

I have a problem with using a script that adds a NiceEdit toolbar to a text area when that text area is within an Ajax tab.I want to know if I should refer to it in a different way than just the ID.I mean the ID of that text area, I tried to take the text area outside the Tab Container, it works, but when I return it, it simply doesn't.[code]

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Refer To A Windows Form Control By Name (C# / VB)?

Jul 24, 2009

Suppose I have a label control on a windows form called "UserName". How can I refer to that label programmatically using the label name? For example I can do:

For each ctrl as Control in TabPage.Controls
If ctrl.Name = "UserName" Then
' Do something
End If

This seems quite inefficient. I would like to do something like: TabPage.Controls("UserName").Text = "Something" I did some googling but couldn't find a satisfactory answer. Most suggested looping, some said .NET 2005 doesn't support direct refenece using string name, and FindControl method was only...


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Refer To Control Name Dynamically (VS 2005)?

Jun 14, 2009

I'm an Access/VBA programmer new to In Access I can do this using the controls collection of form, but I can't figure out how or even if I can do it with

I want to change this:

'tcpWeek(x) is a tab control page
My.Forms.frmBookMain.tcpWeek1.Text = "Mytext1"
My.Forms.frmBookMain.tcpWeek2.Text = "Mytext2"


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VS 2008 Use A Variable To Refer To A Control By Name?

Jan 9, 2010

If I have a TextBox control with the Name Property = Textbox1, is there a way to use a variable for part of the name - like this:

Dim i as String = "1"
"TextBox" & i & ".Text" = "Hello"

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VS 2010 Refer To Control Without Knowing Its Full Name?

Jan 15, 2011

I would like to refer to a control but i do not know its number but i do know that it is a ComboBox. I was told to use this

Me.Controls("ComboBox" & 1 + i).Text
Which would get the text property of the i +1 ComboBox. However when run this I get an ullReferenceException was unhandled error. What an I doing wrong?

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How To Refer To Windows Form Control Without Explicitly Naming It

Oct 2, 2009

In VBA from Access 2003 I was able to employ the following :Form.Controls(" in here I am able to use a string variable holding the name of the control I want to reference ").property= etc.Is this kind of thing possible in VB .netI have a listview control to which I am adding 'errors' and the tag property of each item hold a string that is the name of the control I want to set the focus to when they double click on the listview item. So I want to do something like this :<listviewitem.tag>.focus()and have the string interpreted as a control name.

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Refer To A Control From Within A Control's Method (like The "me" For Classes)?

Dec 28, 2010

How can I refer to the control while I am inside a control's method in VB.NET?For example, I want in a textbox to show a message box with that textbox's text every time the text changes. The code would be something like:

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


View 2 Replies - Refer To User Control's "strong" Type

Apr 28, 2011

I have code like this which loads a control from an .ascx file, calls some methods of the control, then renders it:

Option Explicit Off

Sub renderMyControl(p As Page)
Dim ctrl as Object = p.LoadControl("path/to/myControl.ascx")
' ... do stuff with ctrl ...


This code only works because Explicit is off. I would like to use CType to convert the control to its "strong type" (and get rid of Option Explicit Off) but I don't know how to add a reference to the type. How can I do this?

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Adding Programmatically A Control On Top Of Others?

Dec 14, 2011

I'm looking for adding a control on top of others controls during runtime.

I read that the only way of playing with the Z-Order of controls is by playing with the order of the controls inside the Form.Controls Collection. I find this solution very weird and weak and I'm looking for an alternative.

Does anyone has an idea? I just want to make some kind of modal dialog that'll show below another user control to notice the user that the user control is currently doing something.

Edit: I tried using Control.BringToFront() but it doesn't work at all.

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Change The Name Of This Control Programmatically?

Jul 27, 2010

I have attached the 2 docs here which explains wht prob i m facibng in my proj its just piece of code out of my big proj.

How to change a particulr value of one text box control of one particular form from another form?

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How To Create Or Add Label Control Programmatically

Jun 8, 2011

i want write code for label control into my application. i wrote the code below, but was not getting the labels when i run the program.

Dim lbl1 As Label = New Label()
lbl1.AutoSize = True


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Programmatically Adding A TextBox Control?

Feb 16, 2009

I am adding a TextBox to my page programatically via a PlaceHolder Control. However when I set the TextMode value to MultiLine I get this error:System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

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Programmatically Create A Picturebox (or Other Control)

Sep 7, 2011

I have never created a control programmatically. I can get this far:

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Programmatically DataBind A GridView Control

Sep 27, 2010

I have a blank/unbound GridView control on my form and I am binding it in the code behind like this:[code]Running this code populates my GridView control with all the columns and data that _dataSet has. I want to display only some of the columns, change the column names, and rearrange some of these columns too (i want the last column from the actual sql database table to be displayed first in my GridView).

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Programmatically Remove Control From Form?

May 22, 2012

I am programically creating a 2 buttons at runtime....I'm assigning the first button to open an image from file and display the image into the picture box. got that part.

The second button is where I am getting hung up. I want to assign the second button to delete the picture box from the form when I click on it but whenever I go to put in the code it throws an error at run time.

Anyone know of how I should code this to dispose of the picturebox when I click on my button?

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Add A Control Like Picturebox Programmatically And Allow User To Move It?

Jun 5, 2012

How to add a control like picturebox programatically and Allow user to move it with mouse? on google but cant find anything. Thats why I am here. In my application user creates a picturebox and a label at runtime by selecting a file from drag drop. User can create as many files he wants. But the problem is that I dont know that how to move both picturebox and label to change their location in a flowlayoutpanel which contains these controls with mouse. I know that how to add a control like picturebox programatically but dont know how to move it. I add picturebox by:

dim picturebox as new picturebox

View 3 Replies - Programmatically Get The DataNavigateUrlFields Property From A HyperLinkField Control

Mar 1, 2012

In my ASP.NET Web Forms I would like to get the DataNavigateUrlFields from the HyperLinkField control.

In order to get the control I use the following code in the RowDataBound event:

If e.Row.Cells(n).Controls(0).GetType().ToString() = "System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink" Then
Dim linkDownload As HyperLink = DirectCast(e.Row.Cells(n).Controls(0), HyperLink)


Is there any way to get the DataNavigateUrlFields property? In case there is not, is there any function to extract the downloadGuid value from HyperLink.NavigateUrl (in short treating the NavigateUrl as a QueryString)?

View 2 Replies Loading A Control Programmatically With A Public Property To Be Set

Oct 12, 2011

I have a asp application where I'm loading a control (from another control on a page). I want to set a variable between the two controls when it loads. This is where I load the control:


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Programmatically Can One Find A Control's Owning Thread?

Feb 13, 2012

It is a requirement that all .net Controls are created on the main thread, at least this is necessary if the intent is to integrate the control in with the interface which is usually the case. Additionally to modify properties on the control one must invoke the method from the control's thread using its own invoke method.

Is there a way to look at a control and identify its owning thread directly?

Additionally or conversely, is it possible to detect whether the current thread is the "Main thread"? Is there anything special about the thread that Visual Studio identifies as the main thread that can be seen at runtime, or is it simply that this is the first thread that VS executes to initialise debugging?

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Programmatically Control Features And Properties Of Photo?

Apr 8, 2011

how to Programmatically use the " Photo Print Wizard" to print sets of pictures and set properties like picture style, printer name, number of copies, etc, without displaying the " Photo Print Wizard" interface

Dim dialog As Object = CreateObject("WIA.CommonDialog")
Dim docnam As String = ""
Dim i As Integer = 0[code]....

what the above code block does is to open the " Photo Print Wizard" with the list of all the selected pictures......., but I can't set the " Photo Print Wizard" properties "Programmatically

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Programmatically Find Backcolor Of A DateTimePicker Control

May 4, 2012

The backcolor of a default DateTimePicker control seems to be Color.White, but can this change based on a users theme colours and how do I find out what it is currently set to?(There is no backcolour property and DateTimePicker.DefaultBackColor returns SystemColors.Control which is not actually correct)I guess that if someone can confirm that this can't change then I am safe to hard code it? The basis of this question was not actually a typo, it was the fact that BackColor does not show up in my DateTimePicker control intellisense.

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Database - Referencing A Control Programmatically With External Source

Jan 30, 2010

I have a MS Access database set up, with a Period field that has either values 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. I retrieve these values using a database connection and I would like to reference a particular control based on what period was grabbed from the database.

Here's example code, pseudo of course.

TextBox(dr(3)).Text = dr(0)

dr(3) contains the period, and dr(0) contains the content I would like to put into the text box. I have these text boxes on my form: TextBox1, TextBox2, TextBox3, TextBox4 and TextBox5.

So if dr(3) contained 2 then I would want to reference TextBox2.

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Detect Click Event For Programmatically Added Control?

Apr 10, 2011

I do a lot of programming in VS 2010 on my Windows XP Pro PC. Recently I tried testing my software on a Windows 7 Home PC. For some reason, all of the controls on my forms are slightly misplaced. I also get a bunch of unhandled exceptions I don't get on my pc. For example, one exception said it couldn't access a registry key. Another said it couldn't find the part of a path (it didnt specify which path). What's up? Why is it doing this? My Win XP PC tricks me into thinking my apps are bug free. Guess not.

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Selecting Options On Control Panel Item Programmatically

Oct 16, 2009

I know I can open the control panel item by using the following command
However what I do not know is there a way to programmatically select the options on that control panel item? For example in a vb program I can launch that panel quietly have the program select "adjust for best performance" or select "let windows decide" Apply it and then close ?

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.net - Load User Control Programmatically Using LoadControl(Type, Object())?

Feb 25, 2012

I'm adding web user controls to a page dynamically. Using the LoadControl method that only takes a virtual path pointing to the .ascx works pretty nicely. However, the overload of LoadControl that takes a type and an array of parameters is causing me some headaches. The web user control is instantiated as expected, but the controls contained within the web user control are null and I get an exception as soon as I try to work with them. Strange, because it's working when use the first version of LoadControl.

The web user control, simple, with a Literal control:

<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="MyControl.ascx.vb" Inherits="MyControl" %>
<asp:Literal ID="myLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

The controls' code behind:

Public Class MyControl
Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
Public Property Data As MyData


And the relevant code from the .aspx from which I'm trying to dynamically load the control:

Private Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
Dim x = LoadControl(GetType(MyControl), New Object() {New MyData With {.ID = 117}})


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