VS 2010 Refer To Control Without Knowing Its Full Name?

Jan 15, 2011

I would like to refer to a control but i do not know its number but i do know that it is a ComboBox. I was told to use this

Me.Controls("ComboBox" & 1 + i).Text
Which would get the text property of the i +1 ComboBox. However when run this I get an ullReferenceException was unhandled error. What an I doing wrong?

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Access Directory Without Knowing Full Name?

Mar 10, 2010

I need to access Mozilla FireFox's cache, but the path to it is different in each PC. Well, kind of.

This is the path: C:Users%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalMozillaFirefoxProfiles*.defaultCache"

The ".default" folder will always have that extension, but the asterisk part is different on each PC.[code]...

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VS 2008 - Accessing File Path Without Knowing Full Name

Jul 16, 2010

I need to access a file path, but a part of the path is different on each PC. Mozilla creates a random profile name for each PC it is installed on. I can get most of the path through environment variables. I need to access the files inside of the default profile, but can't since I'm not sure how to access it.

Here's an example of the file path:
The only thing that stays the same with the profile name, is the '.default' part.

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Adding To Listview Inside Tab Control Without Knowing The Name

Sep 23, 2011

I have a tab control, that the user can add/remove tabs as they please. It is an inventory manager, and the tabs are the departments. Everytime a user adds a department, a new listview is cloned and added to the page. Upon form load, i need it to go through the tab pages, and query the database for items matching the department their in. In other words, if the Department column in the inventory database, matches the Tab Pages text, add it to the listview inside that particular page. I've tried several things, but they all end up buggy. Either it adds them all to the first listview, or it skips every other page, or worse - doesn't add anything at all. Here is the code I have, could anyone help me figure out how to:

Cycle through the pages, if any of the DB's rows Department column matches the tab page text, add it to the listview inside that tab page, then move to the next tab page, and cycle through the DB again. Here is my code, a decent start I believe.

Sub FillList()

Dim incs As Integer
Dim inc As Integer
Dim lst As ListView


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VS 2010 - Get Value Of Handle Without Knowing Type?

Dec 23, 2010

I am working on a new version of my clipboard manager. I was wondering if there would be a way to copy the value of a given handle without knowing its type? The current methods I know require one person to know the type of the handle (as an example by using Marshal.PtrToStructure).

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How To Programmatically Refer To A Control

Aug 23, 2011

This was explained in a recent thread - but I can't find it again :-( Why won't the following work? I am trying to set the bounds on 9 buttons - Button11 to Button19. All these buttons are already added in design time. qli() is a rectangle array.


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Make A Control Refer To Itself?

Jan 13, 2009

Im working on a project and just wanted to know to make a control refer to itself?I know that by using the word "Me", the system refers to the form but how about the control. I know that i can simply name the control (e.g. txtSurname.Clear) but if i was to use the code on multiple controls it would save alot of time if the control could simply refer to itself!

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Refer To All Of One Type Of Control?

Jul 8, 2009

Refer to all of one type of control?

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How To Refer To A Control That Exists Within An Ajax Tab

Apr 8, 2009

I have a problem with using a script that adds a NiceEdit toolbar to a text area when that text area is within an Ajax tab.I want to know if I should refer to it in a different way than just the ID.I mean the ID of that text area, I tried to take the text area outside the Tab Container, it works, but when I return it, it simply doesn't.[code]

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Refer To A Windows Form Control By Name (C# / VB)?

Jul 24, 2009

Suppose I have a label control on a windows form called "UserName". How can I refer to that label programmatically using the label name? For example I can do:

For each ctrl as Control in TabPage.Controls
If ctrl.Name = "UserName" Then
' Do something
End If

This seems quite inefficient. I would like to do something like: TabPage.Controls("UserName").Text = "Something" I did some googling but couldn't find a satisfactory answer. Most suggested looping, some said .NET 2005 doesn't support direct refenece using string name, and FindControl method was asp.net only...


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Refer To Control Name Dynamically (VS 2005)?

Jun 14, 2009

I'm an Access/VBA programmer new to vb.net. In Access I can do this using the controls collection of form, but I can't figure out how or even if I can do it with vb.net.

I want to change this:

'tcpWeek(x) is a tab control page
My.Forms.frmBookMain.tcpWeek1.Text = "Mytext1"
My.Forms.frmBookMain.tcpWeek2.Text = "Mytext2"


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VS 2008 Use A Variable To Refer To A Control By Name?

Jan 9, 2010

If I have a TextBox control with the Name Property = Textbox1, is there a way to use a variable for part of the name - like this:

Dim i as String = "1"
"TextBox" & i & ".Text" = "Hello"

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How To Refer To Windows Form Control Without Explicitly Naming It

Oct 2, 2009

In VBA from Access 2003 I was able to employ the following :Form.Controls(" in here I am able to use a string variable holding the name of the control I want to reference ").property= etc.Is this kind of thing possible in VB .netI have a listview control to which I am adding 'errors' and the tag property of each item hold a string that is the name of the control I want to set the focus to when they double click on the listview item. So I want to do something like this :<listviewitem.tag>.focus()and have the string interpreted as a control name.

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Refer To A Control From Within A Control's Method (like The "me" For Classes)?

Dec 28, 2010

How can I refer to the control while I am inside a control's method in VB.NET?For example, I want in a textbox to show a message box with that textbox's text every time the text changes. The code would be something like:

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


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VS 2010 Refer To A Checkbox Using The Counter?

Jan 11, 2011

What I have is 10 checkboxes 1 to 10 which all can be one of several options (the options are constant for all the checkboxes) and I need to change a variable according to what the checkbox.text preperty contains.

I plan to use a For to next statement

For i = 0 to 9
If Checkbox(i+1).text = "hello" then
String(i) = "bye"


However I cannot refer to a checkbox in the way i have done above. Essentially how do get what the checkbox contains based on on my counter, i.

Note: it is i+1 because the first check box starts at one yet my counter starts at zero.

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Releasing A Child From A Parent Control Without Knowing The Parent(WPF)

Apr 10, 2010

I would like to know if there is some simple code to release a child control from it's parent control, without having to name the parent control. In pseudocode, I'm looking for something like this:


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VS 2010 Refer To Microsoft HTML Object Library?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm using win7 64bit + express 2010. in the program, I need refer to Microsoft HTML Object Library. So, I added it, then I found, it can not be "copy local". I remeber it could before when I use oit on vista + 2008.

Now, the question is: how can I include it in the setup? since some users may not have this dll on their pc.

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Import Access Database Into 2010 Application And Then Refer To It Locally?

Oct 6, 2011

I am writing a program for a class and it needs to read/write to an Access 2007 database. Right now I am referring to it's absolute path when I use it in connection strings, something like:

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersMeDocumentsVisual StudioProjectsProject1Database.accdb")

This is going to be a problem when I turn it in obviously, because the professor isn't going to have the same path. So I want to somehow include it into my project and then refer to it with a relative path or something so that it will work on his machine. When I imported it through the Data Sources it had an option at the end to copy the database into the project which I agreed to. It put the Database where all of the source files are on my computer, so I tried using Application.StartupPath(

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VS 2010 - Literal - How To Refer To A Label Programmatically Using Access Database

Mar 9, 2012

I have names of all labels in a table of an Access database (one field is a form name- it can be repeated, the second field is a label name - it must be unique for the same form, the third field is a text of this label). E.g. the first record has field1="Form1", field2="Label1", field3="Smith" My question: How can I refer to a label programmatically using the Access database? E.g. Form1.Label1.Text= "Smith" In C languge there was the opportunity "remove the quotation marks" from the text ("Label1") and get the literal (Label1). Is this opportunity in VB.NET?

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Fill A ComboBox Control With Full Names (last, First)?

Mar 3, 2011

How do you use a parameterized query to make the (last_name, first_Name) appear in the same combo box? I know how do drag them over from the DATA SOURCES menu, but I am trying to combine them. So instead of it being two separate combo boxes with both last_name and first_name), it want it to find the the names with first and last name in the same combo box.

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Giving Full Control To File At Install?

Apr 28, 2010

I have an access file .mdb which gets installed with app at installation, non amdin acocunts can only read and not write to file unless you manually change permissions on that file giving full control to all users

Is there a way at installation this can be done ?

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Share The Folder And Set The Permission For Everyone To Have Full Control?

Jun 11, 2011

I have the code to create a folder, does anyone have the code to share the folder and set the permission for everyone to have full control?

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Remotely Create Folder, Assign Full Control?

Oct 29, 2010

I need to create a shared folder on the desktop for a specific user on a specific pc and assign full control sharing and security permissions for only tat user and a domain admin user. I need to do this for 300+ PCs. Going to each user manually and askin them if i can do tat on their pcs is very time consuming.

Is there a way i can code this and do this remotely where i can input,

1)the computer name/IP Address

2) the folder name i want to create

3) the user for which i have to create it for (just basically goin to doc and settin.>user name> desktop )

and i can achieve the folder creation for tat user with full control to that user and a domain admin user for sharing and security

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.net - How To Check If User Has Full Control Permissions On A Shared Folder

Oct 25, 2011

I use the following code in order to check if certin user exists in the DACL:

Dim l_managemantObject As ManagementBaseObject() = CType(securityDescriptor.Properties("DACL").Value, ManagementBaseObject())
For Each mObject As ManagementBaseObject In l_managemantObject
l_name = CType(mObject.GetPropertyValue("Trustee"), ManagementBaseObject).Properties("Name").Value.ToString
If CType(mObject.GetPropertyValue("Trustee"), ManagementBaseObject).Properties("Domain").Value IsNot Nothing Then


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Added A Full Main Menu To Game And A Full Splash Screen

Apr 29, 2011

I have made quite a nice and tidy little game. Its based around space invaders and works quite well. however because i have finished my college project almost 2 weeks ahead of the assignments release date, my tutor has asked me to tweak my project and make it better.So far i have added a full main menu to the game and a full splash screen. I would like to add in a section for recorded high scores but have no idea how to attempt this at all.

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Asp.net - Refer To User Control's "strong" Type

Apr 28, 2011

I have code like this which loads a control from an .ascx file, calls some methods of the control, then renders it:

Option Explicit Off

Sub renderMyControl(p As Page)
Dim ctrl as Object = p.LoadControl("path/to/myControl.ascx")
' ... do stuff with ctrl ...


This code only works because Explicit is off. I would like to use CType to convert the control to its "strong type" (and get rid of Option Explicit Off) but I don't know how to add a reference to the type. How can I do this?

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VS 2008 Windows Media Player Control - Full Screen Button?

Feb 17, 2010

I have an application that is currently playing videos through the windows media player control from a website. I want it so that a button I have created, when clicked will make the wmp control full screen.

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C# - WebBrowser Control: Disable Cross Site XSS Filtering Or Another Way To Process JS In Full On HTML?

Jun 25, 2011

I am trying to use my web browser control to get retrieve date from a specific page, including all sub-page content. Problem is some of the sub-pages are on a separate domain and thus I am getting a permission deigned error when i try to access the frame [through document.windows.frames(i).document].Is there any work around to do this, even if I have to manually change security settings? I tried turning all my settings in IE to allow and still same error. I will only be running the app locally and no one will be browsing on IE so I can literally change anything needed to get this to work (even install older version of IE which may allow it but can still handle JS processing).

Note the reason I am using web browser is a great majority of data I will be accessing is JS generated, so I need to access the DOM after JS processed / generated the HTML. Because of this, simply using SOCKETS to get the HTML is really not an option. Even if I had the HTML, I still need some type of engine to process all of the DOM elements based off javascript.

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VS 2010 : Find Text With Full Line?

Mar 22, 2012

I'm looking to search a text file and return back the full line of text...So if Option1= is found, capture the entire line


I guess I'm looking to be able to capture the start of where it found the text to the end of the line.

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VS 2010 Differences Framworks 4 Full And Client

Sep 27, 2010

Can someone tell me what the differences are between the Full and the Client Frameworks? In which case use which?

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