VS 2008 Use A Variable To Refer To A Control By Name?

Jan 9, 2010

If I have a TextBox control with the Name Property = Textbox1, is there a way to use a variable for part of the name - like this:

Dim i as String = "1"
"TextBox" & i & ".Text" = "Hello"

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'dynamically' Refer To A Variable?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a bunch of string variables, string1, string2, string3 etc.At the end of my program I want to write these strings to a file, but I don't want to have to laboriously type out string1, string2, string3 etc.

It would be much easier to use a loop to dynamically refer to (string & loopcounter), ie reference the variable by dynamically concatenating its name from a string and a number. Python can do this with eval(). How does VB do it? I can think of loads of examples where it'd be useful. Otherwise I have to type out all the different conditions and that's not efficient.

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Refer To A Numeric Variable?

Oct 8, 2010

In VB 2010, I am trying to use this query, but I always get an error message because the numerical variable CHAVE is not correctly called. STATUS and HISTORICO are string type fields, that will be filled by the string variables SITUACAO and DESCRICAO.DIA is a date type field and will be filled by the date type variable PROXIMA.CHAVE is a numerical field and should be filled by the numeric variable CHAVE.

sql = " INSERT INTO " & conta & " (status,dia,chave,historico)" & _
" VALUES ('" & situacao & "', #" & Format(proxima, "M/d/yy") & "#, & chave &, '" & descricao & "') "

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How To Programmatically Refer To A Control

Aug 23, 2011

This was explained in a recent thread - but I can't find it again :-( Why won't the following work? I am trying to set the bounds on 9 buttons - Button11 to Button19. All these buttons are already added in design time. qli() is a rectangle array.


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Make A Control Refer To Itself?

Jan 13, 2009

Im working on a project and just wanted to know to make a control refer to itself?I know that by using the word "Me", the system refers to the form but how about the control. I know that i can simply name the control (e.g. txtSurname.Clear) but if i was to use the code on multiple controls it would save alot of time if the control could simply refer to itself!

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Refer To All Of One Type Of Control?

Jul 8, 2009

Refer to all of one type of control?

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How To Refer To A Control That Exists Within An Ajax Tab

Apr 8, 2009

I have a problem with using a script that adds a NiceEdit toolbar to a text area when that text area is within an Ajax tab.I want to know if I should refer to it in a different way than just the ID.I mean the ID of that text area, I tried to take the text area outside the Tab Container, it works, but when I return it, it simply doesn't.[code]

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Refer To A Windows Form Control By Name (C# / VB)?

Jul 24, 2009

Suppose I have a label control on a windows form called "UserName". How can I refer to that label programmatically using the label name? For example I can do:

For each ctrl as Control in TabPage.Controls
If ctrl.Name = "UserName" Then
' Do something
End If

This seems quite inefficient. I would like to do something like: TabPage.Controls("UserName").Text = "Something" I did some googling but couldn't find a satisfactory answer. Most suggested looping, some said .NET 2005 doesn't support direct refenece using string name, and FindControl method was asp.net only...


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Refer To Control Name Dynamically (VS 2005)?

Jun 14, 2009

I'm an Access/VBA programmer new to vb.net. In Access I can do this using the controls collection of form, but I can't figure out how or even if I can do it with vb.net.

I want to change this:

'tcpWeek(x) is a tab control page
My.Forms.frmBookMain.tcpWeek1.Text = "Mytext1"
My.Forms.frmBookMain.tcpWeek2.Text = "Mytext2"


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VS 2010 Refer To Control Without Knowing Its Full Name?

Jan 15, 2011

I would like to refer to a control but i do not know its number but i do know that it is a ComboBox. I was told to use this

Me.Controls("ComboBox" & 1 + i).Text
Which would get the text property of the i +1 ComboBox. However when run this I get an ullReferenceException was unhandled error. What an I doing wrong?

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How To Refer To Windows Form Control Without Explicitly Naming It

Oct 2, 2009

In VBA from Access 2003 I was able to employ the following :Form.Controls(" in here I am able to use a string variable holding the name of the control I want to reference ").property= etc.Is this kind of thing possible in VB .netI have a listview control to which I am adding 'errors' and the tag property of each item hold a string that is the name of the control I want to set the focus to when they double click on the listview item. So I want to do something like this :<listviewitem.tag>.focus()and have the string interpreted as a control name.

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Refer To A Control From Within A Control's Method (like The "me" For Classes)?

Dec 28, 2010

How can I refer to the control while I am inside a control's method in VB.NET?For example, I want in a textbox to show a message box with that textbox's text every time the text changes. The code would be something like:

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


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VS 2008 Directcast Control To Type Variable?

Jun 21, 2009

how can i cast a control to a type variable? heres the code i'm trying to use:

Public Class form2Ex
Inherits Form2
Private list As Control = MyBase.CheckedListBox1
Private listType As Type


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VS 2008 - How To Refer To Objects Via String

May 9, 2011

I have lots of labels that I need to refer to.
E.g. label1 = listbox1.selecteditem.tostring & "123"
label2 = listbox1.selecteditem.tostring & "123"

I have 20 labels which i need to repeat the same process for. What I found was this code which always gives me the null reference error.
CType(Me.Controls("Label" & i), Label).Text = "what i want here"

I have stated dim i as integer = 1
And later i = i + 1 until it is 20.

I've tried i.tostring and cstr(i) when referring to it but it keeps saying it doesn't exists even though i have labels 1 to 20 named label1, label2 etc. on my Form.

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VS 2008 Exactly Does The Margin Refer To When Printing?

Apr 20, 2009

I've built an app, that draws text to four rectangles on a pre-printed page with a design, I'm wondering what the margin refers to?

Also our printer doesn't print all the way to the edge, there's a white border, about the height of this little guy:If I printed from a printer that prints to the edge, will the text be in the same position as it would be if it was printed with the border around it, the text should be in the exact same position right?

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[2008] Refer To Variables In Other Forms?

Mar 6, 2009

I was wondering if i can refer to variable is in other forms. EG. i want to make a set homepage form, so i have my main browser form, and my Options from which has my "Set homepage" button. I want to know how i can set my homepage in form 1 via a button in form 2.

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Asp.net - Refer To User Control's "strong" Type

Apr 28, 2011

I have code like this which loads a control from an .ascx file, calls some methods of the control, then renders it:

Option Explicit Off

Sub renderMyControl(p As Page)
Dim ctrl as Object = p.LoadControl("path/to/myControl.ascx")
' ... do stuff with ctrl ...


This code only works because Explicit is off. I would like to use CType to convert the control to its "strong type" (and get rid of Option Explicit Off) but I don't know how to add a reference to the type. How can I do this?

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VS 2008 Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String?

Sep 28, 2009

Dim Phone as string = "478-742-4050 478-256-6550"
If _Phone.Length > 25 Then
_Phone = IsNull(ReturnValue.Substring(0, 25).ToString, "")
End If
Return _Phone

Error: "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length"

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VS 2008 Error: Range Variable 'sender' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Or A Range Variable Previously Defined In The Query Expression

Mar 25, 2010

I am getting the error:"Range variable 'sender' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression."for this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Form1


I can select any other item from the table without the error. "sender" has the same properties as "receiver" in the SQL table.

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VS 2008 ArgumentOutOfRangeException - Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String

Jun 23, 2009

I got this error and I don't know what should I do. Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length That's the line that i get the error on:


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VS 2008 Error Message: Index And Length Must Refer To A Location Within The String

Oct 15, 2010

I'm working on a vb.net project, when I execute the project I get the following error message: "error message: index and length must refer to a location within the string"

Public Sub New(ByVal lineIn As String)
parent = Trim(lineIn.Substring(0, colStarts(1)))
enfant = Trim(lineIn.Substring(colStarts(1), colStarts(2) - colStarts(1)))
des_F = Trim(lineIn.Substring(colStarts(2), colStarts(3) - colStarts(2)))


I get the error msg in the line marked bold. When i checked the input file, the length of all the fields looks fine. I dont understand the cause of this error.

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VS 2008 Set Size - Error 1 'Bisacody.Form1' Cannot Refer To Itself Through Its Default Instance

May 13, 2009

How i can set size?


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VB In Visual Studio 2008 - RichTextBox / Rich Text Format - Refer The Header And Footer

Apr 24, 2010

How do I reference the Header and Footer in a RichTextBox? And if I can't how do I access it in a file in RTF?

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VS 2008 Error "WithEvents Variable 'Move' Conflicts With Event 'Move' In The Base Class 'Control' And Should Be Declared Shadows"

Sep 3, 2010

What does this error mean? I havent modified anything in the designer code, but its giving me an error? WithEvents variable 'Move' conflicts with event 'Move' in the base class 'Control' and should be declared 'Shadows'. The error relates to Friend WithEvents Move As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn

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Add A Variable To Control?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm trying to add a varible to a control, so I can reference the Variable with the Controls name. I would like to set the variable how you would set a regular Integer. [code]...

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How To Get Control's Variable

Jan 19, 2011

I have the following code inside my MDI parent form:For Each crl As Control In me.Controlscrl.?????Next

The code mainly used for getting some info from all child forms.I can get all the general property like size, location by crl.size or crl.location. But if all the forms have an own variable like myTxt. How could I get this own variable by this For Each method?

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VS 2008 Use The Value Of One Variable To Call Another Variable Of The Same Name?

Feb 7, 2011

I am trying to use the value of one variable to call another variable of the same name.I have 2 variable one called VAR1 and VAR2.

The variable VAR1 has a value of "VAR2"
The variable VAR2 has a value of "HELP"

I want to be able to get the value VAR2 from the variable VAR1 I have defined the value of VAR2 early in the code and now I want to call that value by using the value of VAR1.The reason I am doing it this way as I have a list of 50 variables that are pulled from one system. Each of these variables have the same name as the columns of a spreadsheet. The total number of Variable stay the same but the total column headers may vary each time. I need to loop through each of the column headers match them with the variable names and add the data to the spreadsheet.

VAR1 = "VAR2"
i =1


This is the tricky bit...if the value of the cell(1,i) = "VAR2" How do I get it to display the value of the variable of the same name In this case how will I get it to display "HELP" when I only have from the VAR1 value "VAR2" I know my code will bring back the value as a string but I want it to bring back that string as a variable and display the value of that variable?

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Control That Sets A Variable To A Value?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a simple control that sets a variable to a value. What I want to be able to do is check the value of this variable on another form.Here's the code:


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For Loop Control Variable?

Jul 15, 2009

What type can i assign a for loop control variable? I want the for loop to be the output file of a calculation, but i can not define it as anything, and i do not know how to write it so that the output is actually what the code spits out once the code has finished running.


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Variable As Part Of A Control Name?

Mar 31, 2010

Is it possible to use a variable as part of a control name kinda like you would use a variable in a SQL statement. For example:

Lets say we have 4 text boxes txtP1Val, txtP2Val, txtP3Val and txtP4Val. Is it possible to have the P1 - 4 as a variable so it would be "txt + Some string variable + Val"

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