Create Some Sort Of "pop Up Calendar" In a Windows Application?

Jul 19, 2010

Is it possible to to create some sort of "pop up calendar" in a Windows Application ( i want to do is to have a calendar image/icon right beside my textBox and when this image/icon is clicked a popup box is opened with the "month calendar" object from the toolbox area. I then want it to insert the date choosen from the calendar into the textBox.I can figure out the rest, but my main concern is the icon having some sort of "event handler" to allow a calander to popup when it is scrolled over or clicked on.

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C# - Communicating With Processeses - Create An Application That Will Act As Some Sort Of Task Manager

Jan 6, 2011

I'm going to create an application that will act as some sort of task manager. For stability reasons I will not use threads but processes instead. I have to deal with several third party libraries and/of COM servers that are not always that stable and can produce severe crashes sometimes. This may (of course) not affect the task manager

Problem with using processes is how to communicate with them? The process must f.e. give a status back of what it's doing every x seconds.

I was thinking of using TCP over a separate port per process, but is this the best way of doing this?

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Create A Database Application Which Integrates Search And Sort With The Use Of Notepad?

Mar 2, 2010

create a database application, which integrates search and sort, with the use of notepad.

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Create A Windows Form Application Program That Can Create Games Something Like Gamemaker Or Klik?

Aug 4, 2010

Hello I want to create a windows form application program that can create games something like Gamemaker or Klik & Play (butt less advanced) with D&D "Drag and Drop" events and actions.

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Create Uninstall Command For A Windows-based Application In The Application Folder?

May 27, 2009

how to create a uninstall command for a Windows-based application in the Application Folder when creating a new setup project in visual studio 2008.

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Create A Windows 64 Bit Application?

Jan 20, 2012

I have Windows 7 x64. I recently installed Visual basic 2010 Express Edition. I have a few Questions in mind:

1) If I want to create a windows 64 bit application, do I need to install windows x64 sdk?

2) I am not able to set my target platform to x64.

3) Can some one guide me to steps for creating a very simple form and compiling an x64 project?

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Create A New Windows Form Application?

Jun 14, 2011

I install a visual studio 2008. I create a new windows form application but very strange that on the right side there is no control bar in which all the control like button label textbox etc contains how i show it?

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Create A Windows Form Application In VB?

Sep 8, 2011

I have just begun using Visual Studio to create a windows form application in visual basic. I have a chart on the form, and I would like to be able to right-click, copy the chart and then paste in,say, Microsoft word. At the moment I have created a contextmenustrip which appears when the user clicks on the chart, but I am unsure of the code necessary to actually copy the chart and hold it until pasted into a different application.

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Create Update Application For Windows CE?

Nov 23, 2009

I am trying to create a update application for Windows CE.

It will go out on the net to my site and see if there is any new updates but I am having a problem doing that.

Firstly it is working fine if I create it using a 'Windows Application' but as soon as I Copy + Paste the code to my 'Windows CE' app (smart device, windows CE) it comes up with an error.

I am using .net framework 2.0.0 and 2008

Here is the code which I am using:

Function DownloadFile(ByVal sURL As String, ByVal pProgress As ProgressBar, ByVal Filename As String, ByVal Prefix As String, ByVal Rename As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim wRemote As System.Net.HttpWebRequest


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How To Create DataTable In Windows Application

May 21, 2009

How can I create datatable in windows application in I want to store a temporary data into the datagridview from textbox to grid. I know it work in Is it possible in windows application C#.

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Create 2008 Windows Application Setup?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to create a setup for windows application using 2008 including crystal report libraries (DLL files)and should create a icon on desktop

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Create A .net Windows Application In Multi-language?

Feb 23, 2009

If i want to create a windows application in multi-language (EnglishArabic). Is there any steps i need to do?I installed the Arabic at my windows XP and I am able to write the labels and the the textbox for example in arabic but is there a way for the controls to shifts automatically?

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Create A Back Button For Windows Application?

Nov 10, 2011

I am trying to create a back button for a Windows Application to go from one form to it's previous form.

I know how to go to the next form, just can't figure out the other way.

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Create A Class In A Windows Form Application?

Nov 2, 2009

creating a class.cs in a win form app? Here is some code I will use many times in my application...

Dim dat As System.DateTime
Dim day As Integer
day = dat.DayOfWeek


And also how to call this class in my forms to invoke this..

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Create A Table In Windows Form Application?

Jan 6, 2010

I want to create a table in my windows form application using VB.Net.

The table's rows and collumns are filled dynamically based on a selection in a drop down list. Each row in that table would have 2 textboxes, 1 combobox, 2 checkboxes, and 1 button.

I am aware of DataGridView and TableLayoutPanel -DataGridView - I do not like the appearance so I don't want to use it...Also it is not very flexible with checkboxes and buttons

TableLayoutPanel - Will involve many lines of code. Also handling the checkbox and button click events is not very flexible

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Create An Application That Starts Along With Windows Login?

Aug 29, 2011

We have a Windows Forms application that needs to run on an ASUS EEE PC on-site. The application displays some data on the Form, and processes some data in the background. It is connected via Serial Port and USB to some custom electronics at the location. We could have used a regular 8051 microcontroller for processing and displaying the data, but since we added a barcode scanner along with a database into the equation, we needed a chip with an OS, so we went with the ASUS EEE PC minimalistic machine option, with Windows XP installed, and the platform used for coding the application as VB.NET and SQL Server.

We have two user logins created on the Windows machine - an admin login, and a limited user login. What we require is that when the employees manning the on-site location switch on the computer, and login into their limited user login, instead of displaying the desktop and exposing normal Windows functionality, the machine should directly start our Forms application, and not allow the user to quit or close or minimize the application in any way, but should only display our Forms application in full-screen mode. The Forms application should have a button which, when clicked, exposes the Windows Shut-Down dialog so that the machine can be shut down when not in use.

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Create Setup Of Windows Application In Vb In 2008?

Sep 29, 2009

the project contains access database file i want to make a setup of my windows application .

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Db Table - Create A Windows Form Application

May 9, 2010

Do i create a windows form application or which one do i choose? Here is the instructions. For this assignment, you will create a Visual Basic.NET application to manage personal assets. A screen shot of the desired UI is shown in the following image. You can also download a running example of the completed project and the required database, ITP400_IP2_A.mdb. be aware the example program does not necessarily demonstrate all of the functional requirements, and it is intended only as an example. You are responsible for meeting the listed requirements. Please refer to the following information for the complete requirements.


* Fields in tblAssets (These are in the database table and should be displayed on the screen.)
o fldAssetID, long integer, primary key
o fldAssetName, string
o fldDescription, string
o fldDateAcquired, datetime
o fldCost, single

* Perform the appropriate steps to create a connection to the sample database. Be sure to select the option to copy the database to your project so it will be automatically included in the project.
* Perform the appropriate steps to display the detail view of the fields on your form. Be sure to include a functional BindingNavigator on your form.
* Do not allow the user to resize the form.
* Format the Cost field as currency.
* Add a standard pull-down menu to the program with the following structure:
o File (Save, Exit)
o Navigate (First Record, Previous Record, Next Record, Last Record)

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Mysql Database To Create A Windows Application?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm Using Visual Studio 2005 and Mysql Database to create a windows application. The datagrid displays all the records. Since I don't know how to directly update from datagrid, thats why I have used textboxes for the respective datagrid fields. A load button is provided which on clicking puts the data on the respective textboxes. The data can be edited in the textbox. Problem is that I can't save this edited or modified data back into dattabase.


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Calendar / Scheduler For Windows Forums

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to write a small program to plan appointments.And have a overview of them in some sort of calendar(not the mini calendar which you can get from the VB control).Found some website who offer such controls, but honestly $1k for the license is a bit to much for something which i am not gonna use that often.So i was wondering if there are any codes available or projects which do something similar.Or any other solution which could work for this.Want to save the data in a SQL database.

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Create A .Net Windows Form Application Which Logs Onto A Website?

Jun 8, 2010

I would like to create a VB .Net Windows form application which logs onto a website and then retrieves some data. Currently when i navigate to the website it presents a dialog box to enter my details into. So in short how could i do this, what namespace would i need to look at?

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Create An ADODB Disconnected Recordset In Windows Application?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm using an OLEDB connection to a Sybase database, with ADODB.dll file version 7.10.6070.0 (which comes from the Sybase 12.5 package). I need to be able to open a connection, use a command object to fill a recordset from a stored procedure, then close the connection and pass back a disconnected recordset. My attempts so far fail as every time I close the connection, my recordset also closes (which means it is not disconnected).

Is there a property I must set somewhere to indicate that the recordset should be disconnected? I cannot set Recordset.ActiveConnection = False because I get an exception ("Cannot change the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object which has a Command object as its source."). I do set the Command.ActiveConnection = False, but that doesn't stop the recordset from closing as soon as I close the connection object.[code]...

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Create Plotted Line Graph In Windows Application?

Aug 25, 2011

How can be create plotted line chart in windows application.In that type of graph how can be taken input values?

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Created A Windows Form Application, But Cant Create A Standalone Exe?

May 13, 2010

I have created a windows form application, but when i publish it (to cd setting), and then try and install it, (on windows 7, only tried there so far), I get a cannot open or read mainfest file, or cannot connect to download from the original pc's IP address error messages.

I have spent considerable time relearning visual basic (used microsoft basic man many years ago), and now want to use the program on my other computers I can upload/paste the error file if needed

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How Can Be Create Plotted Line Graph In Windows Application

Aug 25, 2011

How can be create plotted line chart in windows application.In that type of graph how can be taken input values?

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[2005] Create A Windows Application - File For App.config?

Jan 12, 2009

If I create a windows application. Where is the file for app.config? Can I modify it?

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Start Windows Calendar Minimized From VB 2005?

Jun 10, 2009

I want to start the Windows calendar (c:program fileswindows calendarwincal.exe) minimized from my VB 2005 app. I have tried the windowstyle set to every option (including hidden), and it still comes up full screen. I tried it in VB6 using shell, then appactivate, and then using sendkeys, and it gives an "access denied" error.

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Create A Application On Windows To Present The Plan Of The House And Control?

May 30, 2012

I study automation engeering!I am in the last year of my studies and i choose for the final project <<Smart house Design And Controlling>>.I would like to create a application on windows to present the plan of the house and control it I decide to use the Visual Basic Express!If someone can help me on this project.

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Create A TEXTBOX With Auto-suggestion For Windows Based Application?

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to create a accept User Name in textbox and as additional feature i want to show suggestion to user automatically. For example if user press "J" he names starting with "J" (present in name table ) should be displayed as drop-down.

Can i do it with TEXTBOX or is there any other simple way?

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How To Create Windows Installer That Will Include Application And Merge Module

Aug 2, 2010

how to create windows installer that will include my application and merge module? I'm using VB .net Visual Studio 2005. I can create a windows installer for merge module and public my application, but I can not have both of them in one setup file.

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