Start Windows Calendar Minimized From VB 2005?

Jun 10, 2009

I want to start the Windows calendar (c:program fileswindows calendarwincal.exe) minimized from my VB 2005 app. I have tried the windowstyle set to every option (including hidden), and it still comes up full screen. I tried it in VB6 using shell, then appactivate, and then using sendkeys, and it gives an "access denied" error.

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VS 2005 Month Calendar Clear Selection Start Date?

Feb 5, 2011

When I clear my form, I am trying to clear the Month Calendar of all selected dates. Using this code clears everything but the Selection Start Date, I would assume there would be a way to clear this, Refresh doesn't work, and I can't seem to find anything else.

Public Sub clearScheduleControls()


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Start The Program At Position Which Start Minimized?

Feb 11, 2010

While i Minimized the program and clossing the program , next times i start the program, it also minimized. how can i prevent this problem happen!! And i want to start the program at position which start minimized. how can i do it!!!

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C# - Detect If Application Start Using A Manual Handling (Pressing An Icon) Or Start When Windows Start?

Feb 28, 2011

I have made my application to start automaticly when windows start (registry ../currentversion/run/appname + path). In this mode the application start minimized and an little icon appear in the notification icon area. With this icon you can maximize the app or exit it.If you exit the app and start it again using the Menu (Start/programs etc) than the application start in minimized mode (and in this case I would like to have it in normal mode) because the setting autostart is still true.Is there a way you can detect when the application start when windows startup using the above registry or when people click on an icon in the programs menu (or desktop)?

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Write An Application That Would Start Minimized To The System Tray And Then Assign A Hotkey To This App?

Jun 13, 2011

We run a CRM package and one of the features that it lacks is the ability to Date and Time Stamp when someone updates an activity. I was wondering if it would be possible to write a application that would start minimized to the system tray and then assign a hotkey to this app, for example CTRL Shift and K, that would paste a date time stamp into what ever application was focused at the time.

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VS 2010 Start A Calendar Program?

Sep 4, 2011

I have just got onto the programming band wagon and would like my first program to be a calendar.r point me into the right direction as i got no clue where to start.

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Start The Calendar Control For Asp.NET To Be A Future Date?

Feb 23, 2012

I need to have the Calendar Control start 36 hours after the current date. How would I do that?

I have a form that requires that the future date has to be at least 36 hours from the current date in the order for the workers involved to be able to complete the task.

check values and keep the form from processing:

Protected Sub calPickupDate_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles calPickupDate.SelectionChanged
If calPickupDate.SelectedDate < Today.AddHours(36) Then


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Forms :: Restore A Windows Form Which Is Minimized And Has Lost Focus?

Dec 2, 2009

I have created an app which has a timer control which, when activated and meets a certain criteria, launches a second form with an alert for the user to review and action. this works just fine. Except.... when the main app is minimised and has lost focus, instead of launching the second form to a normal windows state it opens and sits in a minimized state itself and just flashes. How can I get the the second form to restore to a normal windows state?I have tried form2.focus and tried the windowsstate=normal etc but I'm still barking up the wrong tree.

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Use Process.Start To Start An Application Without Administrator Privileges On Windows 7

Feb 24, 2012

Visual Basic 2010 - Net Framework 4.0 Client

I have an application (application #1) running with Administrator privileges on Windows 7.

I want application # 1 to start another application (application #2) without Administrator privileges so application #2 is running as a standard user.

Is there a way to do this? I have been using Process.Start.

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Make A Deskband App That Displays Some Text And Buttons Like Windows Media Player When Minimized On Taskbar?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to make a deskband app that displays some text and buttons like windows media player when minimized on taskbar. What is the necessary imports / dll i need to use ?

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Make Program Start At Windows Start Up?

Jun 12, 2010

I have a application and want it to start at Windows start up only if the user checks checkbox1 the procedures on how to do this and the code

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Calendar / Scheduler For Windows Forums

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to write a small program to plan appointments.And have a overview of them in some sort of calendar(not the mini calendar which you can get from the VB control).Found some website who offer such controls, but honestly $1k for the license is a bit to much for something which i am not gonna use that often.So i was wondering if there are any codes available or projects which do something similar.Or any other solution which could work for this.Want to save the data in a SQL database.

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VS 2005 - How To Read Outlook Calendar

Apr 3, 2008

How to read the calendar in outlook from 2005? I am using Visual Studio 2005

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VS 2005 - Extendable Calendar Control Within WinForm App

Apr 8, 2009

I have attached a image of a control that is used within a coldfusion website. Basically I need something similar to use within a Winforms application but have never seen anything like it in .net. How I replicate this control?

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VS 2005 - Planner / Scheduler Program With Calendar View

Jul 6, 2009

Is it possible to use the outlook calendar control inside vb .net 2005.? because i want to do a program which able to do planning, scheduling, and view those event like an outlook calendar view...

View 14 Replies

Which Control Does Windows Live Mail Use To Show The Calendar Date

Feb 14, 2011

I would like to create a tabular view of my data in which i would like to show dates as column header and room no as rows header. And room reservation data in that tabular form. I would also like to make date zooming from year, half yearly, month, week to day. Denote the reserved room in some color along with name too.

To my requirement, i found windows live mail's calendar control abit matching without zooming functionality.

Here is a sample of windows live mail's control: [URL]

I would like to get reference/example of control/project matching my requirement.

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Process.start In Service: Windows 7 Vs Windows Vista

May 18, 2012

I'm printing pdf files via the below code in a service. In Windows 7 this works really well, In Windows Vista, nothing happens at all? What am I doing wrong?


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2005 - Tidal Height Prediction System For Mobile Accplications - Develop Calendar Converter

Mar 9, 2010

Project to develop tidal height prediction system for mobile accplications. how to start! The first objective is to develop a calendar converter. i have tried to do the interface.

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Calendar Control - Add Text To A Specific Day Of The Calendar?

Dec 30, 2011

using the calendar from the webfor tools, NOT CALENDAR EXTENDER, and my question is, is there a way to add text to a specific day of the calendar, for example, that i want to click on the number where its shows 29 of the month december, then it shows me a texbox or anything that takes data from my, and i type anything in there, like an event or something, then i click on a button to save my entry, and next time i visit my page i see that day that i clicked on changed its color and shows my text when i hoover the mouse on top of it,

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Using Month Calendar - User To Enter A Bill And Pick The Due Date Via Month Calendar?

May 5, 2010

I'm developing a finance software and I want the user to enter a bill and pick the due date via month calendar. I getting it to work was the easy part, but now I only want one month calendar, for each time a user enters in a bill and picks a date.every time the user goes to pick a due date I have to call one of the several I have on screen.Here is my code that I have so far:Add due date button:


The month calender:


.TxtDueDate3.Text = MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.Start.Date.ToShortDateString()Me.TxtDueDate3.Text
= MonthCalendar3.SelectionRange.End.Date.ToShortDateString()[code].....

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Create Some Sort Of "pop Up Calendar" In a Windows Application?

Jul 19, 2010

Is it possible to to create some sort of "pop up calendar" in a Windows Application ( i want to do is to have a calendar image/icon right beside my textBox and when this image/icon is clicked a popup box is opened with the "month calendar" object from the toolbox area. I then want it to insert the date choosen from the calendar into the textBox.I can figure out the rest, but my main concern is the icon having some sort of "event handler" to allow a calander to popup when it is scrolled over or clicked on.

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Auto-start App In Windows PE

Feb 25, 2009

I'm hoping that you all could shed some light on this.As the title implies, I'm trying to make my application automatically start when Windows PE is loaded. To do this, I looked at some Microsoft documents.I first found out how to add an application to it: url...And then I found out how to autostart an application, like a different shell: url...In order to auto launch one or many applications, you have to make an .ini file and put it in the System32 folder. The .ini file is called, winpeshl.ini. The information in it is [code]When that didn't work, I put quotes around items and it still didn't work.I was thinking that it wouldn't load because my program isn't a shell application. If that's it, does anyone know how to make a shell app?Also, I don't think it's a framework issue because Windows PE comes with the 2.0 framework and I changed my app to target the 2.0 framework instead of 3.5

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Process.Start And Windows 7

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to run a process started with the following VB statement.

The process will start fine with the proper admin ID that I specify. I have verified this by starting a CMD shell and batch files. They all show the user is my local admin account. However, if I try to run defrag or chkdsk, both commands tell me that I do not have authority to run them. Even though the processes are running under the admin account (shown by Task Manager).

The program is compiled on a Win XP SP3 machine (32-bit) using VB Express 2010. The executable seems to work fine on XP. But when I copy the .EXE file that it generates to my Windows 7 64-bit system, I get the above problem about it not having authority to run these two utilities.

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Start/End A Windows Application?

May 26, 2010

I am concerned that I may not be allowing applications to clear out of memory before they close.I normally start a new application with a start-up form and set the application's shutdown mode to "When last form closes".

I have noticed that any application that loads a class does not close when the last Form closes. I have tested this by creating a new project with a single Form and single Class (newly created and empty). When I declare this class in the Form's Load event then the application does not close when the form is unloaded.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim MyNewClass As New Class1
MyNewClass = Nothing
End Sub

In order to get the application to close I need to add Application.Exit in the Form's FormClosed event.

Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed


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Windows Service Won't Start

Dec 8, 2011

Here's my code. Is it blindingly obvious why my service won't run?[code]...

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Start A .net Project In VS.2005?

Aug 15, 2011

I am just a newbie with, though i have experience in c# .net environment.Now I was just wondering how to start a project in VS.2005? its the version installed here in my assigned PC.

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[2005] Start/stop Iis In .NET?

Oct 3, 2008

how do I do start/stop iis in .NET?

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Cannot Start Windows Service From Batch

May 23, 2012

I created a custom windows service in Visual Basic using Visual Studios '05.

The service is on our server which is running Windows Server 2003. I have installed the service, and it runs perfectly when I go into Computer Management and Start the service manually.

I have created a batch file to start the service using the NET START command. Whenever I run the batch file, the service doesn't start. I get this message from the command prompt[code]...

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How To Start Windows Messenger Service

Oct 19, 2011

Is it possible to Start Windows Messenger service and set the Startup type to Automatic?

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Make A Program Start With Windows?

Aug 24, 2011

vb 2008, How do I get my VB 2008 application to start automatically when a user logs into Windows?

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