Develop A Converter Of Sorts - Math.ceiling Is Not Working?

Apr 26, 2012

I'm trying to develop a converter of sorts, and I need it to always round up, however, math.ceiling is not working like I would like. The converter I'm trying to develop is a Canadian MMAR Calculator.Here is my code.

Public Class Form1
Private Property growtype As Object
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[cod

For some reason, when the variable < .5 it rounds down, and when the variable is > .5 it rounds up, I thought math.ceiling always rounded to the highest nearest whole.The issue comes at growtype 2 and 3, this equation "(num1 * 365) / (250 * 1) * 1.3" where num1 = 18 returns 34.164, I want this to round up to 35.

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Develop An Application Which Sorts Text Files?

Nov 6, 2009

I need a little guidance here. What I am needing to do is develop an application which sorts text files, approximately 10 at a time.It would look something like this. (Using VBA 2008)The code I am having trouble with, is I want to be able to "load" 10 of these txt reports.I want the Sort button to trigger the application to run through each text file looking for specific keywords.

And finally, when all is said and done, I want it to export a new text file with the keywords listed that it found.I am just breaking into this and am super excited with how much I have learned so far!

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Math Equation For Temperature Converter Buttons?

May 4, 2010

I've pretty much have this assignment done. My main problem is to get the math to pan out and it's making me crazy. It's gotten to the point of staring blankly at my screen for the last 4 hours.I'm hoping that someone would be willing to take a quick peak and give me a shove in the right direction. The purpose is to type in a number in a textbox then choose using a fahrenheit radio button and a celsius button to calculate the corresponding conversion in a label box.


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Develop A Fahrenheit / Celsius Converter?

Mar 27, 2012

I've got this far with my interface and layout and buttons. I cannot figure out to do the functions for converting to and from celsius and fahrenheit.[code]...

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Develop A Simple Math Calculator That Will Allow The User To Input The Right-hand-side (RHS) Of An Equation Into A Textbox?

Dec 12, 2011

I am trying to develop a simple math calculator that will allow the user to input the right-hand-side (RHS) of an equation into a textbox on the application and have the application evaluate the expression for a given value of x, which is also input
into the application by the user via another textbox.For example, if the user wants to evaluate the following expression,

y = 3 + 4*x + 5*x^2

then they would input into the textbox the RHS of the equation

3 + 4*x + 5*x^2

and then enter a value of x into the another textbox and click on the calculate button.I tried this:

answer = EquationTextBox.Text

but it doesn't work.

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2005 - Tidal Height Prediction System For Mobile Accplications - Develop Calendar Converter

Mar 9, 2010

Project to develop tidal height prediction system for mobile accplications. how to start! The first objective is to develop a calendar converter. i have tried to do the interface.

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Rounding Number - Math.round Isn't Working?

Sep 17, 2009

I am writing a program that has 2 text boxes & 1 button in it.The first text box is to enter a number then hit the calculate button and it outputs to the 2nd text box after doing a math problem.I then need it to round to 2 decimal spots.I used to use Visual Basic 6 but don't have access to that any longer.So now I'm using Visual Basic 2008.Here is my code, but the math.round isn't working.[code].....

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Using VB 2008 To Develop Apps Working With Access?

Nov 20, 2009

I am using VB 2008 to develop apps working with Access. With this IDE I can compile my apps as x86 . Then runs fine under 64 bits Windows 7 and Vista Systems.

First question:but if I run this app under XP 64 bits, will run fine too?

second question:the apps developed with VB 2003 (these work with access too ..."jet oledb"). How I can compile as x86? I have not seen this option like VB2008.

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VS 2010 Hmwk - Display The Largest And Smallest Using Math.max - Math.min

Mar 5, 2012

well i am having a couple of issues with this particular homework problem and this is my first programming class so there is probably quite a few mistakes well the homework problem is to take three double values entered by a user and display the largest and smallest using math.max and math.min and display the smallest and largest so i thought i could use a listbox and take the values that went to the listbox and assign variables to each so i can try to use each variable in the math.max and min but im not making it to far and i actually might be way off


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.net - IComparable - Call Different Sorts?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a DTO that I am using to process transactions. To ensure that it is processing in the correct order, I am using iComparable and sorting the List(of T) of the DTO. That works great. However I just got another requirement that the customer wants the output in a different order... is there a way to allow me to have two different sorts for the same object, or do I need to copy the current class, save the output as a new List of that type and sort using the new way for that object?

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List(of T) Custom Sorts In VB

Oct 13, 2011

Im converting a winforms application and it has gone smoothly except for trying to get custom sorts for generic lists working.

VS 2010 4.0

I have my classes in App_code but it fails to work like the winforms version.

Dim ReturnList as List(of Quotedata)
ReturnList.Sort(New SortQuoteDateAscending)
> Unable to cast object of type 'SortQuoteDateAscending' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IComparer`1[Quotedata]

Is there a gotcha with implemenation of custom sorts in 4.0 or am I missing something.

Public Class Quotedata
Private m_quotedate As Date
Public Property QuoteDate() As Date


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Multiple Sorts On List<Of T>?

Apr 1, 2011

I am using VB.NET and .NET framework 3.0I am currently sorting a list like this: lstPeople.Sort(Function(p1, p2) p1.LName.CompareTo(p2.LName))However, now I want to sort by FName as well after the LName. So it sorts first by last name and then by first name.

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Dataset Merging Sorts Records Incorrectly?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a temp dataset (ds) that I load with data from a filtered dataset. I run this in a loop essentially populating the temp dataset with select records from the main dataset. I then merge the temp dataset back to the main dataset (dsSpecifics). The issue I am running into is that the records are loaded into the temp dataset in the way they were merged. record 1 is at row 0, record 2 is at row 1 and so on. When I merge the ds back to dsSpecifics, they load out of order but in a predictable way. Here is a snipit of the code:

While myAircraft.MoveNext()
Me.TblAircraftSpecificTableAdapter.FillBy(Me.DsSpecifics.tblAircraftSpecific, CInt(myAircraft.Key.ToString))


It seems that after the final merge, the merge starts with the last record of ds and and then rolls over to record position 0.

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Build An Application That Will Serve As A Very Large Checklist Of Sorts?

Apr 21, 2009

I am trying to build an application using that will serve as a very large checklist of sorts. and i'm not exactly sure of the best way to do this. I considered using a database but i would need it to be self contained without having to rely on a server or internet connection

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Retain Row Attributes In A DataGridView When User Sorts By A Column?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a DataGridView, bound to a dataset. All the columns are sortable (.ColumnSortMode.Automatic). The user may change data in certain columns, although not the first ("key") column. When data gets changed on a row, I change the backcolor for that row (to show it as dirty). At some point, the user will do something with all of these changes.

My problem is that I still want the user to be able to resort the data by any of those columns. When it's sorted, though, I lose the backcolors that I changed. I do know which rows are dirty, this is just a cosmetic issue. Isn't there a way to retain those backcolors, or any other such row attribute?

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Created A Database Which Only Have One Table Where It Stores All Sorts Of Keywords According To Categories

Aug 9, 2011

I'm using MySQL 5.5 database. I have created a database which only have one table where it stores all sorts of keywords according to categories.

The users key in sentences in the textbox and then I'm suppose to classify the sentences into the category based on the keywords in the database.

How do I loop through the database to compare the strings in the textbox to the keywords in the db?

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VS 2010 - Array SubString (of Sorts) / Making A Class That Represents A File?

Feb 24, 2011

Im making a class that represents a file. Im making a sub that reads data from one byte array into many properties. Now i need something that returns a byte array but only the first 4. Let me demonstrate because i can't think of a logical way of explaining. "something".substring(0,3) That would return a string containing "som" i need a function like that for a byte array


Is there an existing function for this type of thing ? i've looked but didn't see anything that I understood.

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Create A Console Application That Lets A User Enter 20 Names And Then It Sorts Them Out Alphabetically In Order?

Mar 25, 2012

I need to create a console application that lets a user enter 20 names and then it sorts them out alphabetically in order and then displays them.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Const names As Integer = 20
Dim index As Integer


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TCP Client/Server App That Sorts Out Text That Is Recieved From Server?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm currently "trying" to make an app that gets a certain text from the client and sends it to a server and the server sorts it out every text that he gets from the client into a different label every time he gets a text from a client. For example :

Client1 sends certain text to Server and server puts it in label1.text
Client2 Sends different text to Server and server puts it in label2.text
Client3 sends different text than 1 and 2 to Server and server puts it in label3.text
and so on.

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Converter C# And VB ?

Aug 9, 2009

I have made simple design for the program

2 texboxes
2 forms

Form1 has:C# to VB converter 2 textbox (where they will put the code from C# or VB ):1 that will put info: other that will apeear the converted text 1 button

I need source how to make when its press button1 to show them in new texbox the souce code that he selected

Form2: VB to C# converter. i need the same and for VB to C# code when its pressed button for Form2

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Converter VB 6 To .Net ?

Feb 11, 2012

how to convert a project from VB6 to VB.NET using this method below ?

Visual Studio >> File >>Open >>Convert..

Had some plug in or even executable to tell me?

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Dwg To Xml Converter?

Feb 19, 2010

i am a beginner and trying to write a program that can convert .dwg file into .xml file format.i am familiar with visual studio 2008, and autocad 2007.

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VB To C# Converter?

May 23, 2010

Show me a site where there is good conversion available from to c#?

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VB6 To .NET Converter?

Jan 20, 2010

My boss has given me a new task of converting his old vb projects to new new .net projects. He wants me to convert both windows as well as web applications to the latest versions. As I am new to programming, I am having difficultly in converting the codes.w if there is any free VB6 to VB.Net Converter which can convert all code. And also let me know if there is any good way to manually convert VB6 code to VB.Net code.

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Math - Round Up A Value

Aug 20, 2009

I,m developing a debt calculation program 'my problem is when i have to calculate the months to pay back the debt it comes to 28.04 and i have to get it to 29 my code looks like this:


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Math - Rounding Up In .NET?

Mar 29, 2012

How can I round 4.39 to 5 in VB.NET? I tried:

Math.Round(4.39, 0)

But it displays 4.

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Math Calculation In Vb?

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to perform a simple multiplication in vb.

Below is my code:

Dim minus As Integer
Dim minusPrice As Integer
Dim totalPrice As Integer


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Math.log Always Returns 0?

Jul 29, 2011

I've been having a problem with Math.Log in a function I'm trying to write. When working with variables, it always returns 0. Here's the line I'm trying to run:


mb = txtMb.Text
k = txtK.Text
t = txtT.Text


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Using Math Round

May 8, 2009

I am trying to use Math.round. now my math.round (2.5) converting it to 2. O want to convert it to 3.

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Using The Value From A Combo Box To Do Math?

Apr 13, 2012

I am trying to do math (-, +, *, etc) based on what a user selects from a combo box. The combo has the operators (-, +, *, /) in its items list. when the user selects one of them, I want to use that operator with the two numbers the user also provides from two text boxes.

dim intNumOne as integer
dim intNumTwo as integer
dim intAnswer as integer


'I don't think I want to concatenate here. but this is what I would like to happen (use the operator based on the users selection from the combo and the two numbers from the text boxes. I know I could write a select case or If statement but is there a way to do what I'm trying to do without Select Case or If? I tried to make theOperator a 'char' type variable but that didn't work either.

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