Getting This Error : The Application Identity Is Not Set?

Oct 18, 2011

I have a piece of code what should be executed just once, when the user will use for the first time the application.I have next code, in form1_Load:

IfMy.Application.Deployment.IsFirstRun Then 'some code EndIf

The problem is that when I try to debug it, I meet this error: The Application identity is not set...Who can I solve it?

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Application Identity Is Not Set Error

Oct 5, 2011

I'm getting an exception every time I try to use my application, and I have scoured the internet looking for answers and not found a thing. So here goes.My application has a listbox with a data templete, and there is an ImageBox in the template that I fill with the avatar of a user who tweets. However, only on certain pictures I get an "Application Identity is Not Set" error, causing a "Value does not fall within expected range". This is the code I am using to set the image source:


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ClickOnce Deployment Error And Application Identity

Mar 26, 2009

All,I seem to have stumbled upon a ClickOnce error that stops me from auto-updating. When I Deploy my program using ClickOnce it publishes to the specified location and installs just fine. I can run my program no problem if I activate it from the start menu. However, I have code that registers the program as the default to open a specific file type. Naturally, I want my user to be able to double click on the file type of my choice and have my program open like normal. All-in-All this works.

The problem arises because I need my program to check for updates before loading my program, much like it does when I open the program from the start menu (I set the auto-update check within the ClickOnce options). However, this check does NOT run when the user double-clicks a file type to run my program, it merely skips this step and opens the program. So first I tried to find a way to run the Update manually through code, what I cam up with was this: [Code]

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Application Identity Is Not Set

Oct 18, 2011

I have a piece of code what should be executed just once, when the user will use for the first time the application. I have next code, in form1_Load[code]...

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Application Identity Is Not Set When Debugging

Aug 30, 2011

When I try to debug my application (of which it will not be click once)I get a Application identity is not set exception.[code]

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Error: Option Strict On Disallows Operands Of Type Object For Operator '='. Use The 'Is' Operator To Test For Object Identity

Jan 27, 2010

I am tightening up my coding with the Option Strict set to ON. It has now produced alot of errors. An example of this is:

If AllocatedDGV.Rows(i).Cells("RoomNumber").Value = RoomsAvailableDGV.Rows(j).Cells("RoomName").Value Then

It gives me the following error: Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.

View 6 Replies - Get The Error Page : Server Error In '/' Application. HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio Development Server (Visual Basic 2010) and it works fine. Now I've enabled NTLM Authorization because I want to test the website using a different user account. Now when I try to access the website I always get the following error page:

Server Error in '/' Application.

HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden.

Version Information: ASP.NET Development Server .I'm using a test account which is a normal user within our domain. I've already set the access rights in my project folder to Full Access for this user but it does not help.

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How To Insert And Get Identity

Nov 2, 2009

i have two tables Orders , Debts

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders](
[OrderId] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[GoodId] [int] NOT NULL,
[CustomerId] [bigint] NOT NULL,


as you see the column of OrederId is IDENTITY i try to insert record in this table and when this record holding particular data i want to make a copy of it in Debts table?

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Can't Get The Identity Value Back From The Tableadapter?

Sep 23, 2009

Would I be right in saying that when using tableadapters that you can't get the identity value back from the tableadapter when you insert a row intot a datatable then save the table back to database using tableadapter.update(datatable).It will only return the value of 1?

I would like to return the identity from the table but didn't want to have to assign all the parameters manually in code cause theres about 30

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Get The Last ID (Identity Increment) in My Table?

Sep 11, 2009

how can I get the last ID (Identity Increment) in my table. diferents answer came up. I simple said, do a query and you will get your ID.But today I decided to do something diferent, and here goes my approch, my code: Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As Private


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Retrieving @@IDENTITY In AccessDB?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm trying to retrieve the @@IDENTITY value from an access database after I add a row to it. However, instead of using hard coded connections, I'm using the DataSet wizard. Unfortunately, due to the Jet engine, I can't do more than one command at a time. I tried to select the @@IDENTITY in a separate command but unfortunately, I guess it counts as a different command as it returns a 0 each time.My question is, is there a way I can use the GUI/IDE to retrieve the @@IDENTITY or do I have hard code the connection, command, query values and obtain the value that way.

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Determining A SQL Server Identity Column Name?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to write some generic code in VB.NET that determines whether or not a SQL server database table contains an identity column and, if so, to return the name of that column.I'm working in Visual Basic 2008 Express and have created a SQL database, "MyDatabase" with 1 table called "MyTable". Within that table, I've got 3 columns, "ID", "Column1" and "Column2". I know, I know... inventive names. Under column properties in the Database Explorer, I've set the "ID" column "Identity Specification" to "yes" and have set the "Is Identity" value to "yes"

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Identity Impersonate Encryption By Microsoft

Jul 19, 2010

Is there a way to decrypt the identity impersonate that Microsoft has encrypted?

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Return Last ID (IDENTITY) On Insert Row MySQL

Mar 20, 2012

Dim insert_coupon_query As String = ("INSERT INTO qa_discountcoupons (id, status_code)


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.net - Saving The Login Name As Current User Identity In

Mar 1, 2011

So I'm making a login. I want the login name that people use to match an id in my SQL database. So that I can retrieve their information. But currently when I use the code below, from which I get the name of the computer I am currently on. However I would like the user Identity to be what they write in the username textbox at the login screen.


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Enter Data Into An Identity Column In Program?

Aug 16, 2009

I am trying to learn how to program using LINQ to SQL so I downloaded a Tutorial Paper on datacontext and other subjects but cannot get very many of the examples to build with out errors as written in the Tutorial. The code that I am trying to run is as follows.[code]...

Even though I had to make some additions to solve undeclared variables it run up to the db.SubmitChanges() statement which give me an error message declaring the following "Cannot insert Explicit value for Identity column in table orders when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to off. I used SQL Server Management studio to attach the database and ran a query to turn the IDENTITY_INSERT to on but when I detach and try to run my code against the database I keep Getting the same error. I can look at the ord variable and see that the OrdersID Var is set to nothing. I tried to give it a number 1 higher then what was in the database but it still didnt work. I have looked all over the internet and found much information using scripts and querys in SQL management studio to turn IDENTITY_INSERT on and off but none to do it from visual basic SQL to LINQ code.

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Get The Identity Value (auto Number) Of The Record That Just Got Inserted?

Aug 23, 2009

I have a data set with a table named IEA_Transaction_Test2.After executing the below codes to insert a record into the SQL server table IEA_Transaction_Test2, how do I get the identity value (auto number) of the record that just got inserted?


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Make The Dataset Know The New Identity Of The Row That Is Saved To The Database?

Dec 25, 2009

I have a datagridview with contacts on a form with clients. The underlying table for contacts has a field for Contactnumber. This is a identity column so its new number is generated by SQL Server.

I add a row and when I move to the next record on the form, the form �nd the information in the datagrid is saved to the database. So far, so good. The problem is: when I move back and try to delete that newly made row I get an error about concurrency.

It's logical actually, the record is saved, but the dataset of the datagrid doesn't yet know what the new contactnumber is. Apparently it's not information that it gets back automatically from SQL Server.

How can I make the dataset know the new identity of the row that is saved to the database? I use a simple da.Update(dsVerwijderingen, Tabelnaam) to save the changes to the database.

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Show The Next Identity Value In CodeTextBox On Clicking 'New' Button?

May 16, 2010

I have a databound form where i want to show the next identity value in CodeTextBox on clicking 'New' button. Code is an identity column (Int) in DB where autoincrement is set to true. I somehow cannot use the Binding Navigator and i have to replicate the behaviour of it's Add New button to my 'New' button.

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Sql Server - Copy An Identity Column Into Another Table?

Jun 27, 2009

I have 2 tables that are related,both have identity columns for primary keys and i am using a vb form to insert data into them,My problem is that i cannot get the child table to get the primary key of the parent table and use this as its foreign key in my database.the data is inserted fine though no foreign key constraint is made.I am wondering if a trigger will do it and if so how. All my inserting of data is done in vb.The user wont insert any keys. all these are identity columns that are auto generated. If a trigger is my way out please illustrate with an example.

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Use A Stored Procedure To Update An Identity Column?

Jul 15, 2011

I don't understand this code (listed below). this code attempts to modify the products table . It creates an update, delete and insert command. I don't understand where it gets the data values from. What I mean is that, how does it know which record to delete. there in no input box or textbox from where it can get the product ID, which would identify which record to delete.[code]...

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VS 2008 XSD Schema - Identity Constraint Not Declared

Apr 29, 2010

I was creating an XML Schema from a project 2003 XML. All was fine until I rebooted the machine and tried to re-open the file. I am now getting an error along the lines of:
"Identity Constraint not declared".
I've compressed and attached the file.

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[2005] What Is The Operand To Test For Object Identity

Feb 27, 2009

Private Sub cbxSubject_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbxSubject.SelectedIndexChanged
Select Case cbxCategory.SelectedItem


I get this error message:Option Strict On disallow operands of type Object for operator '='. Use the 'Is' operator to test for object identity.But I don't know how to correct this.

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.net - LINQ To SQL A Member Defining The Identity Of The Object Cannot Be Changed?

Nov 29, 2009

I'm writing a Generic for LINQ to SQL CUD. I

'Generic Insert
Public Shared Sub Add(Of T As Class)(ByVal entity As T)
Using db As New APIUDataContext()


Error message from Generic Update.Value of member 'Id' of an object of type 'TestAuthor' changed.A member defining the identity of the object cannot be changed.Consider adding a new object with new identity and deleting the existing one instead.What do I need to modify the Generic Update?

View 2 Replies - Identity Of Recently Added Record And Insert From Gridview?

Jun 24, 2012

I am developing an ASP.Net VB Web Application

The application contains a GridView which displays the records of a user table from my created datable. The database is an Sql server database.

The code below inserts data into one table and through the built in function @@Identity to insert the most recently added record id (tt_id) from the trainingTbl table and inserting that record id into the userAssessmentTbl. Adding the identity to the second userAssessmentTbl table works fine.


The issue I'm having seems to be centered on how I insert a uniqueidenifier from a GridView into a userAssessmentTbl database!

And how, I guess using a loop I can insert the UserId records from that Gridview (GridView1) into the userAssessmentTbl table along with the looped id from the @@Identity.

This part of the insert parameter seems to be incorrect:


And the error I'm met with is: 'Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.'

I've also tried it like this:


And im met with the error: 'Operand type clash: int is incompatible with uniqueidentifier'

The qusetion has slightly changed to how do I Insert a String into SQL DB Where DataType Is Uniqueidentifier?

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Entity Data Model And Insert With Identity Property

May 6, 2010

in a new project I thought I would try to integrate the new Entity Model Framework, but am having some issues/problems and would like to know if there is a solution or workaround that will let me insert a record into a table that has an identity property.At first I thougth it might simply recofnize the storedprocs that I have for insert/update/delte actions, and was a bit discapointed when generating the model ignored all my stored procs. So I thought wll heck maybe it just generates a nice insert method for me. Lets see.So I referenced my model and found that for the table (entity) there was an insert action (method) that had been generated, however what i found is that it explicitly added the primarly key field - which was based on an identity property and will not accept an explicit insert value.So I guess 2 questions

1. How do we work with identity properties

2. How can we take advantage of the performance and securtiy advantages that stored procs offer with SQL server?

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Inserting Rows Into A Tableadapter With An Identity.true Modifier

Sep 10, 2010

I have a TableAdapter created where one column.identity is set to true with an autoincrement.My problem arise when trying to insert a row at run-time. The following is my code and the error message I am trying to over come.[code]"The column cannot be modified. [ Column name = RecordNumber ]" I am not trying to edit that column name. I set it to true identity so I don't have to keep track of record numbers that may be deleted later on. So basic question.How do I programatically add a row to table adapter that has one column.identity set to 'true'.

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Interfaces, Type Identity, Extending .net Native Classes?

Jun 18, 2010

So in a lot of frameworks there is usually some base type that you tend to extend a lot because well, it is what enables the "visual" aspect of the framework. Here in .Net it's the Control/Form... you tend to be inheriting these frequently for different things, and despite the suggestions otherwise, the team always agrees to extend explicitly and forget about composition.So now say you want to create some relationship between all of these... just a simple interface that uncovers some basic properties that all your forms and controls should have. In this case lets call it 'IProjControl'

Public Interface IProjControl
Property ProjControlId() As String


So this interface is something you expect all your windows and dialog boxes and other some other controls implement. They all don't extend the same exact type, they all just happen to be controls.In there lies the problem... you want to enforce the contract with this interface that not only is it a 'IProjControl', but it's also a 'Control'. But we can't exactly have our interface extend Control (that doesn't make sense), and there isn't an 'IControl' interface to require implementing.

So the method I've always used is something like this:

Public Interface IProjControl
ReadOnly Property ProjControlComponent() As Control
Property ProjControlId() As String


(if there is actually a language/compiler specific feature that allows you to require an interface implementation to be implemented by a class extending a specific type... please, do tell... but I highly doubt there is because for all intensive purposes that sounds weird).

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Using The Username Or Page.User.Identity.Name For Select Parameter

Dec 21, 2010

I have a login control inside a loginview control and on the loggedin template, there is a gridview and an sqldatasource. What I need is to use the username to filter that gridview. But I always get the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I also tried adding .tostring to the [Code]

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VS 2008 Identity Of Newly Added Record - Access Db?

Mar 13, 2010

I've read about @@Identity. I've also read that it's no longer supported. I get lost in the mountains of data searching provides.I'd like to get the "ID" field, which is an AutoNumber Primary Key field, when I insert a new record. There's got to be a simple way.

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