Return Last ID (IDENTITY) On Insert Row MySQL

Mar 20, 2012

Dim insert_coupon_query As String = ("INSERT INTO qa_discountcoupons (id, status_code)


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How To Insert And Get Identity

Nov 2, 2009

i have two tables Orders , Debts

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders](
[OrderId] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[GoodId] [int] NOT NULL,
[CustomerId] [bigint] NOT NULL,


as you see the column of OrederId is IDENTITY i try to insert record in this table and when this record holding particular data i want to make a copy of it in Debts table?

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Return The SCOPE Identity Of The Inserted Record In Stored Procedure @temp_id?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm trying to return the SCOPE Identity of the inserted record in my stored procedure @temp_id, but how can I bind it to a label e.g

<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="ASPxLabel_RequestTemp" Name="temp" PropertyName="Text" Type="Int32" />

View 1 Replies - Identity Of Recently Added Record And Insert From Gridview?

Jun 24, 2012

I am developing an ASP.Net VB Web Application

The application contains a GridView which displays the records of a user table from my created datable. The database is an Sql server database.

The code below inserts data into one table and through the built in function @@Identity to insert the most recently added record id (tt_id) from the trainingTbl table and inserting that record id into the userAssessmentTbl. Adding the identity to the second userAssessmentTbl table works fine.


The issue I'm having seems to be centered on how I insert a uniqueidenifier from a GridView into a userAssessmentTbl database!

And how, I guess using a loop I can insert the UserId records from that Gridview (GridView1) into the userAssessmentTbl table along with the looped id from the @@Identity.

This part of the insert parameter seems to be incorrect:


And the error I'm met with is: 'Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.'

I've also tried it like this:


And im met with the error: 'Operand type clash: int is incompatible with uniqueidentifier'

The qusetion has slightly changed to how do I Insert a String into SQL DB Where DataType Is Uniqueidentifier?

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Entity Data Model And Insert With Identity Property

May 6, 2010

in a new project I thought I would try to integrate the new Entity Model Framework, but am having some issues/problems and would like to know if there is a solution or workaround that will let me insert a record into a table that has an identity property.At first I thougth it might simply recofnize the storedprocs that I have for insert/update/delte actions, and was a bit discapointed when generating the model ignored all my stored procs. So I thought wll heck maybe it just generates a nice insert method for me. Lets see.So I referenced my model and found that for the table (entity) there was an insert action (method) that had been generated, however what i found is that it explicitly added the primarly key field - which was based on an identity property and will not accept an explicit insert value.So I guess 2 questions

1. How do we work with identity properties

2. How can we take advantage of the performance and securtiy advantages that stored procs offer with SQL server?

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Function To Return Value From MySQL Database?

Dec 26, 2010

Trying to build a module of set procedures to call on in my day to day projects.Here is a function I use to get a Value in MS Access.I have functions like this below stored in a Module in all my projects. So I can easily call on them to Return i.e. a value from a database etc.

Username = dataaccess.Getvalue("Select Username from Users Where Username='" & txtusername.Text & "'")
Function Getvalue(ByVal query As String) As Object
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(query, dbconn)[code]......

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Get Last Insert Id (VB + Mysql)?

Jun 22, 2010

I have 2 tables in mysql:

1. stats (stats_id,statsno,statsName)

2.stats_det (stats_det_ID,stats_id,stat_DateAdd,stat_UserAdd,stat_DateModif,stat_UserModif)

I have a form named status and from here I want to add a new record in the first table (stats).I've created the insert statement in the first table which is running well, but I don't know how to get the last_insert_id from stats table and insert it in the second table stats_det.


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Return The ID That Was Used On The Insert?

Nov 1, 2009

I am inserting a record to a MSSQL table using a tableadapter using something like:Dim da_mytable As New t_mytableTableAdapter da_mytable.Insert(xxxx,xxxx,xxxx)

The SQL table has an identity field which is also the PK for the table.The insert works fine, but my question is how to return the ID that was used on the insert.

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How To INSERT Using VB, Mysql And Odbc

Mar 30, 2012

I have been using the internet to figure out how to INSERT into MySQL database. Im almost there I can feel it. Below is the code I put together, but when I click on the button and check the database to see if the data was inserted, it has not.

Imports System.Data.Odbc
Imports System
Public Class Form1


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Insert Date In MySql With VB?

Jun 22, 2010

I have been disturbed for a week now. I have a project in And on forms I have two masked text boxes. One is for the user to enter their date of birth and in the second one Iam trying to get the date the record is created. With this one I get the current date from pc and format it to dd/mm/yyyy because I want the user to understand the date. How do I INSERT the user date of birth and the the Now () date which is also in masked text box into a MYSQL database? I know how to insert other text but the date fails to appear in database.

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Insert Null Into Mysql ?

Oct 11, 2010

Is there way to insert null into mysql from an empty text field in

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Insert Textbox 1 And 2 To Mysql Db?

Jan 16, 2012

i use this code to insert textbox 1 and 2 to mysql db

this is the

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(?????)


i dont knw anything about connection strings, what i must put here :

Using connection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(what connection string to use ?)

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Multiply Insert To MySQL?

Jun 6, 2012

i have a problem for put in multiply input

Dim StrSQL As String = "INSERT INTO boranga" & _
"(IdBorangA,Answers)" & _
"VALUES (@B_IdA,@B_Answer);"


by adding more parameter "parameterB_IdA.Value = Label1.Text" for IdBorangA
and "parameterB_Answer.Value = TextBox2.Text" for Answer but the result i get that the table only filling with the data from Label2.text and Textbox2.text.

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MySQL Insert Using Parameters?

Oct 3, 2011

For the last couple of days I've been having problems inserting data into my MySQL database. I'm using parameters to insert the data and have done so in the past without any problems, but for some reason I haven't been able to get it to work this time.I have a form that the user inputs data to be inserted into the database. This data is then pushed into an array and sent to my class (CastProduction.VB) via a Public Sub. The data than pushed into a datarow and than pushed into a datatable. Once this is done I send the dataset and sql insert statement to a private sub that inserts the data into the database.


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Can Insert Records To Mysql Database

Oct 3, 2010

i build a code that can insert my records to mysql database.. the codes are correct it can save records to the mysql database. Now i want to know is what code will i used that will show an error if the records already exist, so it will not make the same records again. here is my code for my INSERT code for mysql databas.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: Insert MySQL With 2008

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to do a looped insert using the MySQL Connector for .NET and for the most part it's working, except for it's missing out inserts. The code below is what i'm using. An example is there are 20 items in the listview and only 8 out of the list actually insert to the mysql database. It's as if the loop runs too quickly for MySQL to keep up. My issue is that eventually this loop will be inserting many thousands of entries and I can't have it missing information out.


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Insert Record In Mysql Databse?

Jun 26, 2010

I have this code and whenever i try to run it, I always get an ODBCEXCEPTION WAS UNHANDLED ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.0.51b-community-nt]You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'char VALUES('101','noodles')' at line 1


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Insert Query On MySql Db Using VS 2008 / VB

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to to an insert query on my MySql db using VS 2008/VB. I have this query: Insert into allservices StartDate....) values ('" & Me.datesched.Value & "', ....) When I use the single and double quotes, as it is above , I get this error: Quote: Incorrect date value '21/10/2009' for column StartDate at row 1

when I remove the single quotes and have only the double ones I get a completely different thing. The date inserted to the database is 01/01/0001. Even if my datetimepicker has a min and max date. Also if someone has any good links on using mysql with

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Insert Textbox Into MySql Database

Jan 16, 2012

an example code of how to tell to input a textbox data into MySql database, i am a new learner

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VS 2008 : Insert Image In Mysql Db?

Mar 16, 2010

I want to insert image in mysql database using my program. Then my php script should be able to read from that database and create a file which can be viewed/downloaded by me.Now I am using program to connect and insert rec in db. Inserting record works okay. But I dunno how to insert contents of image file.

Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand("Insert into " + tables.SelectedItem.ToString() & " (clientid,priority) values(123,'hi')", conn)

' The above code is able to insert a record Now my table has field called img which is blob type. It can store image but how do I sent that image data using insert statement.I am using MySqlDataAdapter.

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VS 2008 : Insert Time Into Mysql?

Feb 23, 2010

I am developing a portion of an application that deals with settings reminders and alarms for personal notes. I am trying to insert from a formatted datetimepicker( formatted to show time only ) the time a user wants to get a reminder of something he/she wants. The column in the MySql database is of type 'Time'. I was never succesfull in entering and saving the data. Either I was getting validation problems not allowing me to exit the datetimepicker after I choose the time. To resolve this issues I just made 'false' the option 'causes validation'. Now the problem is that the time is not inserted getting problems saying that :

Specified cast is not valid.Couldn't store <01/01/1753 00:00:00> in ntime Column. Expected type is TimeSpan.

here is the code for saving

Dim xtime As DateTime = New DateTime
xtime = Me.NtimeDateTimePicker.Value
Dim result As DialogResult


This time it does not even insert a new row it just updates the last entry I have changing its time. This is strange as this happens only when I use the above two lines.

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VS 2010 Insert INTO MySQL Table

Mar 27, 2012

I have a MySQL Table that I would like to insert stuff into using VB.NET.[code]

View 15 Replies - EF4 Insert In VB And Return ID Of Inserted Row Like ExecuteScalar() Does

Mar 15, 2012

show me how to do an insert with EF4 VB and also how to return the ID of the inserted row?This is what I have got for edit and it works.. I have seen some very confusing ways of doing selects and edits and have found that i'm most comfortable keeping it written nice like this so that I can go back and understand what I have done.


I want to insert a new order with an order_id and value for ExportedToOW and get the order_id back which is auto generated by the DB..

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VS 2005 - Return Value ID From Insert Statement

Aug 12, 2009

Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("FixedLineProvisioningConnectionString").ToString())
Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblTotalComms_custinfo SET nt_username=@nt_username; SELECT @ID=SCOPE_IDENTITY()", SQLData)
[Code] .....
I want to return the value @ID from the insert statement.

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DB/Reporting :: Insert Picture Into Mysql From Form

Apr 9, 2012

i am creating an application that will upload a picture into a mysql database. I currently am able to add normal records with text and integers into other tables and get the data in the table to display in listview etc, however, i am wondering how i could insert a picture into the mysql database.I know the field needs to be blob type and have that set.The table i want to upload to is "picture" and contains only 3 fields, "ID"; "pic"; "caption".

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Insert 90,000 Records Whit In A Loop In MySql

Jun 14, 2011

I have this code:


now in my DataTable called "tablaLOGICA" i have 180.000 records as strings and later on in my program i have added 90.000 more strings in this DataTable. QUESTION..'which is the quickest way to update my "real" table in MySql? 'At the moment i make 90.000 INSERT whithin a loop, but it is so slow, it take more than half an hour !!!! is there any other way to do this INSERTs?

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Insert Data To MySQL Database From Program?

Dec 27, 2011

I used the following code to insert data from my VB.NET into the MySQL database.[code]..

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Insert Data To MySQL Database In Page?

Jan 23, 2011

I succeed withe the linking and display the data from MySQL DB but the problem is within the DML Commands ![code]...

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Insert Image On MySQL Database Using VB 2005?

Sep 27, 2011

I am doing a simple registration form in visual 2005, this form contains the general information about the person, in this form it includes uploading/inserting images for the record. Here is my project, on MS SQL,i can insert and retrieve images easily but when i switch my database into MySQL i encounter the problem that i can't insert image to my database. Can anyone provide me a sample code for inserting and retrieving image from a table on MySQL database?

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Insert Program Label To Mysql Table?

Jun 5, 2012

How to Inserting Label.text data into mySql table.i have no problem with textbox.text but i can't figure out how it with Label.text[code]...

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