DB/Reporting :: Insert MySQL With 2008

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to do a looped insert using the MySQL Connector for .NET and for the most part it's working, except for it's missing out inserts. The code below is what i'm using. An example is there are 20 items in the listview and only 8 out of the list actually insert to the mysql database. It's as if the loop runs too quickly for MySQL to keep up. My issue is that eventually this loop will be inserting many thousands of entries and I can't have it missing information out.


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DB/Reporting :: Insert Picture Into Mysql From Form

Apr 9, 2012

i am creating an application that will upload a picture into a mysql database. I currently am able to add normal records with text and integers into other tables and get the data in the table to display in listview etc, however, i am wondering how i could insert a picture into the mysql database.I know the field needs to be blob type and have that set.The table i want to upload to is "picture" and contains only 3 fields, "ID"; "pic"; "caption".

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Insert Query On MySql Db Using VS 2008 / VB

Oct 21, 2009

I am trying to to an insert query on my MySql db using VS 2008/VB. I have this query: Insert into allservices StartDate....) values ('" & Me.datesched.Value & "', ....) When I use the single and double quotes, as it is above , I get this error: Quote: Incorrect date value '21/10/2009' for column StartDate at row 1

when I remove the single quotes and have only the double ones I get a completely different thing. The date inserted to the database is 01/01/0001. Even if my datetimepicker has a min and max date. Also if someone has any good links on using mysql with vb.net

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VS 2008 : Insert Image In Mysql Db?

Mar 16, 2010

I want to insert image in mysql database using my vb.net program. Then my php script should be able to read from that database and create a file which can be viewed/downloaded by me.Now I am using vb.net program to connect and insert rec in db. Inserting record works okay. But I dunno how to insert contents of image file.

Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand("Insert into " + tables.SelectedItem.ToString() & " (clientid,priority) values(123,'hi')", conn)

' The above code is able to insert a record Now my table has field called img which is blob type. It can store image but how do I sent that image data using insert statement.I am using MySqlDataAdapter.

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VS 2008 : Insert Time Into Mysql?

Feb 23, 2010

I am developing a portion of an application that deals with settings reminders and alarms for personal notes. I am trying to insert from a formatted datetimepicker( formatted to show time only ) the time a user wants to get a reminder of something he/she wants. The column in the MySql database is of type 'Time'. I was never succesfull in entering and saving the data. Either I was getting validation problems not allowing me to exit the datetimepicker after I choose the time. To resolve this issues I just made 'false' the option 'causes validation'. Now the problem is that the time is not inserted getting problems saying that :

Specified cast is not valid.Couldn't store <01/01/1753 00:00:00> in ntime Column. Expected type is TimeSpan.

here is the code for saving

Dim xtime As DateTime = New DateTime
xtime = Me.NtimeDateTimePicker.Value
Dim result As DialogResult


This time it does not even insert a new row it just updates the last entry I have changing its time. This is strange as this happens only when I use the above two lines.

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VS 2008 Mysql Register Button Insert Into?

Jun 9, 2008

VS 2008 Mysql Register Button insert into

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DB/Reporting :: Connect To MySQL With MySQL Connector 6.1

Nov 16, 2009

Im building an app to manage PSP contents, and it should connect to my MySQL server on my domain to refresh game info and ratings and so on, but I cant make it connect with MySQL Connector 6.1.


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Insert, Delete, Update And Search Data In Vb 2008 Using Mysql Database?

Jun 9, 2011

how to add, insert, delete and search data in vb 2008 using mysql databases.

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting To Mysql Database?

Apr 24, 2011

I can connect/login to my database, view a formatted table in the current window, however I want to click a button and see a new table set in a new window. Theoretically I should be still logged in/connection information saved but however I get 'unable to connect to database'.

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting To MySQL Version 5?

Feb 24, 2008

i am getting this error:

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

When trying to connect to my database using the mySQL v5 drivers. I had the version 3.xx working fine until i installed the newer 5.0 drivers....

conn = New ADODB.Connection
With conn
.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer


But i can not seem to find the "correct" connection string for use with version 5..

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DB/Reporting :: Crystal Report And MySQL

Jan 22, 2009

This is my current code.

Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE VsVslNo LIKE 'V16'")
Dim crystal As CRAXDRT.Application
Dim report As CRAXDRT.report


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DB/Reporting :: MySql Query Into A DataGridView?

Oct 9, 2009

So I'm working with a mysql database, and I already have some queries down. I have to make a windows application form in vb.net that can display the results of these queries in a dataGridView.Lets say I'm working with frm1, and i have datagrid1 which will be filled using the query "select * from xyz" when btn1 is clicked.Can someone please take me through the right steps to do that? References needed, connections to be made, etc. I did look through online materials, but they are mostly way too long and not dataGridView specific

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DB/Reporting :: Can't Find Mysql On The Add Reference Section

Jun 29, 2012

I am creating a database project where I take my data from mysql database and then create graphs and charts.I currently have microsoft visual basic 2010 express edition. I am familiar with visual basic but have never used mysql before. I have quried a database into mysql and server connection to the database is working fine. Furthermore I downloaded mysql a week ago so I have the latest connector.I looked at many youtube tutorials and have tried to find mysql.data in the add reference section (in project) but it doesn't seem to be

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DB/Reporting :: Connect With VB Express Edition To Mysql?

Dec 7, 2009

I downloaded the free Visual Basic Express Edition to create an application that connects to a Mysql database. I searched for the connection string and found a bunch of different ones.I have no idea which one should I use with Visual Basic Express Edition. I have been using PHP, javascript and mysql for a couple of years, but I have never used Visual Basic and have everything to learn.

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting A VB Front End With A MySQL Back End

Mar 27, 2012

how to connect a visual basic front end with a MySQL back end. I am not proficient in VB or MySQL and was not able to find anything on google as a result.

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting To MySQL Database Online

Jan 6, 2011

I have a MySQL database online. What do I need to connect to it and exchange data?

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DB/Reporting :: Converting MS Access To MySQL Or MSSQL?

Jul 31, 2008

My website connects to a Microsoft Access DB at the moment, im about to upload it to the internet - its a VB.NET web application but i'm advised to convert it to MySQL or MSSQL for better performance.How would you recommend I export the DB ? there isn't too much data in at the moment so mainly all of the tables and fields.

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DB/Reporting :: Difference Between SQL Server And MYSql And Sql Quries?

Oct 17, 2008

I'm confusing between SQL Server and MYSql and Sql Quries Is the SQL Server database like access and Sql Quries is the language Sql like Select * From Table1?

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DB/Reporting :: MySQL Parametrized Queries Not Working?

Sep 3, 2009

I got the whole database thing figured out now I've got a problem with these parametrized queries. If I remove them and just explicitly put in the data I'm looking for the datareader works, however doing as I have below returns no results in the datareader.


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DB/Reporting :: Populate A Combo Box From A Table On MYSQL

May 8, 2010

I am a developing an application based on VB 2008 express and a MYSQL database.I have created a database called octupus_db and inside it there is a table called customers.I now have a combo box on my form and i want it to populate its contents from field called town inside the customers table. How do do this? [code]but now connection a table and a field with my application is the next night mare, tried .

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DB/Reporting :: Reading From MySQL And Then Output To The Console

Sep 23, 2008

I am trying to read from a MySQL DB, and then output to the console like this:


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DB/Reporting :: Save Image Into MySQL Database?

Jun 16, 2009

i am trying to save image into MySQL database ...is there any easier way to do that ?

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Get Last Insert Id (VB + Mysql)?

Jun 22, 2010

I have 2 tables in mysql:

1. stats (stats_id,statsno,statsName)

2.stats_det (stats_det_ID,stats_id,stat_DateAdd,stat_UserAdd,stat_DateModif,stat_UserModif)

I have a form named status and from here I want to add a new record in the first table (stats).I've created the insert statement in the first table which is running well, but I don't know how to get the last_insert_id from stats table and insert it in the second table stats_det.


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DB/Reporting :: MySQL And VB .NET - Get Users Password From Database Using There User Name

Jun 23, 2009

I am using the Mysql .NET connect and can connect to my database using my program. i want to be able to get a Users Password from the database using there user name

This is the query i want to use: "SELECT Password FROM staff WHERE Username = " & textbox1.text & " '". But i don't know how to run that query and to get it to store the Password as a variable

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DB/Reporting :: How To Connect 'crystal Report' With Mysql Database Table

Apr 28, 2010

i am semester 2 in the "system information", as usual just like in semester 1, this hardcore lecturer just has some way to make us difficult he is giving us a one semester long assignment, and as you probably can see.i got mysql as my database to making a hotel system application.

1.now i am stuck with how to connect "crystal report" with mysql database table??

2.after connected, how shoud i display it?.

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DB/Reporting :: Select Monthname And Year From Mysql Date Format

Sep 24, 2011

anyone knows the query of selecting from monthname and year(September 2011) from mysql database DATE format(yyyy-MM-dd)

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DB/Reporting :: VB2008 - Select Mysql DATE Field From Datetimepicker

Sep 16, 2011

I need this for displaying in my crystal report here's my code:

Code: cmd.CommandText = "Select * from pos where date= '" & datetimepicker1.text"'" and nothing displays on my crystal report, I need the right query for that...the field value is DATE...I need the conversion for the 1/11/2001 format from date time picker to 2001-1-11 in DATE field

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How To INSERT Using VB, Mysql And Odbc

Mar 30, 2012

I have been using the internet to figure out how to INSERT into MySQL database. Im almost there I can feel it. Below is the code I put together, but when I click on the button and check the database to see if the data was inserted, it has not.

Imports System.Data.Odbc
Imports System
Public Class Form1


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Insert Date In MySql With VB?

Jun 22, 2010

I have been disturbed for a week now. I have a project in vb.net. And on forms I have two masked text boxes. One is for the user to enter their date of birth and in the second one Iam trying to get the date the record is created. With this one I get the current date from pc and format it to dd/mm/yyyy because I want the user to understand the date. How do I INSERT the user date of birth and the the Now () date which is also in masked text box into a MYSQL database? I know how to insert other text but the date fails to appear in database.

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Insert Null Into Mysql ?

Oct 11, 2010

Is there way to insert null into mysql from an empty text field in vb.net

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