Insert 90,000 Records Whit In A Loop In MySql

Jun 14, 2011

I have this code:


now in my DataTable called "tablaLOGICA" i have 180.000 records as strings and later on in my program i have added 90.000 more strings in this DataTable. QUESTION..'which is the quickest way to update my "real" table in MySql? 'At the moment i make 90.000 INSERT whithin a loop, but it is so slow, it take more than half an hour !!!! is there any other way to do this INSERTs?

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Can Insert Records To Mysql Database

Oct 3, 2010

i build a code that can insert my records to mysql database.. the codes are correct it can save records to the mysql database. Now i want to know is what code will i used that will show an error if the records already exist, so it will not make the same records again. here is my code for my INSERT code for mysql databas.[code]

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Insert Records Into A Table Using Loop

Feb 1, 2010

I would like to insert records a user selects from a gridview using check box column here is my code which inserts the first record then on the second interation it gives the error."The variable name '@Customer' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure." [code]

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Loop Through Datagridview By Bands And Insert Records To Database?

Nov 23, 2010

I choose an item from dgrpoducts which has all the products in inventory and it sends the selected items to another datagridivew called dgiselectedproducts. These are the selected items.

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Insert Records Into One Table Using Records From Other 3 Tables?

Mar 27, 2012

I have this piece of code wich works perfectly when inserting records into one table using records from another table. My question is that now i need to create another table by using records from 3 other tables (tables are related). Can i use aliases on the column names, like on Oracle SqlPlus? How will be the syntax of the 'INSERT INTO SQL statement?

Dim MyConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim MyRecSet As ADODB.Recordset
Dim tmpSQL As String
MyConn = New ADODB.Connection


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Get Records From MySQL Using PHP And Send It

Sep 18, 2011

I have a PHP script which accepts an argument and adds record in the mySQL database if its not available and if its already available it gives a message 'Record already found'.How can i read this message from and do appropriate action such as if data_is_in_db then msgbos("your record already found in the database")if data_is_not_in_db then msgbox("your record has been added in the database")

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Retrieve Records From MySQL?

Mar 21, 2011

Okay, So I am trying to get my vb.NET Application to retrieve all the data in the database. My connection to mySQL is working and i have been able to fill a DataGrid with data from the database a function[code]...

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Configure The MySQL Records - How To Use Datagrid

May 18, 2010

How to use Datagrid in I am about to configure the MySQL Records to the form having DataGrid. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 ; Database- MySQL 5.1; Form1 having DataGrid in it. Step by Step procedure to get MySQL Database output in the DataGrid from beginning to end?

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Adding Parent And Child Records To MySQL Db?

Oct 28, 2011

I was asked to create a program that inserts records into one parent table and multiple child tables. My question is, how do I know what the PK is for the parent table, so that I may add it as a FK in the child? The PK for the parent is an auto number. As I stated in my title, I'm using, mySQL, through an ODBC connection. I have to do this through the code and cannot use stored procedures.

my transaction looks like this:

Dim cmdText As String = "INSERT INTO candidate(first_name, last_name, phone1, phone2, email1, city, " _
& " state, country, zip,primary_contact_id ) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?,?)"


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Getting Error When Updating Records In MySQL Database

Jun 17, 2011

All i'm tring to do is connect to my MysQL database on my Local host and update a record in my "customers" Table. The Error i've been getting is under Public Sub DeactivateAccount,the MyCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() line of the code. The error is saying there is "no database selected". Below is the code i have.

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class FinalFailedPinNumberAttempt
Dim connectionstring As String = "Server=localhost;user id=root;Password=;


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VS 2008 - Saving Records To MySQL Database

Feb 21, 2011

I am using the following codes to Save records to MySQL database from VS2008.
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
If cmdSave.Text = "&Save" Then
'save computer main
cmd.Connection = CompDBCon
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tbl_items " _
[Code] .....
Is it the right way and proper method to save records to MySQL database...?

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How To Make A Playlist Whit A ListView?

Jan 9, 2012

I'm creating a program which has AxWindowsMediaPlayer, and it works and all that but i want to change the playlist. I know how to make a playlist whit ListBox, but does enyone know how to make a playlist whit a ListView??

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Upload File Whit Httprequest?

Oct 3, 2011

how to use this result to give httpwebrequest

<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">


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VS 2010 - Performing MySQL Search Through Records Of Database

Jan 26, 2012

I am trying to search through records of my database in a VB form and I don't have any errors or warnings but it doesn't work.
Here is the code and a screenshot:
Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
Dim search As String
search = boxSearch.Text = txtSearch.Text & "'"
Dim foundRows() As DataRow
foundRows = taxDS.Tables("Orders").Select(search, boxSearch.Text)
End Sub
txtSearch.DataBindings.Add("text", taxBS, boxSearch.Text)
boxSearch.DataBindings.Add("text", taxBS, boxSearch.Text)

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VS 2010 : Adding Additional Records Listview Via MySQL?

May 20, 2010

I'm loading my listview with records from a mySQL Table, which works great. But I'm having issues when I try to add records to another listview according the selected row in the first listview.
Dim mysqlDataComm As New MySqlCommand("SELECT jan, feb, mrt, apr, mei, jun, jul, aug, sep, okt, nov, dec FROM data_table WHERE datum ='" & frm_main.Listview1.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(1).Text & "'", mysqlConn)Dim mysqlReader As MySqlDataReaderTrymysqlConn.Open() With frm_main.lstv_data.Items.Clear() mysqlReader = mysqlDataComm.ExecuteReader While mysqlReader.ReadDim lvi2 As New


It works until ".Items.Clear()"... after that nothing happens and I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. No error, whatever.

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Make A Program That Takes Old Records From Access And Moves Them To MySQL?

Feb 2, 2012

I'm trying to make a program that takes my old records from Access and moves them to MySQL. Its supposed to take records from 3 different tables in Access to 3 different tables in MySQL. The first table is "Orders" and it sorts the ones to pull to the dataset, taxDS, by "Where Status = 'Waiting Payment' OR 'Cancelled'". Then the second table pulls its info(this is where i'm having trouble) by the "Control_Number" in the "Orders" table, so basically if the control number isnt already in the dataset its not going to pull the data into the new table "FNF Taxes".

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Backup


So now after my 3rd edit and no answers, I'm finally at the point where I'm only stuck on my For..Next statement not working, How can i get this statement to run for each 24,000 controlnumbers?

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Keeping Whit Space Reading Lines In Textfile?

Dec 16, 2011

If I do the following

FileOpen(f, Application.StartupPath & "data.txt", OpenMode.Input)

While Not EOF(f)

Input(f, t) 'read data line how do I get to keep the leading whitespace

ie in the file there is

" three"

I want to keep the space at the beginning ie t=" three" but t="three"

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Loop Not Cycling All Records?

Mar 16, 2012

I have this piece of code. For some reason , some records that match are not being marked as matched. I believe there is something wrong the code. Can someone plese have a look and see if there is something wrong with the MoveNext command?


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Get Last Insert Id (VB + Mysql)?

Jun 22, 2010

I have 2 tables in mysql:

1. stats (stats_id,statsno,statsName)

2.stats_det (stats_det_ID,stats_id,stat_DateAdd,stat_UserAdd,stat_DateModif,stat_UserModif)

I have a form named status and from here I want to add a new record in the first table (stats).I've created the insert statement in the first table which is running well, but I don't know how to get the last_insert_id from stats table and insert it in the second table stats_det.


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Exclude Records From The First And Last Rows In A Loop

Aug 24, 2009

Below is my export to csv from listview using

Function ExportListview2CSV(ByVal lstview As ListView) As Boolean
Dim saveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog()
Dim csvFileContents As New System.Text.StringBuilder


i want to exclude the records from the 1st and last rows where should i make chages in above code

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Insert 2 Records To Table

Jun 8, 2011

a.Create a database named "techdb" and create a table as "Personal" with Employee No, Name , Age & Salary

b.Insert 2 records to the table

c.Design a form in VB.NET e to Add, delete and Update records

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Insert Records Through Checkboxes?

Jan 8, 2011

How can i insert records through checkboxes useing and sqlserver 2005

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Insert Some Records Int A Table?

Feb 21, 2011

I am a convert to and very new to studio) I am trying to insert some records int a table. It seems the same code in does not work in Here is an example of what I am trying to do

Dim Conn as New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim cmd as Ne SqlClient.SqlCommand
Conn.ConnectionString = "Data Soure......yada yada yada..."


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Insert Thousands Of Records One By One

Aug 26, 2011

I only process the File name.The file name already contains all the information I want.[code]I decode the name and insert into the table with columns (DateTime, Location, User). I'm not opening the file. It's a Jpg image. After processing it, I need move the file to a folder based on the UserName.[code]The function will be called for every single file found. Is this most efficient way? Looks like it's is very slow. I need to process about 20~50 files/sec. Probably a stored procedure?

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SQL Insert Skipping Some Records

Oct 8, 2009


With the code above, I'm trying to create and insert records into a MySQL database. The issue here is that not all records are inserted. If the XML document I'm reading from has 80 records, only 40, or 66, or some other number get put into the database. I'm guessing this is because the code is trying to insert the records faster than the database can handle them? What would the correct way to make sure the record is in the database before moving on to the next one?

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SQL Insert With Multiple Records?

May 11, 2012

queryStr = "INSERT INTO tbl_user_ldr_responses (rec_num, ques_no, response, comment) " & _
recnum & ", " & "1, " & "'', " & reader.GetValue(1) & " UNION ALL" & _
recnum & ", " & "2, " & "'" & reader.GetValue(2) & "', " & "''"

How can I fix my string so that it will resemble the below SQL code to insert multiple records with one insert command?

INSERT INTO thetable (field1, field2)
SELECT value1, value2


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TableAdapter Does Not Insert New Records?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a program that is using a dataset class, table adapter, binding source and binding navigator. The program can read, update, and delete rows from the table. However, it doesn't recognize new records and save them to the database when the table adapter's update method is called. (table was pre-populated by another process) The database table is using an identity column for the primary key. On a whim I added code to force an insert of data using the table adapter's Insert method with some hard coded values and this worked.This code was invoked after hitting new record on the binding navigator bar. Looking at the database, I notice the record I forced in skipped an identity value, which indicates to me hitting new record took the previous number. So the question I have is what would keep the tableadapter from inserting the new record when its update method is called?

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How To INSERT Using VB, Mysql And Odbc

Mar 30, 2012

I have been using the internet to figure out how to INSERT into MySQL database. Im almost there I can feel it. Below is the code I put together, but when I click on the button and check the database to see if the data was inserted, it has not.

Imports System.Data.Odbc
Imports System
Public Class Form1


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Insert Date In MySql With VB?

Jun 22, 2010

I have been disturbed for a week now. I have a project in And on forms I have two masked text boxes. One is for the user to enter their date of birth and in the second one Iam trying to get the date the record is created. With this one I get the current date from pc and format it to dd/mm/yyyy because I want the user to understand the date. How do I INSERT the user date of birth and the the Now () date which is also in masked text box into a MYSQL database? I know how to insert other text but the date fails to appear in database.

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Insert Null Into Mysql ?

Oct 11, 2010

Is there way to insert null into mysql from an empty text field in

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