.net - Calling Exe Through Webservice - Not Display In Front End?

Nov 17, 2011

I am new to VB.Net. I am working on a project where I have to Start another applcation from web service.

I am able to start the new application(Eq.Notepad) from form of my project. But If I try to start the new applciation from web service then The application is running in processes. I am able to see the application in Task manager processes. I am not able to see the application in front end. I have tried ProcessStart, PSExecute , bat files running and their all parameters but nothing happened.

I am sure I am missing something but I dont know what exactly it is.

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JQuery Not Calling Webservice

Feb 6, 2011

I am new to programming especially jQuery and webservices. I want to pass the values to the to database via the webservice. [code]....

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Calling A Method That Has A Period In Front Of It?

Jul 13, 2010

I am maintaining some VB .net code and noticed that they call a method with a period in front of it. What does that mean?

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.net - HttpContext Is Not Available - Calling Webservice Asynchronously

Feb 8, 2011

I currently have a web application project that also includes web services within the same project. I currently have a requirement to call the web service asynchronously. Since, I haven't added the web service as a web reference within the same project, I tried to call the web service method using delegates and I see an exception "HttpContext is not available. This class can only be used in the context of an ASP.NET request" when I tried to access the Application property in my web service method call.


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Web Services - Calling Webservice With Authentication Key

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to setup a connection to a webservice from VB.NET I'm totally clueless on how to perform this. I receive an overview of what their Soap can do and i also received a securitykey. I'm however not sure how to call this webservice using the securitykey in VB.NET. bit further using the layout of the service underneath.This is the soap layout:


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Web Services :: Calling Webservice Asynchronously?

Jan 7, 2011

I am trying to call this webservice asynchrounously in vb.net. So on the aspx side i added this property async="true". Now on the vb.net code side i have this function inside my webservice that i am calling.So -

dim as as webservice.webstring
as.functionasync(param1, param2)

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VS 2008 Password Access To Front End Menu Calling A Function?

Apr 2, 2009

I need to create password access to a front end menu by calling a function so far all i have is the following:

Private Sub btnLogIn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogIn.Click
If txtPass.Text = "password".ToUpper Or txtPass.Text = "password".ToLower Then


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Can't Display Created Run-time Exception Handler In Front Of Excel Workbook

Mar 24, 2011

In the following code I open several Excel workbooks from within the VS 2010 .IDE. I want to Try the open workbook code, then Catch exceptions using a dialogbox as a form created programmatically at run-time. The exception handler works, but the dialog box does not display in front of the workbook. So, the user can't respond to the modal form. If at that point the Excel workbook is shrunk manually to expose the dialogBox which is then dismissed, Excel pops up a "Save Changes?" alert and the VB code does not resume the Sub at the Me.Focus() line

When the workbook Is open Excel is the active application. I think this is why the dialog box is not in front, and I don't know how to solve the problem programmatically.[code]...

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Display Word In Front Of That Found Word?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to search a text file (*.txt extension) for a certain keyword or a part of it. And then let the found item be displayed in a listbox or something else.Now the more difficult part, how can I display the word in front of that found word? [code]How can I then display the IDS_IDS_TXT_008912 on a label ?

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Calling A Function To Display A Range Of Prime Numbers

Dec 5, 2010

I am trying to create a form that allows users to input two numbers a high bound and a low bound then when you click the calculate button it determines all the primes within the range and displays those numbers within a multi-line text box. It seems I have everything working except how to display the prime numbers, the result from the following code displays nothing but zeros so I suspect that the range is not being saved somehow? I have asked this on other sites and people just give me completely different code or their own, can anyone help me with this specific code without changing the underlying code, I have a feeling I might be missing a variable or I am calling the function incorrectly.[code]

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DB/Reporting :: Adding Message Box If No Results To Display After Calling SQL Stored Procedure

Mar 10, 2009

I have created a search form based on my SQL database to search for individual records based on 3 types of criteria. The form is up and running but I want to be able to add some more code. I have assigned Stored Procedure to each click event for each button. What I wantr to be able to do is after value is added to text box and button is clicked if there are no reults to display than a message box is displayed with adequate message detailing this. Also is it possible to add a count of records to the form. Once value has been enetered ij tyext box and stored procedure runs and fills dataset with required data can I display a box to show number of records from this search.


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Translate PHP Json Webservice Request TO .Net Json Webservice Request?

Jun 13, 2011

I have to send a request to Webservice and I have a working PHP solution, that I have to translate in VB.net

Here's the code working in PHP

//fill in the details of the contacts.userId is obtained from loginResult.
$contactData = array('lastname'=>'Valiant', 'assigned_user_id'=>$userId);
//encode the object in JSON format to communicate with the server.


Naturally I imported a reference to a Json library and Imported (Imports Newtonsoft.Json)?

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.net - Add A @ In Front Of A SqlParameter Name?

Apr 20, 2012

In one of our application the parameters passed to a stored procedure in this way

Dim parm As New SqlParameter("searchText", SqlDbType.VarChar)
parm.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
parm.Size = 50

and the procedure contains a parameter as @searchText

ie the parameter name passed from the code is searchText and that in the stored procedure is @searchText .

But it is working properly, i am always getting the required results.

So my question is like so there is no need to specify @ before the parameter? Whether it will append @

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VB As A Front To Access?

Oct 15, 2011

I created a database in Access 2010. I am thinking of creating a front end in Visual Basic and was wondering if anyone had any experience with this. Is it doable? Or should I save my time and use access's front edn?

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.net - Webservice To WCF?

May 11, 2011

we had developed a webservice in vb.net,framework 2.0. We would need to rewrite this websevice in WCF with framework 3.5. Please provide some guidance regarding this and also there are many othersystems consuming our webservice url. Will this conversion have impact on the source system or does it involve any build activity for the source system to consume the url that will be developed with WCF method?

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.net - Cutting Off The 0's At The Front Of A Record?

Feb 6, 2012

Basically, I have an Access database with Primary keys that are structured with this format ("02"000).When I try to paste the number, it ignores the "02" and goes straight to 000.For example, here is the code;

PeriodRoomID.Name = ("R" & ds.Tables("sqlSpecRoomRequest").Rows(i).Item(1))

What PeriodRoomID.Name should be is R02001.What PeriodRoomID.Name comes up as is R1.It ignores the "02" and ignores the 0s. This makes sense mathematically but it is not what I want. I need a way to get the exact output and not some simplified version.

The query;

SELECT SpecialSoftware.SpecSoftID, SpecialSoftware.RoomID, SpecialSoftwareNames.Description, Rooms.Capacity
FROM SpecialSoftware, SpecialSoftwareNames, Rooms

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Add A Decimal Point In Front Of A Value?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a value that shows a integer value between 0-100. For a little math, I need to be able to add a decimal in front of the value. So if the value was 50%, I need it really to be .50%.

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Bring A MsgBox To The Front

Oct 13, 2008

The current project i am working on runs in the system tray most of the time, but at certain events it shows up some MsgBox's, but unforunately these are always in the background and i sometimes miss them due to this.Is there any way to make the MsgBox come to the front when it pops up?Using VB08 and am fairly inexperienced.

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Bring Different Application To Front?

May 27, 2012

i have searched quite a bit around several places and anything i tried just didnt do what i needed,i need to bring an Application to the front of the desktop, or any other open application and enter text,for an example i have notepad up, i want it to bring it to the front and have it type something,

Edits: its a Windows Application, Not a Console Writeline

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Creating A Client Front End?

Aug 18, 2010

I have created a website service (see code below) that gets information from the database.However i am now stuck on creating the Client side. I have included code after the web service of what ive done so far for the client side.Webservice code......

Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Services


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DataGridView - New Column In Front Of All The Others?

Feb 5, 2012

I've selected two rows of data from one of the tables in my database and pivoted it, making two columns. What I would like to do is add a column in front of the two, and use that like a rowheader, I'm unable to use the actual rowheaders at the moment because I'm exporting the datagridview to word and I'm unsure how to get the rowheaders in, so I thought to just add in another column for the time being.

So, how am I able to add in a new column in front of the others? Or even better, how can I include rowheaders when I export a datagridview?

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Get The Line To Appear In Front Of Objects?

Jan 10, 2009

I'm having problem with the lineshape in the toolbox.

When I put a line on the form it gets covered up by a button, label, picture box etc.

How do I get the line to appear in front of those objects.

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How To Bring A Control To The Front

Oct 2, 2010

I have created a program that forms in a panel will be shown (control add). But how can I run-time form an over all other forms when I bring the number of the control panel in the know?

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How To Bring Form In Front Of Another

Apr 10, 2010

This is the
Private Sub OptionsToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
What I am trying to do is when you click on "options" In toolstripMenu. Then the "Options" form comes up in front of the Form1. Where Form1 is the Webbrowser Window Itself. This code doesn't work...

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How To Build A Front End For A New Database

Nov 10, 2009

Trying to build a front end for a new database I built at work, and I am having a problem.

This code is supposed to try to add a new customer to the database...in the

"btnSaveCustomerToDatabase_Click" VStudio is throwing "Reference to a non shared member

requires an object reference" but I am not seeing it.[code...]

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SavefileDialog Bring To Front?

Oct 8, 2009

I am calling the SavefileDialog with in my code. I can't figure out how to bring it to the front. Every thing works acoordinly I just have to minimize every thing to find it.

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Set Picturebox A Front Of Textbox

Dec 4, 2011

How to set picturebox a front of textbox? I get always this: [URL] I wish like this: [URL]

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Using .net As Front-end And Access As Back-end?

Dec 13, 2010

In my project i'm using vb.net as front-end and access as back-end. in te project after enteringb the details to tha database i've to give bill to the customer. how can i design a bill? and how can i transfer the data from the page to bill?

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Asp.net - Building A WebService In ASP 4 - VB

Aug 31, 2011

I have a search engine that will use a webservice to search through my database to find 3 specific things. I don't even know if it will work like this, but I have a dropdown list on my main page to select Product, Feature, Description. From what the user selects, the webservice should then go to an if statement to use the correct SELECT statement and find results for the search.

Will someone help me figure out how to fix what I've written to make it work? Please don't be too critical, I don't have a lot of experience. I have also been researching SQL Injection because I have a lot of code that is vulnerable so keep that in mind when you look at my code.

I can't get the blue squiggly lines to go away that are underneath the DropdownList1.Value instances on the WebService page.


<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetCompletionList(ByVal prefixText As String, ByVal count As Integer) As String()
Dim Feature As String = DropDownList1.Value
Dim Description As String = DropDownList1.Value
Dim Product As String = DropDownList1.Value


Default.aspx page - Here I need the dropdownlist to tie to the database somehow.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">


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Asp.net - Subsonic With Webservice?

May 6, 2009

I am trying to get subsonic to run work in a webservice I am not sure how to return the data. I only get the word Object in my results when It return anything instead of values. What am I missing?

<WebMethod(Description:="Method to retrieveCptCode subsonic List")> _
Public Function GetSubCptCodes() As CPTCodeCollection
Dim coll As CPTCodeCollection = New CPTCodeCollection()
Dim qry As Query = New Query(CPTCode.Schema)
Return coll
End Function

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